

aroom avatar


+/- | amour l'espérance (he/they)

Federated avatar


Administrator of, Fediverse instance of Grateful Dread Peace Media - Diverse Spectrum of the Left: aggregated LEFTIST news, arts, culture, activism, peace - always monitored #RevolutionaryLove - Natalie Davis, owner/editor

"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world." — Eugene V. Debs

"Way too fine to be this stressed." -- Lizzo

No Threads/Meta avatar


🐕🌿🏳️‍🌈 :bisexual_flag: your friendly vegan next door.

Wenn du mich suchst, ich bin Gassi oder am Kühlschrank. Die mit der Tastatur.

THW 2. TZ/WP 💙 Design 🎨 Plants 🪴 GW2 🐲 avatar

bundeskater avatar


Illustrator and Graphic Designer | Vegan | He/Him | Interested in #design, #creativity, #illustration, #remoteworking, and #sustainability

Profile Picture by me. Header by me.

#fedi22 #searchable avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based


I post about veganism, animal rights, and growing our activist space in the Fediverse.

Software engineer, interested in SRE

Arch user btw
Vegan btw


Photos of vegan food and organic gardening. Mastodon: @vegaliciousRecipes at: our photos at:


Investigative Journalist doing #OSINT for #AnimalRights & #IndigenousRights.

I created a non-profit platform & consumer website for creatives, scientists, concerned consumers and corruption whistleblowers to #Boycott4Wildlife

#Boycottpalmoil #Vegan #Buddhism #Wicca #Pigoneer She/her
I am #Maori belonging to many places #Aotearoa #Scotland #Poland #slavaUkraini
Animals deserve us to fight for them. avatar


🐷 Lebensort für gerettete Tiere zwischen Hamburg & Berlin
🌱 Veganes Tierschutzzentrum
🍀 Für die Befreiung von Mensch & Tier
🍰 Sonntags geöffnet (Mai-Okt.) avatar

Resister avatar


🎸🌈🌍🌎🌏🧬 📚 #balkonien 🪲🐛
Science Based Training 🐕 & 🐎 #rescuedogs #greyhound #galgoespanol 🐾 #vegan 🐝🐄🐷🐑🐰🐑🐔🐟 weil mir nicht alles egal ist🌱 #tierrechte
#ethik #bienen #wissenschaft #klima #landwirtschaft #biovegan #ernährung #agrarwende #agrarkriminalität #biodiversität #GrasUndSteine
#Tiere und #Zahlen sind meine Freunde, Halbkartoffel, she/her,
Spoonie, teilt sich ihre Löffel selbst ein. #Fuckcancer #Fibromyalgie & andere Specials.
Privilegien: weiss, deutscher Pass, Homo sapiens, cis avatar


Je parle de cuisine #vegan, de la condition animale et un peu de politique, de série, de blabla.
Pour dire d'où je parle, contrairement à ce que mon prénom laisse penser, je suis un homme.

Pour filtrer et ne pas voir mes messages sur la cuisine, il faut cibler #veganfood et pour ceux parlant de maltraitance animale #govegan

Je ne trouve pas à inclure avec mes photos un alt, alors je précise ici : une peinture abstraite de Simon Hantaï et la photo de notre petite minette qui dort paisiblement avatar


Vegan Easy is a grassroots initiative by Animal Liberation Victoria, helping people kickstart a kinder life. We promote veganism as the ethical, rational, and earth friendly lifestyle that it is. Sign up for the free 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge: avatar


Activist, dad, husband, UX designer, technologist, researcher, writer, soccer fan, musician, vegetarian, meditator, competitive gamer, lover, hater, potty mouth, actually ADHD. He/him/his. moderator.

#BlackLivesMatter #AbolishThePolice #Antifascist #UX #Research #InformationArchitecture #Design #Code #Tofu avatar


végane insoumise, REV, antispéciste et écologiste, antiraciste, anti fasciste,anti nucléaire, je lutte contre l'exploitation des animaux humains et non humains et pour sauver la planète.
langues: fr. anglais, espagnol
#veganfood, #catsofmastodon, #stopchasse,

vegan since 2011, french, cat person, antinuclear, antiracist, antifascist, antisionist avatar


Ex-Appler, vegan, climber, yogi, bunny cohabiter. “An expert in the field of computer programming.” He/him/his.


