ritabwray, to random

Shout out to all the #ActuallyAutistic folks out there.

At a gig.
I find gigs equally anxiety inducing as enjoyable. I make myself go because I enjoy the music. In a sensory way as well. But social interaction. Not so much.
I often make myself go to things out of my comfort zone because I know if it's to do with my kind of music I will enjoy it.

Share your experiences. That kind of moment. #Reassurance #NeedyNonsense #powertothetooters

You May Not Believe This But I Used To Rock Out Jocelyn GIF

DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to autisticadvocacy
@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix@disabled.social avatar
JesseSkinner, to random
@JesseSkinner@toot.cafe avatar

ChatGPT is optimized for giving the most predictable, obvious response.

Usually that means it's dull and boring, but I find it useful sometimes, when I end up thinking too divergently about something, I need help finding the obvious solution right that's in front of my face.


@JesseSkinner A sibling of mine found this wicked cool site that uses GPT to help with brain tasks that affect us neurodivergent folks.

It's got:

  • A todo list that will automate the executive function task of breaking down a task into smaller steps
  • A tool for revising text into more or less professional tone
  • A tool that helps with time blindness on estimating task length
  • a tool that will make a todo list for you from a rambling block of text if you're struggling to come up with the list in the first place

It's written by @chton who really needs to put a donate button on their site.


#chatgpt #openai #neurodivergent #autism #actuallyautistic #neurospicy

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistics

I was harassed and aggressed today while going about my day and trying to enjoy my lunch in the fresh air after being sick all week. For 15 minutes another patron of the restaurant berated and insulted me (pretending to speak to themselves, but so that I could hear).

My partner and I ignored it as much as we could, not wanting to cause the scene. A typical autistic trauma response, of course, the victim always not wanting to “make a big deal” of things. Even I’m guilty of that at times. After 15 minutes we could bare it no longer.

We finally both said something and spoke to this bully the way anyone SHOULD confront a bully. Forceful, direct, and without fear. Those of you who know me and met me IRL know that I can be loud and boisterous when I’m passionate or angry about something.

Obviously, once confronted, as bullies often do, he backed down, complaining about OUR tone. His insults stopped. But it didn’t need to get that far. Even I, who advocate on a daily basis and try to impart advocacy to others, can fall into being the victim.

It’s normal. We can’t always fight and can’t always speak up. Sometimes we are tired. Sometimes we just want it to stop. Maybe we don’t want to deal with it anymore. Losing spoons to a bully is less spoon intensive than advocacy. It’s true sometimes.

That’s why allies are so important. That’s why we need to stick together. We need to stand up for each other. Yes, stand up for ourselves, but also our fellow autistic (and all) humans. We don’t always have the energy to fight. Be kind to one another and stand up for what’s right

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @actuallyautistics

vlrny, to random
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

I am looking to hire a social worker or equivalent in Ontario for 5-10hrs/mo. Eastern ON area, but can likely do remote.

Need someone hip with the complex bureaucracy of supports. But more importantly someone innovative, wanting to explore and foster change and create new things - because existing supports are shite.

#socialWorker #sw #Ontario #chronicIllness #disability #support

Potentially more hrs if you can suss out a grant to pay you to help build #convalescentCommunities


@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Experience with autism, chronic illness, medical CPTSD would be super helpful.

Need help with both lining up immediate mundane survival supports. (Including help making phone calls to places I can't access via email) as well as big picture planning and logistics to get me moved to #Guelph and set up in something healthier and more sustainable.

Hit me with questions, and please boost or share with anyone that might be interested. Thx! 💖

#radicalSocialWork #socialWork #actuallyAutistic


Jorsh, to animals
@Jorsh@beige.party avatar


Jordi Sharpe
Aka RaineLionheart

Location: Tricities, British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦(Pacific Standard Time)

Maniac, fanatic and perennial weirdo. Proud uncle to one Male (Zen) and one Semi-Feral rescue Female (Cerium), and uncle to one female (Cali/Snek).

I've been since January 19th, 2015.

Stay .🤘

isaacs, to random
@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

A common #ActuallyAutistic experience (I've had personally and have heard many others report) is confusion about how to respond to the criticism that someone reporting a problem or complaint doesn't want solutions or advice, they "just want you to listen".

Like, if it's a problem, why wouldn't you want it solved? I'm supposed to just sit here and nod and say "gee that sucks for you" while you suffer, and that's supposedly "empathy"?? Witaf?

