sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.01 — Introduce your setting as if it’s a character in your story.

[/Well, I decided to jump ahead in the WiP and write what might be the start of the next chapter. The title may be named: You Have Mail. Pardon the Dickensian texture; this is a first draft. —RS/]

I never expected a human habitation to feel as protective as my dorm room did. Sure, my lodgepole tent protected me through the blizzardy winters in the Fell Wood, as it did the wolf pack that had adopted me. I provided the tent, though. I repaired it, stored it, and raised it year after year. I maintained the cooking fire for all the wolves and cubs. It was I who was being protective, not it—or so it felt.

My dorm room wanted me to know that for the next few years, at least, it existed solely to protect /me,/ to comfort /me./ Increasingly, it did so as I added memories. Mother Wolf and I used one of the two small beds, the left one, piled with fuzzy brown blankets as needed or clothed with luxurious white cotton sheets that felt cool against cheek or jowl. Since I was tasked with the cleaning instead of the dorm servants, my room smelled of us, faintly of yeast, sweat, and a wolf that occasionally hunted rabbits but favored the cafeteria's pasture-beast stew.

The little red iron stove kept us warm through winter; the room's wood panel walls kept us shaded from the hot summer sun. It lovingly provided a rare enclosure—almost like walking within the orange and white rock walls of the slot canyons of the south woods—creating a remarkable silence in a land of noisy humans and huffing machines. This and its soft radiant cloud-light ceiling made me feel... what? Swaddled? Like being /home,/ as my parents would have used the word back on the farm when I was a child. My spirit books, fashion magazines, and papers cluttered the worn ink-stained blond pine desk. I ran my bare feet over the oval tapestry rug letting the patterns of wands and dryad trees caress my toes. My skin stuck to the cushy tan leather chair as I stood, but I knew that was it hugging me.

Situated to the rear of the building on the first floor, the casement window at the end of the rectangular space opened to the clay roof of a shed. Crisp autumn breezes fluttered the gauzy drapes as I looked out at the barrier forest beyond the stables, lit by the setting sun. The window conveniently allowed Mother Wolf to jump up, as she did right now, and clatter into the room as she pleased. She greeted me with an ever-wet red tongue on my face and backside. (A white wolf opening the front door of the women's dorm, with a key in her mouth, and walking in always frightened at least one student or professor. People called me their Wild Woman, but still never got used to the implications of the name.)

Best of all, as the special guest of Her Highness, nobody dared inspect my room. Everyone knocked, no exceptions. Wolf inside, right? Framed pictures of my boyfriend hung suspended by single powder blue silk ribbons, and they were /very/ inappropriate. Looking at him warmed me deeply, reminding me of being /us,/ together—so I didn't care that my foolish "civilized" human brethren might think. People existed to enjoy themselves, regardless of what nosy people might say. This room supported me as I lived here, trapped in the Townships because circumstance required me to learn to be "more human" as Her Highness was fond of saying. My little supportive enclave encouraged me to be me, and allowed me to dress or not dress as I pleased behind its closed oaken door.

When the House Mother knocked, I simply threw on a dressing gown. I turned the pictures around before answering—to be respectful. It tickled me that she never asked why I always smiled when I opened the door.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2403.01 — Introduce yourself as if you were a character in your story. What would your role be?

Can my story be autobiographical?

My first recollection was looking up at a dashboard in a car. It was green, made of metal. My dad was driving, but I don't think there were seatbelts.

I don't remember much from those days because I acquired language late, and then it was French because Mom sent me to a Montessori. I don't remember French, so I don't remember much. Autism was a secret that ran in the family, though I wasn't as bad as Uncle who stayed home all day building houses with cardboard and tape.

My specialness would account for other factors when I grew up, and, oddly, lead me to becoming an author. I think I had little native understanding of people's behavior, less of their expressions. It led me to intensely studying them, learning to predict what they'd do as if my life depended on it.

It did. If I didn't get it right, bad things happened. Don't remember specifically what, but I'm sure of this. Not understanding the language, nor the people, made it hard to remember more than images.

My next recollections come from when I was 7 or 8. It was night and I was home alone, no lights on. Batman was on primetime (/POW! Zowie! Holy Guacamole!/). By the flickering light of the the TV, Chef Boyardee raviolis heated in the pot and smelled really good...

