gabidavila, to python

Friends, now that people are aggregating together, which conferences should I keep an eye on for submissions? My content goes beyond databases fundamentals, language agnostic. I can cover automation, schema tracking, observability, etc.

Also Vector databases.

aeveltstra, to haskell avatar

I may bitch and gripe a bit about the insane learning curve of programming languages like ... but I cut my teeth on and : I've seen worse. Of all the languages I've used, my favorite by far is , but only for processing. What's yours, and why?

schmaker, to php

Hello guys,

I'm getting #PHP process killed by #OOM killer lately and am not able to debug what and why is causing it, only thing i know at this moment is, that it seems to be related to #Friendica worker (no other webpages are running at my VPS.

Errors in friendica.log and httpd.log are repeated over and over again, I have tons of these.

Friendica log```
2024-01-14T12:14:05Z worker [ALERT]: Fatal Error (E_ERROR): Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes) {"code":1,"message":"Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes)","file":"/srv/http/","line":568,"trace":null} - {"file":null,"line":null,"function":null,"request-id":"65a3d00a94ba8","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleFatalError","uid":"0e21ff","process_id":524483}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746909,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746910,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7055024,"guid":"2cc3d87f-74a5bdcec9bb28f3-597a3200"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1874), Item::storeForUser (1740), Item::storeForUserByUriId (1252), Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: Inserted missing parent post {"stored":1746910,"uid":2,"parent":""} - {"file":"Processor.php","line":1255,"function":"hasParents","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746911,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:28Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"918db4sbltu4uuboiu7vgir1u1","uri":"/robots.txt"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0247394c","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"21ebe6","process_id":521020}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746912,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746913,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:49Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"0ahqk6onff097rtsfs76uk85vu","uri":"/profile/netvoyne?tag=Zaporozhye&page=7"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0395754d","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"28fdfc","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"f1176v7k02rugm0aqrpgo7l8eg","uri":"/display/c83e3896-1964-2eb2-f5bf-0c2147726828"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":46} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (46), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593), Conversation::render (278), Display::getDisplayData (165), Display::content (250), BaseModule::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}

httpd error log```
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773690 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773743 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773791 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773874 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773940 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773990 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774111 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774182 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774240 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774291 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774364 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774531 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774590 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774642 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774698 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774762 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774816 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.905457 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.910537 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.912046 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913249 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913974 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914188 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914399 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915173 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915886 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.621887 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625511 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625602 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625659 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625710 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625798 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625882 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626226 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626284 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626352 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626403 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626497 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626575 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
shaedrich, to programming avatar

I've been #programming for 14 years now, have been using #PHP, #JavaScript, #ColdFusion, #Ruby, and whatnot, but holy cow, when reading the following chapter, I've literally been yelling "what the heck" at every second paragraph:

I mean, #PonyLang really tries to explain everything in depth, and I appreciate the effort, but while it works fine in earlier chapters, it confuses the heck out of me in this at length.

#amProgramming #amCoding #computerScience

taco, to php

can someone convince me why is good actually

Njames, to php

@derickr Hey Derick is there a chance that a native H:M:S to decimal hours converter could be added to the #datetime functions in #PHP ?

It is quite a common activity for calculating someones pay to go from 3h45m -> 3.75 h (mulitplied by $/h)

wyri, to php avatar

So what is everyone writing #PHP these days using for mocks and spies?

elazar, to php avatar

I'm pretty sure I've had this thought before, but in , is there no efficient native way to find the first element in an array for which a callback returns true?

array_filter() and array_reduce() both iterate over all elements instead of stopping at the first match. The only alternative I've found is to use a foreach loop that returns the first match it finds. I'd think this would be a common enough need to warrant a core function, though, no?

andrewfeeney, to php avatar

and folks, what do you make of this?

Stupid Question, not an insult: Why is kbin written in PHP?

Is PHP still a relevant language in today's day and age? I know a LOT of languages and it just never occurred to me to learn this one, because anyone I've ever been aware of writing a backend these days would either choose Node or one of several compiled languages. Lemmy uses Rust for it's backend which is highly desireable,...

ramsey, to Symfony avatar

Why does define what appears to be a “real” value for APP_SECRET in the .env file that’s committed to your repository, and then, right above it, there’s a comment that says (in all caps):


Where’s the documentation that explains what APP_SECRET is used for? Why doesn't it put this value in .env.local (ignored by .gitignore)?

