emill1984, to random Polish
@emill1984@101010.pl avatar

O, po instastory niektorych znajomych widze, ze nadeszla ta pora w roku kiedy nalezy zaczac hejtowac :kappa:

qotca, to random
@qotca@mastodon.social avatar


#Bob #BobbyDrink

cdarwin, to Gold
@cdarwin@c.im avatar

Two footmen dressed in white approach the vehicle as it arrives. One opens the rear door. , one of 's rotating chairmen, steps forward and extends a hand as the guest emerges.
After walking a red carpet, the two men enter the magnificent marble-floored building, ascend a stairway, and pass through French doors to a palatial ballroom.
Several hundred people arise from their chairs and clap wildly.

The guest is welcomed by Huawei's founder, , whose sky-blue blazer and white khakis signify that he has attained the power to wear whatever the hell he wants.

After some serious speechifying by a procession of dark-suited executives, Ren
—who is China's Bill Gates, Lee Iacocca, and Warren Buffett rolled into one
—comes to the podium.
Three young women dressed in white uniforms enter the room, swinging their arms military style as they march to the stage, then about-face in unison as one holds out a framed the size of a salad plate.
Embedded with a red Baccarat crystal, it depicts the Goddess of Victory and was manufactured by the Monnaie de Paris. Ren is almost glowing as he presents the medal to the visitor.
This is not a world leader, a billionaire magnate, nor a war hero. He is a relatively unknown Turkish academic named .
Throughout the ceremony he has been sitting stiffly, frozen in his ill-fitting suit, as if he were an ordinary theatergoer suddenly thrust into the leading role on a Broadway stage.

Arıkan isn't exactly ordinary.
Ten years earlier, he'd made a major discovery in the field of information theory.
Huawei then plucked his theoretical breakthrough from academic obscurity and, with large investments and top engineering talent, fashioned it into something of value in the realm of commerce.
The company then muscled and negotiated to get that innovation into something so big it could not be denied:
the basic now being rolled out all over the world.

Huawei's rise over the past 30 years has been heralded in China as a triumph of smarts, sweat, and grit. Perhaps no company is more beloved at home
—and more vilified by the United States.
That's at least in part because Huawei's ascent also bears the fingerprints of China's nationalistic industrial policy and an alleged penchant for intellectual property theft;
the US Department of Justice has charged the company with a sweeping conspiracy of misappropriation, infringement, obstruction, and lies.

As of press time, Ren Zhengfei's was under house arrest in Vancouver, fighting extradition to the US for allegedly violating a ban against trading with Iran.
The US government has banned Huawei's 5G products and has been lobbying other countries to do the same. Huawei denies the charges; Ren calls them political.

Huawei is settling the score in its own way. One of the world's great technology powers, it nonetheless suffers from an inferiority complex.
Despite spending billions on research and science, it can't get the respect and recognition of its Western peers. Much like China itself.
So when Ren handed the solid-gold medal
—crafted by the French mint!
—to Erdal Arıkan, he was sticking his thumb in their eye.


@cdarwin@c.im avatar

ERDAL ARIKAN WAS born in 1958 and grew up in Western Turkey, the son of a doctor and a homemaker.

He loved science.

When he was a teenager, his father remarked that, in his profession, two plus two did not always equal four.

This fuzziness disturbed young Erdal; he decided against a career in medicine. He found comfort in engineering and the certainty of its mathematical outcomes.

“I like things that have some precision,” he says. “You do calculations and things turn out as you calculate it.”

Arıkan entered the electrical engineering program at Middle East Technical University. But in 1977, partway through his first year, the country was gripped by political violence, and students boycotted the university.

Arıkan wanted to study, and because of his excellent test scores he managed to transfer to #CalTech, one of the world's top science-oriented institutions, in Pasadena, California.

He found the US to be a strange and wonderful country. Within his first few days, he was in an orientation session addressed by legendary physicist #Richard #Feynman. It was like being blessed by a saint.