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#Writever 2402.3 — Mammal

Her Certain Future

Technology and science wasn't magic, and Sharp Eye knew this more than ever. Five generations ago, Fleetmaster Running Talon had turned a portable cannon on his first Tyrannosaur, and ended their species rein of terror. Since that day, science and progress had ruled their world. Telescopes and the study of astronomy were unknown to her grandkin. The laws of orbital dynamics took a decade to render correctly, and her own grandmother had invented the slide math-relator that made verifying it all possible.

She lived in a world that promised her hatchlings steamships that could cross the Great Ocean between ports reliably, in days, because it need no sails. It offered /their/ hatchlings the possibility of powered flight using a lightweight heat engine. Literature discussed the not too fictional possibility of one day visiting the moon.

She ought have been happy with life and her grand future.

This wasn't the case. She turned the great telescopes with there photo capture plates toward the sky every night.

She'd found a streak.

Not a new planet. Something far smaller. Something far closer.

The rodent was very brazen outside the window. She'd been throwing the mammal bits of meat for the last month as she'd directed the telescopes, so of course he was. It chittered. With googly eyes, needle teeth, and the rotted smell of offal, the creature wiggled its pink nose and whiskers at her. It could see through a window! So smart. Its furry kind survived the freezing nights on the mountain, where despite her downy feathers, and a heavy parka, she could barely breathe the frigid night air. It burned her lungs.

She'd found a giant rock in space. A week later she confirmed it was two. The latest plate insisted she'd found a co-orbiting swarm, the biggest the size of a city or larger, the rest not that much smaller. Its mass made her think it was mostly iron-nickel. The length of the streaks on the plates grew smaller as the planet's gravity well influenced the orbit, sending it down on their heads.

Physics was physics. The ellipse calculations were irrefutable.

Between the constantly erupting volcano lands on the opposite side of the continent—which made sunset burn orange and purple, and sometimes caused snow to fall at the equator—and the dirt and dust that would be kicked out of the atmosphere by the meteor impact to rain down molten rock across the land, would it be that prolific mammal's descendants who'd inherit her decimated world?

Sharp Eye took a deep breath, inhaling the steam of her tea. The big question was: Did she announce her findings? While she had time?

Did it matter?

Who was she to break the world's ignorant bliss by announcing the inevitable? Fame didn't matter any more. How could it?

She sipped her tea and watched the soon to be victorious vermin nose through gravel, looking for roaches. She set the cup down, thinking how pleasant living only in the present was. She knew the future.

Then she thought, surely roaches would survive. Right?

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for January 10th, 2024

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Tonight's image is one of those free wallpaper thingies, because DreamAI was nothing but errors. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

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2023-12-30 Visual Inspiration prompt.

How is your workplace?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or go and tune some dials... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


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Time for the all-new for December 28th, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for December 15th, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for December 7th, 2023

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Time for the all-new for December 4th, 2023

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

150—What inspired the idea for your WiP

Since we are talking R.S., it has to be what inspired the character.

My WiP is as mechanically constructed as you can get. I realized my character had a half-year where nothing happened between stories, and that got me thinking.

The difficulty here it that because it would be both a sequel and a prequel, I needed the story to have a reason never be reported while still being knock your socks off. Something that could still be shoehorned into later stories with a phrase like "Oops, that's a state secret. Don't repeat that," and not cause a disruption.

(I actually did. You know. Shoehorn that line into a later story, before completing this WiP.)

So what ideas did I throw at the wall?

An invasion of Earth nobody knew about (which comes from five chapters I never continued). My devil-girl had to had to stop it. I wanted to make it useful for ongoing stories by getting the devil-girl back on the main antagonist' radar by my devil-girl inadvertently doing the MA an enormous solid (i.e., saving Her ass).

Check. Check Check.

Didn't quite take off. My devil-girl wasn't biting. What was the story idea missing?


/A sexy dragon./

Anything more would be spoilers.

[Author retains copyright.]

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Time for the all-new for November 22nd, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for November 21st, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for November 20th, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for November 16th, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for November 15th, 2023

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Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for November 11th, 2023

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