denzilferreira, to eink avatar

Moment of truth... I have successfully extracted epd service from Hisense's A9 InkOS stock ROM and have packaged it within LineageOS framework and services jar. Compiled it late last night and it's currently installing on my own A9. Finger crossed I can interact with it! If I can, I can change the refresh rate, clear on demand. Next will be to figure out how to change the temperature of the screen. But that's a challenge I can tackle later.

openandroidinstaller, to foss avatar

🎉 Exciting Update! 🚀 OpenAndroidInstaller v0.5.2-beta is out!

📚 Improved docs
🛠️ Improved error messages
🔄 Rescaling improvements

New Devices:
📱 OnePlus 3/3T
📱 Redmi 9 Poco M2

🐛 No crashes >100%
🛡️ ROM zip handling

Big shoutout to our amazing contributors! 👏

kuketzblog, to android German avatar

Wie bereits angekündigt, habe ich die Empfehlungsecke überarbeitet. So wurde zum Beispiel das Kapitel Android Custom-ROMs komplett überarbeitet. Unter anderem neu dabei eine Orientierung: »Welches Custom-ROM soll ich installieren?« 👇

#android #customrom #grapheneos #divestos #lineageos

parzzix, to iPhone

I have an and I have a , the iPhone is the main, but I toy with going full time . Please share the reasons you use the platform you use and please boost.

burntkrispe, avatar

@parzzix I’m currently using an iPhone due to iMessage being the only way I could communicate with my family. Tried to show them switching to would be a good option but they weren’t convinced.
But I would switch back to android running or a Pixel with or in a heartbeat if I could.

IRC est encore en vie ? French

Je suis vieille, voilà, c’est dit. je suis née dans les années 80. Quand j’étais jeune, je retrouvais sur mumble des potes pour jouer en ligne, et la nuit je trainais sur IRC. Je sais que maintenant, le présent et le futur semble être sur discord pour tout le monde, mais j’y suis allergique. Je n’aime pas le coté...

themoonisacheese, to france in IRC est encore en vie ? avatar

Il y a encore des communs qui utilisent IRC notamment sur libera mais la plupart des plus grosses sont juste des canaux de support pour des outils open source (par exemple #lineageos sur libera). Regarde du coté de matrix (tu peux créer un compte sur une instance publique ou dm moi si tu veux venir chez ;), et sinon en vrai j’ai pu trouver mon bonheur type IRC sur discord, mais c’est vrai qu’il faut un peu choisir d’ignorer le côté réseau social. J’ai passé moult nuits a lurk des généraux et c’est pareil qu’à l’ancienne, faut juste trouver des serveurs avec des discutions intéressantes (perso les discords LGBT ont tendance a marcher assez bien, ymmv).

denzilferreira, (edited ) to eink avatar

Was able to decode “epd” service from stock Hisense A9 ROM and now I know what to use to toggle between refresh rates:

Flush screen (clear ghosting)
adb shell service call epd 21

Refresh modes:

Clear (reading)
adb shell service call epd 11 i32 3

Balanced (default)
adb shell service call epd 11 i32 1

Smooth (browsing)
adb shell service call epd 11 i32 6

Speed (video)
adb shell service call epd 11 i32 9

danielsiepmann, (edited ) to NixOS

I know #SoftwareUpdates are often a hard thing.

I really like how ease they are, at least for me, for the following projects:

They all just work. And are easy to perform. Thanks to those projects and everyone involved.

They enable users to self run and use software.

xahteiwi, avatar
jejb, to android

A while ago I mentioned I use Android-10 with the built in SIP stack and that the Google stack was pretty buggy and I had to fix it simply to get it to function without disconnecting all the time. Since then I’ve upported my fixes to Android-11 (the jejb-11 branch in the repositories) by using LineageOS-19.1. However, another major deficiency in the Google SIP stack is its complete lack of security: both the SIP signalling and the media streams are all unencrypted meaning they can be intercepted and tapped by pretty much anyone in the network path running tcpdump. Why this is so, particularly for a company that keeps touting its security credentials is anyone’s guess. I personally suspect they added SIP in Android-4 with a view to basing Google Voice on it, decided later that proprietary VoIP protocols was the way to go but got stuck with people actually using the SIP stack for other calling services so they couldn’t rip it out and instead simply neglected it hoping it would die quietly due to lack of features and updates.