Arıkan devoured his courses, especially in #information #theory.

The field was still young, launched in 1948 by #Claude #Shannon, who wrote its seminal paper while he was at Bell Labs;
he would later become a revered MIT professor.

Shannon's achievement was to understand how the hitherto fuzzy concept of information could be quantified, creating a discipline that expanded the view of communication and data storage.

By publishing a general mathematical theory of information
—almost as if Einstein had invented physics and come up with relativity in one swoop
—Shannon set a foundation for the internet, mobile communications, and everything else in the digital age.

The subject fascinated Arıkan, who chose #MIT for graduate studies.

There was one reason: “#Bob #Gallager was there,” he says.

Robert Gallager had written the textbook on information theory. He had also been mentored by Shannon's successor.

In the metrics of the field, that put him two steps from God.

“So I said, if I am going to do information theory,” Arıkan says, “MIT is the place to go.”

By the time Arıkan arrived at MIT, in 1981, Gallager had shifted his focus and was concentrating on how data networks operated.

Arıkan was trembling when he went to Gallager's office for the first time. The professor gave him a paper about packet radio networks.

“I was pushing him to move from strict information theory to looking at network problems,” Gallager says.

“It was becoming very obvious to everyone that sending data from one place to another was not the whole story
—you really had to have a system.”

#Guo #Ping #Huawei #Ren #Zhengfei #gold #medal #honored #guest #Erdal #Arıkan #5G #technology #daughter

godlessmom, to random
@godlessmom@mas.to avatar

Just a quick math review for the nerds. #mathismathing #bob

qotca, to animals
@qotca@mastodon.social avatar
Rasta, to random

If you're trusting me for your weather..

You are so screwed..

#GroundHogDay #Groundhog #Bob

tripplehelix, to random
@tripplehelix@fosstodon.org avatar

OK, I'm going to have to hand it to #DaanTech, their #Bob dishwasher may use extremely expensive cartridges (which you can easily hack), but they sell every single component you could possibly need to replace.

Their support is also pretty great. Just replaced the PSU and pump in my Bob, and it was super simple, it uses P20 screws, but all the same so taking it apart is a breeze.

tournesol, to gaming
@tournesol@peculiar.florist avatar
DoomsdaysCW, to climate

#NSW police arrest more than 100 #Australian #ClimateChange protesters

by Oscar Grenfell
27 November 2023

"In one of the largest mass arrests of recent years, police in #NewSouthWales (NSW) detained some 109 protesters on Sunday evening. They had participated in a 30-hour maritime demonstration of 34 kayaks, surfboards and pontoons at the port of Newcastle, aimed at blocking coal shipments and the broader promotion of fossil fuels. The protest had been given police permission until 4 p.m., at which point the arrests suddenly started.

"The arrests point to a deepening crackdown on the #RightToProtest. Significantly, this is being spearheaded by Labor governments, now in office federally and at the state and territory levels across mainland #Australia. The detentions indicate official fears over growing social opposition, related not only to climate change, but to Israel’s genocidal assault on #Gaza, a broader eruption of #militarism and the soaring cost-of-living.

"The action, organised by the #RisingTide organisation, saw dozens and at times more than a hundred people take to the water in small vessels to prevent #coal loads from exiting the port. The activists said they succeeded in delaying multiple shipments, but noted that this is only a fraction of the coal that passes through the port each year.

"In comments at the protest and since, representatives of Rising Tide pointed to the increasingly catastrophic consequences of climate change. In Australia, this included one of the worst #bushfire seasons in 2019-20, and massive #floods in northern NSW and parts of #Queensland last year that displaced thousands.

"Along with their abandonment of the flood victims and others impacted by climate change, the Labor governments are doing nothing to address the underlying crisis.

"The federal Labor administration cynically appealed to discontent over the issue in the May 2022 election. Its policy is a 43 percent emissions reduction by 2030 and net-zero by 2050. Scientists have warned that both are woefully inadequate, compared with the scale of the crisis. But even these targets are entirely meaningless, with Labor approving dozens of new coal and #gas projects across the country.

