@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar



There's only one reality and we need to learn to survive together in it. I have a strong aversion to bullshit.

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veganpizza69, to H5N1
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"New tests confirm milk from flu-infected cows can make other animals sick โ€” and raise questions about flash pasteurization"

More #mooFlu research:

First, they confirmed the raw milk was chock-full of H5N1 virus. Then, they stored some of the raw milk at refrigerator temperature to see if levels of the virus in milk would drop off over time. Over 5 weeks, viral levels in raw milk dropped a bit, but not much.

This should also imply that the virus gets into fermented raw milk products. And if you look for "raw milk ice cream", you'll see that there are sellers and there is a market. I find the issue of ice cream more interesting because it can be stored for a long time, which means outbreaks later.

Heating the milk to 72 degrees Celsius, or 181 degrees Fahrenheit, for 15 or 20 seconds โ€” conditions that approximated flash pasteurization โ€” greatly reduced levels of the virus in the milk, but it didnโ€™t inactivate it completely.

This is flash pasteurization, meaning that the heat is applied for a shorter duration, but at a higher temperature. And this is the most common method; I've seen it in action and it's usually some nice machine that efficiently does this, which means that it's cheaper than the "vat pasteurization". Speaking of vat, I'm not sure how many people still do this since the rise of "cartons", but I grew up with raw milk plastic bags and boiling the milk; unfortunately, I wasn't raised vegan. Anyway, I distinctly remember the challenges of boiling cow milk, so I wonder how many of the raw milk buyers are doing their own pasteurization (boiling = vat pasteurization at high temperature).

โ€œBut, we emphasize that the conditions used in our laboratory study are not identical to the large-scale industrial treatment of raw milk,โ€ senior study author Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a virologist who specializes in the study of flu and Ebola, said in an email.

It's true that further processing, which is done in these milk factories, can change the results. They mention the importance of homogenization, but there's also dilution as cow milk is pooled from many sources, so if just a small % of that is infectious, then the dilution will reduce the viral load per unit of fluid, making pasteurization more likely to succeed. I'm not sure about the homogenization and emulsification help in this sense:

a process that emulsifies the fat globules in milk so the cream wonโ€™t separate.

I'm not sure about this one. I've seen this in research on tuberculosis bacteria in milk, but not for viruses. Just like with SARS-CoV-2, there is a question of the non-linear effects of viral load (more viral particles, exponentially worse outcomes). They can't really answer. And, who knows, maybe homogenization will make it easier to cow milk to be accidentally aerosolized and/or inhaled.

I wouldn't CNN to go for the pessimistic reporting...

So, yeah. The raw cow milk drinkers are working stochastically to bring about a new pandemic. And probably new waves of as a bonus tuberculosis. Did you know about drug resistant tuberculosis? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidrug-resistant_tuberculosis


#avianInfluenza #birdFlu #milk #rawMilk #cowMilk #zoonosis #pasteurization #h5n1 #HPAI

paninid, to journalism
@paninid@mastodon.world avatar

Blogs are modern-day #pamphleteering

Some people with a bias for institutional authority and deference to elite power condescend to the idea of blogs or citizen #journalism. My hypothesis: part of the reason is the word โ€˜blogโ€™ sounds funny and people feel self-conscious saying it out loud. #American exceptionalism is the ability to memory-hole first-principles, history, and the meaning of words better than the rest than the rest of the world.


@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


add leaflets:

"Internet Memes: Leaflet Propaganda of the Digital Age" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2020.547065/full

veganpizza69, to random
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar
adam, to Energy

Remember: fossil fuel companies want people to focus on what uses #energy so we don't talk about the supply side.

They benefit from #environmentalists spending time and energy bickering with one another about whether AI uses too much #electricity, whether to support more #nuclear plants, whether we should mine more #lithium to have grid scale #batteries, and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't talk about these things, but be #mindful where you spend your energy.

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


"be #mindful where you spend your energy."

What happens when people complain about energy costs? We need drastic reductions in energy use and, implicitly, in production. How many even know what "Cuba's Special Period" was?