#vegan for the animals

Just posting hard truths avatar


Un quinqua geek, informaticien qui s'est tourné vers une vie plus saine ( bio, végétarisme tendance végane, méditation, etc). Mais geek avant tout ( logiciels, app, comics, séries, SF, jeux vidéo, mmo ). avatar


I am a blind technologist, humanist, a voracious devourer of books, speaker, writer, and a thinker, who finds himself championing #accessibility for fun and necessity. I'm currently exploring the complex world of AR and VR worlds to find best ways to achieve full accessibility for disabled people.

Oh and give me your fun book recommendations: be it nonfiction, science fiction and fantasy, romance, mystery, and more.


J'aime raconter des histoires, chanter et cuisiner (VG). Bobo wokiste écolo, féministe, catho.
Co-fondatrice de - Visites contées et théâtralisées de #Lyon.

Photo de couverture : Adam et Eve sur un chapiteau de la Basilique de Vézelay. avatar


#Vegan for the animals c. 2009 | Sim-Racer | Gamer | VoIP Engineer | Not very social | Antitheist | Antinatalist I Equality for all | #Ally | Location: Central Florida, US avatar


Bauhaus ist eine Band, kein Baumarkt.

LinksGrünGothVeganversiffter Gutmensch (er/ihm, he/him). Pirat. Hoffnungsloser Romantiker. Melomane. Gothboyfriend, sapiosexuell by heart. Vergeben an den schönsten Stern im Fediverse. avatar


Kultur + Genuss avatar


Bipedal, literate, plant-eating animal. Proud #Liberal, #Vegan advocate for compassion; #meditation practitioner; #musician; #artist; #haiku #writer; broken heart.

Follow me? Not sure where we're going, but we'll go together. avatar


Queer Southeast Asian in California working on #civictech. I lead the product team at San Francisco Digital Services.

I write about food, immigrant life, pets, steel bikes, photography and other analog hobbies. avatar


Fediverse instance for Goldman Mill, the Virtual Microstate of Peace (fictional country dedicated to peace, art, activism, & demsocialism is in a virtual RPG - . It's free: join, search GOLDMAN MILL, tour more than 1000 sites that comprise our peace-focused island microstate.)


Plant eater, animal lover, reader, socially disassociated currently, photographer, e-bike (now) rider.
I've stopped boosting images that lack alt text. Even ones that I love!
I live in Nova Scotia, with my husband, border collie and three Cornish Rex cats. I seem to spend 90% of my waking time in the kitchen, cooking and the rest out walking my dog.
I do not post or comment on anything political.
I write stories and take pictures. They are on my blog mostly.
searchable by tootfinder avatar


Content-Creator-for-Hire (for Your Business) . Sharing Discoveries on the Internet Since 1992 . #Creator . #Geek . #Nerd . #Toys . #StarWars . #LEGO . #Seattle . #Nerd . #Retro . #Founder . #Entrepreneur . #3DPrinting . #Vegan . #Jedi . #Tech . #Software . #Community . #SocialMedia . #SciFi . 100% Personal


Isle of Wight based picture seller. I run a small gallery selling my husband's landscape photography. Previously I worked as a project worker in a centre for the homeless and rootless and later in homeless prevention/tenancy support. I tend to post photos of the Isle of Wight , boost other photos that appeal to me, share what music I'm (and others I follow) are listening to. In my case it's usually rock! Give me nature, animals, music, vegan food, Coventry City FC and I'm happy! avatar


25 years on the web.

Makes @couchdb @pouchdb & #offlinefirst.

CEO at

ASF Member & CouchDB PMC Chair.

Made JSConf EU, Greenkeeper, Hoodie, Mustache.js.

Dissatisfied with the status-quo.

Soft Boy. Likes birds, bikes & bees.

:zeldalink: avatar


towards a full source free software #bootstrap

#GNU Mes, Guile, Guix, the Hurd

physicist|#barefooter|#vegan|#Avatar® Master


#nvc|#sociocracy|#poly avatar


:: aka DiogeneAYA

/ Pèlerin entre Matière et Esprit
// Explorateur des limbes, harmonisant science et conscience.
// Défenseur du vivant, défiant l'écocide et rêvant d'une société plus sage.

/// Socials:
/// avatar


Wandering 🥾, bow-shooting 🏹, chess-playing ♟️Software Developer for Tradebyte (Zalando SE) | {} & go #vegan 🌱 | (he/him) avatar


//Hobbyautorin//Möchtegernkünstlerin//Piratin//Crazy Cat Lady und Dosenöffner für Muffin, Fienchen und Harvey//durchgeknallte Zaubererfürstin aus dem Haus Telvanni//green blooded Snake//Nekromantin//Lvl 32//

->Zeichnen und kreatives Schreiben
->Gaming, Comics und Cosplay
->Essen (vegan)
->Not just sad

Sab khut hafeth, frazhannempal was qailefeth.