"The protest was not a snap action or an unauthorised event. It had received prior approval from police. Demonstrators were addressed by prominent political figures, including federal Greens leader Adam Bandt and one of his predecessors, #Bob Brown. The Greens, their references to the environmental crisis notwithstanding, seek to collaborate with Labor, as it greenlights #FossilFuel projects and defends the whole profit system that is responsible for climate change.

"Given the establishment character of the speakers and the police authorisation, the subsequent crackdown was particularly striking.

"Police have claimed that approval was only until 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon and that participants then refused to leave the port’s waters. By 5:30 p.m., the port was cleared, and its operations were resumed.

"The speed of the police crackdown indicates extensive prior planning. Footage on social media shows at least one police vessel approaching the activists and moving to detain them.

"The police arrests were indiscriminate. Among the 109 arrested was #AlanStuart, a 97-year-old clergyman. Five children were detained.

"In a statement on X/Twitter, Legal Observers NSW said five of its representatives were arrested. 'Observers were present to document the actions of police and connect any protesters arrested with legal representation,' it stated.

"Despite being marked out with coloured vests and having repeatedly spoken to police during the event, the observers were nevertheless hauled in. They noted that this was an attack on 'the right to document and monitor protest as media and independent observers,' which 'is an internationally protected right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.'

"Three of the legal observers were charged, joining more than 100 others. Even the children who participated have reportedly been referred to relevant authorities under the Young Offenders Act.

"The blanket charge applied to the adult protesters of unreasonable interference by use of a vessel under section 13 of the state’s Marine Safety Act carries a maximum penalty of a $5,500 fine. While most protesters were released on bail after being booked, two organisers, including one with impaired vision, were detained overnight in a police watchhouse. They received hundreds of dollars in fines, with a judge declining to impose the maximum fine because of their lack of a criminal history. The remaining protesters face court next year.

"The arrests and charges were clearly intended to send a message that further disruptions will not be tolerated. If that were not the case, the protesters could simply have been moved on without the mass detention or subsequent charges."

Read more:

#WaterProtectors #DirectAction #CriminalizingDissent #DefendTheForest #EnvironmentalActivists #ClimateActivists #ClimateJustice #ACAB #Fascism #SilencingDissent #CorporateColonialism #EcoActivists #Censorship #HumanRightsViolations

SrRochardBunson, to random
qotca, to random
@qotca@mastodon.social avatar
erin, to Canada

Canadians… 🇨🇦

Hit me with your best Canadian slang / curses / insults / sexual innuendos 😇

I’m visiting a friend in Australia for a month and her bakery will be creating Canadian-themed “curse cookies” 🍪


flexghost, to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

We live in a timeline where Taylor Swift could save democracy

All while dinosaur corporate Democrats sit on their thumbs and run on policy (again)

Is this the worst timeline?


@flexghost Not the worst timeline, but it could be much better. At least we're not dead.
I've never really thought much about Taylor Swift, but much like AOC, my respect for her is increasing.
While we're working at ending MAGA and Trump we should probably vote out a few dinosaurs, as well as #Bob

googlyeyesonmagiccards, (edited ) to mtg
@googlyeyesonmagiccards@mastodon.social avatar

A request from my tumblr

#BevyofBeebles #BOB #mtg #MagicTheGathering

LukaszHorodecki, to Tuba Polish
@LukaszHorodecki@pol.social avatar

No hejka!

