unsalted, to anarchism

Firestorm Books Announces Campaign to Return Banned Books

"Firestorm Books announced this week that it had acquired thousands of children’s books banned from the Duval County Public School system in Florida. The queer- and trans-owned bookstore will be giving away hundreds of copies each of nearly four dozen titles exploring topics from racism and colonialism to social movement history and visionary organizing."


#Antifascism #Anarchism #LGBTQ #BannedBooks

An adult possum reclines in a cozy living-room setting reading a book to the child possums sitting around and climbing on them.

HauntedOwlbear, to art
@HauntedOwlbear@eldritch.cafe avatar

Make 2024 the year that we stop ceding cultural ground to fascists.

The fash love attaching themselves to cultural and artistic movements and subcultures with the express intention of claiming everything and everyone within those subcultures as their own.

The corollary of this is that we have to support anti-fascists within subcultures that are subject to this.

No, not everyone interested in medieval history is a "deus vult" chanting neo-monarchist who has wet dreams about a new crusade against a Muslim infidel.

Nor is every Crusader Kings or Divinity player out using the Steam forums as a recruiting platform for the alt-right.

Not every neo-pagan is also a neo-Nazi, nor every satanist, heathen, or Asaturar - hell, the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið, which should hold some sway in this, repeatedly speaks out against racism within heathenry, in the face of a long and organised project of entryism by the international far right.

Nor is every black metal fan or musician a racist, homophobe or bigot.

And not everyone with either a scholarly or practical interest in ancient Greek philosophy is a mammoth-hunting sexist, crying "men's rights" at the sight of a woman with a voice.

The same goes for enthusiasts of romantic landscape painting, classical sculpture, European architecture, fantasy fiction, goth, furry culture, and LARP.

Fascists specifically want to lay claim to a certain kind of cachet, coolness, cultural validity, rebellion, or edginess.

This list - which could be far longer - comes from my own experience fighting them out of spaces I enjoy being in or am adjacent to.

But more specifically, fascists want everything. Today it's someone's niche tabletop gaming hobby or music subculture, but the end game is that they wish to be the cultural arbiters of what is acceptable, what is decadent, and what art and culture mean.

Fascist works and movements exist within the fields I've named, but their broader project is to devour culture and shit the remnants back out as a bland narrative of white supremacism, stripped of context, diversity, history and deeper meaning.

Do not go along with this.
Do not go along with them.

Support anti-fascists within fields and subcultures subject to far-right entryism, appropriation or activity.

By agreeing to let fascists lay claim to that weird special interest group over there, by dismissing the people in that subculture who're actively fighting them off as apologists, cat's paws or useful idiots, we accept the fascist narrative that they - and only they - get to own and define culture.

Do not take their fucking word for it when they say something belongs to them.

They think the world belongs to them, and they're wrong about that, too.

bair, to climate German

Neues Jahr, neues Glück: ich wollte Mastodon schon länger ausprobieren. Allen erst Mal ein frohes Neues!

Das private Feuerwerk in meinem Kaff war zuviel, aber doch schön. Die Böller mag ich nicht, aber das bunte Leuchten am dunklen Himmel schon.

Ich interessiere mich für #climatecrisis #democracy #literatur #antifascism
Dabei hoffe ich auf ein wenig Austausch, gerne im Bereich #kiel

remixtures, to random Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

#Holocaust #AntiZionism #AntiSemitism #AntiFascism #NewLeft: "Both to declare their fundamental solidarity with Black Power organizations such as SNCC and the Black Panther Party, as well as to articulate how their own Jewish sensibilities aligned with their revolutionary commitments, opposing Zionism and fighting antisemitism affirmed of the kind of Jews they understood themselves to be. As Loew articulated her own sense of Jewishness, she didn't feel herself to be "breaking with anything" when she opposed Zionism - in fact, it made her feel like she was keeping "part of who we always were" alive. For those who remained on the revolutionary left in organizations such as SDS, SWP, the CPUSA, the October League, and Revolutionary Union, rejecting Zionism as a project, and supporting the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was not only a way to reinforce their revolutionary commitments, it was a way to reinforce a Jewish heritage that felt less lost than under assault."


cthon1c, to random

You too can make a fascist cry...


...by supporting the International Antifascist Defence Fund!


And apparently if you chip in before the 25th they'll even double your donation, just like it's NPR or something.

