
🤓 #Geek, :cvut: #Software #engineer (#FediSearch), 🪛 #Maker (#3DPrint), :opensource: #OpenSource advocate, 🔋 #Tech enthusiast, :archlinux: :linux: #Arch #Linux user, :lineageos: :android: #Lineage #Android user, 🚲 #Cyclist, ⛷️ #Skier, 🗺️ #Traveller, ♂️ #Male, ♎ #Millennial


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stepan, to fediverse Czech

Zkouknul jsem podcast s
Johannou Nejedlovou, kandidátkou do Evropského parlamentu.
V rozhovoru štrejchli o téma "Evropská sociální síť" jako protiváha čínského TikToku a amerického Facebooku.

👩 Odpověděla že by jí spíš zajímala nějaká decentralizovaná forma sociální sítě.
🧔 Moderátor skoro až posměšně odpověděl "Že bych jako odešel z X a vzal s sebou všechno v batůžku a šel jinam..."

Chce to víc popularizovat #fediverse, aby nemuseli jen snít o věcech co už máme...

stepan, to 3DPrinting

When we bought this Ikea Hållbar litter bin I instantly knew that it's only a matter of time before one of us throws the inner frame together with the bin content to the garbage.
And on last friday I fulfilled my own prophecy.
Luckily I found out there already is a model ready to #3DPrint, so I don't have to do it myself.

Photo of the trash bag in the litter bin mounted by the new printed frame

stepan, to random

After upgrading to #WirePlumber 0.5.0 I ended up without any sound outputs.
I had to manually remove configs from ~/.local/state/{pipewire|wireplumber} and ~/.config/pipewire to get it working again.
This is not how usable system should do migration to the new version.

sesivany, to GNOME avatar

Today #GNOME 46 is released and as it has been a tradition for 16 years, I wrote an article about the release for @rootcz (in Czech).

#Linux #desktop


@bycx @trilobyte @sesivany @rootcz Myslím že tohle by chtělo nějak obecně lépe uchopit. Vlastně se mi líbí featura z windows, že se kromě zobrazeného progresbaru v okně progress dá propagovat i do taksbaru.
Líbí se mi i koncept kdy by se vše na co uživatel čeká sbíralo v nějakém jednom místě jak je popsáno tady:

sesivanyblog, to chrome Czech avatar

Nazrál čas dát Firefoxu druhou šanci

Sepsal jsem důvody, proč si myslím, že by měl Firefox dostal zase šanci. Ať už od těch, kteří ho v minulosti opustili, nebo od těch, kteří ho nikdy ani nezkusili.


@sesivanyblog Souhlasím.
Jen teda jedu teď na Vivaldi, protože mi Firefox často padá ma Waylandu s Nvidií. ☹️
Vivaldi to ustojí i když se spouští asi 3 minuty a nasype při tom do logu spoustu chyb.
Ještě jsem nezkoumal čím to je, ale pravděpodobně prostě proprietární driver Nvidia na Waylandu no...


@sesivany @sesivanyblog tak já na to o víkendu mrknu


@sesivany @sesivanyblog Tak jsem na kouknul. 🔎 Pokusama jsem došel k tomu, že to spadne vždycky když je na stránce nějaký webgl prvek.
Vypnutí hw akcelerace pomohlo, ale nakonec jsem došel k pravděpodobně lepšímu řešení.
Nastavil jsem proměnnou MOZ_DRM_DEVICE=/dev/dri/card0 a tím (jestli to dobře chápu) donutil Firefox použít integrovanou grafiku na hw akceleraci.


@sesivany @sesivanyblog
Btw nikdy jsem si neuvědomil kolik webů má někde nějaký webgl efekt.
Z mého pohledu prostě najednou spadl web na běžné stránce nebo doplňku. Například když jsem se pokusil Graze doplněk propojit s Mastodonem.
Až teď jsem zjistil, že po propojení vyhodí webgl renderované konfety a to způsobilo pád. 🎊


@sesivany @sesivanyblog
Jo a ještě musím kouknout jestli nemám něco blbě nastavený v systému, protože mi přijde divný, že Firefox videa v pohodě přehrával přes integrovanou grafiku, ale na webgl zkoušel použít nvidii.

Jo a ještě mě zlobí, že Firefox občas bliká když okno ztratí focus. Mám pocit že mi to dělaly některý apky na XWaylandu, ale zdá se že Firefox jede přímo na Waylandu. 🤷

stepan, to android

Can you recommend me a good open (can be payed) app for ?
I synchronize tasks and calendars from using .
I successfully replaced GTasks with app, GKeep with NextCloud Notes but still looking for a good calendar app.
:android: 🗓️ :opensource: 🙏


@bogo Thanks. Yeah I ended up using Etar too, but it's quite basic in features.

bycx, to random Czech avatar

Vracím zásilku přes Mailboxde a Mailboxde neumí vrátit zásilku pod stejným účtem. Je potřeba se registrovat znovu a vybrat typ účtu pro vratky. Jenže to nejde udělat se stejnou emailovou adresou jako u toho prvního. Když už se člověk registruje, tak si uvědomí, že to je kreditní služba, takže kredit, co má na prvním účtu není na druhém účtu.