The point of understanding the demand side is to get onboard with drastically reducing that to match the drastic reduction in production based on fossil fuels. If production halts without that, what do you think happens - based on contemporary history?

edit - meme copied from /r/climateShitposting

gerrymcgovern, to random
@gerrymcgovern@mastodon.green avatar

โ€œBefore accusing โ€œthe peopleโ€ of no longer believing in anything, one ought to measure the effect of that overwhelming betrayal on peopleโ€™s level of trust. Trust has been abandoned along the wayside. No attested knowledge can stand on its own, as we know very well. Facts remain robust only when they are supported by a common culture, by institutions that can be trusted, by a more or less decent public life, by more or less reliable media.โ€
Bruno Latour


@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


I wouldn't say that this "extraterrestrialism" is specific to modernity. What happens with modernity is that industrial society amplifies preexisting patterns that aren't as obvious.

We have a long standing problem with humans creating cultures and civilizations in which humans aren't animals, aren't Earthlings, but are visitors, magical or divine or literally aliens (and thus are special and deserve to use and abuse this world however they want). This separation has a bunch of connections to the fear of death and our cognitive ability to grasp that we're mortals (and avoid thinking about it), as evidenced in Terror Management Theory (read "The Worm at the Core").

Here's an interview with John Sanbonmatsu (another philosopher guy):

In โ€œThe Omnivoreโ€™s Deceptionโ€ John argues for complete elimination of the meat, egg, dairy, and fishing industries. He says โ€œHowever, it is no more a book about veganism than Rosemaryโ€™s Baby is a movie about becoming a first-time mom. Rather, itโ€™s about civilizational error. Itโ€™s about what happens when we organize society, economy, and daily life around a radical evil, then engage in elaborate self-deceptions to keep the truth of that evil from ourselves.โ€

https://sentientism.info/weve-made-a-civilizational-error-philosopher-john-sanbonmatsu-sentientism-ep171 @Sentientism

Here's Latour explaining his model in a seminar: "Why Gaia is not the Globe" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AGg-oHzPsM It's worth watching.

jackofalltrades, to random
@jackofalltrades@mas.to avatar

The European Commission is shelving plans to cut pesticide use and is taking the pressure off agriculture in its latest emissions recommendations, as farmers around Europe continue protests demanding higher prices for their products and an easing of EU environment rules.

Individual member states have also taken steps to appease angry farmers, with Germany watering down plans to cut diesel subsidies. Meanwhile, Paris is scrapping a planned diesel tax increase.


@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


I see it as similar to how BLM protesters were treated by police, compared with how Jan/6 "protesters" were treated by police. ... The delta is the same: fascism among the small business sector.

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


farmers more in subsistence modes, sure. Farmers in the West with massive technological capital and huge tracts of land are capitalists. As business owners, they align with the bigger capitalists as a class, working against wage increases (see: the labor they pay for) and environmental laws. The fact that they're also predated upon by larger capitalists, by bankers, that doesn't make them part of the working class. If we were talking about bigger cooperatives, then it would be harder to tell. But these "family corporations" are corporations and align as such.

I've explained it more here, some nice articles: https://veganism.social/deck/@veganpizza69/111885170475694025

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


The video you linked to mostly backing me up. We are really talking about the "settled" settler-colonial business class. Farmers themselves, especially animal farmers (traditionally: herders) represent the most traditional forms of capital accumulation. Family farms are family corporations. See my pinned post on my profile to get why that matters. If you need a word for people used by the richest fascists to do their bidding, the term is "tool".

If we switched to plant-based food in the EU, which we should, that's the wise and also the moral thing to do, the oversupply would grow immensely https://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues/nature-food/1807/71-eu-farmland-meat-dairy/ Do you understand what this means for the farmers?

  1. The CAFO operators are out
  2. The feed growers can switch
  3. The rest don't need to switch

but the production can not be kept at the same level because it's too much, the prices would crash. The production needs to be scaled down, and that requires:

  • switching to more organic forms of agriculture
  • land fallowing and reforestation
  • a bunch of farmers leaving the business forever
  • imports being taxed to avoid the competition (such as with the grain from Ukraine)

Reducing inputs and production would make the relevant corporations lose out, definitely the meat industry. And then you have to deal with the whiny entitled consumers.

