erlend, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Developers of (and adjacent ideas) to follow on the


Who am I missing?

downey, to random avatar

🤔 Apparently my account has been suspended instance-wide by moderators at @fosstodon so all of my followers there from the past 6 years have been disconnected, and no one on that instance can follow me any more.

No reason or advance notice was provided, and no reports were sent.

erlend, (edited ) avatar

@downey the fediverse urgently needs to divorce identity from server instances by means of

Quiet suspensions and defederation are extremely harmful to our social graphs, which should belong to no one but ourselves as sovereign individuals.

Afaik @0x0 is at the forefront of this effort:

Can we get the active stakeholders and developers together to form a working group?

0x0, to random

Even more thoughts about potential nomadic identities.
Featuring Ed25519, UCAN, and DHTs
(it's 1AM, I might have overlooked some stuff)

erlend, (edited ) avatar

@0x0 👏

Essential reading for anyone interested in #NomadicIdentity on #ActivityPub

cc @shadowfacts @silverpill @liaizon @helge

chartier, to mastodon avatar

As a normal folk trying to understand the inner workings of the fedi, Mastodon, and all these available services that interact with the platform: has the possibility of some kind of single signon option been discussed?

It feels weird that I have to create completely separate acounts for #Mastodon, #PixelFed, #kbin, #friendica, #WriteAs etc.


@chartier Check out #NomadicIdentity which is a feature of #Hubzilla and #Streams but not currently compatible with Mastodon and others. #nostr… & #bluesky also support something similar, but they are not directly compatible with #activitypub

ifixcoinops, to random avatar

Alright, so how come I'm now when I was yesterday, what's the story, what's everyone banging on about with the dot art and Welsh pixies and Meta meta and stuxes, alright here's the Short Version

Stux = guy who runs and a bunch of other general-purpose fedi sites
Welshpixie = lady who runs, an art focused mastodon website
AJ = guy who runs, this website
Meta = Facebook, hereafter referred to as Facebook because they don't get to change their name and wash away their past sins any more than my Lucky Goldstar dishwasher does

Facebook: Mmmmmmay we pleasssse have a little CHAT with the big adminsssssss, we promissssse we'll be good this time <3
Fediverse in general: Haha get bent facebook, we weren't born yesterday
Facebook: That wassss Facebook, we've reconssssidered, let'ssss be friendssss
Me: Happily dunking on people who spell accessibility as a11y and completely oblivious to this whole conversation
Welshpixie: Ey up, facebook are up to their old tricks again, remember not to fall for it guys
Stux: Nasty Welsh Pixie, let's give them a chance, I will block your Whole Entire Domain website: A block you say, a defederation, now that's quite serious, that's for when you don't want anyone on your website to follow anyone on this other website, are you quite -
Stux: yes I'm sure lol website: Very well, chop
Everyone on who was following anyone on suddenly, silently not following those people any more
Everyone on who was following anyone on also suddenly silently not following those people any more
Everyone on both websites who was following anyone on the other website: WTF STUX
Stux: oh uh yeah hm. Ahem. That may have been hasty. I wonder if I can undo some of the - website: nope
Stux: I think I'll take a break from the computer for a bit
Me: Drinking beer and playing Beat Saber with a couple of out-of-town mates and completely oblivious to this whole thing happening
Me: goes to bed
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Me: good morning fediverse, what are the haps my frieWHAT THE HELL
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Several People: Dan my server's gonna defed from yours in a week, can you move?
Me: what no what's going on that's not enough time I've got things to do, tell you what though I'll have some time in the autumn and I like you too, can we catch back up then?
Several People: we are chill and lovely and we understand
Me: slowly pieces together what's going on while drinking a Winsford Mocha

---intermission because I have a fifty thousand character post limit now---

A Winsford Mocha is an analogue of this fancy "mocha" coffee stuff you tasted once in the far-off land of Chester, where they have coffee shops; you live in Winsford, which is a town best known for having Europe's last remaining salt mine, a literal man-made hole in the world, where there are no such frivolities, so you attempt your own. It's two spoons of instant coffee, two spoons of Cadbury's drinking chocolate, microwaved for a minute, stirred and microwaved for another minute, and drunk with thumb resting on the spoon because the contents tend to settle.