To není všechno. V prvním kroku vratky dávají formulář CMR, takže jsem ho vyplnil, vytisknul a zalepil do obálky. Oni ale v dalším kroku vygenerují svůj!



@bycx @sesivany @srandista Čím dál víc se mi koncept Framwerok laptopu líbí. Přijde mi mnohem zajímavejší než stroje od tuxedo. Ale drží mě zpátky přesně tahle představa řešení reklamací.
A pak mám doma slušněj thinkpad (akorát s nvidií takže v kombinaci s linuxem zas tak slušnej ne), takže i morálně mám problém koupi nového stroje obájit.
Ještě že jsem na tebe narazil, snad mi ta zdrženlivost takhle vydrží dýl. 😄

archos, to random Czech avatar

@archos @Nheghathivhist1 @mkyral Mám taky laptop s nVidií a už nikdy víc. Další bude Radeon. Jiné problémy na linuxu než bugy v driverech nVidie už skoro neřeším.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to random avatar

Released in 1994, Wacky Wheels is a kart racer. It is the first game in the Wacky Wheels series.

We don’t need a story for this game. All you need to know is that a bunch of cute animals are competing for the podium. There’s a tiger, an elephant, a shark, and more!

This was a title published by Apogee. I often wonder if this game would have been more well known if they put well-known Apogee characters like Duke Nukem and Commander Keen in this game. Nevertheless, the decision to use animals certainly hit their target demographic.

You see, in 1994, many kids didn’t have a Super Nintendo (SNES). Parents often told their young whippersnappers, “We have a PC that can do everything – go play your games on there.”

And believe me, lots of PC gaming kids envied Super Mario Kart. There was not much like it on PC. Then Wacky Wheels came along.

Is Wacky Wheels as good as Super Mario Kart? Not at all. But for a cheap shareware title with gamepad support – that also had split screen multiplayer – this was a godsend for all those kids who only gamed on PC.

That’s right, not only could you play Wacky Wheels with a keyboard, but you could also hook up a Gravis PC GamePad. Not all PC games did that back then. Even now, Wacky Wheels controls spectacularly with a modern gamepad, and let me tell you, it works like a dream!

The courses are not as varied as Super Mario Kart, but Wacky Wheels makes up for this with many game modes.

You can choose the speed of your karts (or “lawnmowers”, as the game calls them), which drastically changes your winning strategy. If you go for the 12HP karts, you’ll be relying more on your handbrake; with the 6HP karts, lots of power-ups are a requirement.

If you have young kids, there’s a “kid mode” that makes the competitive play more kid-friendly.

Multiplayer is really where Wacky Wheels shined. You had a two-player race as well as a two-player shoot-out. But there was also Comm-Bat play – which allowed you to compete with another player remotely through a LAN. Again, this was available in 1994 – it would be decades before Nintendo would offer such a feature with Super Mario Kart!

Graphically, Wacky Wheels wasn’t as good as its SNES counterpart. The pixels were more chunky, and the frame-rate wasn’t as smooth. But there’s a reason for that. Wacky Wheels was a $5 shareware title that was intended to be played even on a 386 CPU.

It’s the sound department where Wacky Wheels really shines. It’s full of SoundBlaster goodness. And wow! Does the music get my heart pumping when I’m in the midst of a race!

To run Wacky Wheels on modern hardware, you need a 1.8Ghz single core CPU and 512MB of RAM. However, if you want to run this on DOS, you need a 386 CPU, 4MB of RAM, and 6.9MB of space. Wacky Wheels has native compatibility for Windows, Mac, and Linux – although the Steam version doesn’t run on Linux natively. Nevertheless, the Steam version runs well on Linux via Proton. On a Steam Deck, it is fantastic.

Wacky Wheels is a PC exclusive. It has never been released on mobile or console platforms.

There’s no microtransactions, neither is there DLC.

Beavis-Soft developed Wacky Wheels. They made a previous game called Phylox, but this was their last game.

There was some hijinx involved with the development of Wacky Wheels. The eagle-eyed among you might notice this has a resemblance to Skunny Kart. That’s because they share some of the same code. Regardless, Skunny Kart is based on an earlier version of Wacky Wheels – which is why most people prefer Wacky Wheels.

There’s also a modern remake called Wacky Wheels HD. I have not played it, and it’s no longer on Steam – though it is available free on

On Steam, Wacky Wheels has an 89% positive rating based on 77 reviews. Meanwhile, gives this a 4.2/5 user rating. Most people love this for nostalgic reasons, as it gives them fond memories of gaming as a child. Detractors feel that it has not held up to the modern era.

Personally, I feel like Wacky Wheels has indeed held up. Sure, it’s not the best kart racer ever – not by a long shot. Yet, the controls are tight, and the competition is still fierce. And just look at it. Wacky Wheels is full of DOS goodness!

Wacky Wheels sells for C$5.49 on Steam. Meanwhile, sells it for C$8.19, though it has a -79% discount at C$1.69.