Honestly, I don't see why the grain from Ukraine is even being sold in Europe. It should've been packed tight and delivered to the Global South and WFP where it's desperately needed. Actually, I do know. It's greedy animal farmers looking for cheap feed. I know because they're in my country, in Romania.

Do you see where I'm getting at? This is already happening. Farmers are their own worst problem, and their greed is being used by large corporations like the input ones are using that to promote their own interests - and that of the shareholders. We haven't even gotten to talking about who the shareholders are and how many pensions are invested in these corporations.

And I'm glad that Varoufakis is backing me up on the point that many farmers are rich business-owning capitalists.

What we have today is overleveraged business owners who want to be bailed out and don't want to deal with the negative consequence of their business. Privatize the gains, socialize the losses.

These protest movements and big corporations getting the smaller farmers to do the work, especially PR, for them, so that more subsidies are being funneled to them. This isn't about the farmers, it's about the input corporations and the big food processing and supermarket corporation - they are the winners of these protests.

I've been watching this for a while and I am, in certain ways, an insider.
This collapse of farmers also happened in my country, years ago, as our much poorer farmers (especially poor in capital) were wiped out by imports from the rich farmers of the EU and the EU quality standards, and the same for the downstream actors. These are not new problems, the situation has been this for decades, it comes and goes in waves, now more so because of the post-2020 rise in inflation and reduced access to cheap energy, as Varoufakis also explained.

The woman at the end, Daphne Delcaro?, managed to say some of the important bits. Looks like she's saying what I said, but with less ranting in text.

You know how I know that I'm right? The farmers aren't making the right demands. They're demanding business as usual, aside from the tariff issue. Same as in my country, all of them are certainly defending GROWTH over environmental rules.

All you're doing by defending these farmer protests is promoting Business As Usual. Just like the various assholes who want to block policies aimed at reducing car use. BAU.

Here's another BAU in my part of the world. They're too few to protest, but they're there. The wood mafia. Romania is still famous for its forests. So far. If you actually go there and find the assholes clearing forests illegally or with corruption, you'll see the same business owner guy who invested a bunch of money in large wood cutting machinery, in those expensive tractors and large tree choppers, in saw mills, in transportation. And they'll say: "I have to cut down the forest because I invested in these machines and I need to get back that investment!!!". Same as the "owner-operator" truckers. Same as the restaurant owners in recent years (COVID). That is Business As Usual, and they will support fascism directly and indirectly.

We can't make it if we guarantee every business owner a victorious future. We all lose.

Not enough nuance? Check out the same class of farmers acting as settler-colonialists in the Amazon, but instead of legions of massive robots, the big farmers have many more desperate workers working on destroying the Amazon, each one with their own dream of starting a small farm and growing into a big farm business.

I am not a "small business is great" person. Capitalism is capitalism, big or small. Small businesses become big businesses or they're eaten up by big businesses. Historically, the political alignment of small business owners has been clearly against labor and for capital.

Please, if you have ideas for solutions, say them. But before you do, think about how these farmers and the various conservative fans would react to those ideas.

The food system is one of the insanely complicated sectors on the planet, all the people in the video struggled with trying to articulate this. And all of this misses the point that, fundamentally, none of what's now is close to what's needed. Varoufakis tried to point to some solutions at the end. I'd love to see that happen, even just to see the consumer meltdown.

simon_brooke, to climate
@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

If we cannot trust on the ecology, what does the economy matter? Even the soundest money is worthless on a dead planet.

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


This is the predicament, as explained here nicely: https://flowchart.bettercatastrophe.com/

My own summary is that this situation describes a generational conflict where the adults are okay with sacrificing the future of the kids (it's very one-sided, for now).

Dragofix, to food
@Dragofix@veganism.social avatar

New research challenges hunter-gatherer narrative

"Analysis of the remains of 24 individuals from the Wilamaya Patjxa and Soro Mik'aya Patjxa burial sites in Peru shows that early human diets in the Andes Mountains were composed of 80 percent plant matter and 20 percent meat." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/01/240124164559.htm

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


The oft-used description of early humans as "hunter-gatherers" should be changed to "gatherer-hunters," at least in the Andes of South America"

Additionally, burnt plant remains from the sites and distinct dental-wear patterns on the individuals' upper incisors indicate that tubers -- or plants that grow underground, such as potatoes -- likely were the most prominent subsistence resource.

tuber-gatherer ๐Ÿ™‚

Haas notes that archaeologists now have the tools to understand early human diets, and their results are not what they anticipated. This case study demonstrates for the first time that early human economies, in at least one part of the world, were plant based.

