@Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar



Linux User, Programmer, Gamedev, Metalhead ♠️ AD(H?)D ♠️ he/him ♠️ formerly on Twitter and mastodon.technology with the same handle

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Doomed_Daniel, to random
@Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

I'm working on a better settings menu for Doom3/dhewm3, using ImGui. The keybindings part (should be most of the work by far) is pretty much done.

(to be clear, the gamepad and mouse on the right are not part of dhewm3 but a plugin of OBS to visualize the buttons I pressed)

A video of a work-in-progress version of dhewm3, a source-port of Doom3. By pressing F10, a new menu is opened that shows the key bindings in a (hopefully) neat table. A few keys are bound to commands and unbound, using mouse, keyboard and gamepad - all three input methods are supported.

emi, to random
@emi@void.lgbt avatar

Never heard of this phrase either…


@Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@emi @yassie_j @wakame
I hope that's the whole article?

"Are children hitting that fedi?" - "I have litteranly never heard someone say that phrase till now drops mic"

psychicparrot42, to random
@psychicparrot42@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar


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  • Doomed_Daniel,
    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    oh don't worry, their C++ docs are mostly useless anyway.
    If anything is documented at all, it's mostly in the form of "SetFoo() - sets foo"

    hendi, to random German
    @hendi@zug.network avatar

    Die TU Dresden hat mal wieder ein Glanzstück der Exzellenz vollbracht:

    Im Diplom-Studiengang Verkehrsingenieurwesen wurde 2022 eine neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung eingeführt.
    Jetzt wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es gegenüber der alten Ordnung zu einer Änderung kam, die gar nicht beabsichtigt war, nicht auffiel und über die deshalb nicht informiert wurde:
    Zur Bildung der Abschlussnote werden nun auch die Noten aus dem Grundstudium herangezogen, nicht nur die des Hauptstudiums.

    2025 wird dann eine korrigierte Fassung in Kraft treten.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @korenchkin @schmittlauch @hendi

    Was mich grad wundert: Es gibt noch Diplom-Studiengänge?!

    distractal, to random
    @distractal@mastodon.social avatar

    So, after the Recall announcement, I finally made good on my threat to begin switching to Linux.

    Had a spare 120 GB older SSD, so why not?

    Currently running Ubuntu 24.04 with KDE Plasma as window manager, was able to get Firefox/Discord/Steam/Minecraft and even MS Teams running with very little effort, in less than 4 hours.

    I've only tried one game (Gunfire Reborn) but it runs pretty well considering no native Linux binary.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    By the way, if the KDE experience, esp. with Wayland, turns out to be subpar, keep in mind that Ubuntu 24.04 still ships Plasma5 - Plasma6 is supposed to work better (esp. with Wayland) and is actively developed. Not sure what other distro to suggest though, and maybe it works just great for you, just something to keep in mind :)

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    nvidia drivers can be a PITA :-/

    Often it helps to completely uninstall the current driver version and then install another.
    $ dpkg -l 'nvidia' | grep "^i"
    lists the currently installed nvidia packages (mostly from the driver, but likely some others as well)

    Saving the output in a textfile or something can be a good idea.
    And so is doing all this through SSH from another computer, in case uninstalling the driver makes your desktop go away.


    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    (there should be a fallback to an open source driver that should be good enough, but better safe than sorry..)

    To uninstall, I'd start with
    $ sudo apt remove nvidia-driver-535
    (or whatever the currently installed version is)

    Then do the check for installed packages from step 1 again and remove the remaining packages that look like they belong to the formerly installed version (again with $ sudo apt remove pkg1 pkg2 ...)


    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    after verifying again that no nvidia packages that look like they belong to your specific driver are installed anymore, try installing the new version:
    $ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-545
    (or whatever version you want)

    afterwards check the installed nvidia packages and compare to the ones that were installed with the old driver, if any that look important are missing (for example libnvidia-*:i386 , if you had those installed), install them for the new driver version


    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    especially make sure that kernel modules for your kernel version (you can show the kernel version with $ uname -a) are installed, either through a kernel-specific package or through nvidia-dkms-545 (or whatever version; dkms will build the module for your kernel from source)

    if no errors occurred so far, reboot and pray ;)

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @distractal Great! :)

    ge0rg, to random German
    @ge0rg@chaos.social avatar

    PSA: Spear-Phishing bei #DKB - Angreifer haben Name, Konto- & Telefonnummer

    1. Angeblicher IT-Support der DKB ruft von der Nummer der DKB-Hotline an
    2. Bittet um Bestätigung der Identität in der DKB-App (1. Schritt vom Passwort-Reset, die App sagt das aber nicht!)
    3. Fragt nach CVV2 der Debitkarte (2. Schritt)
    4. Setzt ein neues Passwort und loggt sich ein
    5. Bittet um Bestätigung einer "Test-Transaktion", mit der dann effektiv das Konto abgeräumt wird.

    #phishing #BoostWelcome

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @ge0rg Weiß jemand, woher die Angreifer die Daten haben?
    Sind die bei DKB abgeflossen, oder stammen die eher aus irgendwelchen Online-Shops o.ä., wo Name, Telefonnummer und Konto für Bezahlung hinterlegt waren (und sie mittels BLZ oder dem entsprechenden Teil der IBAN DKB-Kunden rausgefiltert haben)?

    loewe, to random German
    @loewe@metalhead.club avatar

    Zahnmedizinische Prophylaxeassistentin: "Verwenden Sie Zahnseide nach jeder Mahlzeit ?"

    Löwe: "Verwenden Sie Two Factor Authentication für jedes Online Login ?"

