
Former Journalist📰 and occasional Librarian 📚, #IndigenousAlly living on #Wabanaki land🌄.
#NonBinary :nonbinary_flag: #Queer :QueerCat_Aromantic: #ActuallyAutistic :QueerCatHeart_Autism: Pronouns: They, them, per, person, human.
#Green🌳 #Socialist🤝 Student of #Archaeology 💀& #History 📜
#NoNukes☢️ Anti-#Oligarchy🎩 #NoWar☮️ #GetMoneyOut💰#HumanRights🕵️‍♂️ #BLM✊🏿 #IndigenousRights 🌿 #WaterIsLife💧Anti-#Corruption🔍 #ClimateCrisis🌍 #RightToRepair 🪛

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DoomsdaysCW, to climate

Um, my old conspiracy-watching self is getting the heebie-jeebies with this story. Are they planning on making room for #ClimateActivists and #HumanRightsActivists? Especially since standing up for #ClimateJustice and #HumanRights seems to be a crime these days.

Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S. But do they help or hurt public safety?
#Orwell #ClimateProtests #Fascism #ACAB #Oligarchy

DoomsdaysCW, to ukteachers
DoomsdaysCW, to AncientHistory

So, I had to talk about ! A warrior society focused on war, women had more rights than their counterparts -- and were encouraged to be physically fit and prepared to fight to defend their homeland.


Unlike their Greek counterparts, the women of Sparta had a lot more freedom and status. They were educated, since they would be in charge of keeping the homeland running smoothly while the men were at war – but they were also strong and able to defend themselves and their homeland.

Spartan men and women lived in separate quarters – even while married. Married couples would leave their respective quarters to procreate, and Spartan wives were required to have short hair and sometimes wore men’s clothing.

Amongst married couples, the Spartans were relatively , and women were not punished for infidelity.

DoomsdaysCW, to random

So, we occasionally have some mice in the house (even though we have a cat). I've worked on plugging up holes, but some still get through. Rather than use poison, I trap them in Have-A-Heart traps, then release them miles away in rural areas. It's more work than just leaving out poison, but it keeps birds of prey (and our kitty) safe from being poisoned.
#HaveAHeart #MouseTraps #HumaneTraps #NoPoisons

DoomsdaysCW, to climate

So, I may be a "doomsayer" (I consider myself a realist), but I'm always trying to see if there's a solution to getting us out of the mess we're in. Perhaps I would describe myself as an optimistic pessimist. Anyhow, based on my recent research, here are some of the solutions I think we (humanity) should pursue collectively...

  1. Plug up the ! Seriously! That's a big part of the problem!

  2. Make the price of expensive! I remember when having meat was considered a special occasion -- not a daily occurrence.

  3. Make things out of . Now that we've cracked the recipe, there's no excuse not to use it! Especially with rising sea levels (Roman concrete holds up better when exposed to water).

  4. Manufacture stuff that lasts! No more -- items that can't be upgraded and/or repaired by a skilled user or a local repair shop!

  5. Grow food locally! Turn empty spaces into (and ).

  6. Utilize new (and ancient) technologies to the max! , reflective white paint, building new structures with , and other ways to cool/heat spaces without using !

That's just a few off the top of my head. I think a lot of the solutions are right in front of us -- but and are keeping them from being implemented!

DoomsdaysCW, to actuallyautistic


Cooperative overlap (i.e., enthusiastic autistic interrupting)

"One thing many autistics frequently do is use a conversation style called cooperative overlap. More often than not, during the interview of my autism assessments, the other person will interrupt me with an excited statement about something I am talking about—if they are autistic. And inevitably, they apologize. But I always tell them, it is fine—it is my way of talking too! We are cooperative overlappers, a term introduced in the book Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among Friends (1984) by sociolinguist Deborah Tannen."

DoomsdaysCW, to SpaceX

plan to launch tens of thousands of new satellites. Experts are working hard to ensure this doesn't lead to a disaster that ends human access to orbit.

by Dave Mosher, Dec 27, 2019

", , , and reportedly even plan to collectively launch tens of thousands of internet-beaming over the next decade.