I recommend it – perhaps not for everyone, but definitely for anyone who has a fondness for DOS gaming. There are more beautiful, more technically impressive kart racers out there. But how many of them feature VGA graphics with sweet SoundBlaster tunes? And how many of them allow you to control a cute panda who throws hedgehogs at the competition? If this appeals to you, Wacky Wheels is your ticket!


@atomicpoet Oh yes, the music by Mark Klem ❤️:

stepan, to homeassistant

@anna is comming home...
I just created new "template" sensor to #HomeAssistant telling me the distance between me and my fiancée. ❤️
I use it in an automation that notifies me when we are both away from home and get close to each other.
For example when I am at work, and Anna has some meeting nearby I want to know to be able to arrange a lunch together.

Screenshot of Home Assistant automation setup. It's triggered when Štěpán - Anna proximity is below 1km fro at least 15 minutes. Then there are 6 conditions to and at last an action to send me a notifications.
Screenshot from my phone with a notification saying: "Ánna is nearby"

sesivanyblog, to chat Czech avatar

Nextcloud jako osobní cloud

Už 7 let používám Nextcloud pro osobní potřeby. V článku jsem sepsal, na jaké věci jej používám a jaké s nimi mám zkušenosti.

#caldav #carddav #chat #cloud #Collabora #dokumenty #Dropbox #fotky #kalendáře #kontakty #libreoffice #Nextcloud #RSS #úkoly


@sesivanyblog Díky, užitečné čtení. Hned jdu vyzkoušet Tasks android apku. Notifikace podle polohy je to co mě drželo u Google Keep.
S kalendářem mám problém, že tam nemůžu přidat google kalendář přítelkyně, protože NextCloud má globálně unikátní id eventů a eventy, na které jsme se navzájem pozvali, se navzájem tlučou.

stooovie, to random avatar

Doslova nic z toho nereprezentuje nic z toho :) Brand manageři, když už si vycucáte z prstu úplný nesmysl do prezentace, aspoň s tím neobtěžujte klienty, ok? A načtěte si Barthese a de Saussurea :)


@stooovie Omg
Mé jméno shodou okolností vyjadřuje vjem z takové kampaně:
Ště = zvuk plácnutí se do čela z té blbosti co vytvořili 🤦‍♂️
Pán = smích nad tím jak tohle někdo pustí na zákazníky 😁

stepan, to linuxphones

I just installed #PostmarketOs with #Posh on the #OnePlus6 phone.
First impressions:
🔵 I expected GTK3+ apps more responsive and more adapted to mobile screen.
🔵 Touch gestures are often misinterpreted - swipes recognized as click and so on
🔵 Its very laggy

📱 :linux:

gamingonlinux, to opensource avatar

@gamingonlinux No way 😮 One of my favourite childhood game. And loved DK2 even more.

ramsey, to random avatar

Switching back-and-forth between and for the same project (so I can use intellisense and syntax highlighting on .php and .phpt files) is a pain in the ass, and for some reason, it corrupts the .idea folder, so I have to keep deleting it and letting the IDEs recreate it.


@pierstoval @ramsey I am also working on multi-language projects. Java+Php+Typescript+Bash scripts+Makefiles+Docker... Idea is working well. All plugins from PhpStorm/Webstorm... are installable there.

eric_capuano, to random

What if those keygen warez authors of the late 90s/early 2000s were just MIDI musicians trying to get their mixtapes out there?

Thanks @bromiley for sharing this gem with me


@eric_capuano @bromiley All the memories for some games return when I hear it...

jwildeboer, to random avatar

#WhereIsMySurprisedFace The engineers at the #Raspberry foundation "invented" a new non-standard 5V/5A USB PD mode for the #RPi5.

Will these people ever learn?

Here's the relevant part from the current USB PD standard, Release 3.1, Version 1.8, page 76. A 5V/5A mode simply does not exist. If you need 25W, you have the option to use 9V with 3A.That gives you 27W. So instead of adding that option to the board, they opted for developing their own non-standard power brick. Le sigh.


@jwildeboer Not cool. The USB standard itself becomes too complicated for ordinary userd, and companies make it even worse by not obeying the standard... 😒

sesivany, to fediverse avatar

My two talks have been accepted to #OpenAlt 2023. I'll be speaking there on Nov 11th on two topics:

If you're in #Brno at that weekend, I'd be happy to see you either at my talks or at the Fedora booth!


@sesivany Osobně nemůžu, ale ze záznamu se rád podívám.

Monal, to random German

We just released our first beta featuring audio calls between #Monal and other clients (most notably #Conversations).

As always test it and let us know if something doesn't work as expected :)

#Monal #xmpp #Conversations


@Monal Nice! The whole list of clients with implemented compatible video calls will count 4.

#Dino #Jsxc #Conversarions #Monal


@Goffi @debacle @Monal @edhelas Cool. I didn't know that monal also supports it. And I didn't know Libervia at all.
I hope #Gajim will support it soon, at is the best client for Windows for now... My family members use the unofficial Windows port of Dino, which is now several versions behind.

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