slcw, to spain avatar

Apparently, in #Spain it's legal for a 20yo to #rape a 12yo as long as the rapist is a #Gipsy because something, something Gipsy culture. This is a uniquely disgraceful ruling by the #Spanish courts that brings shame to the entire nation.

#rapeculture #RapeIsOKinSpain #childRape #OldEnoughToPee

FerdiMagellan, to auspol avatar

Police rarely charge sexual offences because they rarely investigate them, study says…

"Some of those suspects who weren't approached had serious violent history of family violence offences, or had previous charges of child sexual abuse and conviction.”

#Auspol #RapeCulture #ACTPolice

toplesstopics, to feminism avatar

women: "you're not getting it. The bear vs man debate isn't about who would win in a physical conflict, it's about which one is more likely to hurt a woman in the first place"


#bearVSMan #feminism #patriarchy #rapeCulture #youCantFixStupid

SallyStrange, to random avatar

If cancel culture was real, Amanda Marcotte would not be getting paid to write columns after she wrote a column endorsing the idea of criminally charging rape victims who do not want to bring charges or testify against their assailant.

#RapeCulture: real
#CancelCulture: not so much

estelle, to mentalhealth avatar

The social norm is constructed: not naturally occurring but created by the society in which it is found.
Hence there are no actions which in themselves are inherently #abnormal or universally condemned by all societies at all times. Deviance is thus situational and contextual.

🧶 #longThread @sociology @socialpsych

#EstelleSays #assertive #selfCare #positive #self #selfStudy #bias #reputation #norm #conformation #normal #mentalHealth #sexuality #pervert #moralPanic #morals #EstelleInterprets #sociology #queer #LGBTQ #Deviance

estelle, avatar

Margot Déage: "A girl who does not belong to a boy or a man can fall into the category of whore at any time, whatever her clothes or sexual practices."

Margot Déage: "Being in a position to say who’s a whore and who’s a good girl is a power in itself within the girls’ group, a power that is strongly mobilised by certain girls. The ones who can fall, in general, are the hardest on the matter."


courtcan, to random avatar

"I’ve been saying this for the last thirty years now. I’m still not at the point where I can tell every person who has been violated that they should step forward into a system. I can’t tell them that. I can help prepare them if they decide to do that, I can help them make the decision about whether to do that. But I can’t just tell people to come forward, knowing what I know about the potential consequences....


courtcan, avatar

...So I really do reject this idea that things will change if more people will come forward, if more women would just step up. My feeling is that more things will change if we provide systems and processes so that people can come forward."

--Professor Anita Hill

Just thinking about how Prof. Anita Hill and Dr Christine Blasey Ford are goddamn heroes.




estelle, to Humor avatar

If you show the value of a victim, you feel empathy. This increases the desire for equality but you feel bad: it endangers your health.

On the contrary, iIf you stress the mistake of a victim, you protect yourself: you feel like it should not happen to you. Society supports such detachment if the perpetrator is a white man or a police(wo)man.
Blaming the victim justifies inequality, discriminations, violence by the strongest. It normalizes (adult, white, male or cis) privileges. Therefore it normalizes patriarchy and white supremacy.

Shanmonster, to movies avatar

Yesterday, while I lay in bed exhausted by malfunctioning guts, I further punished myself by watching the movie Yellowbeard on Tubi. I wanted to see it because it featured a couple of the Monty Python crew as well as Cheech and Chong, but holy shit, is it ever terrible. The acting itself wasn’t bad, but there wasn’t a single funny joke in the entire show. I didn’t crack a smile even once. Rape jokes were a running gag throughout the film. I have to wonder about the female actors in the film. What incredibly awful roles they had. I guess it was a paycheque for them, at least. The only female character who wasn’t the subject of rape jokes was a little girl of about seven, and the big joke about her was when she got kicked into a pile of trash in an alley. Just wow. #Yellowbeard #Rape #RapeCulture #MontyPython #movies #CheechAndChong

ChemicalEyeGuy, to northcarolina avatar

The gross 🤮 pastor from who said ‘men’ that women wearing shorts should not be punished, also runs a private (fake) school that received almost $1 million of tax-payer funds to ‘educate’ children!

About what? Pseudo- ? about ?
👀 👉

courtcan, to random avatar

Well, this is disturbing.

"Today [2018] 40 percent of millennials are parents, and, as parents, many hold neotraditionalist views of gender. Among millennial men without children, 35 percent believe women should 'take care of the home and children,' a nine-point increase above GenXers and a fourteen-point jump above men older than forty-five.

"...It should come as no surprise that millennial women report feeling more constrained by gender stereotypes...


courtcan, avatar

...the risks women must take as they navigate boys and men....

"...We are experts at risk taking. We are also experts at setting aside our pride, hiding our humiliation, shrinking our ambitions, and carefully calibrating our resentments."

--Soraya Chemaly,



hannu_ikonen, to WWE avatar


I've listened to over 6000 true crime podcasts having an ear & interest for aberrant psychology.

