
@popcornreel@mas.to avatar

THE POLITICRAT DISPATCH 3: Violent crime is down more than 13 percent as a year over year decline under @POTUS @JoeBiden; murder reached a record high rates under Orange Felon34.


@grooveyard@mastodon.online avatar

The Groove Yard rummages through recorded relics finding forgotten 45s, long lost LPs, and great golden gems from the music of the 20th Century.


I dug a bit deeper for some of the tracks in this visit. Among them is music from Ray Charles, The Commodores, Beck, and Little Richard.

Previous shows at:


Get The Groove Yard on your station for free just ask

@LateNightLinux@mastodon.cloud avatar

Gary is organising OggCamp this year, so we wonder what makes the perfect Linux and open source event. Plus why we don’t use multiple partitions for home and swap etc.


@TheWarOnCars@mastodon.social avatar


"Kathy Hochul's Congestion Pricing Flip-Flop Fiasco." We discuss the 11th-hour decision to “indefinitely suspend” congestion pricing in New York. Was this bad politics or atrociously bad politics? What does it mean for the future of the subway, the economy, the environment and more?

More importantly, what can you do to save it?


#newyork #podcast #thewaroncars #congestionpricing

bpb, German
@bpb@social.bund.de avatar

Vor 20 Jahren, am 9. Juni 2004, wurden 22 Menschen durch einen Nagelbombenanschlag in der Kölner Keupstraße schwer verletzt. Der Anschlag war Teil der Mordserie des .

In der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kam es immer wieder zu rechtsextremen und rassistischen Gewalttaten.

Doch das an die Betroffenen war häufig mangelhaft und oblag zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiativen und/oder den Angehörigen.

Unser beleuchtet die Hintergründe: https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/podcasts/548834/hoert-uns-zu-gedenken-an-betroffene-rechter-gewalt/

@25admins@fosstodon.org avatar

2.5 Admins 198: SMB Pulse

Microsoft is tightening up SMB security in Windows which might break access to your old NAS, a Cogent root-server mysteriously goes out of sync without them spotting it, and protecting hard drives from electromagnetic pulses.


@gcluley@mastodon.green avatar

Huge huge thanks to everyone who voted for "Smashing Security" as the best #podcast for making cybersecurity accessible for all! 🏆

Carole Theriault and I are delighted to have our humble little pod recognised in this way.

If you haven't tried out "Smashing Security" yet, we've been going over seven years - week in, week out - covering the weird and wonderful world of cybersecurity with (hopefully) a sense of humour.

Find us in your favourite podcast app or at https://www.smashingsecurity.com

Graham Cluley crowing about a podcast award

@bazcurtis@mastodon.social avatar

@gcluley Are you going to share the trophy? Who gets it first?

@gcluley@mastodon.green avatar

@bazcurtis Seeing as @ThomLangford has been holding the two awards "Smashing Security" won last year hostage for the last 12 months, I think we can cope...

@popcornreel@mas.to avatar


When Black People (Tim Scott, Byron Donalds Etc) Are Forever Used Against Black People At Large


#ApplePodcasts #vote #Biden #usa #BlackMastodon

@davidaugust@mastodon.online avatar

I got to talk with @kevryanperson on his Tyrant In Training podcast: "Comedy podcast for guests to rule their own country as nice or evil as they want."

Our episode is coming out on Tuesday. You can catch up on his earlier ones here: https://tyrant-in-training.podcastpage.io/

#TyrantsInTraining #comedy #podcast #funny

@popcornreel@mas.to avatar




FACTS ARE FACTS: Democrats Are Better And Stronger On Border Security And Immigration Than Republicans

#vote #Democrats #Biden @BidenHQ
#ApplePodcasts #LastWord #politics #usa

danslerush, (edited ) French
@danslerush@framapiaf.org avatar

J'ai écouté le dernier épisode du de L' / avec l'ami Tristan @nitot et @alexis8nicolas sur la loi : loi de Moore inversée, il s'agit de tendre vers une des programmes pour que ceux-ci soient 2 fois moins consommateurs tous les 2 ans.

Ils l'expliqueront mieux dans l'entretien (transcription en lien) mais y'a une phrase qui raisonne très fort en moi :

« Faire tourner les services de demain sur le matériel d’hier »


@TheWarOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

"Paris has closed more than 100 streets to motor vehicles, tripled parking fees for SUVs, removed roughly 50,000 parking spots, and constructed more than 1,300 kilometers of bike lanes since Mayor Anne Hidalgo took office in 2014. Those changes have contributed to a 40% decline in air pollution..."