:antifa: :antifa: :antifa: :antifa: :antifa:

holyramenempire, to random

Looking for an interesting project? Perfect for young people with clear social media histories, but you can convincingly pull off a right-wing "conversion narrative" at any age!

I think the time is absolutely right to start becoming volunteers and employees of troubled right-wing and fascist organizations.

We need to know their secret wrongdoing, and if you offer to help them, they'll just tell you all of it. They are desperate for young people, and people with lots of free time. Offering video editing and general internet services can get you in the door, easy!

I posted a successful protest action that took place in #STL as well as this Project Veritas news.

Project Veritas CEO Resigns Amid Financial Scandal | HuffPost Latest News


#antifascism #protestTactics

guyjantic, to Palestine
@guyjantic@c.im avatar

I keep seeing people (presumably Jewish) on social media asking that friends & family give them the Hanukkah gift of "condemning antisemitism wherever you see it" or "unequivocally condemning all antisemitism," or similar.

In the past two months I've been accused of being an antisemite repeatedly, always because I have advocated for Palestinians to be treated as humans, war crimes to stop in Gaza, an end to Palestinian children being killed, etc.

So I scroll past those posts, because I can't tell if I'm being asked to actually condemn antisemitism--which I 100% do--or to commit to being quiet about Palestinian victims of violence, which I 100% am not going to do.

hannu_ikonen, to random

I'm so furious about the Kate Cox situation.

Fuck regressives. Go away.

Free states need to offer relocation grants to people who want to flee Fascist America aka MS, AL, GA, FL SC, NC, MO, OK, TX, AR, TN, KY, ND, SD, WY, ID, UT, IN, OH, and sureky some others.

#Abolition #Liberation #Antifascism

bad_immigrant, to Russia

Anarchist Ruslan Sidiki was arrested in #Russia at the end of November allegedly for blowing up railroad tracks and damaging 18 cargo wagons. He is also accused of attack on military aerodrome in Ryazan region. #Anarchism #Antifascism

Charges up to 30 years.

unsalted, to anarchism


"We wanted to submit this addendum to “Find Each Other, Build Your Communities: Full Moon Anarchist Gatherings” ... Most readers probably don’t imagine such social events happening outside in the middle of winter, in deep snow or blustry north winds, but sometimes that’s what we HAVE TO DO, for almost half the year. Thankfully, doing so can be just as fun as a summer event, just in different ways, and can leave you feeling badass after pulling it off."


#Anarchism #GreatLakes #Antifascism

DontMindMe, to anarchism
nando161, to Quotes

ID: “Can the hungry go on a hunger strike? Non-violence is a piece of theatre. You need an audience. What can you do when you have no audience?
[#People have the right to resist annihilation”
― Arundhati Roy /END ID]
#quotes #quote #antifascism #classwar

BalooUriza, to random

Between , another 1/6 going to prison for a long time, and getting expelled and probably going to prison, this has been a good week to be American. #🇺🇲

nando161, to me

#you cant #employ #me in a way that matters :antifa_100:

#antislavery #anticapitalism #antifascism #eattherich

archivist_Liz, to powerlifting


Hi, I’m Liz! I’m an #archivist working on #recordsManagement & #digitalPreservation. I mostly post on #digipres topics.

I also post about #powerlifting or my #cat. 😻

I live in #Vienna, sometimes I share my #WienLiebe, other times #grant.

Besides English, I speak/read German, French, Italian, & a little Czech. I’m learning some Portuguese too!

Other stuff: #antifascism #feminism #histGender #communityArchives #antifa #vegan Working on a project using #Transkribus

nando161, to politics

fucking #contradictions in #politics from other so-called #anarchists... eh, to truly #liberate ones self means #ego death also... not fucking around here... #antifascism isn't a fucking game....

cthon1c, to Dallas

haven’t seen anything on here, so here—in case anyone wants to ID their racist uncle in Texas: a handful of #nazi losers across from a synagogue in #Dallas today

