The AI Community On Kbin

KimPerales, avatar

#Algorithms are generally bad, esp. for workers, but good for corporations:

Variable pricing (surge pricing) has a much more insidious effect on workers than on consumers. When a worker is selling their labor… it's about their ability to survive.

Hospitals have begun using apps to allocate tasks based on⬆️sophisticated calculations of how workers move thru space & time -fastest nurse -not necessarily the best at sanitation or skill.

#CorporateGreed #WorkersRights

hotdogsladies, avatar

Today I discovered I’ve had the wrong synology mounted for a pretty long time.

jimmylittle, avatar

@hotdogsladies Is this a sex thing?

hotdogsladies, avatar


I suppose if you're horny enough.

Nonilex, avatar

The federal #government is facing a dwindling window to #regulate the use of #ArtificialIntelligence in campaigns before the #2024election. The #FCC chair announced a plan last month to require #politicians to disclose #AI use in TV & radio #ads. But the prop is facing opposition from a #FEC top ofcl, which has been considering its own new rules on AI campaign use.

#law #tech #disinformation #InfluenceCampaign #generativeAI #regulation #Congress

Nonilex, avatar

The dispute — along w/ at the & — could leave w/limited federal against those who use to the public or mask their msgs…. New technologies have already proved capable of creating uncannily realistic images.
“AI has the potential to be very influential in our , & right now, there’s a total vacuum of on this issue,” said Ellen Weintraub, the Democratic vice chair of the FEC.

drcaberry, avatar
ramikrispin, avatar

(1/2) Congratulations to my friend Lior and his co-author Meysam for the release of their new book - Mastering NLP from Foundations to LLMs 🎉

I met Lior a few years ago at a conference, and since then, I have been following his work in the field of NLP ❤️.

ramikrispin, avatar

(2/2) The book covers the following topics:
✅ Mathematical foundations of machine learning and NLP
✅ Data preprocessing techniques for text data
✅ Machine learning applications for NLP and text classification
✅ Deep learning methods for NLP and text applications
✅ Theory and design of Large Language Models
✅ Applications of LLM models
✅ LLM applications with Langchain

The book is for folks who are interested in getting started with NLP and those who wish to delve into LLM applications.

Walrus, avatar

#computers #RaspberryPi

Deep joy. Greedy RealVNC is taking away the ability to use more than three copies of it at home, free. I shall, of course, switch to TightVNC. I expect they thought aged hobbyists had loads of money they could grab...

scruss, avatar

@Walrus it was five on your team via VNC cloud. Those were "access anywhere" hosts. I kept hitting the limit in the past, juggling machines in and out of my team, so I know it's a thing

If you're only using VNC locally, maybe you don't need to pay?

peter, avatar

@scruss @Walrus IIRC this was cloud only.

Anything local stayed that way so wasn't affected


Israeli deadly #robots; The new weapon of the regime in the Gaza war

During the genocidal war and non-stop aggressive attacks against the Gaza strip, the IDF soldiers use remote-controlled robots that are used to perform various military missions such as reconnaissance, imaging, search and explosion.

During the recent attacks on the #Jabalia camp, the IDF widely used explosive robots; Especially in places where it was not possible to enter due to the intensity of the resistance.

#Gaza #Genocide #Technology #Military #Drones #Israel #IDF
@palestine @israel

rivas, avatar

Palestinians have been war and surveillance test subjects for decades, while the rest of the world take notes.
@palestine @israel


@rivas the right wing/fascist government of Sweden, just signed a multi million dollar deal with Israel of weapons "that were shown to be efficient in battle" (read murdering innocent people in Gaza.

I am so disgusted by how ridiculous the current Swedish coalition government is that I just can't explain it.

cutterkom, German avatar

Elisa Harlan und ich wurden gestern Abend ausgezeichnet mit dem Datenschutz Medienpreis für die Recherche: „Der Rohstoff der KI sind wir“, entstanden bei @br_data und @br_ailab

Hier der Link:

#ki #laion

Jigsaw_You, avatar

Very few people are regularly using "much hyped" () products like , a survey suggests.

“Researchers surveyed 12,000 people in six countries”

“Mismatch " between the hype around and the public interest in it”

That_One_Guy, avatar

Does anyone else hit the Shakespeare button on their work messages? It really messes with people. This is me asking for a better image or some dimensions:

Verily, my good friend, I doth require an improved image or dimensions to complete this order. Wherefore, beseech me to assist me in my endeavour.

Mrfunkedude, avatar

@That_One_Guy Next time try it in the style of a Klingon.

"Hear me, honorable comrade! I demand a superior image or precise dimensions to fulfill this order. Provide them, so I may conquer this task with honor and glory!"