@vandenberglegs@mastodon.social avatar

@TheWarOnCars love to see it

@nicemicro@fosstodon.org avatar

@bbbhltz @TheWarOnCars it never ceases to amaze me how people think that freedom means that we should build our own homes to cater for them to be able to travel through with their metal murderboxes.

No, suburbanites, cities don't owe you a nice car infrastructure so you can haul your @$$ to our city in your personal vehicle. We need to build the cities for the people living there, not the people passing through.

@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

Christian Nationalist Joel Webbon Claims To Have The Support Of 'Massively Influential People'


@Blinxeto@mastodon.social avatar

These guys?

Julie_, French
@Julie_@mstdn.fr avatar

J'ai dévoré d'une traite ce #podcast sur la place des femmes chez les chef-fes d'orchestre... Ça m'a rappelé quand j'apprenais la trompette ado et qu'un des profs du conservatoire "refusait les filles dans son cours" sans avoir à donner d'explications.

Injustices: Le Bémol 1/5 : Circulez, y’a rien à voir

Lien de la page web de l'épisode: https://shows.acast.com/injustices/episodes/le-bemol-1

Fichier de l'épisode: https://sphinx.acast.com/p/acast/s/injustices/e/649448b2087a790011712f28/media.mp3


@Eceni@mastodon.scot avatar

#ElectionSpecial with @Neal_Compass of @CompassOffice

#AccidentalGods #Podcast - where we explore how we can change the system to bring power to those with wisdom and wisdom to those with power.



@mxtthxw@mxtthxw.art avatar

@Eceni Peaceful explosives?

Hmm, I'll have a think...

@Eceni@mastodon.scot avatar

@mxtthxw Peaceful action based on not-repeating the old paradigm - which is manifestly broken.

ueckueck, German
@ueckueck@dresden.network avatar

Heute kam eine neue Folge @rebootpolitics raus :blobcatheadphones:

▶️ https://podcasts.homes/@rebootpolitics/episodes/schlaf-ist-uberbewertet-aber-aufregen-nicht

Dieses Mal etwas kaputt und müde, aber nach der Wahl wird das wieder besser.

@tabs@dresden.network avatar

@ueckueck @rebootpolitics
Ja, das habt ihr euch auf jeden Fall verdient

@ueckueck@dresden.network avatar

@tabs :QueerCatHeart_Pride: @rebootpolitics

@setiinstitute@mastodon.social avatar

Social media allow you to find thousands of friends, many more than evolution has equipped us for. What are the consequences of being in touch with more people than you can hope to meet? It’s “Post Social Media” on Big Picture Science.

Listen here: https://bigpicturescience.org/episodes/post-social-media

#podcast #socialmedia #science #scicomm

marcinkrolik, Polish
@marcinkrolik@mastodon.social avatar

Dzień, który miał być świętem, ale stał się...


@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

Terecht punt dat in de #podcast #betrouwbarebronnen wordt aangestipt, Dick Schoof is als premier door niemand gekozen , heeft geen partij achter zich, is afhankelijk van steun van drie partijen die elkaar niet volledig vertrouwen, ook internationaal zal dat lastig zijn, geen democratische legitimiteit of partij achterban om binnen europa op terug te vallen.
#DickSchoof #politiek

ph00lt0, (edited )
@ph00lt0@mastodon.social avatar

@ErikJonker die podcast ben ik uit het oog of eigenlijk oor verloren, eens opzoeken weer.

@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar


Zeer de vraag of dit gaat werken. Enkel met een politiek mandaat en een visie.
Maar goed Schoof is een door de wol geverfde ambtenaar binnen een aantal ministeries. Is hij ook een politieke leider, dat is de vraag. Zo niet dan is dit in no time gedaan. Op een interim manager zit denk ik niemand te wachten.

M.i. gaan we met deze coalitie en richting sowieso niet krijgen waar dit land behoefte aan heeft. Weg van het neoliberale ik-tijdperk, tijd voor verbinding en sociale cohesie.

@waitingforreview@iosdev.space avatar

S4E18: Celebrating for Release 🎉

@dave has finally released version 3.0 of his app, GoVJ ! 🚀

Meanwhile, @daniel has an intern!

Join us, while we're... No longer Waiting for review 😅


#podcast #iOSDev #IndieDev #BuildInPublic #SaaS


Listening recommendation for the morning:

There are a lot of companies and ideas competing for space on the post-Twitter internet, and Jay makes a convincing argument that decentralization — the idea that you should be able to take your username and following to different servers as you wish — is the future. It’s a powerful concept that’s been kicking around for a long time, but now it feels closer to reality than ever before. You’ve heard us talk about it a lot on Decoder: the core idea is that no single company — or individual billionaire — can amass too much power and control over our social networks and the conversations that happen on them.


