ablueboxfullofbooks, to 13thFloor

A young flower hunter gets embroiled in the succession politics of the Sultanate when she must retrieve the rarest and most powerful magical flower after giving it to the wrong hands, in Rati Mehrotra’s Flower and Thorn.

@bookstodon @yalit

MonadicBlurbs, to writing

Hey there!

Figured I'd create a handy little video about some places to find indie novels for free.

If you know of any other places to support indie authors for free, please drop them in the comments!

#indieauthor #indiebooks #indiefantasy #selfpublished #webnovelist #writing #novel #writers #book #books #bookstodon #webnovel #fantasy #mystery #thriller #scifi #paranormal #historicalfiction #romance #YA #comedy #poetry #fiction #nonfiction #isekai #adult #xianxia #progressionfantasy #cultivation @bookstodon

The video begins on a graphic created using a picture of a black book on a red tablecloth. The picture has been edited to replace the cover of the book. The edited cover is an illustration of a landscape that is dark, a sprawling castle with a kingdom surrounding it, misty clouds twisting between structures. In the sky framing the tallest center spire is a vast circular halo made of glowing flame and light. The captions in these frames of the video read: "Places to find indie books for free!" The next frames include a real life video of mountains with a dark cloudy sky in the background, large pines and other trees in the foothills and midground, and a field of wheat with a rusted farm-grade rolling sprinkler in it on the foreground. The captions in this portion of the video read: "Webnovel! You can find novels, webcomics, and fanfic on this website. Isekai, LitRPG, Fantasy, SciFi, Comedy, Slice of Life, Fanfic, and Romance are just a few popular genres! Royal Road! This website is a great place to find novels and book series with asian and/or anime influences. Isekai, Xianxia, LitRPG, Progression Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, SciFi, and Comedy are just a few popular genres! Scribblehub! This website is also good for finding novels and book series with asian and/or anime influences. Isekai, Xianxia, LitRPG, Fantasy, SciFi, Comedy, Supernatural, Fanfic, and Adult are just a few popular genres!"

DavidCamus, to random French
@DavidCamus@imaginair.es avatar

Teasing ! Teasing ! Teasing !

Allez, poursuite du teasing sur mon prochain roman (“Le Pays qui descend”), qui sort ce jeudi dans toutes les bonnes librairies de France et de Navarre.

Je partage avec vous la seconde partie de mon itw pour Lisez.com (pour rappel, j’avais partagé la première ici il n’y a pas longtemps). Voici :

  1. Et vos personnages principaux, qui sont-ils ?

Difficile d’en parler ici sans dévoiler l’intrigue. Je préfère donc dire qu’il s’agit de « Li », une jeune fille de 15 ans solitaire, la fille d’une « Un » et d’un « Biais », et d’autres personnes avec lesquelles elle se liera au cours de son vogage. Mention spéciale, tout de même, à Maître Babackas, le maître de Descente de « Cent-Maisons (Et Pas Une De Plus) », qui enseigne à ses élèves l’art de la descente (« Descendre n’est pas tomber ! Tomber, même une pierre peut le faire ! ») et leur demande de réfléchir à cette question : « Que faut-il pour bien descendre ? »

  1. Qu’espérez-vous que les lecteurs retiennent de votre livre ?

Du plaisir. Du plaisir. Du plaisir. Et peut être aussi que même si la vie est dure, le bonheur est possible.

  1. Le Pays qui descend est le premier tome d’une duologie. Que nous réserve la suite des aventures de Li ?

Là aussi, je préfère ne rien dévoiler. Je me contenterai donc de donner le titre du tome 2 : « La Terre qui monte ». Je pense qu’il parle pour lui même !

N’hésitez pas à repoueter !!

DavidCamus, (edited ) to random French
@DavidCamus@imaginair.es avatar

Et puisqu’on est dans les teasers, je partage avec vous la première de mes réponses à la mini interview à laquelle j’ai répondu pour Lisez.com. Voici :

  1. Parlez-nous de votre roman… À quoi peut-on s'attendre et comment vous est venue l'idée ?

« Le Pays qui descend » raconte le voyage de Li, une jeune fille de quinze ans, chassée de chez elle et contrainte de dévaler la montagne que son peuple essaie de descendre depuis d’innombrables générations, afin d’atteindre « Tout en Bas Tout en Bas », là où même l’eau se repose.

C’est un monde très dur. Un monde en pente, où parfois des villages entiers se décrochent des parois où ils vivent et s’écrasent dans le Vide. Dans ce monde, on adore le Très Bas et les parents souhaitent à leurs enfant de « tomber bien bas », quand viendra l’âge de la Descente - vers 18-20 ans. En effet, il n’y a qu’une seule règle dans ce monde en pente : « Toujours descendras, jamais ne remonteras. » Il revient à chacun d’essayer de rapprocher son peuple de « Tout en Bas Tout en Bas », même si personne ne sait s’il existe.