This isn't the first time I've read such news.



veganpizza69, to climate
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"How meat and milk companies are racing to ease your climate guilt."


WaPo finally posted a modest critique of meat industry greenwashing.

Under another new California law, companies also must disclose the emissions created throughout their supply chains, and the Securities and Exchange Commission is working on a similar requirement.

It all has big food companies rushing to show progress in cutting emissions, particularly after so many of them promised to zero out their net release of greenhouse gases โ€” known as going โ€œcarbon neutralโ€ โ€” by 2050 or earlier, in alignment with the Paris agreement on global warming. In the backdrop is a contentious debate over how those companies should calculate their carbon footprints.

The fight has shifted to an obscure independent organization called the GHG Protocol, a group made up of corporations, scientists and environmental groups that writes accounting rules for greenhouse gas emissions that will guide what climate claims companies can make under new state laws.

Among the companies involved in determining when and how farming and harvesting methods can be used to erase the emissions impact of products like hamburgers and dairy are McDonaldโ€™s, Nestlรฉ and the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, to which meat giants Tyson Foods and Cargill belong.

The deliberations of the GHG Protocol, which is managed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, are kept confidential. But discord spilled into public in the fall, following its publication of draft guidelines for farm and forestry emissions. Dozens of environmental groups and academics say the rules as proposed would allow companies to declare climate-unfriendly products such as lumber, paper, beef and milk carbon neutral โ€” or even carbon negative โ€” by making modest land use adjustments that donโ€™t truly mitigate the emissions of those products.

There's certainly going to be more and more tension due to these corporations trying to find better greenwashing, better methods of faking data, more sophisticated bullshit.

It's going to get a lot worse before they lose.

#climate #carbon #carbonNeutral #netZero #meat #dairy #meatIndustry #GHG #greenwashing #regenerative #grazing #regenerativeGrazing #astroPasturing #offset #offsetting #PR #carbonNegative

veganpizza69, to india
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"How human and ecosystem health are intertwined: Evidence from vulture population collapse in India"


Basically, vultures were very important in certain areas to remove cadavers from the area - such as countless cows raised by lacto-vegetarians. ...

An anti-inflammatory medicine was introduced about 3 decades ago to help treat cows (probably helps with milk production).

The substance stuck around in cows who died and were dumped "outside" or "elsewhere", as trash is often dumped.

Vultures ate dead "tainted" cows and also died.

As vultures died, other carrion eating animals came by and feasted, but they were not as nice as the vultures for the ecosystem and for the humans in the area.

Note that vultures often die because of eating poisoned animals, poisoned by humans. Lead, for example, is a common deadly poison left behind by bullets from hunters. Many animals deemed "pests" are poisoned and end up being eaten by a vulture who dies later. That's aside from the various poachers just outright killing vultures.

#goVegan #cows #vultures #poison #India #carrion #ecology #biodiversity #ecosystemServices #cowMilk #milk #dairy

veganpizza69, to vegan
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"personal choice"?

#vegan #goVegan

sentientmedia, to random

The surprising origins of the idea that billionaire Bill Gates wants to feed you insects.

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


As you may notice from this small phrase:

The next year in 2013, the FAO released a subsequent report titled โ€œEdible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security,โ€

There's relevant trick in there. Feed. It's pretty obvious that eating land arthropods is unpopular, but that doesn't mean that there won't be a push to throw money at insect farms which will produce... dense proteic feed for the (vertebrate) meat industry.

There's a fun horror movie about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5irFBLe5s





gratefuldread, to vegan
@gratefuldread@gratefuldread.masto.host avatar
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


It's also important to not be a couch/desk potato. Our body often has a "use it or lose it" paradigm of managing its systems.

some easy reading ๐Ÿ™‚ :


veganpizza69, to food
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar
veganpizza69, to random
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


veganpizza69, to vegan
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

Anyone else bookmarking ALL the posts from @veganchefbot ?

