masimatutu, to fediverse en-gb

Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse

I love the Threadiverse. Compared to the microblogging Fediverse’s sea of random thoughts, Lemmy and kbin are so much easier to navigate with the options to sort posts by subscribed, from local instances or everything federated. You can also sort by individual community, and then there are the countless ways to order the posts and comments (which are stored neatly under the main post, by the way). That people can more easily find the right discussions and see where they can contribute also means that the discussions tend to be more focused and productive than elsewhere. Decentralisation also makes a lot of sense, since it is built around different communities. All that’s needed is users.

Things were going quite well for a while when Reddit killed third-party apps, prompting many to leave and find the Threadiverse. However, it is quite difficult to entertain a crowd that has grown accustomed to a constant bombardment of dopamine-inducing or interesting content by tens of millions of users, if you only have a couple hundred thousand people. This is causing some to leave, which of course increases this effect. The active users have more than halved since July, according to FediDB. The mood is also becoming more tense. Maybe the lack of engagement drives some to cause it through hostility, I’m not quite sure. Either way, the Threadiverse becoming a less enjoyable place to be, which is quite sad considering how promising it is.

But what is really frustrating is that we could easily have that userbase. The entire Fediverse has over ten million users, and many Mastodonians clearly want to engage in group-based discussion, looking at Guppe groups. The focused discussions should also be quite attractive. Technically we are federated, so why do Mastodonians interact so little with the Threadiverse? The main reason is that Mastodon simply doesn’t federate post content. I really can’t see why the platform that federates entire Wordpress blogs refuses to federate thread content just because it has a title, and instead just replaces the body with a link to the post. Very unhelpful.

The same goes with PeerTube. There are plenty of videos on there that I am quite sure a lot of Mastodonians would appreciate, yet both views and likes there stay consistently in the tens. Yes, Mastodon’s web interface has a local video player, but in most clients it is the same link shenanigans, may may partly explain the small amount of engagement. This is also quite sad, because Google’s YouTube is one of the worst social network monopolies out there, if not the worst.

And I know some might say that Mastodon is a microblogging platform and that it makes sense only to have microblogging content, but the problem is that Mastodon is the dominant platform on the Fediverse, its users making up close to 80% of all Fedizens. It has gone so far that several Friendica and Hubzilla users have been complaining about complaints from Mastodonians that their posts do not live up to Mastodon customs, and of course, that people frequently use “Mastodon” to refer to the entire Fediverse. This, of course, goes entirely against the idea of the Fediverse, that many diverse platforms live in harmony with and awareness of each other.

The very least that Mastodon could do is to support the content of other platforms. Then I’d wish that they’d improve discoverability, by for instance adding a videos tab in the explore section, improving federation of favourites since it is the dominant sorting mechanism on many other platforms, and making a clear distinction between people (@person) and groups (!group), but I know that that is quite much to ask.

P.S. @feditips , @FediFollows , I know that you are reluctant to promote Lemmy and its communities because of the ideology of its founders, but the fact is firstly that it’s open source and there aren't any individual people who control the entire project, and that the software itself is very apolitical. In fact, most Lemmy users both oppose and are on instances that have rules against such beliefs, so I highly encourage you to at least help raise awareness on the communities. Then, of course, there’s kbin, which isn’t associated with any extremism at all. As a bonus, it has much better integration with the microblogging Fediverse, but it is a lot smaller and younger, and still very much under development.

Anyways, that was a ramble. Thanks for hearing me out.

@fediverse #fediverse #threadiverse #mastodon #lemmy #kbin

masimatutu, to fediverse en-gb

Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse

I love the Threadiverse. Compared to the microblogging Fediverse’s sea of random thoughts, Lemmy and kbin are so much easier to navigate with the options to sort posts by subscribed, from local instances or everything federated. You can also sort by individual community, and then there are the countless ways to order the posts and comments (which are stored neatly under the main post, by the way). That people can more easily find the right discussions and see where they can contribute also means that the discussions tend to be more focused and productive than elsewhere. Decentralisation also makes a lot of sense, since it is built around different communities. All that’s needed is users.

Things were going quite well for a while when Reddit killed third-party apps, prompting many to leave and find the Threadiverse. However, it is quite difficult to entertain a crowd that has grown accustomed to a constant bombardment of dopamine-inducing or interesting content by tens of millions of users, if you only have a couple hundred thousand people. This is causing some to leave, which of course increases this effect. The active users have more than halved since July, according to FediDB. The mood is also becoming more tense. Maybe the lack of engagement drives some to cause it through hostility, I’m not quite sure. Either way, the Threadiverse becoming a less enjoyable place to be, which is quite sad considering how promising it is.