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    Zahnseide? Meine Zahnärztin meint das würde nicht allzu viel bringen und man sollte stattdessen Interdentalbürsten nutzen

    thephd, to random
    @thephd@pony.social avatar

    Me, ignorant: "Going over CVEs is a great way to learn what exploited weaknesses C has and the things human beings truly struggle with that are at risk."

    Linux kernel, snorting a fat line: "Weeeeeoohaaaaa!! What if we turned every fix commit into its own CVE using grep???"

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    I wonder if there is a different way to get a list of fixed Linux security bugs.
    They have that non-public mailing list (see https://docs.kernel.org/process/security-bugs.html), but there should be a place besides CVEs (esp. as they're useless now) where they announce/document them once they're fixed?

    sinbad, to random
    @sinbad@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    I'm not a fan of using video for everything, but even when I do watch YouTube tutorials, what is it with these people that just basically talk over doing the thing, without ever explaining WHY they're doing the thing? They never seem to cover the conceptual framework for why you'd choose to do it that way, or how any of the pieces fit together. It's like they're trying to teach you a magic ritual that you should just regurgitate, rather than teaching you the meaning behind it

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    maybe they don't understand it themselves and just learned the magic ritual by heart

    ainmosni, to random
    @ainmosni@berlin.social avatar

    Unpopular opinion, I think calling what you produce primarily devalues your work.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    probably the only thing people call themselves that's more cynical late-stage capitalism than "content creator" is "influencer".
    OTOH, probably many influencers really are not much more than content creators, because they produce nothing of value, only covert advertising and bullshit

    BathysphereHat, to random
    @BathysphereHat@mastodon.online avatar

    It's understandable to have some hangups about men, to be cautious about men, etc. But the idea that men are ontologically evil hurts people of all genders, I think.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    I think that the "hate all men" kind of "feminism" also often leads pretty directly to being a TERF (which of course is part of the "hurts people of all genders" point you made)

    dotstdy, to random
    @dotstdy@mastodon.social avatar

    CPU optimisation guide: You should try vectorizing
    GPU optimisation guide: You should try scalarizing


    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
    Velyn, to random
    @Velyn@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    i seem to be nonstop sick ever since moving down here and working in-person at an office again after several years...i wonder why

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    must be the different climate "down here".

    internetarchive, to random
    @internetarchive@mastodon.archive.org avatar

    Why is The Wayback Machine so important for preserving our digital culture? According to new analysis from Pew Research Center:
    ❌ 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible
    ❌ 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link
    🔗 https://www.pewresearch.org/data-labs/2024/05/17/when-online-content-disappears/

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    > 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link

    LOL - if news websites linked sources etc as much as they should, that would be 100% (unless they already have an automated fallback to archive.org for broken links)

    And as someone who has restored a (game modding) Wiki, that suddenly went offline "due to spam" and never came back, from The Wayback Machine: Yes, it's absolutely invaluable.

    ainmosni, to linux
    @ainmosni@berlin.social avatar

    Am I the only #Linux user that gets turned off a project if the only supported way of installing it on Linux is #homebrew ?

    I didn't like homebrew when I used a mac, and I certainly don't want to have it when I have much preferred package managers preinstalled.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    I've never seen that, very weird requirement.. but OTOH, it at least suggests that they can be installed on the host system at all and don't requires a container to work

    Doomed_Daniel, to random
    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    lots of llama ass whipping today

    Kadsenchaos, to Netflix German
    @Kadsenchaos@23.social avatar

    Ok, bettelt auch darum, gecancelt zu werden...

    14€/Monat ist schon auch ne Ansage mittlerweile.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @johanneskaplan @Kadsenchaos
    Ich muss sagen, die Idee für Öffentlich-Rechtliche Inhalte (nochmal) zu zahlen stößt mich genauso ab wie das Konzept, in einem bezahlten Streamingservice Werbung angezeigt zu bekommen.

    mttaggart, to random

    The writing is on the wall.

    Actually it's not writing. It's neon letters directly wired to a fusion reactor.

    The internet you knew? It's gone. There is no recovering it. There's too much money and incentive behind the idea of making the entire village into a strip mall run by LLMs. Your gardens are forfeit.

    I don't know if a #hardfork is possible, but even if it isn't, we gotta get to work building the intentional, human web. The one that rejects generative content, the one that verifies humanity through mutual trust, the one that takes privacy and safety of our neighbors as the highest value.

    There are many tools available, but united effort must join together around them. Carefully, intentionally, we have to start moving what matters away from the polluted land.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @mttaggart @smxi
    Yeah, that's the problem.
    You can build your little webrings or your own search engine that only indexes a few dozen pages of your friends.

    But as soon as you build something that's supposed to make hundreds of thousands of pages (or more) explorable to millions (or even billions!) of people, like the internet is supposed to, the usual parasites of the current internet will spam it.

    erd, to random
    @erd@gei.st avatar

    Gibt es bei dieser AfD-Partei IRGENDJEMANDEN, der nicht ferngesteuert ist? Bei der aktuellen Rate an Enthüllungen erwarte ich, dass demnächst ein Spion für den Vatikan aufgedeckt wird.

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @erd die NPD bestand wenigstens noch aus von Deutschland bezahlten Agenten 🤡

    simon, to random German
    @simon@augsburg.social avatar

    Was macht das mit euch?

    @Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @simon @korenchkin
    In erster Linie macht mich das durstig, TBH.

    Und dann kommt noch die Frage hoch, was für Getränke AVM wohl auf Messeständen u.ä. ausschenkt

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