This blog post is a guide to how I took the fully unsecured Google SIP stack and added security to it. It also gives a brief overview of some of the security protocols you need to understand to get secure VoIP working.

What is SIP

What I’m calling SIP (but really a VoIP system using SIP) is a protocol consisting of several pieces. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), RFC 3261, is really only one piece: it is the “signalling” layer meaning that call initiation, response and parameters are all communicated this way. However, simple SIP isn’t enough for a complete VoIP stack; once a call moves to in progress, there must be an agreement on where the media streams are and how they’re encoded. This piece is called a SDP (Session Description Protocol) agreement and is usually negotiated in the body of the SIP INVITE and response messages and finally once agreement is reached, the actual media stream for call audio goes over a different protocol called RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol).

How Google did SIP

The trick to adding protocols fast is to take them from someone else (if you’re open source, this is encouraged) so google actually chose the NIST-SIP java stack (which later became the JAIN-SIP stack) as the basis for SIP in android. However, that only covered signalling and they had to plumb it in to the android Phone model. One essential glue piece is <a href="">frameworks/opt/net/voip</a> which supplies the SDP negotiating layer and interfaces the network codec to the phone audio. This isn’t quite enough because the telephony service and the Dialer also need to be involved to do the account setup and call routing. It always interested me that SIP was essentially special cased inside these services and apps instead of being a plug in, but that’s due to the fact that some of the classes that need extending to add phone protocols are internal only; presumably so only manufacturers can add phone features.

Securing SIP

This is pretty easy following the time honoured path of sending messages over TLS instead of in the clear simply by using a TLS wrappering technique of secure sockets and, indeed, this is how RFC 3261 says to do it. However, even this minor re-engineering proved unnecessary because the nist-sip stack was already TLS capable, it simply wasn’t allowed to be activated that way by the configuration options Google presented. A simple 10 line patch in a couple of repositories (<a href="">external/nist_sip</a>, <a href="">packages/services/Telephony</a> and <a href="">frameworks/opt/net/voip</a>) fixed this and the SIP stack messaging was secured leaving only the voice stream insecure.


As I said above, the google frameworks/opt/net/voip does all the SDP negotiation. This isn’t actually part of SIP. The SDP negotiation is conducted over SIP messages (which means it’s secured thanks to the above) but how this should be done isn’t part of the SIP RFC. Instead SDP has its own RFC 4566 which is what the class follows (mainly for codec and port negotiation). You’d think that if it’s already secured by SIP, there’s no additional problem, but, unfortunately, using SRTP as the audio stream requires the exchange of additional security parameters which added to SDP by RFC 4568. To incorporate this into the Google SIP stack, it has to be integrated into the voip class. The essential additions in this RFC are a separate media description protocol (RTP/SAVP) for the secure stream and the addition of a set of tagged a=crypto: lines for key negotiation.

As will be a common theme: not all of RFC 4568 has to be implemented to get a secure RTP stream. It goes into great detail about key lifetime and master key indexes, neither of which are used by the asterisk SIP stack (which is the one my phone communicates with) so they’re not implemented. Briefly, it is best practice in TLS to rekey the transport periodically, so part of key negotiation should be key lifetime (actually, this isn’t as important to SRTP as it is to TLS, see below, which is why asterisk ignores it) and the people writing the spec thought it would be great to have a set of keys to choose from instead of just a single one (The Master Key Identifier) but realistically that simply adds a load of complexity for not much security benefit and, again, is ignored by asterisk which uses a single key.

In the end, it was a case of adding a new class for parsing the a=crypto: lines of SDP and doing a loop in the audio protocol for RTP/SAVP if TLS were set as the transport. This ended up being a ~400 line patch.

Secure RTP

RTP itself is governed by RFC 3550 which actually contains two separate stream descriptions: the actual media over RTP and a control protocol over RTCP. RTCP is mostly used for multi-party and video calls (where you want reports on reception quality to up/downshift the video resolution) and really serves no purpose for audio, so it isn’t implemented in the Google SIP stack (and isn’t really used by asterisk for audio only either).

When it comes to securing RTP (and RTCP) you’d think the time honoured mechanism (using secure sockets) would have applied although, since RTP is transmitted over UDP, one would have to use DTLS instead of TLS. Apparently the IETF did consider this, but elected to define a new protocol instead (or actually two: SRTP and SRTCP) in RFC 3711. One of the problems with this new protocol is that it also defines a new ciphersuite (AES_CM_…) which isn’t found in any of the standard SSL implementations. Although the AES_CM ciphers are very similar in operation to the AES_GCM ciphers of TLS (Indeed AES_GCM was adopted for SRTP in a later RFC 7714) they were never incorporated into the TLS ciphersuite definition.

