
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute."

  • Buenaventura Durruti

anti-colonial | anti-capital | anti-state | & always anti-fascist

Trying to live mindfully & anarchically as possible

Pronouns: he/him/they/them

pfp is a crudely drawn anarchy symbol with the hand-lettered words "fuck fascists, fuck TERFs". background image is a hand-painted wooden sign with the words "don't judge the day by crops reaped but by seeds planted."

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

angelteeth, to random

Since getting COVID multiple times, I get tired - as in, suddenly, seriously tired - even more easily than before. And I feel mentally foggier more of the time too. It feels almost constant. The depression is worse. I know it's not much compared to what some people are going through, but to me right now it feels like a lot, too much, because I don't know how I can keep working in this industry when I get tired and dizzy so easily now.

I wanted to get the fuck out of tourism finally and do something cool - maybe research vessels, or some kind of humanitarian aid. But I feel like doing anything but clinging on with my fingernails right now is as likely to happen as me sprinting up the side of a mountain.

The collapse is happening so fast now and I feel swept away in it. Not rooted, not resourced, not brave, not connected to anything. I wanted to be better than this. Maybe it's time to start looking for some small way that exiting this world can do some good, instead. I am not needed here. I got nothin.

angelteeth, to random

✨Social Support Request for Anarchist Transfem in Rojava✨🏳️‍⚧️

(Hey all, received this support request from a beloved friend tonight, on behalf of a friend of hers who's really needing some community right now! Copied message below:)

asking for social support for a trans woman who's been volunteering as a combat medic in Rojava for the last few years & is now staying w/comrades before she comes back to turtle island. She has a way to get bottom surgery paid for over there and has a date lined up for this May, but she's very isolated in a really conservative transphobic bigoted region and doesn't know any other trans girls and it sounds like the lack of sisterhood in the midst of intense harassment and alienation is taking a really steep emotional toll.

We're pretty worried about her and are wondering if anyone knows any transfem spaces or groups or projects she can connect to over zoom/jitsi/groupchats? something like a letter writing group or bookclub would be ideal atm- she's currently working on a few anarchist publishing projects in europe remotely but doesnt have anything like that wiith other tgirls & would like to focus on those spaces at this point

angelteeth, to random
angelteeth, to random
angelteeth, to random

Okay, seems like it's time for me to read #TheDawnofEverything for literally the 6th time because every critique (from the left) I have read of it so far is completely confusing. They all seem to be arguing heatedly against theses that I didn't at all interpret Graeber & Wengrow to be making. Am I stupid? Why do people seem to be so vehement about statements that I cannot for the life of me recall being in the book?

Maybe it's kickback against the grandiose title, which yeah, I can see raising an eyebrow at (I kinda did myself), because anything purporting to be a history of "everything" is a little uh....yeah. But once I got past that to the book's (supposed??) actual thesis statement, I felt I could accept fairly easily accept the questions the authors were asking and the arguments they made towards the answers to those questions. Without, of course, applying a 100% certainty that these are the definitive answers, because I don't think there can actually be definitive answers to anything.

What I valued most about the book was its opposition to entrenched Western cultural narratives about history, particularly deep history, that uphold a linear, progressivist view of social & cultural development; and its inherent optimism about the ability of human beings and human societies to address social issues in thoughtful and creative ways (thus belying the old narrative that industrialization, capitalism, & authoritarianism were "inevitable" or worse, "natural" outcomes of history).

So I'm going to try again, because I don't understand the content of some of these critiques — many of them seem to be arguing against the same things I saw the book arguing against, or for what I saw it to be arguing for. Others seem to contradict the book's premise only to turn around and essentially restate it. So maybe it's me that doesn't get it, which is depressing, because I hate the thought that I'm just getting stupider. Guess we'll see.

angelteeth, to random

Also, unrelated sorta but not really (it's all about internet enshittification), that last article I boosted is supposed to be a gift article but no matter which link I click on it paywalls me. doesn't work either. Second time recently that someone says something is supposed to be free or open access and yet I can't access it. Why?

angelteeth, to random

I want to nuke Facebook from my life so bad. Hell, Google too. But with so many people refusing to leave those networks, doing that cuts me off from so many resources that I keep needing. No one uses craigslist anymore, it's all Facebook fucking marketplace. People in science and tech keep posting solely on threads-federated instances. Trying to network in the maritime world, even for non-shitty jobs (do those exist?) is impossible without fucking FB because again, nobody's willing to leave that godawful site, and so that's where jobs and opportunities will get posted. Almost 90% of the afa or mutual aid orgs in this town seem to rely solely on Instagram for organizing. I don't have insta anymore and have to rely on friends looking at it and sending me screenshots to even know what's going on. I fucking hate this.

angelteeth, to random

Ugh I KNEW it was gonna be some shady shit from Maersk. Like I said, ships are money holes, and safety & maintenance are always the first thing to go (well maybe right after crew numbers 😑) - turns out they fuckin FIRED one of their Chief Mates for reporting gross safety violations to the USCG. Maersk also has had some other shit in their track record that shows they're playing the same game as the rest of capitalism's superfans - cutting as many corners as they can, killing people, then acting sorry and paying some bullshit fine while nothing fundamentally changes.

angelteeth, to random

"Georgia Equality stated, “Extremists in the State Senate are trying to pass unpopular legislation through anti-democratic means... the majority of Georgians oppose discriminatory anti-LGBTQ policies, & tactics like these are a shameful attempt to silence that majority.”"

