@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar



🌈💚 Editorial Guild at Permaculture Design Magazine / Teacher-Designer #Agroecology #EarthRepair🌎
Born@312ppm CO2 (1952, organic garden farmer since 1975)
#TerraformEarth1st (w/ human-scale #earthworks, #water catchment, #restoration
#Homestead 10 A of partly forested sand in MI with my co-conspirator of 25 yrs, Peter Bane, (prev. #editor / #publisher of #Permaculture Activist, now Pc Design Mag, author Pc Handbook)
Be Fruitful & Mulch Apply

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KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington’s proposed budget is important for what it illustrates about House Republicans’ disturbing vision for the country: health care stripped away from millions of people, higher poverty and hunger, capitulation to climate change, more tax cheating by high-income people, and large-scale disinvestment from the building blocks of opportunity and economic growth—from medical research to education to child care. It would narrow opportunity, worsen racial inequities, and make it harder for people to afford the basics." https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/horrifying-gop-2024-budget-plan

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
dgar, (edited ) to random
@dgar@aus.social avatar

One Two Three Four!
I declare a meme war!
Do NOT neglect your !!

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
HeavenlyPossum, to random
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

Watching Greenland burn and Libya flood and France turn to desert, some in the last few years and some in the last few days, reinforces the lesson: there is no precedent for the climate catastrophe in any meaningful human memory. The last time the global average temperature was as different as we’re about to face was 12,000 years ago, before the state and before the city and before writing.

There’s nowhere that will be predictably stable or safe. There’s no preparation that can address the flux. I am unmoored and bereft in a way I can’t articulate.

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"So many of us seem to Never Remember that the value of power is only ever measured in how it protects those w/o power against power’s abuses, not how it can align with abusive power to better control those w/o any power.
To Never Remember that reality isn't multiple choice, truth isn’t an opinion, science isn't optional.
To Never Remember that opposing bigots isn't the cause of divisiveness; bigotry is.
To Never Remember that there is no true unity other than solidarity: a unity that acknowledges that all other people exist, and live, & matter.
Many seem to Never Remember that truth is not just a matter of principle, but of survival: that a society founded on lies is unsustainable, & that unsustainable things cannot sustain.
To Never Remember that all human beings are connected to one another in humanity, that we are therefore all responsible for one another, & those who insist on a world in which others do not matter will someday find they live in a world where they, too, do not matter."

  • A.R. Moxon
KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

@JuliusGoat wrote: "What I observe is that when a system is abusive, people in that system know, whether they want to admit it or not, because the evidence is all around. I’d say that’s why you see so many laws passed against awareness in Republican-held territory: laws designed to protect ignorance, to keep people safe from awareness of queer people, or awareness of our historical genocides, and so on.

I think for people who have decided to not know, it’s not so much about finding common ground as finding comfortable ground, and then finding people to reassure them that the ground they find comfortable is shared; not to determine what to do about the problem that exists, but to agree that the problem doesn’t exist, or that the abuse we’re using to manage the problem is an adequate solution.

It really all seems designed to avoid change." https://armoxon.substack.com/p/the-finger-takers-son

KeithDJohnson, to Futurology
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
  1. "Since the 90s, researchers who are trying to understand the accelerating increase in reproductive problems have focused on endocrine disrupting chemicals. disruptors include:

Phthalates, chemicals used to make more durable, found in 100s of products—from vinyl flooring to lubricating oils & personal-care products (soaps, shampoos, & bhair sprays)
& herbicides, including glyphosate, the world’s most widely used weed killer
Bisphenol A (BPA) & phenol, common in food storage materials
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) & brominated flame retardants, used in electronics & building materials
Per- & polyfluoroalkyl substances (), “forever chemicals” used as oil & water repellents & coatings for common products including cookware, carpets, & textiles.
PFAS endocrine disrupting chemicals have been found in the remotest locations on the planet, and they contaminate up to half the US supply."