So now there are two problems: adding code for the new protocol and performing the new encyrption/decryption scheme. Fortunately, there already exists a library (<a href="">libsrtp</a>) that can do this and even more fortunately it’s shipped in android (<a href="">external/libsrtp2</a>) although it looks to be one of those throwaway additions where the library hasn’t really been updated since it was added (for cuttlefish gcastv2) in 2019 and so is still at a pre 2.3.0 version (I did check and there doesn’t look to be any essential bug fixes missing vs upstream, so it seems usable as is).

One of the really great things about libsrtp is that it has srtp_protect and srtp_unprotect functions which transform SRTP to RTP and vice versa, so it’s easily possible to layer this library directly into an existing RTP implementation. When doing this you have to remember that the encryption also includes authentication, so the size of the packet expands which is why the initial allocation size of the buffers has to be increased. One of the not so great things is that it implements all its own crypto primitives including AES and SHA1 (which most cryptographers think is always a bad idea) but on the plus side, it’s the same library asterisk uses so how much of a real problem could this be …

Following the simple layering approach, I constructed a patch to do the RTP<->SRTP transform in the JNI code if a key is passed in, so now everything just works and setting asterisk to SRTP only confirms the phone is able to send and receive encrypted audio streams. This ends up being a ~140 line patch.

So where does DTLS come in?

Anyone spending any time at all looking at protocols which use RTP, like webRTC, sees RTP and DTLS always mentioned in the same breath. Even asterisk has support for DTLS, so why is this? The answer is that if you use RTP outside the SIP framework, you still need a way of agreeing on the keys using SDP. That key agreement must be protected (and can’t go over RTCP because that would cause a chicken and egg problem) so implementations like webRTC use DTLS to exchange the initial SDP offer and answer negotiation. This is actually referred to as DTLS-SRTP even though it’s an initial DTLS handshake followed by SRTP (with no further DTLS in sight). However, this DTLS handshake is completely unnecessary for SIP, since the SDP handshake can be done over TLS protected SIP messaging instead (although I’ve yet to find anyone who can convincingly explain why this initial handshake has to go over DTLS and not TLS like SIP … I suspect it has something to do with wanting the protocol to be all UDP and go over the same initial port).


This whole exercise ended up producing less than 1000 lines in patches and taking a couple of days over Christmas to complete. That’s actually much simpler and way less time than I expected (given the complexity in the RFCs involved), which is why I didn’t look at doing this until now. I suppose the next thing I need to look at is reinserting the SIP stack into Android-12, but I’ll save that for when Android-11 falls out of support.

Nos, to fdroid German

Hi, did anyone at the attend the SoS about Smartphone freedom status in 2023? , .


@linmob @Nos it's a bit sad. Mobile computing bubble is really big now. We have many active players like #eMyData #kuketz or #lineageOS or #fdroid or #postmarketOS and the first thing i run into on #37c3 is replicant

BjornW, to androiddev avatar

Had fun with adding & testing a config for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro to @openandroidinstaller

If/when my pull-request: is merged you'll be able to easily install a custom ROM like LineageOS to your Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro using the Open Android Installer app (

xahteiwi, to random avatar

As I was watching a talk in the #37c3 stream, my OnePlus 6 did another completely flawless #LineageOS upgrade.

Gigoince, to random French avatar


Je viens de basculer mon téléphone sur le thème clair. C'est pas mal aussi ! Et j'ai aussi changé le fond d'écran. J'ai l'impression d'avoir un téléphone neuf.

N'empêche ce téléphone que j'ai depuis 5 ans est juste parfait avec #LineageOS (bon, ok, les photos sont pas terribles) Absolument aucune velléité de changement.

mc, to random French avatar

Je lance une bouteille à la mer :
Quelqu'un utilise ou connaît quelqu'un qui utilise la ROM custom BlissROM (BlissLabs) ? Ils ont une version maintenue pour mon téléphone, mais je sais pas si c'est fiable et suffisamment stable...
Merci !
#aosp #customrom #lineageos #blissos

thelastpsion, to android avatar

I wanted a PDF reader for the holiday season (and beyond), so that I don't have to use a laptop to read the #Psion SIBO C SDK. So I've resurrected this old Fire 7 (Ford) tablet. 8GB flash is just enough!