7php, to php

📢 Community Roundtable Time🚀

List 7 PHP Community OGs


  • Ensure no duplication of names.
  • (Optional) Quote or link-back to the original thread for reference.
  • use the hashtag #PHPFamily

I'll compile all the responses & give a shoutout to everyone who participated. 🖖

Let's celebrate the pillars of our #PHP community! 🎉

arda, to kbin avatar

I'm planning to self-host a Reddit like instance for myself, but I'm between Lemmy and kbin . Essentially I want to host my own data, and jump into discussions from other communities.

With a limited search results, people praise for #kbin, and bash #lemmy developers about their world and political views, however Lemmy is written with #rust, and Kbin with #php .

I just want to migrate to what people will be using to.

So, which solution would you prefer?

#reddit #redditblackout #fediverse

array, to php avatar

My first was 8.0, still in school, and I confess that I began learning it with the prejudice of it being a junky, terrible language everybody was making fun of. Fast forward ~1 year later, after finishing my internship, where I used full stack mainly, and having discovered that not only it wasn't that bad, but really a pleasure to work with. Not perfect, but perfectly suitable for its use cases and, what's perfect anyway? So reading this has been a joy. :D

Crell, to php avatar

Question for @longhorn attendees: I'm presenting on a library I built recently. Would you rather I spend more time on how to use it, or how it works? Or something else?

It's a new talk so I can customize it easily. 🙂

Romm, to php French

🔔#PHP library Valinor v1.6.0 was released!

  • PHP 8.3 support
  • More robust type parsing
  • Better array-keys support
  • Documentation about the @symfony bundle
  • A lot of edge-case bugs concerning types, cache and attributes fixed

Read more about it ⬇️

Crell, to rust avatar

Thought experiment:

We have languages without null (eg, ), and it's been a good thing.

What would a language without booleans look like? Force things to be context-specific enums or similar.

Something to think about this weekend while avoiding your inlaws...

Edent, to fediverse avatar

OK. Here's another "developing in the open" post.

I've written an server which can be deployed as a single file.

No databases, no libraries, no dependencies, no frameworks. Also, no advanced features!

It is currently powering the user

I am looking for alpha testers. All you need is a domain, PHP 8, and the ability to add a custom .htaccess rule to your server.

If you'd like to try it out & give me feedback, please drop me a message.

Edent, to fediverse avatar

🆕 blog! “ActivityPub Server in a Single PHP File”

Any computer program can be designed to run from a single file if you architect it wrong enough! I wanted to create the simplest possible Fediverse server which can be used as an educational tool to show how ActivityPub / Mastodon works. The design goals were: Upload a single PHP file to the server. No […]

👀 Read more:

Crell, to rust avatar

This video is about , but it's comments about error handling are valid for anyone in any language. PHP friends especially, this is the kind of stuff I've been ranting about for a while now. :-)

dandb, to php avatar

Generics in would make my life so much easier today.

edorian, to php avatar

Is there a way to make #php 8.3 #segfault purely from within userland, without shelling out or using posix APIs?

I want to get some more testing done on 8.3 signal processing.

8.2 and below tostring and similar recursions worked:

class Crash
public function __tostring()
return "".$this;

"".(new Crash());

syntaxseed, to wordpress avatar

I've been brushing up my #WordPress skills in anticipation of a couple new contracts I'm negotiating.

Decided to attempt to rewrite my company website onto in, learning theme dev along the way. It's going swimmingly. 😁

But ug. The #PHP standards for WP are so old fashioned, it's a weird backwards learning curve.


ramsey, to php avatar

Is Brent Roose on the Fediverse anywhere? I love this idea, and I’d love to help contribute.

I started down the path of trying to port #Pygments to #PHP a while back. I maintained a PHP wrapper for it (, and even set up a GitHub organization for “Phygments.” 😉

I want to help make this happen. Maybe I’ll have to email Brent if he’s not on the Fediverse.

@freekmurze @pronskiy Do either of you know if he’s here?

wyri, to php avatar

Let me partially rewrite this package I thought, how hard can it be? Yup now I'm learning all about the small details and timings of the protocol the package implements 😅 .

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