@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

It still gets me the Bible Jesus is a homeless socialist with brown skin, hangs out with 12 dudes and a Prostitute, tells rich people to pay their taxes and give their wealth to the poor, tells the religious leaders that they need to love everyone equally, gets a whip and goes hog on people using religion to sell stuff, and then straight up gets murdered for these beliefs. Yet somehow churches act like he's some kind of Conservative Haircut in khakis and a button up, who would support cutting welfare programs, and would preach Prosperity Gospel.

@farah@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr It might seem controversial but hear me out, the problem is not the Bible, it’s the church. When you appoint some middleman to interpret your religious texts - there’s 90% chance the middleman will imbue it with their own agenda. Churches have too much power on how people should practice their religion.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@farah Amen

@billyjoebowers@mastodon.online avatar
@davew@mastodon.online avatar

@RickiTarr The “people of the book“ have always had a weakness for golden calves


Trump presents the golden sneakers to the christofascists

@mastosalo@nerdculture.de avatar


And what's the deal with the bunny and the eggs.

@PeachMcD@union.place avatar

@mastosalo @RickiTarr

Those are ancient fertility symbols associated with the goddess Ostara (Spring). This finds it way amusing that my highest feast is named after a goddess & all the children run around looking for fertility symbols

@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@mastosalo @RickiTarr Easter is a stolen fertility festival. Based on the moon. (Spelling) Eustera is the goddess in question. From whom we get Estrogen, coincidentally. Hence bunnies, chicks, eggs.

@Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr also a refugee baby

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar
@carrideen@c18.masto.host avatar

@RickiTarr In the 1820s Jeremy Bentham wrote a third volume of his Not Paul But Jesus series all about how Jesus never said a word in favor of asceticism. It wasn't published in his lifetime but it's free on the internet now! He has a whole theory that Jesus was basically a pansexual polyamorous anti-colonialist activist who was trying to free people from unnecessary restriction of the body. It's great. https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1392179/3/npbj.pdf

@KatLS@ohai.social avatar

@carrideen @RickiTarr amen🙏I’m feeling that loving yourself regardless of your net worth or the pittance you get from an employer is a radical anti capitalist act these days. 👊🏼

@Paxil@mastodon.social avatar

@KatLS @carrideen @RickiTarr You've hit on the nexus of Christofascism and what I call corporofascism I don't begrudge capitalism but what investors and corporations have done to it is pure dehumanization.

RogerBW, (edited )
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

@RickiTarr Yes. This specific Christianity was invented in the US in the mid 1800s because the mainstream Euro-American zeitgeist (of which mainstream Christianity was a part) was finally accepting that slavery was a bad thing, and the slave owners needed a way to keep being slave owners but also call themselves Christian. It all comes from there, specifically including the way of picking particular verses out of the bible and skipping others so that you don't have to read anything you don't like, and the emphasis on faith over works so that the bad stuff you do doesn't really matter and there's no point in making this world better as long as you turn up in church and say the right things to get into heaven. With a morally bankrupt foundation like that it's surprising and impressive that anyone has got any good out of it.

@TheJen@beige.party avatar

@RogerBW @RickiTarr
They're called Baptists. Southern variety, specifically.

@theothersimo@mastodon.social avatar

@TheJen @RogerBW @RickiTarr past generations of Baptists were strongly supporters of separation of church and state. Today’s Baptists are seizing the day for their own persecution of heretics.

@TheJen@beige.party avatar

@theothersimo @RogerBW @RickiTarr Um. No. Southern Baptist church was created SPECIFICALLY. To support slavery and slave owners.

@itsjustjenn@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr Ahh yes, Supply Side Jesus. Conservatives love him!

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@itsjustjenn Supply Side Jesus LOL

@statsguy@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr True. I am convinced that 99% of the Christian Right have never read the Bible.

@AlexanderVI@stranger.social avatar

@statsguy that sounds generous


@foolishowl@social.coop avatar
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@foolishowl @AlexanderVI @statsguy I can't believe this is real life now

@foolishowl@social.coop avatar

@RickiTarr @AlexanderVI @statsguy When I was reading about the history of abortion rights in the US, one of the most astonishing things was that in the 70s, most religious groups strongly supported abortion rights on humanitarian grounds, especially the Baptists.

The far right has methodically taken control of every social institution, one after another, driving the rest of us out and leaving us isolated, lonely, and afraid.

@paulschoe@mastodon.world avatar

This Religious Leader about why he left the Southern Baptist Convention:

"After pastors quote the Sermon on the Mount, such as “turn the other cheek,”, afterwards people would ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

When the pastor answers, ‘I’m quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’”

When the teachings of Jesus are seen as subversive, then we’re in a crisis.”
@foolishowl @AlexanderVI @statsguy @RickiTarr

@AlexanderVI@stranger.social avatar

@paulschoe could this be the "sword" in Matthew 10:34-36?

