Helengraham, to Scotland

#greenwashing #WindFarms #Conseravation #Scotland #Sutherland #Peatlands #salmon #Rivers
Another day ,another wind farm application,this time for the opposite side of the local salmon river to the application put on a couple of years back that was turned down for environmental reasons ,It looks like the one planned on peatlands has been turned down and our ancient monuments,bats eagles and other wildlife there are safe.Its like being under siege,hopefully we will get the UNESCO status soon

CelloMomOnCars, to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

You may have heard that an #OPEC fund invests $1.7bn for global climate change and energy transition in 2023.

This is #greenwashing.

OPEC net oil export revenue is around $ 700 bn a year.
Of this they invest (not give away!) $ 1.7bn on renewable energy projects.


njoseph, to random
@njoseph@social.masto.host avatar
palmoildetectives, to random

DYK that "Sustainable" Biofuel (#SAF) used in planes/cars is blatant #palmoil #greenwashing? Emissions from palm-oil #biofuels are 3x higher than fossil fuels! Say NO to palm oil trash, sign the petition! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
@palmoildetectives https://palmoildetectives.com/2024/01/07/the-green-lie-of-saf/

DYK that "Sustainable" Biofuel (#SAF) used in planes/cars is blatant #palmoil #greenwashing? Emissions from palm-oil #biofuels are 3x higher than fossil fuels! Say NO to palm oil trash, sign the petition! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetectives https://palmoildetectives.com/2024/01/07/the-green-lie-of-saf/

primonatura, to Scotland
@primonatura@mstdn.social avatar
BinChicken, to zerowaste
@BinChicken@rants.au avatar

REDcycle’s collapse and the hard truths on recycling soft plastics in Australia

Finally, the mainstream media has discovered the scam.

A few months ago, I wrote about supermarkets greenwashing by offering non-existent recycling programmes:
This scam is an excuse for supermarkets and food companies not to change their packaging and a feel-good exercise for customers who don't care about their effect on the environment as consumers.

#Greenwashing #Recycling #Environment #Woolies #Coles #PlanetArk #REDcycle

clorofilla, to random Italian


In compagnia di Rossella Sobrero, presidente de "Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale", il più grande evento italiano dedicato alla sostenibilità, nell'ultima puntata di @Clorofilla abbiamo parlato di responsabilità sociale d'impresa e dell'evoluzione di questi temi negli ultimi anni, tra greenwashing e una effettiva consapevolezza.

📌 Trovate l'episodio su tutte le piattaforme podcast!

#csr #greenwashing #csrd #comunicazione #sostenibilita

CelloMomOnCars, (edited ) to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

Be ready for a #greenwashing blitz claiming that American fossil gas is "clean" (It's not).

[Edit to add} And warn your friends.

"The American Petroleum Institute launched a multimillion-dollar advertising blitz to make the case for expanded U.S. fossil fuel exploration, production and exports. "


palmoildetectives, to news

: No word has been more purloined for food than “sustainable”, but Tassal does it with flair. Getting Australia’s PM to promote their business despite their in was a corporate win. and be for the animals and the https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/environment/2024/01/27/albanese-and-the-salmon-wars#mtr

: No word has been more purloined for food than “sustainable”, but Tassal does it with flair. Getting Australia’s PM to promote their business despite their in was a corporate win. and be for the animals and the https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/environment/2024/01/27/albanese-and-the-salmon-wars#mtr

strypey, to random
@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"Chief Executive of the Ākina Foundation, Louise Aitken, is excited by the changing attitudes that are moving companies away from business models that focus solely on financial return, and also take social and environmental impact into account."

press release


@Marc@fosstodon.org avatar

Unless the fiduciary duty to shareholders is legally subordinated, or more specifically the director/board/CEO are legally protected to not only prioritize fiduciary duty... then is just , , ie marketing

Even better, though, are new forms like the

drrimmer, to random
@drrimmer@aus.social avatar

EU bans misleading environmental claims that rely on offsetting https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/17/eu-bans-misleading-environmental-claims-that-rely-on-offsetting Terms such as “climate neutral” or “climate positive” that rely on offsetting will be banned from the EU by 2026 as part of a crackdown on misleading environmental claims. On Wednesday, members of the European parliament [MEPs] voted to outlaw the use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “natural”, “biodegradable”, “climate neutral” or “eco” without evidence, while introducing a total ban on using carbon offsetting schemes to substantiate the claims. #greenwashing

palmoildetectives, to news
palmoildetectives, to news

Good #News: A new EU law will prevent #greenwashing on product labels. Terms like “eco,” “biodegradable,” “environmentally friendly,” “natural” and “climate neutral” must have evidence to back it up or else cannot be on EU products #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://www.ecowatch.com/greenwashing-label-ban-europe.html