It's almost like U.S. "democracy" isn't set up to allow for the voices of its actual citizens to be counted, but rather for a small group of wealthy landowners backed by corporate and religious lobbyists to dictate our material existence...

18+ riotmuffin, to random avatar

Oh no, my one hundred thousand ton cock plowed your single truss ass and the ass immediately collapsed, what could have caused this??? Let’s turn now to Paul WilliamDave, Industrial Ass Engineer at Headupyour University, to discuss


@riotmuffin LOL, I hear ya, I feel ya, I much appreciate the butt humor, but ships are able to stop in the event of a power failure. Hell, most ships can't "stop" even under power...ya just gotta move in a different direction, and once you have way on in one direction...this can be challenging. Perhaps some kind of giant ship condom might be a better idea? (Or idk rip capitalism out at the root so giant cock boats hauling ten trillion tons of consumer goods that no one can actually afford to buy that will end up in landfills because overproduction without demand is how we've chosen to do things...whoops....digressing....😆)

angelteeth, to random

As a mariner, it's all too easy to start extrapolating the potential causes for the container ship Dali's loss of steerage. Ships are not inherent money-makers; they are "holes in the water for you to throw your money into" in the constant fight against the accelerated entropy of the ocean. But from what I have read & watched so far, the captain, pilots & crew of the Dali did everything right given the terrible situation - the speed at which they had to have assessed the situation in order to get out that Mayday call when they did is admirable. Things can happen so fast when you lose steerage, and it's sometimes hard to even know exactly what's happening in those first crucial seconds. Especially for having been going 7 or 8 knots at what I'm assuming was an ebb tide (I don't know for sure, depends on height of tide & clearance of span, as well as bar conditions, but would make sense to go when tide has turned to go out so that the current helps). Stuff like this is a mariner's nightmare. My heart is really with them & everyone on & around that bridge today.

angelteeth, to random
yassie_j, to random avatar

Etymology is so cool.

The term "microblog" comes from micro + blog, ie small blog.

Then, "blog" is a shortened form of "Web log". And a "log" comes from "log book", which is a book used to record events on a journey.

So get this, the "log" in log book is because you would use the book to record the progress and speed of a ship by using a reel attached to a chip log... So called because it's made of wood... ie a log.

So a microblog is a small record of your journey.

I think that's very poetic that this very post is a direct descendent of mariners from 400 years ago.


@yassie_j I think this means that I've utilized every "log" in this meaning-chain... that's kinda cool!

angelteeth, to random

I am grateful for the chill and the rain.

angelteeth, to FediPact

Probably a lot of the problem causing people to remain stubbornly on instances like & the other big ones that federate with threads & shit is some kind of inability to understand the concepts of horizontalism and federation themselves. People want the fediverse to be a "replacement" for corporate internet with someone at the "top" who just takes care of shit for them without them having to really be involved in building the experience and even the infrastructure themselves.

And I get it. I am not a tech person. My literal job for over a decade has been very rope-and-hammers, working with "tech" that's essentially over three centuries old. Everything I have taught myself about Linux, for instance, has been at the cost of a LOT of my personal time & frustration. So I do think that part of it is that folks who do know the tech and do build the infrastructure have become accustomed to being a sort of hidden or even ignored minority (numerically) compared to tech users. And that's real. And I do think that this requires a shifting of everyone's understanding of their roles in these projects.

But as a tech user, I am trying to recognize my responsibility towards learning more about how these technologies work, if I want to keep using them. I also want to call on the technologically-minded to recognize their responsibilities to teach and make knowledge accessible. This isn't unique to the high-tech world. Going forward, we all need to recognize our interdependence on a greater level, and change how we view the systems that we rely on. We can decide NOT to rely on some of them, for sure, but no decision we make about that is truly made in a vacuum. If we want things like the fediverse (or the internet in general) to continue, we need to understand that it can only be a cooperative endeavor.

Like I said, this goes for everything. Water. Transportation. Food. Shelter. But in the case of tech, we all have further to go to break out of the user/provider binary. At least to the point of understanding that if we want anything like a "free" and federated internet, we can't just ignore movements like the #fedipact as not being applicable to us. If you want a twitter experience, go to twitter. If you want a facebook experience, stay on facebook. Don't bring that shit into a project where we're all trying to learn how to break out of corporate control. This learning may not be easy for most, but it's necessary and if you're already here on the fediverse I don't think I need to explain why.

angelteeth, to random

It's super fucked that so many science & tech folks (whom I see complaining DAILY about enshittification/capitalism/etc) are choosing to remain on instances that federate with threads (and the rest of meta/zuck's shit).