I have some thoughts on this. 🧵

devxvda, to random


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  • btaroli,
    @btaroli@federate.social avatar

    @devxvda I’ve been practicing at sharing my #anxiety state and triggers with others. I’ve found people receptive to the input once they realize how what’s happening affects me, and that I’m really trying to work with them as best I can. #ActuallyAutistic @niamhgarvey

    theautisticcoach, to autisticadvocacy

    If you understood that you're #ActuallyAutistic because of going into #AutisticBurnout due to your job, you are NOT alone. You are NOT broken. You were driven to that point by your needs not being met. After the burnout you can begin anew.

    @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @autisticadvocacy

    theautisticcoach, to autisticadvocacy

    After a lifetime of being misunderstood and gaslit, being in intentional #ActuallyAutistic spaces is a life changing thing. If you’re a late identified autistic adult and want to connect, learn, and affirm with others in a space that you can unmask and BE YOU, consider joining my new group starting next week.


    @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @autisticadvocacy

    theautisticcoach, to autisticadvocacy

    After a lifetime of being misunderstood and gaslit, being in intentional #ActuallyAutistic spaces is a life changing thing. If you’re a late identified autistic adult and want to connect, learn, and affirm with others in a space that you can unmask and BE YOU, consider joining my new group starting next week.

    @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @autisticadvocacy

    AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic

    I never learned, nor was I born with the ability to treat people in authority as being different to everyone else.

    I just don't get it. I'll say the same stuff, except the same behaviour from them, and get extremely confused by how others react to them. How it is for me.

    @actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

    @ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar

    @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic

    Yeah, pretty much. If you're wrong, you're wrong, and it doesn't matter what job title you've got.

    @actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic

    BenjaminHimes, to random

    A picture is worth a thousand words - so try to spare a dozen or so for alt text?

    As someone who does not use a screen reader but does struggle to intuit social context, alt text really helps me understand what you are going for!

    #altext #actuallyautistic #sparkle

    Zumbador, to actuallyautistic


    Some of us have been chatting about how inadequate and unhelpful the questions in the official autism screening questionnaires are. Makes me wonder, what questions would you include?

    I think I would go for:


    Do you ask questions because you want to know something, and then get accused of being arrogant or insubordinate?

    Do you often find yourself trying not to be too earnest or too serious when you're around others?

    Do people tell you that you're quite different once they get to know you than you seem at first impression?

    Do you need to talk out loud (to yourself or to another person) to process difficult emotions?

    When you were a child (or now) did you really want to be an animal?

    Do you find it easier to understand animals than humans?

    Do you prefer to visit people, rather than having them in your own space?

    Do people often think you're angry when you're just neutral?



    KaCi, to actuallyautistic

    Maybe my pathological demand avoidance is just #ActuallyAutistic me, protecting myself from getting burned out because of irrational, neurotypical nonsense.

    autism101, to actuallyautistic
    @autism101@mstdn.social avatar

    A comic that brilliantly illustrates the Double Empathy problem.

    image: @tzippele

    #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD @actuallyautistic

    Page 2 Page 2, Frame 1: Text: The world is too loud, too intense, and it feels like you’re speaking a different language from everyone else. Page 2, Frame 2: ID: The cat from the first page is sleeping happily in a soft beanbag, and purring loudly. A greyhound dog sits next to her, frowning, and has a speech bubble saying: “Stop growling, it’s rude!”. Page 2, Frame 3: ID: The cat is crouched down on the ground, covering her ears, with her tail bushed up and thrashing from side to side. She has a pained expression on her face. Behind her, three dogs are jumping around after a frisbee, barking loudly. A little dachshund dog sits next to the cat, looking at her, and has a thought bubble that reads: “She must like it, her tail is wagging” Page 2, Frame 4: Text: The world tells you that you’re the problem, that you need to fit in. ID: The cat sits looking sad and defeated, head down and whiskers drooping. Three dogs surround her, with speech bubbles coming from their mouths: A dachshund with an angry expression asks: “What’s wrong with you?” A beagle dog with an angry expression says: “You just need to try harder to be like other dogs”. A greyhound with a worried expression says: “Maybe we should send her to canine therapy”
    Page 3 Page 3, Frame 1: Text: But maybe you’re not just a rubbish version of a dog ID: The ginger and white cat sits curled up on the ground, looking miserable. Her ears and whiskers are drooping and she has a sad expression on her face. A smiling brown tabby cat comes up to her and says: “Psst… I know a place”. Page 3, Frame 2: Text: Maybe you’re actually a perfectly good cat ID: The ginger and white cat stands looking in amazement at a room full of other cats. There is a sign on the wall that says “Cat Club”. The room is designed for cats, with lots of things they enjoy – cardboard boxes, cat trees, cushions, high shelves, and cat toys. The cats are all enjoying the room quietly, on their own, except for two who are playing side by side. All the cats look content. The ginger and white cat has a thought bubble that reads: “Holy litter box, this is amazing”. Page 3, Frame 3: ID: The ginger and white cat addresses the viewer directly, with a cross expression on her face. Speech bubbles coming from her read: “Hold up. Why do I need to make all the effort? How come I always need to be more dog? Why couldn’t you try being more cat?”

