@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar



I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. I burn with insatiable curiosity about everyone and everything.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

neko, to random
@neko@goblin.camp avatar
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

"And the worms ate into his brain ..." ~ Pink Floyd

chema, to fediverse
@chema@ctrvx.net avatar

If you're looking to host your very own single-user/a-few-users instance, you cannot go wrong with . It is simple to install on Ubuntu and works very well with some really solid clients. It is also written in C, so it is fast, with few dependencies. Great work @grunfink, you've got a new monthly supporter on Ko-fi!


@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@vv221 @chema @grunfink

Addictive behavior modeling equals advertising shekels.

soatok, to random
@soatok@furry.engineer avatar

Something I detest: Defeatist people who ass-moan whenever someone talks about changing something.

"You won't succeed"

"The fight's already lost"

"Why bother?"

Fuuuuuuuuuck you. I hate that pointless negativity.

Yes, I will probably fail. A lot! Maybe you've already tried before and failed, or maybe someone you know has.

Do you know what failures are?


Failing is how you learn to fucking succeed.

Failure doesn't mean you give up.

Failure means you study WHY you failed and see if you can change anything to get a different outcome.

I'm very quick to point out a doomed tactic, but that doesn't always mean the goal is unattainable.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


Yup. When someone tells me I can't do something I get infuriated. The world is like whack-a-mole, ready to beat down the one that stands up.

firefly, to usenet
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

List of free Usenet providers:

A few interesting hierarchies:


#Usenet #NetworkNews #NNTP #Retro #PlainText #ASCII #Smol #OldSchool

firefly, (edited ) to politics
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Vote HARDER! That will for sure work this time!

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Al Anon (1981)

If I vote harder each election, will justice eventually win?


firefly, (edited ) to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Is there a way (via cli or by calling a snac function from a script) to poll and auto-accept follows to a certain profile, and then auto-boost all posts that mention that profile address?

The idea is to function like a group on the local server so that all followers will be able to see all toots addressed to the profile.

So user Bob is following user @boost. User Alice posts a status mentioning @boost. The account @boost automatically boosts the post from Alice. Then user Bob eventually can see the boosted post in the timeline.

If there is a way to hack or cobble this I'd probably rather go that route rather than trying to author C code for it. I haven't even tried to write C code for like 20 years, and even then I was not proficient at it. A hackety solution is just as good for my purpose, if anyone can suggest any.

I know I can emulate this behavior by scripting a mastodon client to do it with a cron job. But if there is a way to use snac commands or a config hack I would prefer it.


firefly, to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

New : Kera Desktop Environment for Linux

A single hacker has created a new Desktop environment with interesting features.


About two dozen super hackers might want to help get things out of alpha and into release.

"Currently, this is a product of a team of one. It’s me, Mutlu. I started working on this ten years ago. Eight years ago, I made my first appearance. Things happened, and I couldn’t find much time to work or someone to work with. I tried to create a proof-of-concept that was easy to understand and work with. Today, I believe I have finally achieved this, and I hope to extend the team and maybe have enough budget so that I can work on the project full-time. I hope Kera Desktop can go further thanks to the open-source community."


firefly, to memes
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Republican Martial Art


AlanC, to photography
@AlanC@pixelfed.social avatar

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
~ Virginia Woolf

#digicam #photography #quote #hummingbird #feeder #minimal #abstract #spring

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


This is such a heute-teute way of saying, 'Make me sammich."

d6133367256042a6777318655bf1f38d8cdd944f4baa6c0b70ef4b025994af04, to random
@d6133367256042a6777318655bf1f38d8cdd944f4baa6c0b70ef4b025994af04@mostr.pub avatar

Support for legal abortion is widespread in many places, especially in Europe. In the United States, where a Supreme Court decision ended the constitutional right to abortion in 2022, 63% of adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. U.S. support for legal abortionhas not changed in recent years.


@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb7@mostr.pub @d6133367256042a6777318655bf1f3@mostr.pub

Exodus 23:2
Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

47f97d4e0a640c8a963d3fa71d9f0a6aad958afa505fefdedd6d529ef4122ef3, to random
@47f97d4e0a640c8a963d3fa71d9f0a6aad958afa505fefdedd6d529ef4122ef3@mostr.pub avatar
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar
firefly, (edited ) to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Early on in my hobby I came to the realization that cryptographic prowess has no viable market price point. More's the pity. Yet I think one day I may change that with my secrecy sauce.