---intermission over---

Everyone on both affected sides of this whole shambles: YEAH SAME DAN I SEE YOU'RE LATE TO THE PARTY HERE
Me: Sigh. I guess I'll move servers, AGAIN, and probably spend a month or two having random people look at my join date and tell me I'm using mastadon wrong, AGAIN, but this'll have to wait, I have Things To Do
Mastodon: it's Mast-OH-don actually
Me: I know
The Fediverse: actually it's the F... ah, you know
The Things I must Do: oh my god where do I even start, they are a nice even spread between equally important physical things and computer things and family things and some of them have Rather Tight Deadlines, I will spare you the details but this is why I said to several people lol see you in October
Me: I am mad about this situation and I want to talk to someone IRL about it but how the hell do I even start to explain why this is even possible without that person resolving to never ever ever even glance at this whole fediverse thing
Stux: notices me, noticing him and his horrible mistakes
Stux: Say, that post of yours... not the one where you call me a wanker, it'd be a bit heavy-handed to delete that one, if I were to delete that one then you'd be able to say "Lol look at this fragile guy everyone" and you'd be right, but this one from yesterday:
Me, from yesterday: "Extremely popular take that some here won't like but seriously need to sit with: spelling words like a11y or l10n or i18n or m17n is bloody incomprehensible and makes you look like an absolute w4r"
Stux: yeah, that content violates the following community guidelines: "No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users." I am going to remove it.
Me: oh no, not only is he not taking a break from the computer, he's back to pressing buttons and he's gone into petty "LOOK AT THE POWER I HAVE TO REMOVE YOUR VERY WORDS" mode, I have to move TODAY while I can still get an archive of my shite
AJ: Hey you can put your shite here
Me: Thank you AJ, I will put my shite right there. I will fill your website with my shite.
Several long threads of mine which started on which is the website I was on before I was on which is the website I was on before I moved to today: lol what are you gonna do, make a blog?

---the story is done but so is the damage---

Everybody I was following on I'm still not following them; there's no way to get that data back, shy of just kinda stumbling across folk and going "Oh I recognise them, follow"
Everybody from who was following me, probably months from now: Hmm haven't seen that joystick pop up in my feed for a while, wonder if he died, shrug
The Fediverse In General: LACKING in having tools to recover from the social damage that can be wrought with one reckless button press
Facebook: hrmmmm yesssssssss, yum yum yum, licks eyeballs
Me: sure hope next time this daft shite happens there's some kind of backup
AJ: My server can do 50,000 characters
Me: makes USE of this, haha you all get TURBO DAN NOW

erlend, avatar

@ifixcoinops great example of why #NomadicIdentity is sorely needed, so our accounts + connections are separate and independent from our post content.

We can’t have servers quietly undoing our follows.

On a separate note, I feel like defederation should normally be enacted as a server-wide vote over the course of several weeks:

W1: Vote on this poll to decide whether we should defederate from X.

W2: Poll has concluded. >60% are in favor of defed, so it’s happening.

W3: Block

W4: Defederate

erlend, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I suspect the ideal size of an server to be around 100-200 people. It’s very possible to scale way past that size, though it becomes exponentially harder to do in a responsible & calm manner with every 10x 100x 1000x multiplier of co-tenants.

Let’s not fight our current state of evolution as a tribally oriented species. We don’t make very good hive-minds of our collective consciousnesses yet, but the glue of the will get us there eventually.

erlend, avatar

@laurenshof for me specifically, the 150 people is everyone involved in a ‘social enterprise’ project.

Using that server as primary host (although I’d love for that not to be a big deal with the introduction of #nomadicidentity ) makes sense to anyone whose content is primarily regarding that project.

In any case, solving for 5 vs 200 users is roughly the same thing as far as technical design constraints go.

strypey, to fediverse avatar

The real sticking point in implementing portable accounts/ nomadic identity in the ActivityPub branch of the #fediverse - like what Zot and AT Protocol offer - is its implications for how moderation works.

"The hard part however, is the social one: we collectively need to agree that the identity resolution layer is infrastructure and not somewhere moderation actions should take place."

#ActivityPub #Zot #ATProtocol #moderation #PortableAccounts #NomadicIdentity

erlend, to internet avatar

#P92 is equal parts scary and exciting. What gives me hope is that while the product is dictated by the deeply untrustworthy #Meta company, it’s being developed by engineers who are amenable to the #OpenSource ethos, as evidenced by React, Docosaurus, RocksDB, PyTorch, LLaMA etc.

If you believe in the #fediverse like I do, you’ll see we have a far more compelling story for fellow techies to come along with. If we make it easy for them to do the right thing, it’s harder for Meta to do wrong.

erlend, avatar

I see #P92 as the best opportunity I’ll ever get to bridge my own social network presence with that of my less techy friends.

We know Meta will attempt an EEE play, but what if we play the reverse UNO card and EE(E) them instead?

Embrace: Carefully federate in a minimum-viable fashion that doesn’t overrun the existing #fediverse

Extend: Make #NomadicIdentity a reality, so accounts can be moved effortlessly.

Extinguish: In case of misconduct, defederate and provide mass-migration assistance.


Why not make #NomadicIdentity a reality before federating with any Facebook-related servers, and see if they're willing to extend that functionality to their users? (Hint: Facebook will never do this, as it runs counter to their legal obligation to shareholders)

pere, to random


I envision actors having public keys as their IDs, possibly with some system for updates/revocations. When actor references are passed, they're sent together with the current (or last known) network location of the actor. Each server keeps a directory mapping IDs to locations. Actors can transparently move between instances, by sending a Move notification about their new location. Anyone who misses the notification can query friends/others who did get it.