"SpaceX, founded by , has the most ambitious plans with approval from the US government to launch nearly 12,000 of its satellites — though it's seeking permission to launch a total of 42,000.

"Though Musk said Starlink satellites have collision-avoidance systems, one came relatively close to smashing into a European satellite in September [2019].

"The likelihood of satellite collisions and dangerous space debris will go up as more spacecraft are launched. Militaries that destroy satellites during tests or wars will make the problem even worse.

"Experts worry that debris orbiting Earth could lead to a '' domino effect that cuts off human access to for hundreds or even thousands of years."

Read more:

DoomsdaysCW, to TeslaMotors

repair is dangerous. Here’s why mechanics want to do it anyway.

Fixing car and batteries saves money and resources — but challenges are holding back the industry.

by Maddie Stone, Dec 08, 2023

"About three times a day, Rich Benoit gets a call to his auto shop, The Electrified Garage, from the owner of an older Tesla Model S whose car battery has begun to fail. The battery, which used to provide several hundred miles of range, might suddenly only last 50 miles on a single charge. These cars are often out of warranty, and the cost of replacing the battery can exceed $15,000.

"For most products, repair is a more affordable option than replacement. And in theory, lots of these Tesla batteries can be fixed, said Benoit, who runs one of the few Tesla-focused independent repair shops in the United States. But due to the time and training involved, the safety considerations, and the complexity of the repair, Benoit said that the bill to fix one car battery at his shop might run upwards of $10,000 — more than most consumers are willing to pay. Instead, he said, many choose to sell or donate their old vehicle for scrap and buy a brand new Tesla.

“'It’s getting to the point where [the car] is almost like a consumable, like a TV,' Benoit said.

"Benoit’s experience heralds a problem that early adopters of EVs, as well as electric micromobility devices like e-bikes and , are beginning to face: These vehicles contain big, expensive batteries that will inevitably degrade or stop working over time. Repairing these batteries can have sustainability benefits, saving energy and resources that would otherwise be used to manufacture a new one. That’s particularly important for EVs, which contain very large batteries that must be used for years to offset the carbon emissions associated with making them.

But many EV and e-mobility batteries are difficult to repair by design, and some manufacturers actively discourage the practice, citing safety concerns. The small number of independent mechanics who repair EV or e-bike batteries struggle to do so affordably due to design challenges, safety requirements, and a lack of access to spare parts.

“'There are a lot of automakers who do not allow battery repair, even in case of minor damages to the battery case,' a GDV spokesperson told Grist. Automakers sometimes choose to replace the battery if the car was involved in an accident that caused the airbags to activate. Both practices 'will lead to an increase of repair costs,' and ultimately, higher insurance premiums, the spokesperson said.

"New rules around EV battery repairability would come at a critical time. Helps, of Cox Automotive, said that two trends in EV battery design are occurring in parallel: 'Batteries are either becoming very serviceable, or not serviceable at all.'

"Some, like the batteries inside Volkswagon’s ID.4, feature LEGO-like modules that are easy to remove and replace. Others, like Tesla’s new 4680 structural battery pack, don’t include modules at all. Instead, all of the cells are bonded together and bonded to the pack itself, a design Helps described as 'impossible to service.' If a bad cell group is found, the entire battery must be replaced.

“'It’s still a fully battery,' Helps said. 'You’re just not able to repair it.'

" didn’t respond to Grist’s request for comment."

DoomsdaysCW, to Texas

So, out of all the potentially "offensive" material in this book (like a feminist witch who becomes a leader) , the "censor" decides that mention of the words "goddammit", "Jesus Christ," "Christ Jesus” and "Christ" were the most offensive. I wonder if the person only knew how to read those particular words. I feel bad for the #Abilene #PublicLibrary in #AbileneTexas -- they must have to deal with some real choice humans (I'm being sarcastic)!