Beiträge, die älter als 2 Jahre u. nicht mit einem Lesezeichen versehen sind, werden automatisch gelöscht.


📗 « La révolution du potager, manuel d'écologie individuelle et collective », @editionslaplage
🏴🌿Écologie, féminisme et gauche laser avatar


a bird-loving mask-wearing total liberationist dyke from "vancouver island" 🌲

my veganism is for ALL animals from the tiniest shrimps to the 800 pound piggies i care for at the sanctuary 👩🏻‍🌾

into birdwatching, veganic gardening, native plants, natural medicine, activism, cooking/baking, writing, music, watercolour, diy, game dev & more 🥰

animal agriculture causes pandemics. you can’t love birds and eat them. there is nothing solarpunk about animal agriculture. tech will not save us 🥀


Sciences, vulgarisation, cuisine et cinéma d'animation. Et d'autres choses encore | Ancien LP2I, licence S&H Marseille et master AJCS Paris avatar


🇵🇱 Lewak, cyklista i wegetarianin. On/jego.

🇬🇧 Polish leftist, cyclists and vegetarian. He/him.

[ 🚩 ⸱ ↙↙↙ ⸱ 🚴🏻‍♂️ ⸱ 🐧 ⸱ 💚 ⸱ 4💉 ]

#fedi22 #rower #Linux #GNOME #FediGotuje


Retired Early Childhood Educator, Sourdough Baker, Vegan Cooking and Baking Crafting, Gardening, Cats and a bit of politics. trying one more time to get this right #cats #vegan #caturday #sourdough #sewing avatar


Tech | Politics | #SCF | #Skol | #FCKNZS | ;
nicht rechts, nicht Mitte, :antifa:, nd
What's so hard in trying not to harm anyone?
Abonnierte Podcasts:
Runs on ☕️🧉🍵


🌱 Vegetal Candy Shop 🍬🍭
Boutique en ligne de vente de bonbons, chocolats, biscuits et gâteaux et autres snacks 100% végans

Toot en français et principalement sur la nourriture (végane bien-sur !) avatar


Ron Swanson + Kenny Powers + Ryan Reynolds

IT Network Operations for the day job.

C/Ku/Ka-Band #satellite Communications Expert 🛰️

APRS/ADS-B #radio guy 📻

#Cyberpunk OG :anarchy:
Gamer tag: Ea9leEye1969

Professional Storm Chaser - ⚡

#Breaking News/Weather guy 📡


Level 45 in this game of life.

Used to #DJ radio/clubs.

#BBS #SysOp in the 90's

Bird site Transplant. 14 years

Main site:



American, Caucasian, liberal, man, cis, straight, atheist,vegan, Linux.

Literally likes taking long walks.

Buddhism,Theravada, Stoicism,gym,reading,humor,politics. Pro-vaccine, pro strict gun control.


Vegan music blogger and author, freelance Content Writer ⌨️bands and activists: contact me for interviews: 👉👈 Hoodie enthusiast. Listening to that ominous music since 1982.🎙️#PostRock 🌱#vegan for the animals 🧠actually #neurodivergent 🏳️‍🌈#pan
Toots in English and German


Software developer and (sometimes) blogger trying to figure out secret to living a healthy and content life into his 100's. avatar


Just me, living my life. A round-earther and curious technophile. Sharing a bit of life along the #Minnesota- #NorthDakota border. Amplifying a variety of interesting and passionate people.

#Vikings fan, #skol, #MNUFC, #sunsets, outdoors, #lakelife, #UpNorth #fishing, #iceFishing, #winter, #mnastodon, former #Microsoft, dad to #actuallyautistic adult.



Herr Grün kocht und backt leidenschaftlich. Natürlich. Kochbuch bei Grün & Caprese. #Vegetarisch und #vegan. #Foodblogger #Autor #Hamburg avatar


A #PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays #Tabletop and #VideoGames; if the weathers nice he #Climb 's rocks, but mostly falls off of indoor #Bouldering ones.

Also, way too many pictures of his #Corgi #SheridanTheCorgi

#SelfHost #DevOps #SoftwareDeveloper #OpenSource #Dokku #fedi22

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