There are quite some reasons that leave me very cautious about Bluesky, one being for sure the fact there's one commercial entity currently backing this service / protocol, especially one that has risen from the same ecosystem that caused a lot of the trouble we do experience with current social media platforms. But, I've then and now been at odds with ActivityPub as a protocol, which gets worse the more I dig into it, and from that perspective, it seems the AT crowd gets a lot of things right, considered a lot of things that don't just seem obvious at least in the 2010s but actually surprising to see them missing from ActivityPub, a spec that has been established at roughly the same time: Full account portability (the idea of comparing personal data, conversations, comments, posts, ... to a github repository which "of course" you want to easily be able to take, backup, move around, ... seems both stunning and painfully trivial), support of custom domains for users (which Tumblr has already been supporting for years now), distributed curation and moderation (because most obviously community structures will be different to server or domain structures and not necessarily live on one instance exclusively) - in a way I really do hope they "show don't tell" by submitting that protocol to some standardization body anytime soon. Maybe this, too, could provide a good option for the "open" fediverse to counter the problems that might arise the very moment platforms like Meta / Threads fully embrace ActivityPub. (I also found it rather interesting to listen to what she had to say about why Meta might be more into ActivityPub than AT - being "server-centric" rather than "user-centric" - but that might just be a loose end of things.)


@grooveyard@mastodon.online avatar

The Groove Yard rummages through recorded relics finding forgotten 45s, long lost LPs, and great golden gems from the music of the 20th Century.


Music comes from the likes of T-Rex, The Band, Jimmy Cliff, Beats International, Neil Young, Otis Redding and some Rockabilly and more

Previous shows at:


Get The Groove Yard on your station for free just ask

@schalkneethling@hachyderm.io avatar

The latest episode of the Mechanical Ink podcast with @mia - Collaboration, the future of CSS, Sass, and the web -


montag, German

Diese ganzen mehrstündigen Laberpodcasts, hört die tatsächlich jemand? Mich macht es ja wahnsinnig so ein paar Menschen zuzuhören die sich für wahnsinnig witzig und toll halten und sich null auf das Thema vorbereitet haben, sich dafür permanent gegenseitig ins Wort fallen und Anekdoten erzählen die nichts mit dem Thema zu tun haben.

Der letzte große Reinfall war "SWR1 Meilensteine - Alben, die Geschichte machten. Ich interessiere mich ja schon für Musik und habe mir gedacht, das ist bestimmt interessant mal etwas zu den Hintergründen einiger Musikalben zu hören ... selten so einen Mist von selbstverliebten Schnackern gehört, besonders der Kerl ist kaum zu ertragen ...

Aber da ich ja nicht nur nörgeln möchte, hier mal die Liste mit #Podcast die mir gefallen:

  • #Sternengeschichten von @astrodicticum, ein Podcast von jemandem der sich auskennt und vorbereitet hat, mit Episoden die maximal 15 Minuten dauern. Eine absolute Empfehlung
  • Geschichten aus der Geschichte - selten länger als eine Stunde, die beiden haben sich gut vorbereitet und es sind interessante Geschichten.
  • Das Universum - Gut, es wird auch gelabert und eigentlich ist er mir zu lang, aber sie wissen wovon sie sprechen und haben sich vorbereitet (wirkt zumindest meist so :wink: )
  • Das Klima - Für mich auch ein bisschen zu lange Episoden aber auch kein belangloses gelaber.
  • Nachgefragt
  • Antritt - Der Fahrradpodcast: Meist interessante Themen die mich interessieren. Höre ich aber nicht regelmäßig.

Früher habe ich ja auch #Hoaxilla regelmäßig gehört, aber irgendwie haben die auch nachgelassen, zumindest mir gefällt es nicht mehr.

#DasUniversum #GeschichtenAusDerGeschichte #Nachgefragt #Podcast

@kaffeeringe@social.tchncs.de avatar

@montag Ich mag Meilensteine. Gerade, weil die viel und lange reden. Das sind auch immer unterschiedliche Leute. Die haben schon ein System, nach dem sie vorgehen.
Aber ich bin da auch in Corona zu gekommen, als ich viel Zeit hatte und wenig Lust auf die Welt.
"Geschichten aus der Geschichte" ist afaik einer der meistgehörten Podcasts.

@LateNightLinux@mastodon.cloud avatar

We look at OpenShift from an external perspective, including how it works in a multi-cloud environment, how it abstracts cloud resources, when administrators and developers still need to understand what is happening beneath the abstraction, combining OpenShift with cloud-managed services, some of the downsides of OpenShift, and where people should start if they want to learn.


#podcast #cloud #PlatformEngineering

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