#LineageOS 14.1 (#Android 7.1.2), no gapps, #FDroid, KISS Launcher, ForceDoze, #SyncThing. I'm using Librera FD for the PDFs.

I'd rather use eink, but my Nook Glowlight (Android 2.1) doesn't have a great PDF experience.

Other apps: Fennec, DuckDuckGo, Material Files, Termux, NewPipe.

thelastpsion, avatar

Yesterday I discovered #Obtainium, an #Android app that can monitor various sources for APKs, including GitHub, GitLab, F-Droid, and others.

It's ideal for my #Ungoogled (and un-Amazoned) Fire 7 2015 tablet. NewPipe always delayed on F-Droid, so I've taken to manually installing it from GitHub. This now gives me an "app store" to do it.

I've also got it to pull Firefox Focus from GitHub, as there's no equivalent package in F-Droid.


Castiai, to orgmode avatar

I have just finished the same procedure as every year:

The Christmas donation round-up!

I am saying thank you with money to #orgmode #fsf #thunderbird #firefox #libreoffice #LineageOS #keepassxc #netzpolitik #conversations_im #metager #digitalcourage #archlinux #tchncs #trashserver and #snikket

Keep up the good work folks!


Gigoince, to random French avatar

Hop, màj de en cours !

farooqkz, to foss avatar

uses a big number of stuff in their tablets. I first thought it's just the which they don't release the source code. But I've realized they are using many more FOSS stuff. Like the apps from which are not but if they were, legally, BOOX had to free their source code, too. One might argue what is the difference when they don't release the source codes. The differences come up when BOOX is in a court.

badrihippo, avatar

@farooqkz I'm waiting for a fully free-software e-paper tablet alternative ( on ? on ?). Probably all a long way off though 😞

I'm not tied to Android yet ( is serving me well!) but I'm feeling the pressure for payments, cabs/bikes, and all the cool Android-based contribution tools. The is tempting.

fatuus, to android French avatar
kuketzblog, to random German avatar

Falls euer Android-Gerät nicht mehr mit Updates versorgt wird, ihr es aber weiterhin nutzen wollt, dann schaut zuerst bei #DivestOS vorbei. Wenn das Gerät unterstützt wird, ist das die beste Wahl. 👇

caos, avatar

@dans_root @griesgram übergreifend kannst Du auch hier suchen:
da sind neben #DivestOS noch #eOS #LineageOS u.a. dabei und es wird auch direkt angezeigt, welche Version es gibt

markgrieveson, to android

Just got a security update on my "new" Pixel 4a refurbished phone today. Officially, Android no longer provides security updates for this specific phone. But LineageOS, a fork of Android, does still provide such updates.

Disclaimer: because it's an old phone, it won't be as secure as a newer phone with official support from Android. But, I feel it's a good harm reduction strategy for older phones.

kuketzblog, to android German avatar

Eine Vergleichstabelle der Android Custom ROMs. Enthält alle Systeme, die ich auch in der Custom-ROM-Serie beleuchte. 👇

hexaheximal, to android avatar

This has taken all the way from last night to tonight. But now I have it built and running from scratch. Finally.

SomeGadgetGuy, to tech avatar

I'm as excited about the rumors of improved desktop modes and video out support for the Pixel 8 as the next guy, but we've fielded these kinds of rumors before.

Currently the only phone I have that can run an Android 14 beta, AND has video out, just did this using the desktop mode in Android dev settings.

Which is even more broken than the A13 desktop mode, which was already almost nonfunctional from the A12 mode.

I really WANT Google to give us a Pixel 8 with a proper desktop or tablet large screen mode, but I'm not getting my hopes up until we see the phone in action.

#tech #android #bbtg #Technology #google #android14 #dev #android14beta2 #smartphone #pixel #vivo #vivox90pro #geek #developer #DeveloperPreview #software #news #apps #desktopmode


@SomeGadgetGuy @Ruen
I did not get a chance to try it out 6 months ago, so I can not say how it compares.
Got my Fairphone 4 recently, so I played around with a few mobile Linux distros, but found them to be way too rough for a daily use, so now it runs latest , which comes with a very barebones desktop mode.
Taskbar somehow made it so that I could not even move application windows around, and had a few other issues as well. While SmartDock does allow me to manage windows nicely.

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