#Censorship #Texas #RabidRight #BookBans #ChristoFascism #Libraries

Title page inside the book. The text reads, "Dies The Fire" S.M. Stirling A Roc Book" Stamped on the book is "Abilene Public Library, Abilene Texas". There is a big red stamp that says, "WITHDRAWN" on the page.
‘How did that happen, she asked gently. He glanced down at the white seamed mark on his leg as he carefully added deadwood to the little blaze. "Slipped cutting down a dead pine," he said. 'Christ Jesus [crossed out in pen], did my dad give me hell about it!" She nodded, but went on: “No, | meant that."

DoomsdaysCW, to Collapse

We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s

Will our own elites perform any better than the rulers of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

by Michael T. Klare, August 22, 2023

"The question today is: Will our own elites perform any better than the rulers of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

"As Diamond argues, each of those civilizations arose in a period of relatively benign climate conditions, when temperatures were moderate and food and water supplies adequate. In each case, however, the climate shifted wrenchingly, bringing persistent drought or, in Greenland’s case, much colder temperatures. Although no contemporary written records remain to tell us how the ruling elites responded, the archaeological evidence suggests that they persisted in their traditional ways until disintegration became unavoidable."

Read more:

DoomsdaysCW, to random

So, like, how many of you out there have tried to grow your own food. Like all of your food. , , , etc. I've tried and it's not EASY! Have you thought about what you would eat if grocery stores were closed? Foraging isn't easy either. And imagine if we were all foraging at the same time... Not pretty.

Scientists warn of crop failure ‘uncertainties’ as Earth heats up

Increasing concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is putting the planet in ‘uncharted waters’ as weather extremes intensify.

4 Jul 2023

"A new study has highlighted the possibility of major harvest failures caused by climate change in multiple global breadbaskets as the United Nations warned of a 'dystopian future' without immediate action."

DoomsdaysCW, to random

So, something unusual we noticed during the blackout while using our woodstove (which we use only in emergencies). We have an Eco-Fan that pushes warm air into the rest of the house. Whenever we put an LED battery-operated candle near the Eco-Fan, the candle would dim. I'm wondering if the motor in the fan emits some sort of electromagnetic field that interferes with electricity transfer or functions as a dampener. Has anyone else who uses an Eco-Fan noticed this phenomenon?

DoomsdaysCW, to random

Is it just me, or has #Kolektiva switched to a 500-character limit. Counter still says 10000, but getting a validation error for anything over 500.

DoomsdaysCW, to earthquake

A hearty welcome to folks who have recently come over to Mastodon from the ! I recognize some of my old Tweeps over here, and I'm so glad you made it! So, back on the birdsite, I maintained a public list titled . Since coming to Mastodon, I've started a new list, but unfortunately, I can't share it.

However, I copied and pasted my list into a text file -- which includes one of my favorite accounts from the birdsite, @ai6yr, who graciously hosts and maintains a number of alert-bots. If you miss having and , please consider creating your own list with these accounts... Note: related accounts are at the bottom of the list (since there are quite a few here). Suggestions welcome!

The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at @ai6yr (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server,

, , , and observations of the from satellite.

Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The component of the EU Space Programme

warning bot EXPERIMENTAL Do not use for official advice.

Automated postings based on GOES 16 X-ray flux for at least M-class . Currently in development.

Posting about conditions during & how it affects .

Normally relay info.

This is an automated bot which toots out new reported by WatchDuty ( Not run by WatchDuty. Created by @ai6yr

The unofficial account relaying information from - PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON THIS AS YOUR MAIN SOURCE

This is a bot account which toots the content that shows up on the USGS Twitter account. NOT OFFICIAL. Experimental, too. Created by @ai6yr

This automated bot toots out: NWS Alerts (Twitter), NWS NTWC(direct), and NWS PTWC bulletins (direct) (UNOFFICIAL). EXPERIMENTAL - Don't bet your life on it Created by @ai6yr

provides rapid earthquake information. This account displays all recorded earthquakes.

This bot posts all earthquakes greater than 2.5 in near real time as they are posted by the .