Good #News: A new EU law will prevent #greenwashing on product labels. Terms like “eco,” “biodegradable,” “environmentally friendly,” “natural” and “climate neutral” must have evidence to back it up or else cannot be on EU products #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://www.ecowatch.com/greenwashing-label-ban-europe.html

squirrelnews_en, to random

In an overwhelming majority vote, the @Europarl_EN has adopted a law banning and unsubstantiated environmental claims on products, aiming to protect consumers and promote genuine sustainability. Read more via @euronews👇

tagesschau, to random German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

"Greenwashing"-Vorwurf: Weitere Razzia bei Fondgesellschaft DWS

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat erneut Räume der Deutsche-Bank-Tochter DWS durchsucht. Bei der Razzia ging es ein weiteres Mal um den Vorwurf, dass der Fondsanbieter falsche Angaben zu "grünen" Geldanlagen gemacht hat.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/finanzen/dws-durchsuchung-greenwashing-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

veganpizza69, to climate
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"How meat and milk companies are racing to ease your climate guilt."


WaPo finally posted a modest critique of meat industry greenwashing.

Under another new California law, companies also must disclose the emissions created throughout their supply chains, and the Securities and Exchange Commission is working on a similar requirement.

It all has big food companies rushing to show progress in cutting emissions, particularly after so many of them promised to zero out their net release of greenhouse gases — known as going “carbon neutral” — by 2050 or earlier, in alignment with the Paris agreement on global warming. In the backdrop is a contentious debate over how those companies should calculate their carbon footprints.

The fight has shifted to an obscure independent organization called the GHG Protocol, a group made up of corporations, scientists and environmental groups that writes accounting rules for greenhouse gas emissions that will guide what climate claims companies can make under new state laws.

Among the companies involved in determining when and how farming and harvesting methods can be used to erase the emissions impact of products like hamburgers and dairy are McDonald’s, Nestlé and the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, to which meat giants Tyson Foods and Cargill belong.

The deliberations of the GHG Protocol, which is managed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, are kept confidential. But discord spilled into public in the fall, following its publication of draft guidelines for farm and forestry emissions. Dozens of environmental groups and academics say the rules as proposed would allow companies to declare climate-unfriendly products such as lumber, paper, beef and milk carbon neutral — or even carbon negative — by making modest land use adjustments that don’t truly mitigate the emissions of those products.

There's certainly going to be more and more tension due to these corporations trying to find better greenwashing, better methods of faking data, more sophisticated bullshit.

It's going to get a lot worse before they lose.

palmoildetectives, to random

‘I don’t believe #palmoil can ever be #sustainable. There is an enormous amount of #greenwashing around this issue. I support the #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife movement’ @bbc presenter/entomologist Dr George McGavin #entomology https://palmoildetectives.com/2021/10/18/entomologist-academic-tv-presenter-dr-george-mcgavin-in-his-own-words/ via @palmoildetectives

George McGavin hugs a beautiful young orangutan ‘I don’t believe #palmoil can ever be #sustainable. There is an enormous amount of #greenwashing around this issue. I support the #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife movement’ @BBC presenter/entomologist Dr George McGavin #entomology https://palmoildetectives.com/2021/10/18/entomologist-academic-tv-presenter-dr-george-mcgavin-in-his-own-words/ via @palmoildetectives
A family of elephants move through destroyed rainforest planted with palm oil ‘I don’t believe #palmoil can ever be #sustainable. There is an enormous amount of #greenwashing around this issue. I support the #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife movement’ @BBC presenter/entomologist Dr George McGavin #entomology https://palmoildetectives.com/2021/10/18/entomologist-academic-tv-presenter-dr-george-mcgavin-in-his-own-words/ via @palmoildetectives
The rotten core of a gigantic palm oil fruit ‘I don’t believe #palmoil can ever be #sustainable. There is an enormous amount of #greenwashing around this issue. I support the #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife movement’ @BBC presenter/entomologist Dr George McGavin #entomology https://palmoildetectives.com/2021/10/18/entomologist-academic-tv-presenter-dr-george-mcgavin-in-his-own-words/ via @palmoildetectives

renwillis, to Bulgaria
@renwillis@mstdn.social avatar

OH SNAPS! The just passed its Green Claims Directive banning - including carbon off-setting "carbon neutral" claims COUGH APPLE WATCH COUGH

For my industry, this will force more traceability to substantiate green claims. AKA a GOOD thing!

