terjefjelde, to environment

I know VERY little about this topic. But it has occurred to me that P2P could vastly reduce the need for insanely sized data centers and, subsequently, the environmental footprint of data.

Yes? If so, why isn't it used more widely? Not a good fit? Practical issues? Commercial interests? Political control?

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

@terjefjelde the main reason IMO is that it's hard, and by its nature is not getting the development money that centralising models can attract from VCs etc al.

However, things are coming together IMO. Several #p2p projects are coming to fruition, and one of the good impacts of the crypto sphere has been a source of money to support some of this work (cf. #libp2p).

I've been following one, #SafeNetwork for a decade which is close to launching with unique promise (no Blockchain).

safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

It’s a big day for the project, and for MaidSafe. Yes, we are 18 years young today, but it’s way more than that.

We are opening the next chapter. A chapter that will massively accelerate things, in a way that you are probably unaccustomed to!

Join us on the new Discord server


safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Update 22 Feb

ValentinesNet is still going strong, so all being well we’ll keep it alive til we run out of space or release a breaking change.

We are moving ahead with updates on the fly, and hope to put it to the test on the current testnet. Basically what will happen is that node IDs and data will be seamlessly retained even as the sn_node software is updated.


safenetwork, (edited ) to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Testnet klaxon 🔊


We have a suspicion that the high-mem nodes are those that subscribed to gossip for royalties. This testnet is aiming to probe that hypothesis by removing gossip royalties!

The aim here is largely to see if we have avoided such high memory nodes.


happyborg, to rust
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Imagine what amazing user respecting collaborative apps we could have on a network with a range of / data types.

That boggles my mind because right now apps are dominated by corporate imperatives and we have so much more imagination to put into a truly open peer-to-peer ecosystem.

Now, back to trying to understand how to use the crate in 's mutable data types. I'm working on an example to print the history of a RegisterCRDT and my head hurts!

happyborg, to SafeNetwork
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Currently trying to get my head around #CRDTs in the #SafeNetwork APIs.

... and now I'm working on a PR to enable access to the history (based on a MerkleReg of values).

What is a #CRDT?

It's a way to support decentralised operations on various data structures - such as collaborative editing of documents - in a way that ensures everyone ends up with the same data/document once all changes are applied, regardless of the order. So lazy consensus.

#Rust #LocalFirst

kepano, to random
@kepano@mastodon.social avatar
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Same with : non-VC, your data forever and a level playing field for developers and creatives of all kinds at scale at zero cost to them.

safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Update 8 February

Yesterday we launched our latest testnet to analyse the effect of encryption on node memory performance. This builds on the previous QuicNet, which saw a move from TCP to QUIC, and drew a rapturous response.

QUIC is evidently the future. Nevertheless, this being cutting-edge engineering, for every step forward the law says there has to be half a step back ...


happyborg, to SafeNetwork
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Safe Network is testing use of (using ) there's a new testnet live to test it out.

Anyone can join, no special hardware needed just Windows, Linux or MacOS.

In short: looks about 4x faster for uploads and downloads than using TCP and seems to use less badwidth, similar RAM.


trinityparadox, to ipfs

Ok so I think the IPFS is probably the most coolest and futuristic decentralized server project I have ever seen by far, huge game changer. The fact that you can host an entire HTML site free of charge is insanity to me. Think about the possibilities hosting your own indie musics, comics, arts, stories and games. It may not replace social media but it's great for creating personal website :BlobhajBlanketBlue:. #ipfs #decentralization #peertopeer #p2p #internetprotocol #technology

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

@TechpriestBaunach @trinityparadox
Also keep an eye out for which is coming together. Initially for perpetual data storage but websites will follow. Truly automous , so no gatekeepers, servers etc.

Uses content addressing like but acts like one big server, so no need for you or any particular device to be online for your data to remain secure and accessible from anywhere.

I think 2024 is already a very exciting year for p2p networks. Can't wait for the apps.

happyborg, to SafeNetwork
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Q: What's the status of Safe Network?

A: "We are beta testing the core network → going well and seems solid
We are debating tokenomics again in house → going well answers soon

Team are moving onto the API and possibly demo apps will apppear."


echo_pbreyer, to random German
@echo_pbreyer@digitalcourage.social avatar

🇬🇧 💶 "Digital euro": amendment calls for real digital cash! 💻🏴‍☠️ In the digital age we should be able to pay as freely and anonymously as with notes and coins.


