@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Elon Musk engaging with white nationalists and antisemites who want to ban the Anti-Defamation League from his platform formerly known as . https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-757445

@shonin@mastodon.world avatar

@w7voa Bail now, everyone. Don't look back.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@shonin @w7voa blaming a Jewish organization for the Nazis you invited onto your platform... yeesh.

@wsrphoto@sfba.social avatar

@w7voa Remember this is guy requiring Twitter-X users to submit selfie with picture of government ID to be verified and subscribe for better tools and service, and wants to create global version of WeChat with ypur financial and employment information with your account numbers. Do you really want to trust this guy with your life? We thought Trump,was a nut job. Musk is the whole dish of fruits and nuts.


@w7voa I really don’t think we need another platform like Fox. He doesn’t need conventional ad $$$ since he has the Saudis and dark money. So now what?!!


@w7voa "Look, I'm not racist, I just think that [RACIST OPINION]"

@VE2UWY@mastodon.radio avatar


You can take the boy out of Apartheid, but you can't take Apartheid out of the boy.

@ChemicalEyeGuy@mstdn.science avatar

@w7voa #Twitter 🐦 👉 #Xitter 🚽


@w7voa He's allowing Saudi Arabia to track down dissenters. They are part owners.
Recently the Saudis were using artillery on refugees that were travelling through the desert.

@w7voa@journa.host avatar




But apparently exposing anti-Semitism (as the ADL does) isn't speech to be protected.

Go figure.


@w7voa He’s pro speech he agrees with and against anyone noticing his antisemitism.

@fernwoodsson@mastodon.online avatar

@w7voa 🤦



Elmo: "I'm against anti-Semitism of any kind. I just allow it to flourish on the major social media platform I solely own and control."


@w7voa who cares?


@w7voa the clarification would have a little more heft if he hadn’t been very clear that he considers “whiny Jews” (paraphrasing) to be the biggest source of anti-semitism.

@Beeks@mstdn.party avatar

@w7voa update: you don't need to keep repeating his lies.

@Beltliner403@mastodon.online avatar

@w7voa “To be super clear, my lawyers made me post this message.”

@MishaVanMollusq@sfba.social avatar

@w7voa Elon can’t sack up about his hatreds

@pthenq1@mastodon.la avatar

@w7voa lol

@JamesK@sfba.social avatar

@w7voa LOL!


@w7voa against anti-anti-semitism, perhaps.

@KevinATC@twit.social avatar

@w7voa must be why he is encouraging white supremacists and other radical racist groups on X, cause none of those would ever be anti-Semitic ( only like every post)

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Also this from Elon Musk today.


@w7voa "I'm a nobend" - Elon Musk.


@w7voa omg tone-deaf. No sense of cause and effect. He’s got a fried brain.


@w7voa what a crazy POS


@w7voa he's such a taint-pimple

@ferrix@mastodon.online avatar

@w7voa that's not how anything works!


@w7voa The ADL will demand to see a list of advertisers who told him ADL affected their X advertising or response to advertising in any way. It will be a short list.


@w7voa "I have no choice but to sue people for saying things I don't want to hear. I am a free speech absolutist".


@w7voa Nobody better than him at achieving amplification.


@w7voa I really don't like seeing screenshots and quotes by this double-speaking, bullying, wanna-be king of the universe. Definitely worth a contet warning. Also worth pondering how such attention has made such creeps. (Exhibit A: DJT.)

@MishaVanMollusq@sfba.social avatar

@w7voa he’s setting himself up to go thru a few things

@darwinwoodka@mastodon.social avatar

shorter Elon: "free speech for me (and my Nazi buddies) but not for thee, ADL...."

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Latest post from Elon Musk: “To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!”

@tinydoctor@mstdn.social avatar

@w7voa MuskXit is so thirteen years old.

@Joe_Hill@union.place avatar

@w7voa I’m sure that’s gonna go well.


@w7voa I guess theoretically they could also stop being antisemitic, but I guess that's just crazy talk.

@PizzaDemon@mastodon.online avatar

@w7voa The best lawyers money can buy against against some of the best lawyers money can't buy

@Colby@mastodon.world avatar

@w7voa as horrible as we’ve come to expect, but media will continue to cover and boost


@w7voa :baduk:

@JustTooOdd@lor.sh avatar

@w7voa Ahhhh, therein lies the problem. Musk has no clue what defamation means.


@w7voa Hi Steve, I left that platform in part because the man is a virulent bigot - when you share his quotes heree verbatim, it spreads his hate. At least begin the post with something like "noted enabler of hate speech blames his platform's rampant anti-semitism on a Jewish civil rights organization".

@LaureM@federate.social avatar

@w7voa this is agitprop not news.



Someone needs to let Musk know, it's not defamation if when it's true.

@genoforprez@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. The #1 favorite rhetorical move of the alt right is any form of "I know you are but what am I" / "I'm rubber, you're glue" / "nuh uh, you are" / "By calling me a racist, aren't YOU being racist?" / etc etc

It should be something childish to laugh at, but here we are, actually having to treat it like adult conversation on a daily basis.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@w7voa Perhaps this is a good place to drop this link...