Did Jesus ever use metaphor in all those parables...?🤔


@foolishowl @statsguy @RickiTarr

@paulschoe@mastodon.world avatar

Both believers and non-believers usually take the Bible too literally.

Every book in the Bible was written to give a message.

Just as is done now by leaders and teachers, you give a message in the language, and with the examples, that the people around you understand.

To understand the messages in the Bible, you must not take the Bible literally, but relate the text to when it happened. The context.

It is the message that counts, not the text.

@AlexanderVI @foolishowl @statsguy @RickiTarr

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@paulschoe @AlexanderVI @foolishowl @statsguy Agreed, I don't know if people learn to read constructively. I'm agnostic, but I find religious text interesting, it can tell us a lot about humanity, and the times they were written in. With every kind of text like this you have to take it in context.

@AlexanderVI@stranger.social avatar

@RickiTarr particularly true of a text that exists in relation to both extensive Jewish prophetic literature and a Hellenistic Palestine (at the time of Jesus, the Romans had just ended what we call the Hellenistic period in the area from a governmental perspective, but we know there are considerable cultural continuities - the New Testament's' composition in Greek is not a freak accident).

At our remove, what once were commonplaces can become mysteries.

@paulschoe @foolishowl @statsguy

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@AlexanderVI @paulschoe @foolishowl @statsguy It also says a lot about the people who put it together, what they put in and what they left out

@AlexanderVI@stranger.social avatar

@RickiTarr and there are a lot of people making those in/out choices, for centuries and centuries after the period when they were written. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think any two denominations have completeky identical canons.

@paulschoe @foolishowl @statsguy

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@AlexanderVI @paulschoe @foolishowl @statsguy Religions have so many different sects for a reason.

@statsguy@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr @AlexanderVI @paulschoe @foolishowl Absolutely, what people leave out can be hugely revealing in so many contexts


@RickiTarr The Kikbbutznik Carpenter from Natz'ret made me a revolutionary leftist... :anarchiststar:

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@ritchiepage2001 BAHAHA what a headline

@frankpodmore@social.coop avatar

@RickiTarr And he explicitly says you should pay your taxes!

@sssystemic@mastodon.social avatar


please let me preface this by saying, if somebody were to ask about my religion, I'm a secular humanist. and if they were kind enough to ask further (no really, where do ya stand about God?), I'd say I'm agnostic.
ok so, with that said, I def hear what you're saying. and yes there are churches who promote the khaki-wearing conservative Jesus. there are also churches who understand Jesus as a beautiful radical, and they start from there.
again, I'm not religious!! <3

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@sssystemic I'm agnostic myself, but I'm fascinated by the stories humans tell especially ones of a religious or spiritual variety. I feel like we can learn a lot about humanity that way, by sussing out what lies beneath.

@sssystemic@mastodon.social avatar


likewise :BlobhajHugFullBody:

for me, some (rare) religion-oriented groups provide a fulcrum for organizing and providing support. around social justice, food distribution, housing, helping people.

used to think any relig group = bad. But now I think they aren't all bad. u need to be selective though. in my neck of woods, the unitarians are active & accepting. I ALWAYS say upfront I'm agnostic, and they're like ok we don't care, can you serve soup this Wed at 6 pm?

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@sssystemic Yeah, I definitely have my anger at people using religion against other people, but if you're being kind, helpful, and generous then more of that please.

@rothko@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr one of my favorite bumper stickers says "jesus, save me from your followers."

@HoptheScorbunny@pawb.fun avatar

@RickiTarr And it pisses me off as a Christian. So many "Christian" groups are too content with locking themselves in their little bubbles and acting like the rest of the world is demonic/beyond saving when that goes against EVERYTHING their holy book teaches.

@Hunterrules0_o@techhub.social avatar

@RickiTarr they use the bible as a political tool. because so much of the bible is up to interpretation they use it to manipulate the wording of it to fit their political agenda. I half blame the evil megachurches and half blame the bible itself for being so up to interpretation

@Methylcobalamin@mastodon.social avatar


>some kind of Conservative Haircut in khakis and a button up,

My system administrator is the lord????

@YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar

@RickiTarr Thank you. All of this.

His Dad, Joe, was a carpenter who discovered his brand new wife was pregnant by another. Instead of putting her in the streets, he raised the child as his own. That's about as real as it gets. Love overcoming circumstances.

Folks who don't read the book shouldn't be telling anyone else what's in the thing.