And the allegations and evidence against fmr owner Vince McMahon, close DJT ally,

are worse than the depravity displayed in probably half of murders I've heard detailed.

He needs to be in prison & away from society.

hannu_ikonen, avatar

@sjuvonen @NikaShilobod Yeah my bad i was tired.

Here is the full complaint against 's

Trigger warning: sex slavery/trafficking of a woman bankrupt and caring for two elderly dying parents: rape; coprophilia; mockery of the victim.

SallyStrange, to random avatar

Two things I intend to discuss more #OnHere in 2024:


rape culture

Incontinence, because it's so common, especially among those of us with vaginas, and so shameful and hidden. But here's a not-fun fact: I pee my pants, usually just a little bit, several times per week. Often when coughing or laughing, but usually because I've gotten engrossed in something and forgotten previous signals from my body that I need to pee. It's annoying, but not so much that I'm going to tell me doctor about it.

Rape culture. This is a bit harder, because I'm like 20 years out from the worst of MY experiences with rape culture. As such, I'm somewhat inclined to bury it and not think about it. But it's implicated in so much of what is wrong with society, including things you might not connect it with, such as environmental degradation.

I will tag any posts discussing the latter with #RapeCulture

The former? Well, it's the fediverse. peepee poopoo :P

rticks, (edited ) to random avatar

#CNN #Murder #RapeCulture

Dude Murdered bis wife w a car and Rapey CNN goes this headline

"Melissa Hoskins Totally Just Hit By a Car And is Ded"

toplesstopics, to random avatar

A man can have bigger breasts than I do but he'll still be allowed to go topless anywhere online or outside while I cannot, as long as he "looks male" while I "look female."

Explain how this is fair to me with a reason that isn't just "because misogyny."

toplesstopics, avatar

It doesn't matter what's going on under the waist, or what you identify as, or what you were assigned at birth--it 100% depends ENTIRELY on whether you "look male" or "look female," full stop. I really don't know why the majority of Americans (and westerners in general) just unthinkingly accept this blatant example of #sexism and #misogyny that have plagued the US since the 1930s, and every year only seems to get MORE restrictive against "people who look female," not less. To say nothing about how violence and bloodshed are fine on all these platforms, as long as it's "simulated". But show a single stationary female nip and oh god, get out the ban hammer!

#feminism #intersectionalFeminism #topFreeEquality #womensEquality #genderEquality #equalRights #equalityforall #rapeCulture #censorship #doubleStandards

eric, to generativeAI avatar

"A list of the top 50 websites shows non-consensual is a driving force for the buzziest technology in years."

@ethics @sociology
@ai @404mediaco

toplessTopics, (edited ) to Youtube
br00t4c, to random avatar
einfachfreddy, to random German

Wichtiges und richtig, richtig gutes Gespräch von @wortpiratin und @frauasha zu .

Über die ganzen verqueren, misogynen Denkstrukturen. Auf welche Weisen ein übergriffiger Mann seiner Verantwortung entledigt wird. Und über die ständige Normalisierung & Relativierung.

Auch Thema: Die Realitäten bei Partner*innenschaftsgewalt: Trennung & Scheidung - ja. Strafanzeige - nein, keine Kraft, der Rechtsstaat schützt letztlich (vor allem) Männer strukturell.


Danke Euch beiden für die jahrelange kompetente, kluge und wichtige Arbeit, @wortpiratin und @frauasha

Wann erreichen wir ein Miteinander, in dem wir uns anderen Dingen widmen können? Weil wir nicht mehr am Ende derartiger Macht- & Gewaltstrukturen und mitwirken müssen. Wann fangen eigentlich Männer in ihrem Denken und Handeln damit spürbar und wirkungsvoll an? Also mit dem Anfang vom Ende?

Frage für uns alle. Auch für die Männer in (aktuell existenten) Machtpositionen.

publicvoit, to random German avatar

Ich fasse es einfach nicht. Es gibt Videos von Frauen, die ganz offen & übereinstimmend beschreiben, wie #TillLindemann sie gezieht mit Drogen fügig macht, um dann in ihrem Zustand gewalttätigen Sex zu haben und die Staatsanwaltschaft findet keinen Anfangsverdacht? 🤦‍♂️

Sind die etwa gekauft? Was braucht es denn für einen Anfangsverdacht? Ein Geständnis? 🤔


Gut, dass #Rammstein die Musik machen, die sie machen. Da muss ich meinen Konsum gar nicht erst groß einschränken. 🖕

Mab_813, avatar

@NilsPankoke @publicvoit

Vorwürfe gegen #Lindemann

Männer im Internet: Der ist sicher unschuldig! Furchtbare cancel culture!! Außerdem sind die Frauen selber schuld, wenn sie auf ein Rockkonzert von #Rammstein gehen. Wir glauben wie immer dem einen Mann und nicht den mehreren Frauen. #Himpathy forever!!!

Frauen lesen das.