For example, an algorithm that balances the network by moving actors from busy/slow/large instances to smaller ones?
And of course people manually moving for social/privacy/ToS/etc. reasons

Thoughts/concerns about this whole idea? 🙏

#activitypub #nomadicidentity #decentralizied

cc @strypey @forgefed


Rcassano, to fediverse Portuguese

Uma pergunta: digamos que sua instância morra, tirem da tomada, arrastem pra cima.

Ainda assim é possível migrar, ou a migração só seria possível se a original ainda estivesse de pé?



@sirius @Rcassano por isso acho a idéia de #nomadicidentity interessante. Sua identidade basicamente não depender da instancia, inclusive podendo ser replicada em várias

atomicpoet, to fediverse

Evan Prodromou (@evan), the co-author of #ActivityPub, does not like Bluesky.

He believes it's a setback to the Fediverse and slowing its growth.


smallcircles, avatar
ConserveChange, to internet

If the rumors are true about #meta implementing #activitypub for their #Barcelona twitter clone I think it is a huge win for the fediverse. Think of all the collateral development for activitypub-supporting apps that will happen, other platforms will follow suit, enriching the entire space. Media companies that have been holding out will take it seriously. Even if #meta ends up not playing nice and getting blocked by some servers, the groundswell their entry will create will pay dividends

erlend, avatar

@ConserveChange agreed. We would have to introduce some important mitigations and protections to prevent activity flooding as well as any EEE tactics, but Meta joining the fediverse is ultimately a major compromise on their end, not the other way around.

Getting their currently very locked in users plugged into the #fediverse would give them an incredible new avenue to move off of it completely. Hence why it’s all the more important that we get to work on #nomadicidentity asap.

youronlyone, to internet avatar

All these talk about and complaints about this, that, this, and that, are mostly questionable(?) since many haven't seriously looked around the fediverse. It's like saying burgers are bad because you've tasted McDonald's yet there are better burgers from .

()? Check out and (the latter is in the ). / ? There is , , Hubzilla, Streams, to mention a few. Oh! Many Mastodon forks have it as well. You want a -like UI/UX? Use Akkoma or . What else?

The problem stems from the fediverse ending up unofficially represented by a very limited-feature software and most are not willing to do their due diligence (one would think they'll check out the forks at least). Before championing about the new kid on the block, before claiming that the fediverse is this and that, look around first.

What you've known as the fediverse, so far, is only based on what happens to be the software with the least feature set. Mainline Mastodon will get better, but it is what it is currently, as far as comparison with similar fediverse projects.

No one is saying you are not allowed to complain, just look around first before you make claims about the fediverse.

Also, no one is saying shouldn't exist. By all means develop it! Innovation and improvements come from seeing ideas come to fruition instead of staying as theories. Having different branches of development is better than getting stuck in one particular way of doing things, or line of thinking. It's all good and I think anyone will agree it is much welcomed.

Here's a : Since you have time to research a non-fediverse network, why don't you explore what the fediverse really has to offer, with the same effort and enthusiasm? Mastodon is not the fediverse, so you can not judge the fediverse based on it. That's like saying China is Asia, and you judge Asians because of mainland China.

Take the challenge, then publish the results of your journey. Good evening, and Shalom!

film_girl, to fediverse avatar

The one thing I do think the AT Protocol is better at than is data portability. Being built-in at the protocol layer so that you don’t have to do the migration shit (which doesn’t bring your posts) is better. It just is. I think ActivityPub has more potential overall for the social web beyond just Twitter clones, but that part of is better.


@film_girl Hmm… have you checked and its ? It has been around years before ATP. It's being used by , and now (a child of Hubzilla).

alastor8472, to fediverse

There seems to be a growing amount of uninformed, negative posts on about .

It’s unfortunate that a platform which believes is populated by open minded people do not gather information themselves to form a balanced opinion, but rather jump on the “echo chamber” bandwagon instead.

Kind of reminds me of behavioral patterns on . Remember it’s not the platform, but what you bring with you that matters.



@alastor8472 Reasonable account portability is #1 on my wish list of next steps that I feel should have been implemented long ago. It also seems like something that the Mastodon devs in particular are not interested in implementing any time soon.

I like what I've seen from with . I wish more devs would consider that option.

evan, to random avatar

Is there a paradox of tolerance that applies to open standards?

Do we have an obligation to try to be compatible with systems that are intentionally trying to be incompatible with us?

youronlyone, avatar

@evan “Obligation to try to be compatible with systems that are intentionally trying to be incompatible” = no, there is no obligation. They're practically sending a message, “get out, you're tresspassing”.

However, I think there is an obligation if the other system/network/dev/protocol is doing their best to be compatible and improve existing protocols. ;)

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