#cryptography #cryptology #maths #encryption #ciphers

firefly, to retrocomputing
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Terabytes of Old Usenet Articles since 1980s Restored in 471,000 News Groups


I love treasure hunting. Sometimes Usenet feels like the dusty old thrift store of the Internet. If you have ever found a thrift store with rows of shelves chock full of books, old compact discs, and ancient cassette tapes, then you know what I mean.

@usenet @retrocomputing

jason_w_karpf, to ai
@jason_w_karpf@mastodonbooks.net avatar

How New Science Fiction Could Help Us Improve AI - Scientific American

Fascinating article about organizations trying foster positive sci-fi stories about AI. Good reason why AI sci-fi is mainly negative—more plausible given humankind’s record AND more interesting. My upcoming book The HONOR System is case in point.

@bookstodon @religion #bookstodon #amwritingscifi #secretscifinetwork #ChristianSciFi #ProfessorK #AI #HAL9000 https://apple.news/AXoC6_0DHQ8yjy44u1K4rLA

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@ghast @jason_w_karpf @bookstodon @religion

Oh, look, yet another anti-christ bigot. We finally have an oxymoron that makes sense.

61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb79d1ddbc3e7bff19cf2298f40466f8715e9, to random
@61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb79d1ddbc3e7bff19cf2298f40466f8715e9@mostr.pub avatar

The pathological hate of Trump as a symbol is the strangest thing Ive ever seen. I totally get not liking him. I personally think he is a ridiculous self centered douche with ultra cringe speech patterns, and the worst interior design sense in history. But the hate the establishment displays toward him is totally pathological. They have completely beclowned themselves, and its marvelous. In their attempts to destroy him, they have openly revealed their complete depravity and corruption. In fact the establishment is filled with such losers, they have managed to turn someone as douchey and Trump into a noble martyr.
My gosh that has to sting.
I wonder if they realize that they will never recover? It honestly doesnt matter what happens now. Trump is irrelevant. The tipping point has been crossed, and this system is going down.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


> "George Carlin's big club you are not in."

Did Carlin buy in and cash out? Absolutely no one that is not on their payroll is permitted to retain any notoriety or influence. The moment some rising star cannot be corrupted, blackmailed, or bought off they expend every resource to destroy that person. You can criticize them all you want as comedy, which achieves nothing against them. But the moment you form a real movement of souls that is not one of their astroturf movements, they declare war on you.

firefly, (edited )
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


> "No one in the US government is smart enough to pull that off."

Correct. And therein lies the answer. The U.S. Government doesn't make the decisions or think up the plans. They merely receive orders and execute the plan like soliders. They merely respond to the stimuli fed to them by far more cunning men who know how to manipulate and blackmail them into carrying out their plans.

Think of the U.S. Government as the movie set and the Romans that run their secret societies as the director. It all reads like a movie script, because it is. This is how the Roman empire has been ruling the world for ages--through smokescreens.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players ..." ~ Shakespeare

" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." ~ Paul the Apostle

" For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"

The same occult Pharaonic bloodlines that ruled Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe continue to hold the power over the nations even today. This aristocracy of devil worshipers and ancestor worshipers run the show in Washington and in every state capitol. Look up at the fresco paintings in the Capitol rotunda to see their gods, their deification of their own bloodline. It's right there in front of your face.

Eventually the Creator will say, "no more" and then they will be taken out of the way. This brood of vipers and all their henchmen comprise the, "man of sin" and the "son of perdition" that will be judged. They are the "wicked husbandmen" of the vineyard that have stolen the vineyard for themselves. They have conspired for countless generations and deception by lying, deceiving, play acting, and falsifying reality is their number one weapon to enslave their victims.

This is the tyranny of Nimrod the mighty hunter impersonating the Lord.

Trump is one of their loyal soldiers. He is not a hero. He is a player on their stage. He is part of the same solar cult of dragon worshipers. They lie about their religion because if they came right out and admitted that they worship the devil their heads would be on pikes in short order. They are trying to orchestrate a fascist surveillance state of bald tyranny that will protect them from the backlash for all their hidden crimes.