(Unofficial) earthquake feed. Posts earthquakes felt in at at least an intensity of III (weak)


    This bot posts earthquakes within .

This account shares a feed with earthquakes over 4.0 magnitude worldwide, the feed is from here

DoomsdaysCW, to random

Lights Out

Failure to harden electrical structures and spent nuclear fuel storage leaves US, global population vulnerable to solar or terrorist induced apocalypse

by Michael Collins, October 14, 2014

"Should a serpentine #CME hit Earth head-on, the consequences would be catastrophic."

#SolarFlares #SolarCycle25 #SolarFlare #CarringtonEffect #LightsOut #SpaceWeather #NoNukes #NoNewNukes #RethinkNotRestart

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DoomsdaysCW, to Electronics

So, this was my favorite toy growing up... A "160-in-One" Electronics Kit from . The kit had instructions on how to build a simple, low-powered broadcast radio (and I, of course, had cut off the jack of a microphone cord, which I stripped and added as an sound input). Not satisfied with the range of my "pirate radio station," I added a few extra capacitors, used a stainless steel window screen as an antenna, and soon the neighbors were complaining to my grandparents. Mission accomplished!

DoomsdaysCW, to random

1/2 - So, I've been treating my own with , , and from various food sources (some with ), and consumed with -rich . I noticed that in addition to an improvement in my symptoms, I noticed an improvement with my anxiety and depression. It seems science is catching up with what I surmised -- that Covid messes with one's microbiome, which in turn affects our brains and other systems!

A new possible explanation for long COVID could lead to a simple treatment for some patients

By Erin Prater, October 16, 2023

"While it might seem logical that neurologic long COVID symptoms like brain fog, memory loss, and depression are caused by the presence of virus in the brain, researchers in Pennsylvania propose a different theory: that virus lingering in the gut causes such symptoms in a round-about way.

It works like this: SARS-CoV-2 lingering in the gut causes persistent inflammation, which leads to reduced production of serotonin—a chemical that sends messages between the brain and other parts of the body. It also plays a key role in regulating sleep, mood, digestion, and blood clotting, among other bodily functions.

A lack of serotonin, in turn, disrupts connectivity between the peripheral nervous system and the brain, causing neurologic symptoms."

DoomsdaysCW, to australia

#Activist, 97, among dozens arrested in #Australia #climate protest

26 November 2023

Sydney, Australia, Nov 26 (EFE).- "Dozens of protesters, including a 97-year-old man, were arrested on Sunday during a #ClimateChange protest off Australia’s east coast that disrupted operations at the country’s biggest coal export port.

"#ClimateActivist group #RisingTide had organized the protest to block the traffic of coal cargo ships in the port of Newcastle since Saturday.

"The group said on its Twitter account that at least 59 people have been arrested so far.

"Since Saturday, groups of 50 to 60 protesters have been taking turns in rostered two-hour shifts getting on canoes and inflatable boats and preventing ships from leaving the port.

"Among the protesters who went out to sea was Alan Stuart, a 97-year-old religious pastor.

"Stuart said he was doing it for his grandchildren and future generations after being pulled out of his boat by the police.

"'I am doing this for my grandchildren and future generations because I don’t want to leave them a world full of increasingly severe and frequent #ClimateDisasters,' he said. 'I am so sorry that they will have to suffer the consequences of our inaction. So, I think it is my duty to do what I can and to stand up for what I know is right.'

"Rising Tide claims that the protest prevented more than half a million tonnes of coal from leaving the Newcastle port by the time the demonstration ended.

"Protesters demand that the Australian government stop all new projects that involve the use of fossil energy and confront the #ClimateCrisis more decisively.

"The climate crisis is one of the big issues of political debate in Australia, a country exposed to the effects of #droughts and #ExtremeTemperatures.

"Australia is the world’s second largest exporter of thermal coal and the largest exporter of cooking coal."