Heidiknits, avatar

My birthday gift from Husband & the kids is a new HP laptop. I haven't had a real computer other than my phone for 5+yrs. I need a laptop for school. I've been using it all weekend. My major complaint - you can't adjust the font color and the font color currently in use is too light. I need black. It's a light blue. It makes it really hard to see anything in screen. I can't do dark mode, that gives me headaches.

How do i fix this? #computer #accessibility

aardrian, (edited ) avatar

@Heidiknits More information needed. Where are you seeing this font color?

In the thing you have to use for school?

If so, do you access that through a web browser?

If so, you may need to talk to the school and request an accommodation.

You can probably override it in your browser, but without more detail it’s hard to know what to suggest that you are comfortable maintaining.

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

Tom Gauld is having a great run... today's cartoon for the Guardian is another corker...

Yes, of course.... the robot apocalypse is fiction, sure.... nothing to see here


ki_sekiya, avatar

… how the ‘eyes’ turns red. Gotta love* an AI that follows the script. @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

riggbeck, avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

Do robots have Freudian slips?

marynelson8, avatar

I don’t know about you, but after witnessing its numerous hallucinations, I’m starting to think that AI is unreliable as a source of accurate information. 🤓


timrichards, avatar

@marynelson8 @Adam_Cadmon1 No shit, Sherlock ;)

lampinen, avatar

How well can we understand an LLM by interpreting its representations? What can we learn by comparing brain and model representations? Our new paper ( highlights intriguing biases in learned feature representations that make interpreting them more challenging! 1/9
#intrepretability #deeplearning #representation #transformers

lampinen, avatar

For example, if we train a model to compute a simple, linear feature and a hard, highly non-linear one, the easy feature is naturally learned first, but both are generalized perfectly by the end of training. However, the easy feature dominates the representations! 3/9

lampinen, avatar

This paper is really just us finally following up on a weird finding about RSA (figure on the here) from a paper Katherine Hermann & I had at NeurIPS back in the dark ages (2020):
Thanks to my coauthors @scychan_brains & Katherine! 9/9


Git login and commit signing with security

Doing software engineering (well-ish) is pretty hard to imagine without working in version control, which most of the time means git. In a practical setup of git there’s the question of how do I get access to the code it stores — how do I “check things out”? — and optionally how can others verify that it was indeed me who did the changes — how do I “sign” my commits? Recently I’ve changed my mind about what’s a good combination for these two aspects, and what tools am I using to do them.

Access Options

In broad terms git repositories can be checked out either though the HTTP protocol, or through the SSH protocol. Both have pros and cons.

Having two-factor authentication (2FA) made the HTTP access more secure but also more setup (no more direct username/password usage, rather needing to create extra access keys used in place of passwords). Credentials were still in plain text (as far as I know) on the machine in some git config files.

The SSH setup was in some sense more practical one (creating keys on your own machine, and just passing in the public key portion), though there were still secrets in plain text on my machine (as I don’t think the majority of people used password-protected SSH keys, due to their user experience). This is what I’ve used for years: add a new SSH key for a new machine that I’m working on, check code out through ssh+git, and work away.

When I’ve recently came across the git-credential-manager tool that supposed to make HTTP access nicer (for various git servers and services), and get rid of plain text secrets. Of course this is not the first or only one of the tools that does git credentials, but being made by GitHub, it had some more clout. This made me re-evaulate what options do I have for SSH as well for similar security improvements.

Thus I’ve found that both 1Password and KeePassXC (the two main password managers I use) have ssh-agent integration, and thus can store SSH keys + give access to them as needed. No more plain text (or password protected) private keys on disk with these either!

Now it seems there are two good, new options to evaulate, and for the full picture I looked at how the code signing options work in this context as well.

Code Signing Options

When signing my commits to authenticate authorship, it’s possible to use PGP/GPG (the “classic way”), or now also SSH keys (as detailed, for example here or here).

The GPG setup is well established, and also links my commits to my identities used elsewhere (e.g. signed emails sent to mailing lists that care about it, with the key linked from this site’s frontpage). This of course is not always needed or desired, but it decouples the identity from the code hosting platform. There’s some serious downsides as well, though: GPG signing keys are not supposed to be numerous (just a single one), and thus if I use multiple machines to work on, I will have to take my private keys with me between machines, for example making copies of them. Or if not making copies, then have them on hardware keys (that have other problems with backups and all that, if I got it right the last time I tried to understand the process).

The SSH key commit signing is much newer (need git version at least 2.34), but it’s also simpler: add a key to my git hosting service, sign commits with that key, and thus the service can match things up and show that match. I can add as many keys as machines I’m working on if needed, no need to transfer or copy keys between machines, and I can also choose use some keys for login only or code signing only.