You're trapping yourself, and the rest of us, in that closed loop of "but we need to reach all the people!/but meta is where the visibility is!" And it's fucking bullshit! That is groupthink at its most unproductive and reiterative. The same shit that keeps the rotting corpse of capitalism itself shambling forward. "But that's what everyone is doing & I won't have access if I don't do it too!" WELL IT WOULDN'T BE IF YOU DIDN'T KEEP SUPPORTING IT. THAT'S LITERALLY THE WHOLE POINT.

Who do you actually care more about? The imaginary populace that you're "saving" with your faux-leftist signalling or the people who are literally, actually doing the work of figuring out what a new world looks like?

If you can't pry yourself away from your account or whatever instance that's opening the door right the fuck back up to corporate control of the internet, then you're giving those of us who care about real change two shitty options: either get subsumed straight back into the nightmare world we're trying desperately to escape, or become more and more isolated with less and less access to information.

And you deeply, deeply suck for that. Put your money where your fucking mouth is for once. Defederate from meta and meta-loving instances and start being part of the solution.

seachanger, to random avatar

tfw you are on the M/V Kennicott ⛴️


@BetaCuck4Lyfe @seachanger pretty good odds of that on any tall ship, too ;) even better odds if you count the creative swearing from aloft to be poetry

angelteeth, to random

Fire training today - thank fuck it's also cool & cloudy b/c fire room claustrophobia + summer-in-March weather climate despair would NOT have been a good combo for my already stellar mental health 🩵☁️☁️☁️

angelteeth, to random

Like this is a person that I have known & loved for more than 15 years. We have literally fought Nazis in the streets side by side. And I barely recognize how her mind works anymore. It's fuckin awful. Isolationism, stubborn refusal to listen to people more educated (on certain topics, not as in The Education System) than herself, insistence on black/white moralism, and unexamined "I am immune to propaganda" thinking has led her to be a person who cheerfully exposes her close friends to a brain-wrecking, life-destroying virus because SHE doesn't "feel" like it's that serious. I've already had one long-term radical friendship ruined by COVID, I don't want it to happen again. I don't know what to do.

angelteeth, to random

Housemate had bad fever/"flu-like" sickness last week. Wasn't masking in the house, but put her fuckin bandana over her nose and mouth one day in the kitchen when I saw her, which was the only way I first knew she was even feeling sick. Tested once with a long-expired test - negative. Said it "didn't feel like COVID." (She has had it once before). When I got COVID the second time, I tested negative for THREE DAYS while being INSANELY sick, before I finally popped positive. So she definitely had COVID. And exposed all of us because she thinks talking/thinking about current reality is "depressing." Then two days ago she dropped the bomb that she considers herself "vaccine skeptical" and won't be getting any more boosters/vaccines because she "has a good immune system." NOT ANYMORE YA DON'T YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT. Thanks for putting us all at risk because you're an idiot who has let her intellect get perma-fried on conspiracy YouTube. Also stop fucking calling yourself an anarchist you're barely even a leftist anymore girl.


@skuppr 😑😣

RadicalAnthro, to Anthropology avatar

Another paper taking issue with the trendy 'Woman the hunter' arguments. #Martin et al say:
'...we strongly disagree with a central premise that appears to motivate this scholarship: that the idea of evolved gendered subsistence activities derives largely from incorrect assumptions extrapolated from patriarchal norms today and/or rationalizations of “implicit male superiority” based solely on anatomical gender differences. Such claims are belied by extensive ethnographic and human behavioral ecology research across multiple extant foraging societies. These studies document the near universality of gendered divisions of labor, with women's large-scale participation in hunting occurring only in specific societies (i.e., the Agta) or contexts (i.e., small-game hunting) (Bird, 1999; Hoffman, Farquharson, & Venkataraman, 2023).'

#huntergatherers #sexualdivisionoflabour #anthropology #behaviouralecology


@RadicalAnthro super interested in this...anywhere to read the paper that isn't paywalled?


@RadicalAnthro i might have missed that! Thanks, I'll look again!

Cassandra, to random avatar

Them: [Pleasant comment about the mild weather.]

Me: [Fatalistic reply about climate change.]



@warpslide @Cassandra this is exactly, literally, the conversation I have when people say this 😂 thanks for this!

angelteeth, to random

Sometimes when I really sit and think about going back to work (instead of mindlessly powering my way thru all the steps required for me to do so), and remember that this company was gleefully masks-off back in 2022 then sooooo confused as to why their whole-ass crew was down with COVID, and how that second bout of COVID has probably caused as-yet unknown health problems for me (unknown as in, we can't pin down why they are happening), I get so insanely anxious that I feel like throwing up, then burning down my trailer and walking into the mountains forever 😊

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