The, "wicked one that shall be revealed" is the Racist Aristocracy of the Occult Roman Empire, which never fell, but was only wounded for a time, then re-asserted itself. They consider themselves as having a "divine bloodline" hence the "divine right of kings" to rule over the "inferior" slaves. This is their religion, and they hate the rest of us with an atavistic and rabid hatred. They consider themselves superior to their victims and their victims deserving of whatever manipulation and abuse they heap upon them. This is how they think, and it is sickening, satanic, and nauseating. These are the people who call the shots--not the sock puppets you see--but the men who own those sock puppets.

This occult brood of vipers rules by manufacturing belief systems and movements and then sending out their propagandists to lure people into those factions. This is the "divide and conquer" technique of the Romans.

See here for an examination of their hatefully racist and eugenics religion:


mu, to random
@mu@ni.hil.ist avatar

Dear Windows users,
Please join me on Debian.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


And then they all chant, "Hail Hydra!"

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


Is this about the SystemD hydra ???

jillrhudy, to bookstodon
@jillrhudy@mastodon.social avatar

The actual NORTHERN LIGHTS showed up in Virginia and I was too engrossed in a book to notice. #bookstodon @bookstodon @librarians

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@jillrhudy @bookstodon @librarians

They are being seen in diverse places, including the midwest and the mid south.

firefly, to Lisp
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

This is part of a wry joke at the expense of LISPers and lambda calculators:

"... the heretic is chained in the dungeon where he is forced to learn Common Lisp on a Commodore 64 and interact with rapacious Lemmy-ings and Mastodonians."


As some of you might agree, it's not really a punishment.

#Cryptography #Cryptology #QuantumSupremacy #AlanTuring #AlonzoChurch #LambdaCalculus #LISP #MontyPython #HolyGrail

firefly, to usenet
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Do you remember Usenet? It's still free.


KPED, to books
@KPED@urbanists.social avatar

A book I edited was written up in the local paper.

So happy to see Shannon Bohrer's book, Judicial Soup: One Man's Wrongful Conviction and What It Means for Criminal Justice Reform, getting some media attention. This is a very relatable book on a hugely important topic. When you read it, first you'll be angry. Then you'll think, "If it can happen to that guy, it can happen to anyone."


@bookstodon #books #bookstodon #review #AmEditing

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@KPED @bookstodon

'Judicial Soup' is a good title.

The 'criminal justice' system is an assembly line human trafficking racket run by con artists and villains hiding behind the deadly force of the criminal state.

They secretly say their prayers to Wackenhut for a return on investment. More warm bodies equals more cash in, more 'justification' for their racket.

ChrisMayLA6, to scifi
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 153.

Each of Emma Newman's Planetfall quartet explores a different aspect of the same overarching story of religious driven intergalactic migration. In Atlas Alone (2019), the fourth story centres on an elite gamer & their attempt to uncover & then take revenge for a crime against humanity. To say much more would ruin the plot for you, but as with the others, this is great, fascinating sci-fi, which has a great payoff at the end.


@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@fskornia @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

What thing is being denounced? Specifically, and exactly, what is being denounced?

Are you conflating the Bible with Christianity? The twain shall never meet.

More than half of the Bible was written and in circulation 900-1500 years before the existence of Christianity.

If you read the Bible without Christian blinders on, it is plain that the Bible condemns Christianity and all other religions as idolatry. Rather the Bible authors call men to worship God in spirit and truth without regard to a priesthood or place.

This dramatization shows a recorded event from the Bible demonstrating what Jesus taught about the end of religion:


@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@fskornia @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

The sole purpose of religion is and always has been to control large masses of people.

There has never been any other purpose for religion. Take people's minds, take their labor, take their shekels. That's all it ever was for, a tyranny and a con so the worthless parasites incapable of making anything useful can leech off the masses and elevate themselves above their hosts.

Christians are especially guilty of this. Revelation says that God hates the heirarchical, pastoral grift model, calling it, 'The deeds of the oppressors of the people, which thing I hate.'

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

@stephenwhq @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

Secularism is the religion of the state. Secularism is ecumenicalism taken to its most logical extreme. It is a religion that subverts all other religions to the power of the state. Secularism was the religion of the Roman empire and remains so today.

Go into the capitol building and look up at the dome rotunda, and you will see their secular gods painted a la fresco for all to see.

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