Pod pretekstem testowania drag'n'drop załączników w Tubie wrzucam wczorajszy obiad - spaghetti z bobem :)

ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

UCSF's Dr. #Bob #Wachter, known for his #pandemic advice, finally caught #covid, and ended up "in a bloody pool" on his bathroom floor. Narrowly missed worse injuries, and a 'dent in the lid of a trashcan, likely where my head had hit,’ he wrote. Ended up with "overnight hospital stay, anti-seizure medication, stitches on his forehead and a neck collar for a small cervical fracture" and a "black eye" https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/07/13/ucsf-medical-chief-laid-low-by-covid-virus-he-had-guided-thousands-on-avoiding/?utm_email=345B144BE3B684760585551485&g2i_eui=&g2i_source=newsletter&lctg=345B144BE3B684760585551485&active=no&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mercurynews.com%2f2023%2f07%2f13%2fucsf-medical-chief-laid-low-by-covid-virus-he-had-guided-thousands-on-avoiding%2f&utm_campaign=bang-mult-nl-morning-report-nl&utm_content=manual

TheVinylApe, to vinyl
@TheVinylApe@masto.ai avatar

1975 Canada pressing

A little Sunday Sabbath never hurt anyone.
I friggin’ love Sabotage. The back-to-back punch of Symptom Of The Universe and Megalomania do it for me every time. Not to mention the epic, gnarly closer The Writ.
It’s almost time to find a new play copy of this, as I’ve had it a long time and have drilled it into the ground.
I will continue to.
One of my favorite hard rock records ever.



@TheWarlock666 @TheVinylApe

Canadians of a certain age cannot see this photo without a certain melody running through their head, wanted or not.

And the single "Take Off", which actually got airplay in Canada, features a guest vocal by Geddy Lee.

LukaszHorodecki, to vegan Polish
@LukaszHorodecki@pol.social avatar

No hejka!

Obiadek był? Dzisiaj zapodajemy bób z tofu.

#FediGotuje #obiad #RyżowaŚroda #ryż #rice #RiceWednesday #bób #tofu #vegan #BroadBean

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to random

Only four NHL teams in league history have come back from a three to zero game deficit to win the playoff series.

The 1942 Maple Leafs did so, defeating the Red Wings to win the Cup. This is the only "reverse sweep" to occur in the Stanley Final.

The 1975 NY Islanders dynasty did it in the Quarter-Final round against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The 2010 Philadelphia Flyers came back from 3-0 to eliminate the Boston Bruins in the Semi-Finals.

The 2014 LA Kings usurped the San Jose Sharks in the Western Conference Final, They beat the Rangers in the final to capture their second Cup in three seasons. They won three game sevens and set a record for most wins facing elimination in a single season... They won seven.

Can the Dallas Stars become only the fourth team to accomplish the feat? I say not but, my prognostication is not great this playoff year. The Lightning and Hurricanes are golfing and the Panthers are in the Stanley Cup Final so, what do I know. I was correct predicting that the Bruins would succumb to the "President’s Trophy Curse" but, not until the second round. It's definitely an off year around the board.

Not that I like it but, Florida will win the Cup. The glass slipper seems to fit and it's definitely been their year, Just ask around Boston and Toronto.

@hockey @bostonbruinsgameday


Down five goals at the midway point of the third. As predicted, Dallas will not be the fifth team in NHL history to come back from a 3-0 deficit in a series.

As a hockey broadcaster, one should never announce a winner until the game is over. I'm not a broadcaster anymore so....

CONGRATULATIONS to (former ) Jonathan Machessault, Brett Howden and the VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS, your 2023 Western Conference Champions.

@hockey @bostonbruinsgameday

Nikoh, to random Italian
skepticsbookoflists, to evolution
@skepticsbookoflists@c.im avatar

I'm Karl. Host of the long running Conspiracy Skeptic podcast (http://www.yrad.com/cs). My covid project was writing The Skeptic's Book of Lists. I'm currently working on a follow up called The Conspiracy Skeptic's Book of Lists.

I use this account for the following purposes

  1. Post samples of my book to inform, delight, and entice y'all to buy the softcover or eBook format.

  2. Post original #subgenius content. I love making crazy Subgenius posters and hanging them up around my Toronto area bedroom community. Epater les bourgeois! And praise #Bob!

  3. Love analyzing bad creationist arguments. #evolution

Hoping to be one drop contributing to a flood of refugees from Musk Twitter. #twitter #musktwitter

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