#HumboldtUniversität #Berlin : Seit über 20 Jahren gibt es Vorwürfe von Studentinnen wegen sexueller Belästigung gegen einen Geschichtedozenten. Seinen Job hat er immer noch, erst auf Grund öffentlichen Drucks wird er 2023 zumindest von der Lehre freigestellt.

Frauen lesen das, Frauen haben sowas selbst erlebt, Frauen kennen die Geschichten von ihren Freundinnen.

Fußball-WM: Vor den Augen der ganzen Welt küsst #Rubiales die Weltmeisterin #Hermoso gegen ihren Willen.

Frauen sehen das. Frauen lesen, dass Rubiales nach wie vor Präsident des spanischen Fußballverbandes ist.

Lindemanns Kanzlei: Wir werden jede verklagen, die Vorwürfe gegen Lindemann erhebt.

Frauen lesen das.

Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin: findet keine, die gegen Lindemann aussagen will (Zitat aus der Pressemitteilung über die Einstellung der Ermittlungen: "Mutmaßliche Geschädigte haben sich bislang nicht an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden gewandt." zur 15-Jährigen, die womöglich eine sexuelle Beziehung mit Lindemann hatte: "Denn auch diese Zeugin blieb anonym und konnte deshalb nicht vernommen werden.")


Glückwunsch, ihr habt die #RapeCulture wiedermal erfolgreich verteidigt, mit eurer Unschuldsvermutungs-Schreierei im Internet, dem ewigen Victim Blaming und null Empathie für die betroffenen Frauen. Applaus. Ihr habt es euren Kumpels wiedermal gerichtet.


eibart, to random German avatar

ist »Kuss« wirklich das adäquate Wort für sexualisierte Gewalt?


toplesstopics, to Youtube avatar

Love that Dr Pimple Popper can literally show oozing pustules in her thumbnails, but I can't show my heinous female nipples, even if I pixelate them into incomprehensible blurs. 🙃

toplesstopics, avatar

Just the name Dr makes me want to 🤮, let alone have thumbnails SHOWING burst show up in my feed, yet repeatedly I've had ban thumbnails of pre- nonsexual female nipples, even when I've already blurred them out (to say nothing of the entire pre- censored videos they've banned over and over again). Yet of course, YouTube, along with etc-forever are chock full of entirely UNcensored MALE nipples with MILLIONS of views, that somehow DON'T get as sexually explicit nudity" 🙃

I know I'm a broken record about this, but how does this make sense?? How tf do the majority of people, even alleged just unthinkingly go along with the view that "of course, female nipples are sexually explicit nudity, but male nipples aren't. OBVIOUSLY."? or at most, they go "yeah it's not fair, but what can we do?"

Maybe... Mention it in your own content? Spare comments in the replies of my own posts about this are certainly appreciated, and better than no words of support at all. But we will NEVER make progress towards as long as more people aren't pointing out blatant sexism (and - at what point does a nipple look "female" or "male" enough to get banned/not banned?) in public places, loud and unapologetic. I know compared to many world issues, wanting the same rights as "male-looking chests" online and in public seems silly and self-serving. But it's all part of the subjugation of female-presenting people. It's still - designed declaring "only we have the authority to decide women's bodies are sexually explicit unless they adhere to what we, the men, decide are permissible modes of living." It's , its the objectification of women's bodies without our , it's taking away our while granting male bodies (again, adhering to whatever arbitrary scale determines what a "male" or "female" body is) freedom. It's BS.

philipp, to random German

Fast 400.000€ gegen das Silencing und Einschüchterung durch die #Rammstein Anwälte, dass gibt Hoffnung.

Übrigens stecken da die gleichen Anwälte wie bei #Mockridge dahinter.


svenscholz, to random German avatar

Dieses Sharepic hab ich seit ein paar Jahren, seit #metoo, auf dem Rechner in meinem Meme-Ordner. Ich habs lange nicht mehr gebraucht. Heute hab ich es wieder rauskramen müssen weil ich fast alle Zitate in den letzten Tagen an allen möglichen Stellen zu hören und zu lesen bekam.

#rapeculture ist ein systemisches Problem und wird von der gesamten Gesellschaft unterstützt, aber durch das Machtgefälle dieser Struktur sind nunmal Männer das Problem. Lasst also bitte auch den notallmen-Quatsch.

I_Like_Books, to HowTo

Creating Rape Culture in Twelve Steps

1 ) Tell girls they exist solely for male pleasure

2 ) Tell boys that the more sex they have and girls they exploit, the more masculine they are.

3 ) Tell girls they cannot actually have sex before marriage or they are impure, unlovable and equatable to a chewed up wad of gum

4 ) Tell boys that they cannot control or make choices about their won sexual urges

5 ) Never mention or give accurate information about consent.

6 ) Never mention or give accurate information about contraception

7 ) Call sexually active girls "sluts"

8 ) Call sexually active boys "players"

9 ) Blame girls for getting pregnant or infected with an STI

10 ) Blame girls when they get raped

11 ) Remind boys that they are not fully responsible for their actions

12 ) Deny rape culture exists

#RapeCulture #HowTo #Create #Meme #Quote #Feminism

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