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"Humans and pigs easily swap #influenza #viruses. Worse still, pigs can also pick up influenza strains that circulate among birds, whose viruses aren’t well adapted to infecting and spreading among people. Humans don’t have the receptors in our throats and noses that avian flus can easily attach to. Our isolation from avian flus is what makes them dangerous—since our immune systems rarely encounter them, we have little innate ability to fight them off. Enter pigs. They can catch flu strains from birds (often carrying them without symptoms), mash them up with genetic material from human-adapted flus, and create novel varieties capable of flummoxing human immunity and generating #pandemics. That’s why virologists call hogs “mixing vessels” for novel influenza strains."

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
KeithDJohnson, to Futurology
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"David Haakenson thinks about #water a lot. That’s because the farm he owns in western Washington experiences frequent, catastrophic #floods. And #climatechange is making that trend worse.

“We had floods in October. We had floods in November, December, January, February, and March,” said Haakenson, the owner of Jubilee Farm. “There's this kind of anxiety that involves — like, when you look out on the field and say, ‘Wow, I make my living off that field and now it's a lake.’”

To protect Jubilee Farm, Haakenson is looking to an unlikely ally: Beavers. Because it turns out, beavers might actually offer some real protection against climate impacts like flooding and wildfires — if people can learn to live with them.

#beavers #flood #climatechange #wildfire

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Bill McKibben wrote: "the number of places humans can safely live is now shrinking. Fast. The size of the board on which we can play the great game of human civilization is getting smaller." https://billmckibben.substack.com/p/an-ever-smaller-board?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"A citizens Grand Jury has voted to indict former president Donald J. Trump and his 18 Co-Conspirators (including Rudy Giuliani, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, lawyer John Eastman & others) on 41 counts of racketeering & other criminal acts for conspiring to form an “organized crime enterprise” which attempted to “illegally overturn the 2020 presidential election” through theft, fraud, forgery, impersonating law enforcement, impersonating electors to the Electoral College, & for conspiring with other top elected Republican officials in six other states, plus Republican leaders in the District of Columbia, to overthrow the election & re-seat Trump in the Oval Office for a 2nd term. The prosecutor is charging Trump & his crime group under the RICO statutes that are used to convict & imprison those involved in mob-like crimes.
The 90-page indictment lists the commission of “161 overt criminal acts” — a breathtaking, comprehensive list of crimes led by Trump ." Read it here: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/08/CRIMINAL-INDICTMENT-Trump-Fulton-County-GA.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

KeithDJohnson, to permaculture
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Bayo Akomolafe: "There are no individual things per se, just fluid becomings, eddies, gestures, whirls, stabilities, pre-individual flows. Identity is a reductionism. Modernity’s work is to take flow & reduce it to identity. To fix you in place is the work of modern civilization, to render you a separate & separable self. & the way it does it, is to think of you as some Cartesian atomic entity, to cut off all the tributaries that are flowing from your body and to reduce you to something that can fit into a box.
We hope that we won’t reach 1.5° C. We hope that nation states come together. But they kind of feel that they’re trapped in a tautological bubble in which science produces reports and passes it on to policymakers. Policymakers pass it back for verification for 7 years. Then scientists say, we’re saying the same thing we said before. Policymakers pass it back & say, we just need more empirical evidence, & so we’re trapped." https://centerforneweconomics.org/publications/why-we-need-post-activism-today/
#permaculture #climatechange #blackmastodon

IcooIey, to Flowers
@IcooIey@mastodon.green avatar


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  • KeithDJohnson,
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    @IcooIey Although I grumble about cabbage butterflies (their larvae actually) and after watching them for a few decades, I'm amazed by how many different flowers they pollinate; fruits, vegies and more. Tradeoffs, I guess. Like tithing. After all, wasps dine on the caterpillars & eat many pests. It all works out, in general as long as I provide good soil for healthy plants. I want the predators to get the best quality, too, from their 'livestock'.