#DirectAction #Fascism #CriminalizingDissent #WaterProtectors #ForestDefenders #EnvironmentalActivists #ClimateActivists #ClimateJustice #SilencingDissent #CorporateColonialism #EcoActivists #Censorship #HumanRightsViolations #Article20 #RightToProtest #BigOilAndGas #BigCoal

DoomsdaysCW, to random

[Paywall] Young People in Are Protesting to Protect Democracy

by Walter Thomas-Patterson, September, 2023

" community members, coalitions, and have taken to the streets. 'Right now, we are calling for to leave power, and for new congressional elections.'

DoomsdaysCW, to Christianity

So, my take on #Christianity (after exploring several sects -- as well as other religions), and reading some of the texts in the original languages (Hebrew and Koine Greek), as well as studying Greek and Roman history -- that pretty much, the Romans saw the popularity of early Christianity (which was based on earlier mystery cults), as being a threat to their rule. So they incorporated elements of Christianity into Roman Christianity (which later became Roman Catholicism) -- fusing Christian beliefs (myths) into the existing Roman state religious structure (divine ancestor worship, virgin birth, etc) -- and turned it into the colonizing, misogynistic, abusive, xenophobic monster that committed genocide on Indigenous peoples, subjugated women, and erased any religion that wasn't "Christianity." I think that about sums it up...

#AncientHistory #AncientTexts #AncientMediterranean #AncientReligions #ChurchAndState #RomanChristianity #Christianity #Vatican #PaterPatriae #ThePope

DoomsdaysCW, to PetBirds

Scientists sound the alarm over dramatic loss of 3 billion #birds in #NorthAmerica: ‘We’re watching … #extinction happen’

Story by Brittany Davies, July 14, 2023

"Since the 1970s, bird enthusiasts have watched the skies empty and heard the #birdsongs go silent as nearly 3 billion birds vanished in North America. Disturbed by the findings of an expansive body of research, scientists across the globe are sounding the alarm as half of the world’s bird populations are in decline.

"Found in every corner of the world from the snowy tundra of the #Arctic to the lush rainforests of the #Amazon, birds play a critical role in maintaining the delicate balance of their #ecosystems. Robust and diverse bird populations advance #pollination, help transport #seeds, and fertilize the #soil with their droppings.

"Observing and cataloging these fascinating creatures has long been a popular hobby and an important source of data for researchers and conservationists. Thanks in part to #CitizenScience reporting sites such as eBird, researchers have collected a wealth of information documenting the troubling decline of bird populations on nearly every continent.

"Peter Marra, a conservation biologist and dean of Georgetown University’s #EarthCommons Institute, and his colleagues studied multiple bird-monitoring datasets and found a disturbing trend. Using different methods to estimate population changes, Marra told Knowable Magazine, 'they all told us the same thing, which was that we’re watching the process of extinction happen.'"

However, the article goes on to say:

"Although the situation may seem dire, the news is not all bad. The tireless work of conservationists has restored numerous bird species from the edge of extinction, and populations of wetland species are increasing due in part to political action to protect their habitats. These stories of hope show that it is not impossible to reverse the decline.

"In addition to supporting wide-scale change and devoting resources to protecting #CriticalHabitats, restoring the bird population can begin in your local community and even your own #backyard. Take action at home by creating a #BirdSanctuary by growing #NativePlants and providing safe spaces for birds to eat, rest, and reproduce. Join a birding organization and participate in bird data collection.

"The knowledge shared across important crowd-sourced databases provides essential information to researchers on the state of birds."

#SilentSprings #CitizenScientists #ExtinctionRebellion

Read more:

DoomsdaysCW, to Arizona

An #Arizona #wildlife center is receiving up to 120 animals a day suffering from the relentless #heat

"The relentless sun -- it hurts"

By Macie Goldfarb

Published Jul 27, 2023 12:32 PM EDT

"Mosby and her team aren’t the only ones working to protect Arizona’s vulnerable wildlife as the unwavering heat continues to torment animals and humans alike.