Good job @EU_Commission


ews, to random German
@ews@energiewende.social avatar

Das EU-Parlament hat #Greenwashing in der Werbung einen Riegel vorgeschoben: Wenn Produkte irreführend beispielsweise als umweltfreundlich, natürlich, biologisch abbaubar, klimaneutral oder öko angepriesen werden, ist das zukünftig verboten. Bravo! https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/eu-greenwashing-werbung-100.html

gruifor, to Bulgaria
tagesschau, to Bulgaria German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

EU verbietet "Greenwashing" in der Werbung

"Umweltfreundlich", "nachhaltig" oder "klimaneutral" - wenn solche Werbe-Aussagen über Produkte nicht nachweisbar sind, sollen sie in der EU künftig verboten sein. Ein entsprechendes Gesetz hat das EU-Parlament nun beschlossen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/eu-greenwashing-werbung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#EU #Greenwashing #Werbung

zukunftfahrrad, to mastobikes_de German
@zukunftfahrrad@verkehrswende.social avatar

#NachhaltigeFahrradwirtschaft – mit Verantwortung für die Mobilität von morgen 🌱

Wer #Fahrrad fährt, kommt schneller und gesünder an, radelt für lebenswertere Städte und das Klima. Aber wie nachhaltig ist die Fahrradbranche? Dieses Mal blicken wir in die Niederlande zu #Swapfiets.
Das Unternehmen entwickelt gerade sein erstes zero-waste Rad. Ein echter Gewinn für nachhaltigen Verkehr. Wir wünschen goede reis! Mehr Infos: https://news.swapfiets.com/de-DE/tags/pressemitteilungen/

#autokorrektur @mastobikes_de


@zukunftfahrrad @mastobikes_de
Diese Eigenwerbung von Swapfiets halte ich für bedenklich wegen #greenwashing . Warum sollte ich mit einem eigenen #Fahrrad das ich über viele Jahre fahre, pflege und Verschleißteile austausche schädlicher sein als ein Leasingrad welche oft vernachlässigt werden? Nebenbei schreibt Swapfiets rote Zahlen.

Rajan, to nature
RajanNaidu, to nature
autonomysolidarity, to environment German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Im Namen der grüngewaschenen, digitalen Transformation des Kapitalismus sollen wohl bald schon die letzten, bis dahin weniger berührten Ökosysteme der Erde wirtschaftlich erschlossen und ausgebeutet werden.

"Der Drang nach immer neuen Rohstoffressourcen rückte in den letzten Jahren auch die Tiefsee in den Fokus der Wirtschaft. Konkret geht es um sogenannte “Manganknollen“, die neben Mangan auch Eisen, Kupfer, Nickel und Kobalt enthalten – Metalle, die vor allem für Batterien, Smartphones und Solarzellen, wichtig sind."


@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Die "große Transformation" des Kapitalismus ist eigentlich genauso wie der alte Kapitalismus. Profite stehen an erster Stelle, Menschen werden weiterhin ausgebeutet und die Umwelt wird ebenso rücksichtslos immer weiter kaputt gemacht. Neu ist höchstens, dass zuvor für den Menschen unerreichbare, unberührte Ökosysteme nun auch für den Ressourcenabbau erschlossen werden und in Folge zerstört werden. Begleitet wird das ganze vom üblichen aber nicht minder dreisten Greenwashing.

"Norwegen will als erstes Land weltweit vor seiner Küste Manganknollen abbauen. Die Knollen enthalten wichtige Rohstoffe, die unter anderem für den Bau von Autobatterien verwendet werden. Der Abbau ist jedoch heftig umstritten, da er katastrophale Folgen für die Um- und Tierwelt auf dem Meeresgrund hat."



#Kapitalismus #Greenwashing #Ausbeutung #Tiefsee #Klima #Klimakrise #Umwelt #Antireport

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