mivox, (edited )
@mivox@mivox.net avatar

Three years. Three fucking years of zero in my home.

Now my husband is quarantined downstairs for who knows how long, and I’m building a Corsi-Rosenthal box for the living room, because the HEPA air purifier with the UVC light is camping downstairs with him.

I tested negative earlier tonight, really hoping I manage to stay that way.

@LRRRonEarth@beige.party avatar

@mivox OOC: Bummer. Wishing y'all a good health. Hope it's not big deal.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@LRRRonEarth I hope so too. 🤞🤞

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

Handcrafted, artisanal C-R box deployed.

The fan is stuck on high, because the controls are inconveniently located on the front, rather than the top. But hey, that means it’s also a white noise generator!

#CorsiRosenthalBox #AntiViralAirFilter #COVIDisNotOver #PlagueHouse


@mivox that's a heck of a way to hepa

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@nausiyan I kept meaning to get a fancy whole-house size proper HEPA unit, but the ones I was looking at were like $500… this was about $50 and 15 minutes I think?

I still want one of the fancy ones though. Sooner or later.


@mivox sadly hepa is a buzzword term that gives corporate greed to mark up price higher than then parts by huge margin, plus some pushing out non hepa as hepa units to pocket the money from the term

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@nausiyan I appreciate the regulated performance standards, but of course that means nothing if the product is from a disreputable manufacturer.

@Powerfromspace1@mstdn.social avatar

@mivox 👍🏾#CovidIsNotOver unless your rich there tons of pre- post infections options for you

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

#PlagueHouse Day Two: Husband is normally the breakfast cook. Not only can I not flip an egg in the air like he can, but I broke one of his yolks. :blobCat_tear:

His doctor will not prescribe Paxlovid because she says pharmacists want a kidney function test before they fill it. 🤬 On the upside, she told him to rest, so he might actually rest?

I do not know if I’m feeling sick or not. I’m too anxious about whether I’m feeling sick to be an impartial judge. :blobcatfearful: #COVID

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

We still had a stash of hand sanitizer from the Early Times, so I’ve filled a spray bottle with some. Downstairs: Bathroom fan & air purifier running 24/7. Upstairs: CR box going nonstop. We’ll see how long a $20 box fan can survive running continuously on high, I guess?

Putting on my #Breathe99 #ElastomericMask every time I go downstairs, and Matt puts on a KN95. 🤞😷

mivox, (edited )
@mivox@mivox.net avatar

If you get #covid and your regular doc doesn’t want to give you #Paxlovid for some reason, but your insurance company or employer contracts with #Teladoc, call them instead.

I’m picking up Paxlovid & a cough suppressant for my husband this afternoon, no hassle whatsoever (this is after his PCP refused to prescribe anything this morning).


@andthisismrspeacock@mas.to avatar

@mivox +1. My telehealth provider is 1000% more responsive and reliable than the pile of wet garbage that is my "primary care" practice. I use them for everything I possibly can.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@andthisismrspeacock I’ve been side-eyeing his PCP for a while now. This just settles it, I need to find a different doctor for myself.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

Welp, I’m retracting my previous wholehearted recommendation of #Teladoc, because when I called them today after my positive test (boo!) I got a different doctor, and was told I couldn’t get #Paxlovid because I hadn’t had a recent kidney function test.

Who the fuck is out here getting routine kidney function tests? Nobody gets their kidneys tested unless there’s a problem with them. 🤬

Anyhow, the upside I guess is that I don’t have to bother masking in the house anymore. 🙃

@AlaskaWx@alaskan.social avatar

@mivox Can you get to TVC First Care?

mivox, (edited )
@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@AlaskaWx In the morning I’m calling our insurance clinic first, and if no luck there, TVC next.

@Scatterseed@alaskan.social avatar

@mivox Ugh I’m so sorry this is happening for you.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@Scatterseed 💜 Fingers crossed it stays relatively mild and goes away soon. 🤞🤞

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

Is INCREDIBLY bad #tinnitus a common #COVID thing? I have a moderately loud fan running, I have the radio turned up loud enough I can hear it over the fan… But I swear my tinnitus is the loudest thing in this house right now. :blobCatGooglyEyesNotLikeThis:


@mivox I'm so sorry to hear COVID got you! Yes, I know a number of people who have gotten tinnitus as a complication of COVID, as well as various other ear and ENT problems. One friend had success with steroids for her COVID-related tinnitus.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@ursaborealis Uuuugh. I hope it just goes away. 😩


@mivox Get as much rest as you can!