"To help the state’s animals survive the #ExtremeWeather, the Arizona Game and Fish Department has been bringing water to the wild to help keep animals hydrated.

"The agency deploys water shipments on trucks and helicopters to man-made catchments across Arizona – some capable of holding up to 10,000 gallons of water, according to habitat planning program manager Joseph Currie.

"Currie estimates there are about 3,000 of these man-made watering holes around the state where #deer, #elk, #BighornSheep and other animals now drink and cool themselves off in the extreme heat.

"When Arizona hit 110 degrees 27 days ago, water gauges showed that usage exploded, Currie said.

"The watering holes were originally created for #quail and #doves to increase hunting population numbers, but newer catchments grew in size over the years as the agency found that more animals needed a drink.

"#Droughts and #HeatWaves are occurring more often and becoming more intense across the nation – particularly in the West and Southwest – creating dangerous conditions and affecting water supplies for wildlife, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

"The program is currently funded by a combination of federal funds and fund-raising efforts. But 'if it keeps heating up and keeps drying out, then of course costs are going to increase,' Currie said."

Read more:

#HeatDome #ExtremeTemperatures #ClimageChange

DoomsdaysCW, to NativeAmerican

BREAKING: Federal court greenlights destruction of #OakFlat

#ApacheStronghold vows to appeal decision to U.S. Supreme Court

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News, March 1, 2024

WASHINGTON – "A divided federal court (6-5) today refused to protect an ancient #NativeAmerican sacred site from destruction by a multinational #mining giant, putting the case on a fast track to the Supreme Court. In Apache Stronghold v. United States, a rare 'en banc' panel of eleven judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal government can transfer the #SacredSite Oak Flat to #ResolutionCopper, a foreign-owned mining company that plans to turn the site into a massive mining crater, ending Apache religious practices forever. (Watch the short video linked below to learn more).

"The decision was by a bare majority, with five judges vigorously disagreeing and writing that the majority 'tragically err[ed]' in allowing the government to 'obliterate[e] Oak Flat' and prevent the '#WesternApaches from ever again' engaging in their religious exercise. With the help of Becket, Apache Stronghold has vowed to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Since time immemorial, Western Apaches and other native peoples have gathered at Oak Flat for sacred religious ceremonies that cannot take place anywhere else. Known in Apache as Chi’chil Biłdagoteel, Oak Flat is on the National Register of Historic Places and has been protected from mining and other harmful practices for decades. These protections were eliminated in 2014, when a last-minute provision was inserted into a must-pass #DefenseBill authorizing the transfer of Oak Flat to Resolution Copper, a foreign-owned mining company that plans to turn the sacred site into a two- mile-wide and 1,100-foot-deep crater. The majority owner of Resolution Copper, Rio Tinto, recently sparked international outrage when it deliberately destroyed 46,000-year-old #indigenous rock shelters at one of #Australia’s most significant cultural sites.

"'Oak Flat is like #MountSinai to us—our most sacred site where we connect with our Creator, our faith, our families, and our land,” said Dr. Wendsler Nosie of Apache Stronghold. “Today’s ruling targets the spiritual lifeblood of my people, but it will not stop our struggle to save Oak Flat. We vow to appeal to the Supreme Court.'


Link to video:

#SaveOakFlat #RioTinto
#CulturalGenocide #EnvironmentalRacism #CorporateColonialism #CopperMining #Mining #LandBack #WaterIsLife
#IndigenousLands #SacredSpaces #ReligiousFreedom #IndigenousRights

DoomsdaysCW, to puns

Switching gears for a little #MarshMadness humor (not my photo).
#Puns #FrogAndToad #Humor

DoomsdaysCW, to Bloomscrolling

I splurged on a new-to-me used camera. I decided to go back to using a digital camera, rather than my smartphone one. As someone who stuck to film SLR cameras for years, I've finally found a digital one that has an nice optical lens without paying an arm and a leg. I'm looking forward to taking decent nature pics again. Speaking of which, some pics of the calm before the storm...
#Bloomscrolling #Photography #Flowers #Nature

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