@markhughes@mastodon.social avatar

@echo_pbreyer suggest you keep an eye on which is running public testnets.

Key features are:

  • no Blockchain (so energy efficient, scales, fast etc)
  • earn tokens anonymously by running a node and providing storage (works even on and similar)
  • pay to store files using said tokens. Files are encrypted before upload, secure, anonymous etc.
  • send tokens instantly to others

It's a secure, privacy first p2p network with no gatekeepers and no central infrastructure.

happyborg, to SafeNetwork
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

I've a bit more to do on #vdash which has given me more time to wonder about what next.

As #SafeNetwork is getting pretty exciting r.n. I'm veering towards something to help Devs with #p2p apps, and feeling a buzz around compiling the client API for #WASM, and showing how to build native cross platform mobile and desktop apps using your web framework of choice (eg #SveltKit), #Rust/WASM and #Tauri.

Then an LDP containers API so existing #Solid apps become Safe Apps in this setup. #LinkedData

safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Update 11 Jan

Two joyous announcements this week. One, the listing of eMaid on a new exchange, BitMart.

The other fantastic bit of news is the arrival of a new MaidSafer Jason.


dentangle, to random
@dentangle@chaos.social avatar

Sourcehut and Codeberg are both down, as is Sourcehut's status page on Codeberg.

I know about this because of IRC (distributed) and Mastodon (distributed).

@markhughes@mastodon.social avatar

@dentangle I made a proof of concept decentralised git hub for use with the #SafeNetwork, a #p2p storage and comms system (currently in testing).

Taking it further was more than I could handle but I showed how it could be done using a SvelteKit web UI, and git in the browser on a decentralised filesystem, also hosting issues in the git repo (using git-bug as a library compiled to WASM).

jonny, (edited ) to random
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

so we have been batting around the idea of some kinda paper bot for awhile re: the question "how do we track discussions around scholarly work" and I am starting to think this paper-feeds project is the way to do it.

So say it is an AP instance and it has one primary bot user, you follow it and it follows you back. When you make a post with something that resolves to a DOI, then that post is linked to that work. Any hashtags used in that post are added to that papers keywords (assuming some basic moderation and word ban lists). Then keyword feeds are also represented as AP actors that can be followed and make a post per paper. I wonder if we can spoof the "in reply to" field to present all those posts as being replies to that paper.

So say the bot also has some simple microsyntax for linking your account to an ORCID - either directly in a profile field, or by @'ing the bot and checking a rel=me, or hell even oauth. Then you could also relate when the authors of given works talk about other works and use that as another proximity measure. Then you could make an author RSS feed/AP actor that is just the works someone publishes and optionally that they talk mention - so eg I could make an aggregate feed for the papers my friends are reading.

Then you could have instances of this feed generator follow one another and broadcast aggregated similarity information at a paper level not linked to personal information, and also opt-in info like the fedi account <-> ORCID link. Since youre on AP already you basically get that for free.

Thinking about what would be useful for social discovery of scholarly works, and there are a lot of really interesting ideas once you start actually yno doing it starting from a place of not having a product to sell or a platform to run so you avoid some of the scale and liability probs.

Edit: prior post here: https://neuromatch.social/@jonny/111688727690129033
And repo here: https://github.com/sneakers-the-rat/paper-feeds/
And ill start tagging these with but that last post has too many interactions to edit now

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

FYI I worked with the help of the #Solid community including Timbl, to demonstrate that the Solid protocol, or at least a useful subset could be implemented and used on a #p2p data and comms network.

I believe the issues with centralised DNS and server based hosting (self hosting included) are not sufficient to meet the goals of Solid which include decentralization and self ownership of data.

I was able to run existing Solid apps running on p2p #SafeNetwork.


@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

All the info and links are collected in a post on the #SafeNetwork forum, including the presentation video, slides etc: https://safenetforum.org/t/devcon-talk-supercharging-the-safe-network-with-project-solid/23081?u=happybeing

The demos no longer work on Safe Network as the APIs have changed but the key elements demonstrated were:

  • hosting #Solid apps on a decentralised #p2p network with just one library swapped
  • using p2p storage via LDP API in standard Solid apps
  • no dependence on ephemeral centralised DNS, web server or serverside code
    @jonny #LinkedData
safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

Strap in! Testnet time is here again.