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@ursaborealis I’ve hardly gotten out of bed today. That is one thing I’m very good at. 🤣

@pokeypoke@hachyderm.io avatar

@mivox I’ve never had official medical confirmation but when I had covid last month I experienced the same. Sorry you are suffering.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@pokeypoke Feels weird to say I’m glad it’s not just me in this case. But it went away for you? I’m really hoping it goes away.

@pokeypoke@hachyderm.io avatar

@mivox somewhat but at least as of now not fully. I tend to notice it more later in the day so when I messaged you earlier I had no notice, but now I do.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@pokeypoke I hope it keeps improving for you!

@pokeypoke@hachyderm.io avatar

@mivox I hope you feel better soon as well. Honestly I wish that for any and everyone right now, it seems like the covid numbers are just staggering again.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@pokeypoke Yeah, there is definitely a surge happening. And every new variant is better at fighting whatever we’ve developed to fight it, so I think it’s going to get really bad again this winter.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

#PlagueHouse Day Four: Slept through most of Day Three.

Thought I was feeling MUCH more energetic today, and decided to Sit In A Chair instead of laying in bed (please make an appreciative “Ooooh” noise here). Then I started feeling a bit lightheaded, decided to sit in bed instead, and ended up taking a two hour nap while roofers banged on the house right outside the bedroom.

All things considered, still not feeling very bad. Just OOF the fatigue. :blobcat_flop:
#COVIDisNotOver #covid

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

Matt, meanwhile, tested negative and cleaned half the house while I was sleeping.

Good for him, but how is it fair that the plaguebearer of the house is the one who gets off easy? :blobcatglare:

Anyhow, I still have horrid tinnitus, revolting Paxlovid-mouth, and today also a terrible backache. Think I’ll go back to bed shortly.


@Fury@mastodon.au avatar

@mivox I recently went through the same and sitting in a chair is a big deal!!! All the Ooooh 😍🥰

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@Fury Aww, thanks. 🥰 It feels silly to say, but jesus H the fatigue is REAL. Like, really super real.

@Fury@mastodon.au avatar

@mivox Take it easy, rest as much as you can!

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@Fury Doing my best! I got all feisty again and thought I would get up to eat… aaaand now I’m wiped out again. 😅

@hko@mastodon.social avatar

@mivox @Fury uff. Do take it ridiculously easy, please!

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@hko @Fury I mean, eating is important. But I went back to bed after that for a while. Then I got up again to make a smoothie. Now I’m sitting down again.

@hko@mastodon.social avatar

@mivox @Fury oh man, that sounds pretty rough :-/ hope you feel better soon!

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@hko @Fury Honestly I feel mostly fine. I’m not coughing (I even skipped my morning Mucinex to check if the chest garbage was really gone or not), I’m breathing fine, no nausea, still have my sense of taste and smell… I don’t even have a fever today!

I’m just absolutely devoid of energy, to a degree I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

#PlagueHouse Day 5: Matt tested negative two days in a row, so back to work he goes tomorrow. I haven’t retested, because tomorrow is day 5 for me, and we’re supposed to isolate for five days minimum, so I’ll check in the AM.

Head is still full of tinnitus, and I’m still generally fatigued as fuck. I could sit up longer today, but standing is limited to less than 5 minutes.

It’s good the Mr. bounced back so quick, because I’m pretty fucking useless as things stand.

#CovidIsNotOver #COVID


@mivox Beyond all the rest of the bullshit symptoms, I'm super sorry about the tinnitus. It fucking sucks so goddamned bad. I hate it so much.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

@Risa_amor I’ve had it to some degree for as long as I can remember, but fucking hell it was never THIS bad. 😫 Hoping it goes back to the normal background irritant level soon.

@mivox@mivox.net avatar

#PlagueHouse Day 5: I guess it’s not a plague house anymore, yay! No more active COVID cases here, thank you #Paxlovid!

Aaaaand I was able to putter around the kitchen for like 15 minutes this morning, before I started getting lightheaded, so that’s a significant improvement over yesterday.

Now, if the tinnitus could kindly fuck all the way off? Yes?

@seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger Hoping for no rebounds! 🤞🤞

    And that maybe I’ll stop getting lightheaded when I try to do anything also soon. 😅

    @inquiline@union.place avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @inquiline Yeah, I’m wary of that. I’m feeling a little “too good to be true” tbh. 😬 I’m on day 4 of my Pax prescription, so if I get a rebound it’ll probably hit next week, from what I’ve read.

    @blondino@c.im avatar

    @mivox ooooh!

    @hko@mastodon.social avatar

    @mivox Damn :-( ... so sorry to hear.

    I hope you can spend (at least) the next 2 weeks focusing mainly on rest and recovery!

    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @hko I’m so fortunate, I can do exactly that. And I found an online medical group that prescribed me Paxlovid, so I can get started on that today also.

    All things considered, everything could be so much worse than it is. (I might have some kind of delirium going on though, that all sounded very upbeat. :ablobcatderpy: lol)

    mivox, (edited )
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    OK, looks like I haven’t posted this on here yet, so… if you’re in the US and you have #covid and your doc won’t give you #Paxlovid, https://hidrb.com only charges a $15 consultation fee and will get you a prescription within a day.

    mivox, (edited )
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    If you DO have impaired kidney function, they will offer an alternate antiviral. If you say you have not had a recent kidney function test they will also offer you the alternate medication. If you tell them you’ve had a recent test and your kidneys are fine, you get Paxlovid. Fib at your kidneys’ risk.

    @inquiline@union.place avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @inquiline 💜 Husband is already feeling much better, he’s on day three of Paxlovid. I’ve only had my first dose, so I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll start bouncing back.

    Laying in bed is sooooo fucking boring. But I don’t have the energy to do much else. :blobcat_flop:

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


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  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger Exhausted. But the fever is staying relatively low so far, and the Mucinex is working well, so could definitely be worse!

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger I haven’t been staying awake more than an hour at a time, so they’d have to be really short movies. 😆

    I do not remember your recommendation though. 😕

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger Don’t think I’ve even heard of it! I’ll have to check that out.

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger Oooh, that might have to wait then. I don’t know if I’m up for sad. 😬

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger Ahhh, OK.

    @AlaskaWx@alaskan.social avatar

    @mivox I'm confident that "pharmacists want a kidney function test before they fill it" is not a general rule. Find a different doctor.

    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @AlaskaWx Going to have him call the insurance teledoc service when he wakes up. If not them, will be calling everyone else we can think of on Monday.

    @SueSullivan@mstdn.social avatar

    @mivox when DHs doc refused to prescribe pax despite him qualifying, I asked on my FB where local friends had accessed it. I found that the little clinic in our local grocery store did telehealth consults and prescribed. Ran a little over $120 for the appt, but worth it

    mivox, (edited )
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @SueSullivan Thankfully our insurance contracts with Teladoc, and they called him after he registered and gave him a scrip almost immediately. I picked it up at Costco this afternoon, and the pharmacy didn’t say boo about his kidneys.

    All no charge. I’m so thankful he’s got good employer insurance. :blobCat_love_melt:

    @inquiline@union.place avatar


  • Loading...
  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @inquiline Yeah, his symptoms started yesterday. Maybe the pharmacists around here are just dicks? 😆 I’ll have him call his insurance company clinic on Monday and see if they’ll prescribe some though.


    @inquiline @mivox It was a rule per the EUA to have kidney function on the damn prescription. Docs didn’t follow protocol, even the Pfizer rep was fed up, so sure pharmacists are the bad guys making sure the dose is correct. 🙄

    I caught big drug interactions coming out of the ER on this one. The docs never even asked for a med list. 😲

    mivox, (edited )
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @Purrenrage @inquiline Neither of the pharmacies we ended up picking up prescriptions from said a word about kidney function. 🙃

    I have other friends who were unable to get a prescription because of medication interactions, so at least some docs are being diligent about that. I was asked for a med list by both providers I talked to.

    I didn’t know kidney function was part of the EUA. I’d have more respect for his PCP if she’d said that, instead of blaming pharmacists.

    @seachanger@alaskan.social avatar


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  • mivox,
    @mivox@mivox.net avatar

    @seachanger @inquiline PSG? Will definitely stay on it Monday, until we find someone who will do it.

    @hko@mastodon.social avatar

    @mivox damn. All the best to both of you!

    @mivox@mivox.net avatar
    @hko@mastodon.social avatar

    @mivox yeah, i can imagine the multiple levels of stress :-/ fingers crossed for your tests staying negative over the coming week or so

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