#antifa #antifascist #antifascism

politicscurator, to london
MikeDunnAuthor, to anarchism

Today in Labor History November 20, 1936: Buenaventura Durruti, Spanish anarchist militant, was shot dead during the Battle of Madrid. His body was buried in Barcelona, in a ceremony attended by over 200,000 people. Durruti was a member of the anarchosyndicalist CNT labor union and the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI). In 1920, along with several Basque anarchists, he formed the paramilitary group Los Justicieros, who unsuccessfully tried to assassinate the king. After this, he went to Barcelona, to help organize workers with the CNT. There he formed one of Spain’s most famous affinity groups, Los Solidarios. In 1923, the group was implicated in the assassination of Cardinal Juan Soldevilla y Romero, as a reprisal for the killing of an anarcho-syndicalist union activist Salvador Seguí. After this, Durruti went in hiding in South America, where he robbed banks to raise money for the cause. He returned to Spain in the 1930s, where he formed the Durruti Column, which won numerous battles during the Civil War.

PseudoNovalis, to dystopia Spanish
@PseudoNovalis@dobbs.town avatar

Donald Trump masturbating disguised as Hitler but believing he is Jesus



spencerbeswick, to random

Fascism doesn't mean "things I don't like." It also doesn't mean "anything authoritarian" or "any attempt to limit free speech." It is a particular far-right, mass-based political phenomenon born in reaction to crises of liberal democracy and capitalism.

I like Robert Paxton's definition in his book "The Anatomy of Fascism" (2004): "Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."

Incidentally, Paxton himself said that Trump's actions around the 2020 election/January 6th convinced him that he should be understood as a fascist. https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652

Now, Paxton is a historian who primarily situates fascism in the context of the crisis of the interwar period in Europe. This is useful to a degree, but if we want to understand fascism in the United States, and in the post-WWII period, we need to look beyond this.

Umberto Eco's list of 14 defining features of fascism is a useful starting point https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html
as well as his longer text "Ur-Fascism" https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism

For a broad historical analysis of US fascism, I recommend Sarah Churchwell's article "American Fascism: It Has Happened Here" https://www.nybooks.com/online/2020/06/22/american-fascism-it-has-happened-here/

Book recommendations:

  1. Matthew Lyons, Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right's Challenge to State and Empire https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=924

  2. Kathleen Belew, Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674286078

  3. Alexander Reid Ross, Against the Fascist Creep https://akpress.org/against-the-fascist-creep.html

  4. Mark Bray, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook https://mhpbooks.com/books/antifa/

  5. Shannon Clay et al, We Go Where They Go: The Story of Anti-Racist Action https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1295

And I've written a few things about fascism & anti-fascism:

"The Jan. 6 coup blared an alarm about rising fascism. Will we hear it?" In WaPo https://washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2023/01/06/anti-fascists-1980s-jan-6/

"Defending Democracy Through Elections Won’t Be Enough to Stop Fascism" in Truthout https://truthout.org/articles/defending-democracy-through-elections-wont-be-enough-to-stop-fascism/

Finally, if you want to hear me talk about fascism and militant anti-fascism in the late 20th century, check out my "Anarchist Essays" podcast episode "Anarchist Anti-Fascism" https://anarchistessays.podbean.com/e/essay-55-spencer-beswick-anarchist-anti-fascism/

#fascism #antifa #antifascism

bad_immigrant, to Russia

On 16 November 2009 antifascist and RASH skinhead Ivan Khutorskoy was killed in #Moscow by organized neonazi "BORN" group. He was 26 years old. Neonazis with connection to russian power circles killed after that several more antifascists and anarchists. #Antifascism #Russia

MikeDunnAuthor, to random
MikeDunnAuthor, to anarchism

November 15, 1936: 1,800 militiamen from the anarchist Durutti Column entered Madrid to fight the fascists. Madrid was the first large city in the world to be subjected to a fascist attack as a prelude to WWII. By November 18th, only 700 of the 1800 anarchist militiamen were still fighting. Many had died and others had deserted because of hunger and sleep deprivation. Durutti persuaded some to return to their positions, but was himself mortally wounded on November 20.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #spain #CivilWar #antifa #antifascism #fascism #madrid #durutti #DuruttiColumn #WorldWar2

whangdoodler, to random Finnish

the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:


Video wrap up from very large Helsinki without nazis-protest held in 6.12. as a counter protest for a neonazi march.

(only in finnish sorry.)

warning: fascist police protecting nazis, animal abuse, driving horses into crowds, police violence and at least one protester who is taken into custody while unconscious.


#finland #nazis #policeViolence #HelsinkiIlmanNatseja2023 #antifascism #ACAB

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