This time we’re trying twice as many nodes per VM.

This may well change things/cause some issues, but it will be good to find out exactly what’s possible here.

Many other tweaks and improvements are in place too.

Fire up your consoles and join us 😎


#maidsafe #safenetwork #decentralization

simon, to random
@simon@simonwillison.net avatar

If someone wants to start a blog, and they'd like the content they publish to stick around on the internet for as long as possible into the future, what are their best options?

Buying a domain is tricky because domain names expire

GitHub Pages is pretty great, because GitHub is free and has, to-date, a great track record of not breaking *.github.io content

What are other great options? WordPress.com I think are good on this front

I don't trust anyone with less than 10 years of track record

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

@strypey yes, and another to watch is #SafeNetwork which I've been helping test.

happyborg, to firefox
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Seeing a lot of how to save Firefox toots today, well two in a few minutes 🤷‍♂️ and another yesterday!

I know a way.

One said #Mozilla are suffering from a mature market, which is not the whole story but a good point, and a pointer to a way to put #Firefox on top.

If @mozilla Firefox were to build a Browser for #SafeNetwork they would have first mover advantage on a network that will not attract big tech, because it is user focused with privacy and security from the ground up. #p2p

happyborg, to SafeNetwork
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

The Anti-Capitalist Software License (#ACSL) can be adapted but as it stands does not require disclosure of derived code, instead limits use to individuals and organisations which do not exploit labour, but are either non-profit / educational, or employee owned.


Here's a good discussion of different open source #licensing in the context of #SafeNetwork, a quick way to get up to speed without the jargon or fine detail: https://safenetforum.org/t/protective-gpl-licences-vs-permissive-mit-bsd-licences/33724/18

MartinEscardo, to random
@MartinEscardo@mathstodon.xyz avatar

So the British Library has been hacked and it is at a standstill for months, and it is not expected to recover any time soon.

Not even the physical copies can be borrowed, or even consulted in their premises, or even be located if they wanted to. The catalogue is electronic, and so unexisting for now.

What if something similar happens to the arxiv? Will we be able to carry on doing research in the way we are used to?

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

@MartinEscardo This is the kind of thing that cannot happen when using #SafeNetwork for storage. Coming in 2024, it will be a way to end ransomware and data-loss.

safenetwork, to SafeNetwork
@safenetwork@mastodon.social avatar

New testnet launched.

There was a bug whereby our closest nodes were not actually ordered by closeness to a given thing (be it our node or some data).

So we have that licked. Alongside some other updates.

Help us put it through its paces.


#SafeNetworkTest #safenetwork #maidsafe #decentralization

chrisg, to random
@chrisg@fosstodon.org avatar

Scalable software today means software working on many machines owned by a single entity.

Instead, it should be reclaimed to mean software that works across machines owned by many different people.

Let's take 2024 to stop building The Plagiarism Nexus and focus on human empowering technologies.

And do that again in 2025. And every year afterwards.

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

@chrisg you are describing the mission of many projects and #SafeNetwork is the one I've been helping with for nearly a decade because it is driven by values I share.

The are others though, such as #DistributedPress which I only discovered today. It has similar values and is driven by a coop.

mai, to random
@mai@social.coop avatar

Proud of my team at Distributed.Press / @compost for releasing our new feature, the Social Inbox — It allows dweb websites to publish their posts directly to the Fediverse and integrate their comment section with users there.

Our announcement post on the @dripline blog >>> https://hypha.coop/dripline/announcing-dp-social-inbox/

@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

Hey @mai, nice work. I was already following @dweb and have added @compost today because I like what you are doing very much. I did something much, much simpler in the past to publish static websites directly to both standard hosting and to #SafeNetwork a while ago but that work has been overtaken, though the website still exists.

I posted a summary of #DistributedPress so feel free to let me know if it is inaccurate: https://safenetforum.org/t/distributed-press-tools-for-decentralised-publishing-and-integration/38934?u=happybeing

See also: http://dweb.happybeing.com

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