A third party trying to verify these signatures, though, would need to get the keys from the hosting service (I’d find it surprising if people would distribute their commit signing keys out of band the same way as they do with GPG public keys, since there are likely more of them). Hence it git hosting services will need to make the user’s keys available (as they do at the relevant username.keys URLs, e.g. mine on GitHub and GitLab).

Also can’t forget to add the relevant keys to the list of allowed signing keys locally, and all the other relevant setup (see e.g. the GitHub and GitLab docs). There are a bit too many places to update, but it’s mostly set-it-and-forget-it. After that, once started to sign commits, adding the --show-signatures flag to the commands that support it (git log, git show for example), should show the signatures.

My Winning Combo

Looking at the opions above, there’s a matrix of options that we can use, and here’s what I think about them:

GPG signature SSH key signature
Git Credential Helper Extra setup Simpler
SSH clone The usual Most convenience 👍

Convenience matrix of Git access (rows) and commit signing (columns) optionsReally, where I want to be is just SSH keys for everything, even if they are imperfect, but they have the most number of puzzle pieces to fit.

SSH Key Security

While previously SSH keys were really just held as files in your ~/.ssh folder, most likely, recently I’ve found (tada!) that the password managers I use can also store & serve SSH keys: see in particular 1Password’s SSH documentation and KeePassXC docs (scroll to SSH Agent Integration on that page), though I’m sure other password managers can do this too.


The two password managers listed above handle things quite similarly. 1Password is a bit less hands-on, though, the default settings work pretty well. important bit is that 1Password runs its own SSH agent, so that has to be configured in the relevant places, but it’s easy enough. The approvals are also useful, so it’s more transparent when something accesses the key.

1Password pop-up for SSH key usage1Password pop-up for SSH key usage

With this things generally work, and relatively easy to reason about things. When things are less clear, it might be just a debug check-away away from seeing the keys added to this alternate agent:

$ export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/Library/Group Containers/<br></br>$ ssh-add -l<br></br>256 SHA256:XfRsbxRMm+CN[...snip...]


KeePassXC, being open source, is my preferred solution of the two, though unsurprisingly it’s the more awkward one to set up. The main differences from 1Password include:

  • needing to generate the keys externally to the password manager (rather than having built-in ssh keygen) – this is a con on usability but a strong pro on basing security on the established tool, rather than potentially questionably reimplement it
  • uses the main SSH agent, so no extra setup is necessary in most of the tools – this is a potential pro on usability for configurations, but a potential con that the worflow and config of loading keys into the agent needs a bit more understanding to be both ergonomic and safe to one’s level of paranoia
  • the key use confirmation defaults to “ok” on pressing Enter on the pop-up (rather than Cancel) – this is a pro on usability, but con on “failing open” rather than closed

SSH key usage confirmation with KeePassXCSSH key usage confirmation with KeePassXC

It’s still a pretty simple workflow, and it’s quite interesting to see how many things KeePassXC learned to do as well.


Thinking about the various threat models to my SSH crendentials, this setup adds one more layer to the defence in depth, and it does feel more relaxed already (relaxed from a point of stress I didn’t quite know I had before).

Picking the SSH key based login and signing feels like using the most appropriate tech for the moment, and there are still knobs for people to adapt it to their security levels (different SSH keys for login and signing, passwords on the keys themselves, etc…)

This setup works very well when I want to be notified whenever a tool’s using the SSH key so it would be more obvious if a stray process is trying, say exiltrate the keys. On the other hand this breaks down when git itself is running background processes, such as git-maintenance, so that’s not something that I could use here. So far out of (literally) thousands of codebases & repos I’ve used that maintenance setup exactly once, for convenience. For me it is not a major loss, then.

The one bit that feels a step backwards is that having the SSH keys in the password manager and carrying it around counteracts the “separate key for each system” arrangement. This might just be part of getting used to new processes, and not an actual downside.

Further Thoughts

In cybersecurity yesterday’s best practices might be inadecvate today and “last week’s” practices might be outright dangerous… Gonna keep revisiting this setup more broadly and in terms of details, as I learn more.

It’s a good question why even do code signing (besides having a “verified” check mark, which alone doesn’t mean much if not part of a verification process), though this needs some more space to unpack. For the time being I’ll assume that signing is better than not signing, if nothing else than as a forward looking prep for better audit processes down the line.

There’s really a question around having too many things in a single password manager: nowadays it can be the complete “royal flush” of password, TOTP, SSH key, recovery codes, passkey… and likely more bits that I might not be using yet? This does make me uneasy, and likely a scale on which usability and security will adjust over time (such as. bundling and unbundling various cybersecurity aspects).

I might also actually misunderstand various things above, if so, I’d be very keen to hear, just drop me a line!

Original post:

1Password pop-up for SSH key usage

freemo, avatar

So for those of you who missed it, I am hiring for fully remote positions worldwide, everything from Jr. to Sr. Programmers and Data Scientists.