But what is really frustrating is that we could easily have that userbase. The entire Fediverse has over ten million users, and many Mastodonians clearly want to engage in group-based discussion, looking at Guppe groups. The focused discussions should also be quite attractive. Technically we are federated, so why do Mastodonians interact so little with the Threadiverse? The main reason is that Mastodon simply doesn’t federate post content. I really can’t see why the platform that federates entire Wordpress blogs refuses to federate thread content just because it has a title, and instead just replaces the body with a link to the post. Very unhelpful.

The same goes with PeerTube. There are plenty of videos on there that I am quite sure a lot of Mastodonians would appreciate, yet both views and likes there stay consistently in the tens. Yes, Mastodon’s web interface has a local video player, but in most clients it is the same link shenanigans, may may partly explain the small amount of engagement. This is also quite sad, because Google’s YouTube is one of the worst social network monopolies out there, if not the worst.

And I know some might say that Mastodon is a microblogging platform and that it makes sense only to have microblogging content, but the problem is that Mastodon is the dominant platform on the Fediverse, its users making up close to 80% of all Fedizens. It has gone so far that several Friendica and Hubzilla users have been complaining about complaints from Mastodonians that their posts do not live up to Mastodon customs, and of course, that people frequently use “Mastodon” to refer to the entire Fediverse. This, of course, goes entirely against the idea of the Fediverse, that many diverse platforms live in harmony with and awareness of each other.

The very least that Mastodon could do is to support the content of other platforms. Then I’d wish that they’d improve discoverability, by for instance adding a videos tab in the explore section, improving federation of favourites since it is the dominant sorting mechanism on many other platforms, and making a clear distinction between people (@person) and groups (!group), but I know that that is quite much to ask.

P.S. @feditips , @FediFollows , I know that you are reluctant to promote Lemmy and its communities because of the ideology of its founders, but the fact is firstly that it’s open source and there aren't any individual people who control the entire project, and that the software itself is very apolitical. In fact, most Lemmy users both oppose and are on instances that have rules against such beliefs, so I highly encourage you to at least help raise awareness on the communities. Then, of course, there’s kbin, which isn’t associated with any extremism at all. As a bonus, it has much better integration with the microblogging Fediverse, but it is a lot smaller and younger, and still very much under development.

Anyways, that was a ramble. Thanks for hearing me out.

#fediverse #threadiverse #mastodon #lemmy #kbin

db0, to lemmy avatar

I feel we need to tighten the #lemmy integration into microblogging services like #mastodon to have an advantage over #reddit. Microblogging has orders of magnitude more active users than lemmy, and a lot of the same discussions are happening in both places. If we could more seamlessly unify these discussions when wanted by the participants, it would help get over this "chicken and egg" problem that the #threadiverse is in.

Geniusak, to wordpress

#wordpress integration with the #threadiverse is, imo, far more useful than masto. That's where structured discussions happen. It's unfortunate to see all the fediverse services always taking a mastodon first approach

183231bcb, to fediverse

What's the status of federation between Lemmy/KBin and Misskey/Sharkey/Firefish/Iceshrimp? I just tried loading several Lemmy and Kbin posts in Sharkey and it doesn't work. I remember having the same issue with Firefish, and I vaguely recall hearing awhile back it was something related to authorized fetch. Have their been any recent developments on that front? #FediQuestions #FediverseQuestions #Threadiverse #Lemmy #KBin #Misskey #Sharkey #Firefish #Iceshrimp

reiver, (edited ) to random avatar

UX problem with


“We need a better site to link to than It should concisely pitch lemmy to everyday users and suggest an instance for them to sign up at. Don’t get into the weeds about federation or choosing instances or selecting apps. Just select a sane default and point people to it. Rotate defaults to avoid overloading a given instance or making it too powerful.”

#FediverseUX #Lemmy #Threadiverse

reiver, to fediverse avatar

I have been trying out the Jerboa app for Lemmy.

I am having trouble bringing up communities that I know exist.

I try searching for them in different ways, yet it doesn't work.

I have had this experience with multiple communities.


eblu, to fediverse

shopping for / / instances—anyone have any recommendations?

db0, (edited ) to random avatar

The fediblock account is stopping operation because retaliated against their parent instance with silencing because of a credible report deduplication by @fediblock for .art , until the admin behind the fediblock account steps down from their own instance? And that admin is actually quitting the fediverse? WHAT?!

Mastodon has some wild drama I'll tell you... I'm glad I'm a addict instead.

reiver, to kbin avatar

By default Kbin doesn't turn on captchas for new user account registrations.