@michaelgemar@mstdn.ca avatar

@RickiTarr Not just in khakis — a lot of “Christians” see him in camouflage and body armour wielding an AR-15 to take out their enemies.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@michaelgemar Snort Laugh

@Peternimmo@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr @michaelgemar funny but terrifying

@rrb@allthingstech.social avatar
@Peternimmo@mastodon.scot avatar

@rrb @RickiTarr @michaelgemar quite. A better illustration for that would be someone naked, with nothing visible to keep them safe.
Bible verse memes are a modern bane

@rrb@allthingstech.social avatar

@Peternimmo @RickiTarr @michaelgemar

As Jesus said:

"If someone should strike you on the cheek, stand your ground and shoot his ass with an AR-15"


@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@rrb @Peternimmo @michaelgemar Oh these are the people who made the AR Jesus picture

@tony@hoyle.me.uk avatar


@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@tony Bahaha yes

@rothko@beige.party avatar

@tony @RickiTarr that was more because his mom nagged him to do it. "jesus, they've run out of wine, maybe you could help them out? ahem"

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr I blame Theodosius I

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr To be clear, I'm not letting Justinian I off the hook, but Theodosius committed the original sin of making Christianity the state religion, thus co-opting it as a bulwark of orthodoxy, rather than a cudgel against it as it had been back when it was a just one of many crunchy new-age eastern mystery cults.

@rothko@beige.party avatar

@theropologist @RickiTarr theodosius? i thought it was constantine that made it state religion.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@rothko @RickiTarr Constantine allowed broad toleration of Christianity. He also tried to steer it towards theological orthodoxy with the Council of Nicea, but that was for political purposes as much as religious purposes. He didn't wasn't a bunch of different Christian factions splitting up the loyalties of the Roman people. He wanted one religion for one empire. He himself hedged his bets, however, and only converted on his deathbed. It wasn't until Theodosius that Christianity was made the official state religion of Rome, but you're right in that Christianity being used as a means to enforce orthodoxy rather than challenge it does go back to Constantine and the Council of Nicea.

But everyone's got their own axe to grind on the Fedi and I've been sharpening mine for Theodosius for a while now.

@rothko@beige.party avatar

@theropologist @RickiTarr ah, thanks for the details. i should know this myself but it's been a while since studying all that.

before we moved i was in the middle of reading a book called "the bad popes" which is a history of all the political and other bullshit certain popes got up to in early/medieval church history. was enjoying it but now it's in storage so it'll be a while before i finish...

@NickGates@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

@theropologist @RickiTarr I've had enough of your Theodosius-bashing

@theropologist@beige.party avatar


@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@NickGates @RickiTarr All started because some homophobic Goth had "concerns" and Theodosius didn't have a fucking spine. Fie upon him! I say Fie!

@NickGates@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

@theropologist @RickiTarr oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you didn't want to keep law and order in the Empire #ProtectTheChildren

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@NickGates @RickiTarr Look, I'm not defending pederasty based on our modern ethical standards but...nope, nope there's no good way to end that sentence. I'm out!

@timo21@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@RickiTarr Clearly they need to rename their religion. The bible sections you listed are not the sections evangelicals quote from. So the only assumption, based upon their quoting habits, is they only read the Old Testament and the Acts of the Apostles, but skip the middle Jesus sections.

@JizzelEtBass@kolektiva.social avatar

@RickiTarr This is your periodic reminder that Christianity was founded by a dude who never met Jesus when he was alive, was a tax collector for the Romans, and fell off his horse and hit his head and had visions, also known as Megalo maniac psychosis post secondary traumatic brain injury, and got reprimanded by the mother church multiple times.

@madopal@mstdn.social avatar

Matthew 19:24: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God"
Bible Scholars: "Ok, technically there was a city gate that was called "the eye of the needle" and it was an arduous process to kneel the camel and get it into the city."

Gif from the movie "Dumb and Dumber" where Lloyd is saying "So you're telling me there's a chance?"

@bmacDonald94@hostux.social avatar

@RickiTarr ~ It has always been about control. 💕

@jimbush@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr That this is allowed to continue is one of the things that contributed to the breaking of my faith.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@jimbush Yeah it's rough

@maggiemartin@mstdn.ca avatar

@RickiTarr Magdalena was not a prostitute. Church fathers “revised” her actual role. Her real story is much more interesting. There is plenty of research. Here’s a bit: https://www.history.com/news/mary-magdalene-jesus-wife-prostitute-saint

And I talk about her here: https://youtu.be/-mj-ELoN1iM?si=sL6dhMxNbl04VTqY

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@maggiemartin Oh cool, but even if she was, who cares

@maggiemartin@mstdn.ca avatar

@RickiTarr oh definitely. We more modern people don’t view sex work in such a negative light. Looking through a patriarchal lens of the last two centuries, though, calling her a prostitute was a means to lower her status, erase her power.

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