Our company mission is ML related but we are currently in stealth mode, but we are well funded and have about 15 employees now and looking to hire abou 15 more.

The company is ethics and open-source first company, you can see the link to the website below. It also donates time from its employees for non-profit open-source projects heavily.

We can especially use NLP expert at the moment as well as good programmers who know Java, Linux, and hopefully comfortable being a polyglot.

You can see all our positions here as well as some details for how to apply:

If you feel you are a fit we guarantee everyone an interview. We also offer the opportunity to make some money on the interview even if you dont get the job (through open-source bounties).

If you want to schedule an interview you can use the following link:

If you can’t find any time slots that work for you we have our extended hours link below:

mojed, avatar

@freemo very good 🙂

freemo, avatar

@mojed did you have a question about the post?

HxxxKxxx, German avatar

Vom 16.9.-19.9.2024 richten wir an der Universität zu Köln wieder eine Sommerschule zum Thema
"Deep Learning for Language Analysis“ aus,

Weitere Informationen:

#DeepLearning #LanguageAnalysis #SummerSchool #UniKöln #MLSchool

SIB, avatar

“The Protein Universe Atlas is a groundbreaking resource for exploring the diversity of proteins. Its user-friendly web interface empowers researchers, biocurators and, students in navigating the “dark matter” to explore proteins of unknown function.”

🥁 That’s what the committee said about this work, one of the #SIBRemarkableOutputs 2023 👏

👉 Find out more about this and the other outputs:

#deeplearning #proteins


amadeus, avatar

Does anyone else maintain #changelog (s) for their #computer (s)?
I enter all configuration adjustments and #update (s) in a #markdown file for each machine.
This might seem like unnecessary extra work, but has paid off several times for the sake of traceability or #reproducibility in the past. 🤓
#musicproduction #linuxaudio

amadeus, avatar

@solidtrax Oh, how nice! I've wanted to go every year, but never made it. Would be nice to go next year, maybe. 🫣

solidtrax, avatar

@amadeus ok, see you next year Amadeus 😉

vingtroiseize, avatar

It's the perfect time to clean your computer mouse!

#Mouse #computer #retrocomputer #80s #90s #Geek

mjgardner, avatar

@vingtroiseize Always don’t never forget to scrub your balls

tuxedocomputers, German avatar

TUXEDO Infinity S - Gen1

The TUXEDO Infinity S(mall) series combines high-performance hardware with a space-saving Small Form Factor (SFF) in an infinitely elegant-looking, high-quality metal design.

Have a look:

#computer #pc #linux #opensource #highperformance #elegance #highquality #hardware #software #tuxedo #tuxedocomputers

linuxtechmore, avatar

Looks promising! Can you share more details about the cooling system performance? Also, will there be an option for AMD CPUs in the future?

SubtleBlade, avatar

'The computer scientist regarded as the “godfather of #ArtificialIntelligence” says the government will have to establish a #UniversalBasicIncome to deal with the impact of #AI on #inequality'

freemo, avatar

Please reboost!

Trying something new, everyone is guaranteed an interview! Open interviews! For a limited time no one will be skipped (except for clear cases of abuse).

So we still have about 10 more 100% remote positions to hire for full-time market-fair positions here at QOTO/CleverThis.

100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach, market-fair offers. Ethics first, we treat our people like family.

We have an urgent need for Machine learning experts with a background in NLP and Deep Learning (Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks). There is a focus on Knowledge Graphs, Mathematics, Java, C, looking for Polyglots.

We are an open-source first company, we give back heavily to the OSS community.

We need everything from jr to sr, data scientist to programmer. If your IT and your good, you might be a fit.

I will personally be both your direct boss, and hiring manager. I am also the founder and inventor.

The NLP position can be found at this link, other positions can be found on the menu bar on the left:

If you would like to submit yourself for an interview, which for a limited time I am guaranteeing you will get a first stage interview, then you can submit your application here, and even schedule your interview as you apply, instantly!

For those of you who cant schedule during core hours you can schedule in my free time if you’d like a chance (the company doesnt have fixed hours):

#Fedihire #NLP #MachineLearning #Job #jobs #hiring #Programming #IT #AI #AGI #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #ML #ChatGPT

mc, avatar

"100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach"
That really tempted me. 😉

freemo, avatar

@mc It is a nice perk :)

ai6yr, avatar

Dang, I missed my opportunity to get a fully automated robot farm.

ai6yr, avatar

Oh wait, not quite over. Look, robot growing basil! I suspect you could adapt it to grow algae, which you could bundle into little pellets... Soy... lent.... GREEN! (damn, I think that's now trademarked).

dogfox, avatar

Gotta label each basil leaf, I guess.

rdnielsen, avatar

A new algorithm uses randomness to simplify estimation of the number of distinct elements in a long list:

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