Kbin and Lemmy servers have had problems with bots creating accounts.

Having captchas off by default seems risky to me. And a potential headache for a new Kbin sysop who is still getting familiar with Kbin.

To create a better experience for Kbin sysops, is going to turn on captchas by default for Kbin servers.

(You can turn it off if you really don't want it.)

reiver, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I have a new Kbin server.

I am going to document my experience as a new Kbin user and sysop.

Note that I already have experience as a Lemmy user & sysop. Some of that experience may be applicable here, too — but we will see.


#fediverse #kbin #threadiverse

stopthatgirl7, to kbin avatar

Y’know, I really wanted to like , and , but they really are as toxic as Reddit - the gaming groups at least.

It would be nice to find a gaming group that’s not infected with assholes, but I feel like that’s asking too much, because Gamers are the worst.

Altho it’s not just the gaming groups. There’s a level of nastiness I wasn’t expecting going in after being on Mastodon. Mastodon has the HOA and Well Actually mansplainers, but some folks are just dicks on the .

box464, to fediverse avatar

The administrators of BeeHaw are considering moving on from Lemmy to a yet to be selected platform, citing a multitude of issues with the current state of development on the Lemmy project.

#Lemmy #FediDev #Threadiverse

reiver, to kbin avatar

The Threadiverse already has Lemmy & Kbin.

But I think many people aren't aware of Prismo.

Prismo is a link-sharing sharing and aggregation platform similar to Reddit,, and Hacker News.

I.e., similar to both Lemmy & Kbin.

Its development started back in June 2018. But it isn't ready for production yet. It also looks like its development stalled back in May 2019.

#kbin #lemmy #prismo #threadiverse

reiver, to fediverse avatar

"Twitter and Reddit may have only lost a few million users to Mastodon and Lemmy so far, but these are nation-sized numbers, comparable to what Scandinavia is to the United States of America. The incumbents have allowed the fediverse to reach critical mass. It's only gonna get bigger"

⸺ Erlend Sogge Heggen ( @erlend )

#fediverse #kbin #lemmy #mastodon #reddit #threadiverse #twitter

strypey, to fediverse avatar

Flarum has been funded by NlNet for a 2.0 release that includes federation. Rough ETA at this point is "next year":

I'm guessing the progress in ActivityPub support in Discourse and GitLab, and the emergence of threadiverse, will all be adding both motivation and complexity to the job of adding federation support to Flarum.

#federation #ActivityPub #Flarum #NlNet #threadiverse

reiver, to fediverse avatar

There is a discussion going on on Lemmy about what people think the future of Lemmy (and the Threadiverse part of the Fediverse) will be.

Some of the comments are interesting.

strypey, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Anyone who was worried about the political views of the Lemmy core devs;

"The Lemmy devs have welcomed many new contributors on GitHub, demonstrating a highly collaborative disposition."

", the canonical instance run by the Lemmy core devs, has become more diverse and less extreme on the fringes."

"I'm happy to report that a soft-forking initiative seems completely unwarranted at this time."


mikey, to random avatar

The #threadiverse is really going through some growing pains right now. Not only on the social front but in terms of development also.

Out of the 2 major projects, one has horrible mod tools and the other is still in beta with its own set of problems.

It is going to take a while before these 2 projects can really shine.

KbinCafe, to kbin

Kbin Cafe had a brief issue between early yesterday and now that impacted newly registered accounts or current users attempting to log in. We apologize for the inconvenience and this has been resolved!

Aaron, to Wii German avatar

I noticed that there is no #Wii community on #Lemmy yet, thus I went ahead and made one:


I tried to post a few conversation starters, but of course communities don't build themselves.

Make sure to join if you're interested!

🔁 =❤️

#threadiverse #Kbin

mikey, to fediverse avatar

I'm officially addicted to the #threadiverse. I've been on my Lemmy instance all day just browsing communities.

I'd love to build a better #lemmy frontend UI for it though. If no one has already started on one.

jo, to kbin

Yeah good point by @cendawanita about permissions (or lack thereabouts) for et al to scrape the and put posts/toots into magazines. It feels like so many admins are blind to how the fediverse beyond Masto software & the Masto API actually works.

Seeing such folks write lengthy posts about defederating Masto instances running Vyr's search patch while the rest of the fedi has and the scrapes it with next to no backlash. It's like folks don't know that there's a bigger problem with re and than Website Boy's latest antics, and we need to push for and privacy flags at a ActivityPub protocol level. Until then, everything is just a non-binding, non-enforceable agreement about cultural norms that there's seems no consensus on; and definitely no focus on minority safety, rather features some will claim are wanted by a majority.


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