ADL Donations: https://www.adl.org/take-action/ways-to-give?donate=1&campaign=404944

@Cirdan@awscommunity.social avatar

@w7voa Oh the moron!


@w7voa what!happened!to!free!speech!


@w7voa he cries freedom of speech constantly, then someone says something bigly mean and he runs crying because his poor ickle feelings are hurted!

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Looks like someone on #Twitter predicted it back in November. https://twitter.com/AnAndyPaul/status/1588544413252587520?s=20

@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa like with Trump "there's always a tweet"
I am so bored of these vain, little men.


@w7voa in tried an true fascist fashion first it's just the uppity ones who criticize him. He'll get around to full on soon enough


IIRC that was the day he attacked Dr Fauci because it was the day I closed down my account.

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

“Pointing out the rampant antisemitism on X (#Twitter) is not ‘controlling’ anyone or threatening X’s business,” says American Jewish Committee CEO Ted Deutch following the threat by Elon Musk to sue ADL for defamation.

@pablor@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa Elon has shown he’s a right wing racist. Sure, but is he antisemitic, you ask. Have you seen the number of Nazis (actual, literal Nazis) he has not just allowed back in his platform but also engaged and boosted? So, yes, he is an antisemite.

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

“The Musk-ADL flap feels like an inflection point for those of us who still have Twitter/X accounts. Is it time to delete them?” asks @msifry. https://open.substack.com/pub/theconnector/p/is-it-finally-time-to-quit-twitterx?r=1g77q&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

@w7voa@journa.host avatar

“Musk is engaging with and elevating these antisemites at a time when ADL is tracking a surge of bomb threats and swatting attacks of synagogues and Jewish institutions, dramatic levels of antisemitic propaganda being littered throughout Jewish and non-Jewish residential communities, and extremists marching openly through the streets in Nazi gear.” - ADL


@w7voa Hes trying to Crowdsource Kristallnacht. Basically..


@w7voa If he sues, would his private messages to antisemitic accounts be part of discovery?..


@JiSe @w7voa

all of it, every single fucking byte

@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

@w7voa the irony of having to visit the site to read the statement, oh my

@tasket@mastodon.social avatar


Even with this, they're giving him way too much credit. Don't play around with this... give Musk a few more days then declare a boycott!

#twitter #adl #bigotry #fascism


@w7voa adl is one messed up organization- bein used as some sort of weapon against beliefs that differ from the "narrative " they r pushin- i havent seen any divisive rhetoric on X- it would not b condoned- this is all projection hence the threat of suing the adl- i get it🤷‍♂️🤔😉🫶✌️


@jCarttarBrooke@mastodon.social avatar

Listen to: It's On!
Nayeema Maraza interviews Kara Swisher about Elon Musk She’s covered Musk since the late 90s. He's not himself. "He's someone that I used to know."


@jakemiller@federate.social avatar

@w7voa I hope someone can get Yaccarino on the record on this. After all, a lawsuit isn’t part of product development, and so that would be “under her control.” And since her key experience is advertiser relations, we should hear from her on whether ADL should be blamed as the root cause for advertisers avoiding the platform since the takeover. We shouldn’t be listening to Musk since she assured us she is actually the CEO with well-defined responsibilities.

@jCarttarBrooke@mastodon.social avatar

I collected vile antisemitic leaflets some knuckle-dragging racist dropped beside mailboxes around our neighborhood in January and a friend reported some more recently. It's only littering by law but I reported to the police and the ADL. If you see it, ask around for door cam shots. Same reported in several states across the US.


@w7voa Some antisemite doxed my wife over there last week because she’s Jewish. She complained and Twixer said it wasn’t a violation of their rules. 😐

In fact, the guy got reported for a bunch of hate crime snuff videos and he just keeps posting them, they never take the posts down.

I keep telling her to leave but that’s the only place her friends are at.


@w7voa And yet they are on X, paying for a Gold checkmark. 🤯

@ChemicalEyeGuy@mstdn.science avatar

@w7voa #Twitter :deadbirb: 👉 #Xitter 🚽, so we know where the mind of persistent tweeters is. 🤷🏻‍♂️ #ADL

@w7voa@journa.host avatar
@MrLee@aus.social avatar

@w7voa That was a great article.

@chargrille@progressives.social avatar

@w7voa @msifry

Just let the anti-semites talk to themselves.

Standing in solidarity with trans people and Jewish people is an important line in the sand.

Musk is spreading a creeping (now, racing) line of anti-Jewish propaganda that is indistinguishable from what Hitler was pushing in the 1920s & 30s.

@north_easton@mastodon.social avatar
@edgeoforever@mastodon.world avatar

@w7voa @msifry that "fighting" in the headline makes me lose my lunch.