    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    Stay attuned.
    #JasonBox: Ice climatologist at Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, contemplating Greenland, Arctic and global climate issues.

    pludikovsky, to random
    @pludikovsky@chaos.social avatar
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    Bill McKibbin wrote: "I think it’s on a lot of minds that many parts of our earth won’t be habitable going forward. As I tried to explain in a recent book, global heating is systematically shrinking the size of the board on which humans can play the game of life.
    A recent study found that every time the temperature rises another 10th of a degree Celsius, another 140 million humans find themselves living outside the “human climate niche,” the zone with temperatures where our species flourishes.
    We’re going to need to rediscover that we’re a social species, which for Americans will be hard—at least since Reagan we’ve been told to think of ourselves first & foremost (his pal Margaret Thatcher insisted ‘there is no such thing as society, only individual men & women.”) And in the Musk/Trump age we’re constantly instructed to distrust everyone & everything, a corrosion that erodes the social fabric as surely as a rampaging river erodes a highway." https://billmckibben.substack.com/p/where-should-i-live

    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    "We harvest over 30,000 gallons (114,000 liters) of roof runoff in tree basins to passively shade & cool the building from which we harvest the water.
    This was created in 1996 by 2 people in 2 hours, only using hand shovels. We worked in the rain, because that is the funnest time & you get instant feedback from the water flow. No materials were purchased, imported, or exported—we just used what was freely available on site.
    Every year we maintain the system by building up the berms, digging the basins deeper (to get the dirt for the berms), or filling in any blow outs in the berm. We do this during or just after a rain when its nice and cool & the soil is soft & workable.
    The planting of rain & trees was done in the public right-of-way between the auto parts store/warehouse & the street after we got the permission from the auto parts store manager.
    We could have also planted multi-use native understory plants at the same time we planted the trees, as we do in all new installations."

    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
    KeithDJohnson, to climate
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    "11,000 years ago, what we know today as the world’s largest hot desert would’ve been unrecognizable. The now-dessicated northern strip of Africa was once green and alive, pocked with lakes, rivers, grasslands and even forests. So where did all that water go?

    Archaeologist David Wright has an idea: Maybe humans and their goats tipped the balance, kick-starting this dramatic ecological transformation. In a new study in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science, Wright set out to argue that humans could be the answer to a question that has plagued archaeologists and paleoecologists for years." https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-really-turned-sahara-desert-green-oasis-wasteland-180962668/

    KeithDJohnson, to gardening
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    Just harvested and processed #seed from my patch of #quinoa. The seeds are white, yellow, brown, and red. The plants are also very colorful. Cousins to the common weed, lamb's quarters, Chenopodium album. Related to beet, chard, spinach.
    I got the seed from https://store.experimentalfarmnetwork.org/search?q=quinoa
    #gardening #seeds

    Colorful quinoa plants showing a diversity of colors; red, orange, yellow, and green. When young they look EXACTLY like lamb's quarters, to which they are very closely related.

    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    I found a nice chunk of #moss, transplanted it to the greenhouse where I thought it might thrive. The pill bugs just thought it was food and quickly turned it into fertilizer.
    #mosstodon, #insects

    Short video clip of pill bugs eating moss.

    KeithDJohnson, to climate
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    😲Atmospheric river 'rapids'. https://youtu.be/Tua4p9ns2JY
    Jason Box: "#Flooding everywhere, including the #Greenland ice sheet
    Article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/met.2134
    We add a new term to the atmospheric river vocabulary, “rapids”
    It’s not just flooding in Vermont, Japan, Mexico, new study documents deluge #rains to Greenland." and the [#antarctic #climatechange

    KeithDJohnson, to random
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    Permaculture Design Magazine:
    As the magazine begins its 38th year, I’m ready to invite new owners. When Peter Bane passed the torch in 2015, we changed the name to Permaculture Design to reflect a recognition that design is the heart of permaculture.
    In 2015, with the help of the Supporters we moved to a new website & began creating a digital archive of all our back issues. Any current subscriber can access content back to the 80s. All this has been possible because of the hard work of our team, including Rhonda Baird (long-time Senior Editor), Keith
    Johnson (Website Manager), & all our Guest Editors & writers who have worked hard to fill the pages of every issue with news, views, & information. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished, but it is time for me to move on.
    If you want to learn more about this opportunity to take ownership & responsibility for Permaculture Design magazine, please reach out.
    John Wages, Publisher https://www.permaculturedesignmagazine.com/

    deightonrobbie, to random
    @deightonrobbie@mastodon.green avatar


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  • KeithDJohnson,
    @KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

    "A film on Climate Change, Degrowth and System Change.

    The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse. This film looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores the alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries."

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