#vegan #recipes

veganpizza69, to ai
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"AI Told Him to Go Vegan: He Lost 80 lbs, Diabetes, and Statins"

Mic the Vegan interviews "Vegan Ultra" on getting artificial AI support for turning vegan.


#AI #vegan #coach #betterApocalypse

veganpizza69, to Futurology
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

The 20 Farming Families Who Use More Water From the Colorado River Than Some Western States

A nice data article about who uses the water in this region. It's not actually a secret, most of the water is used to raise cows.


#water #drought #dairy #meat #milk

ZachWeinersmith, to random
@ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social avatar

This is stupid but I find it unreasonably frustrating when people question motivation rather than facts re: A City on Mars. Like, I'm concerned about the state of reproductive science because it's objectively worrisome, not because I'm an anti-futurist or reactionary or anti-optimism or whatever. Fight me with facts!

@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


>I'm an anti-futurist or reactionary or anti-optimism or whatever. Fight me with facts!

You're now in the anti-longtermist camp ๐Ÿ˜Š welcome.

Here's some more articulated content:




Also, keep an eye on their greenwashed friends at ecomodernism: https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/the-new-denial-is-delay-at-the-breakthrough

veganpizza69, to climate
@veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

"When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics." How an elite clique of math-addled economists hijacked climate policy.


#climate #policy #economics #nordhaus #ecomodernism #gdp #degrowth

AnnaAnthro, to food
@AnnaAnthro@mastodon.social avatar


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  • veganpizza69,
    @veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


    "The declaration was published a year ago but gave no information on its provenance. Its supporters appear to be overwhelmingly researchers in animal, agricultural and food sciences."


    โ€œIt is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.โ€ Upton Sinclair

    veganpizza69, to climate
    @veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

    Livestock Use on Public Lands in the Western USA Exacerbates Climate Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

    This is related to "marginal lands" arguments. Ranchers and their apologists like to claim that the lands are somehow useless without their ranching business to squeeze a living profit out of the lands. It's a trick and we do actually need lots of land to be left alone to rewild - including wild animals.

    The social costs of carbon are > $500 million yearโˆ’1 or approximately 26 times greater than annual grazing fees collected by managing federal agencies. These emissions and social costs do not include the likely greater ecosystems costs from grazing impacts and associated livestock management activities that reduce biodiversity, carbon stocks and rates of carbon sequestration. Cessation of grazing would decrease greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil and water resources, and would enhance/sustain native species biodiversity thus representing an important and cost-effective adaptive approach to climate change.


    #cattle #ranching #herders #pastoralism #grazing #GHG #climate #entericEmissions #cows #biodiversity #land #marginalLand

    veganpizza69, to random
    @veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar

    "From Cattle To #capital How Agriculture Bred Ancient #Inequality"

    I like to get political.



    Related: Greater post-Neolithic wealth disparities in Eurasia than in North America and Mesoamerica


    @veganpizza69@veganism.social avatar


    3 ways going vegan helped my anti-racism advocacy | Christopher Sebastian | TEDxTUWien https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVIzbOSPL5g

    A lecture by journalist Christopher Sebastian on the intersection between animal farming, eating meat, and racism. I've mentioned many of these topics above and there are a lot more writings out there.

    I appreciate the emphasis on the culture war.

    Christopher Sebastian explores how historical ideas around race and species influenced racial violence and animal violence and how the rejection of animal products challenges racial hierarchies and white supremacy. The talk discusses the concept of a culture war, examining recent examples related to veganism and meat consumption. Video produced by: Apehouse www.apehouse.at Christopher Sebastian is a technical writer, journalist, and digital media researcher. He has also lectured at Columbia University, Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, and Oxford. He writes about food, politics, media, and pop culture. Although his focus lies primarily in animal rights theory, Christopher includes perspectives from a variety of socio-political and economic backgrounds. As human and animal liberation frequently overlap, he says there is no reason to limit the scope of our knowledge to single-issue perspectives. Among others, Christopher examines current and historical connections between Black liberation and animal liberation in U.S. American culture and throughout the global west. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community


    #meat #milk #animalIndustry #colonialism #racism #animalFarming #settlers #readSettlers #ranching #herding #commodification #supremacy #fascism

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