    transponderings, to random
    @transponderings@autistics.life avatar

    My YouTube feed is suddenly full of short teaser videos with titles like ‘Early Autism Risk Detection from Electronic Health Records’ big sigh

    Yes, it’s time for that big conference where mostly non-autistic researchers tell us about the latest research into the problem of autism /s

    ElizabethLeeCo, to random

    I've never been good at being catty or passive aggressive, even though people really seem to think I'm doing so. Sometimes it's an uphill battle convincing them I mean exactly what I'm saying...no more, no less 🙃

    (image by #NeuroWild)

    #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Autistic

    AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic

    Being autistic and having depression and anxiety go together very frequently for alot of people. Me included.

    One reason for this is because natural behaviours ain't accepted by society.

    So we're anxious about looking "weird" and depressed by others reactions.

    @actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

    theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistics

    I need your opinion on something #ActuallyAutistic comrades. I hold weekly free discussion circles about a number of topics. A NT professional working with autistic people has asked me to join in order to "observe" how I work before they can refer those that they work with to my groups.

    Is this a reasonable ask? Is this ableist? While I do appreciate that fact that people shouldn't recommend things that they haven't tried, I also find it problematic for someone who isn't autistic to question the style of how an autistic person works. But I'm not sure. What do you guys think?

    @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics

    gato, to adhd Portuguese

    I got my official diagnosis as autistic yesterday. :infinity_rainbow: Im happy with the diagnosis and relieved to be done with this anxiety indulcing assessment process. And (in theory) the diagnosis gives me access to some legal protections, like asking for accommodations at work, which is why I decided to get assessed in the first place.

    I was also assessed for ADHD. Even though all my ADHD assessments show a high probability of having ADHD, and that the ADHD characteristics I present have a significant negative impact on my life. I was not diagnosed with ADHD as well.

    According to the psychologist who did my assessment, a person with ADHD could not have accomplished the things I have accomplished. From her perspective, I was able to keep my life together enough over the years, and all the ADHD related characteristics I present are due to autism + anxiety and depression. 🤷🏻

    This all seems very arbitrary and ableist to me. I know that some professionals would use those very same arguments to say that I'm not autistic.

    For the past few months, even without an official diagnosis, I have had access to ADHD treatment and have been taking ritalin. The drug has had a significant positive impact on my ability to do tasks that require I focus for more than 15 minutes, like programming, studying, or practicing art. Before, even if I was really interested in those tasks, I either would not be able to do them or I would do them but be miserable all along because I would be fighting myself all the way. With ritalin, I get to do those tasks Im interested in and actually enjoy them, which bring me such joy and relief. If my access to this treatment is now cut, I'll have to seek out a second opinion.

    #autism #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic @adhd

    theautisticcoach, to longcovid

    Those with #LongCovid know the distress of every few weeks feeling like you've got #Covid19 ALL.OVER.AGAIN.

    Does this happen to my #ActuallyAutistic comrades who are also suffering from LC? How long does it usually take you to bounce back?

    #AskingAutistics @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @autisticadvocacy @longcovid

    olireiv, to random

    Think about the people who discover the hashtag #ActuallyAutistic.
    Yes, sometimes you'll believe that there are so many of us after all that we should live well being neurodivergent.
    Just remember that, whatever our support needs, we live very significantly shorter lives than many other identities.
    It's not just the pain of being or not being into the neuro-normative. [Which isn't so bad if you hate microbes].

    alan, to random

    When someone posts an essay on Autism in video form but doesn't provide the text separately. Fail, skip. #ActuallyAutistic

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