@iuculano@masto.ai avatar

@w7voa @msifry

People who leave the should first post a disclaimer. Something along the lines of:

Advertisers, take note: This is to inform you that I'm leaving because of the crap continuously pulls, not because of the . You, as well as the ADM, may use my statement in legal proceedings

@barney@mas.to avatar

@w7voa @msifry

Worth reading, thank you.

Ultimate, I find @msifry's "stay" arguments unconvincing. I understand the need for immediate information during breaking events. However, with a white supremacist madman increasingly interfering with our access to that information on his platform, why should we continue to rely on it?

Also, let's not call it a "flap." Musk is falsely blaming The Jews for the failure of his business. We've seen where that leads.

@mangotable@famichiki.jp avatar

@w7voa @msifry the longer people stay on the dead bird site the longer they legitimize it’s clear nod to hate and fascism. It’s not going to get better.


@w7voa @msifry

Past time.


@w7voa @msifry

If you continue to stay on Twitter doesn't automatically make you a Nazi, it just means that Nazism isn't a dealbreaker for you

@aggualaqisaaq@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@josephramoney @w7voa @msifry Yup. Even worse is that stayinf is only contributing to the “creeping normalization” of anti-semitism. If you don’t take a stand here, you’re effectively saying this “level” of bigotry is ok with you. Then, the next time will inevitably be worse. And because it’s only likely to be incrementally worse, you’ll probably be ok with that too. And that’s how you end up with genocide.

@GoatRoper@mastodon.social avatar


Naw, stay as long as you want.

@Kathryn934@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa @msifry The "Dead Bird Site" is now fully poisoned. As long as Elon Musk is attached to it in any way, its days are numbered. It will be one for the business school textbooks.


@w7voa @msifry I get people who built a business there being reticent to start over again. But I really feel the biggest thing enabling Musk, these bigots, and all of the rest of the shitlord class is the "sane" world's complete lack of solidarity in standing up and walking out of the perverbial room.


@w7voa @msifry

Best time to delete your Twitter account: Before Musk took over.

Second-best time: now.

@MarkRNay@ravenation.club avatar

@w7voa @msifry for f!@$k sake it is WAY past time. Have you been paying attention. Or are you like Carrie fisher in “when Harry Met Sally” - he’s never going to leave his wife….

@LaureM@federate.social avatar

@w7voa @msifry omg just look back at the arbitrary and dangerous behavior, the smears, the attacks on minorities, throttling legit news sources etc. the line is so far behind you. We deserve this instability, the crisis of democracy. We forgotten the basic principles of democracy and the rule of law. Going along with herd and digital ignorance is no excuse.


@w7voa another reason why I left Twitter/X!

@tizan@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa Indeed ...that is the 1st amendment => right of speaking about reality...telling people about facts and what is happening. ADL points out the fact that racists are running amok on X...X will sue... Racists saying that Jewish people have no right to live...that is free speech ? The statements are made. X is an anti-Semitic, racist, pro-nazi platform...just like the sun will rise tomorrow morning. That is a fact


@w7voa Mr Musk doesn't have a problem with antisemitism on his platform (he seems go out of his way to amplify it)... he has a problem with outside groups calling him on it.

@Jennifer@bookstodon.com avatar

@w7voa I'm so happy I deleted my Twitter account 🤮


@w7voa I expect he will not file such a suit. It would amplify the evidence of the antisemitism he empowers.


@w7voa to be super clear, if you’re always having to explain yourself you are not being super clear.

@north_easton@mastodon.social avatar

@w7voa 🤔


@w7voa Schrödinger's racist...

@ohmu@social.seattle.wa.us avatar

Has he changed anything about what he does?
I mean, I guess it is better than him admitting the opposite out loud. Right?


@w7voa The brain is in the skull and the mouth is on the face.

@mjf_pro@hachyderm.io avatar

@w7voa Someone else can have fun trying to square that circle.


@w7voa He's scared of Parler's return.

@Hey_Beth@sfba.social avatar



@Hey_Beth @w7voa Translation: the House of Saud has loaned me a LOT of money.

@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

@Hey_Beth @w7voa another payoff from the House of Saud for a job well done?

@Hey_Beth@sfba.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • Lazarou,
    @Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

    @Hey_Beth @w7voa no wonder he sleeps with a gun or two next to his pillow.

    @mjf_pro@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Hey_Beth @w7voa Iran, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea now accounts for how much? 😵‍💫

    @aggualaqisaaq@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @Hey_Beth @w7voa I have not seen any reliable news organizations verify that claim— which is also from a pro-Musk propaganda account (and probably run by himself or a sycophant).


    @w7voa In the state controlled by Musk's pal: "... dabble in ... Esoteric Hitlerism – the belief that Adolf Hitler is a godlike figure."

    "Goyim Defense League are described by the ADL as “a small network of virulently antisemitic provocateurs” whose overarching goal is to expel Jews from America and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish people.", https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/09/04/orlando-florida-nazis-march-blood-tribe/
    Musk wants to sue Soros because Soros wants to fight against hate speech.

    2021: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/11/desantis-spokesperson-georgia-vaccine-passport-rothschilds-anti-semitism-conspiracy-theories.html

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