Il s’agit donc d’un voyage - avec tout ce que ce terme implique d’aventures, de périls, de découvertes sur soi et sur le monde.

L’idée d’un monde en pente où l’on est obligés de descendre pour atteindre un hypothétique « Tout en Bas Tout en Bas » où même l’eau se repose m’est venue il y a de nombreuses années : mes premiers synopsis datent de 2001, mais je n’ai cessé de les reprendre et de les développer, pour aboutir finalement à un premier jet du « Pays qui descend » en juillet 2013. Je sais que cette idée vient d’une vision que j’ai eue dans la rue, en décembre 1989, lorsque, jeune étudiant, j’ai cru voir se dessiner devant moi deux pentes : l’une qui descendait, l’autre qui montait - et que j’ai décidé de suivre celle qui montait. Ce n’était pas la voie la plus simple, mais elle m’était alors apparue comme la seule possible.

(Edit : tag.)

ablueboxfullofbooks, to 13thFloor

For fans of Kara Thomas and Courtney Summers comes a supernatural horror that reminds us family can be our saving grace or our biggest curse. Set one-hundred years after the Borden murders, this propulsive thriller imagines what a similar trial might look like today.

#littlefreelibrary #bookdrop #ya #yabooks #yalit #youngadult #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #fiction #horror #spooky #spookybooks #spookyreads #spookyseason #horrorbooks
#bookstodon @bookstodon @yalit

CindySue, to Horror
@CindySue@bookstodon.com avatar


Still reading:

Hide by Kiersten White ()

The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy by Howard Zinn ( )

Have also started:

Abeni's Song by P. Djeli Clark ()

Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson ()

Affective Worldmaking: Narrative Counterpublics of Gender and Sexuality edited by S. Schultermandl, J. Aresin, S. Pages Whybrew, and D. Simic (nonfiction)


MonadicBlurbs, to writing

Hey there!

Figured I'd create a handy little video with some tips on how to support indie authors.

If you have any ideas for tips yourself, please feel free to drop them in a comment!

#indieauthor #indiebooks #indiefantasy #selfpublished #webnovelist #writing #novel #writers #book #books #bookstodon #webnovel #fantasy #mystery #thriller #scifi #paranormal #historicalfiction #romance #YA #comedy #poetry #fiction #nonfiction @bookstodon

The video begins on a graphic created using a picture of a black book on a red tablecloth. The picture has been edited to replace the cover of the book. The edited cover is an illustration of a landscape that is dark, a sprawling castle with a kingdom surrounding it, misty clouds twisting between structures. In the sky framing the tallest center spire is a vast circular halo made of glowing flame and light. The captions in these frames of the video read: "Want to support an indie author? Here's how!" The next frames include a real life video of mountains with a dark cloudy sky in the background, large pines and other trees in the foothills and midground, and a field of wheat with a rusted farm-grade rolling sprinkler in it on the foreground. The captions in this portion of the video read: "Leave a review, even if it's short and/or not a perfect 5 out of 5! Seeing that other people have read something and also what they think about it will entice prospective readers. Interact with them and their social media posts! Share and comment on their posts, participate in Q&As, make fanart/fiction and post it with a tag, recommend them to other readers, and more! Indie authors rely heavily on their community, so the more you get the word out, the better!"

AskPippa, (edited ) to random
@AskPippa@c.im avatar

It's not every day that a show, presumably for a YA audience, hits it out of the park. Am having a lot of fun watching The Boardiing School: Las Cumbres. It's dark, its mysterious, moody and intriguing.
Troubled teens who are so much trouble nobody else will take them are sent to this place. They're in an old and isolated boarding school, sits isolated on top of a cliff with rules that are far too rigid and mean. There are secrets everywhere. Monks in white robes roam the halls. People disappear (some show up dead), and there are mysteries, ravens, dark woods and ancient texts. After watching several episodes, I'm still not sure if this is going in a supernatural direction, or it's about people doing weird cultish things.
The storytelling is quite good, characters are fairly well developed.
And if you #orchestral #soundtracks, there's a lot of really nice music by composer Victor Reyes.
This is a show from Brazil and has subtitles. I stumbled into it on Prime.
#streaming #Prime #TV #series #YA #fiction #horror #adventure
Sample of the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mPY2xPpneE

Windspeaker, to books
@Windspeaker@mstdn.ca avatar

When author Wanda John-Kehewin worked in the Ministry of Children and Families she would hear children going into care ask the same questions she asked when she was in care, like ‘Why is my mom not here?’

Not hearing any answers still, John-Kehewin decided to write a book for young adults to provide them.


Never miss a Windspeaker story. Sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter while you’re on the page.

ablueboxfullofbooks, to fantasy

14 Young Adult short stories from bestselling and award-winning authors make a splash in Mermaids Never Drown exploring mermaids like we've never seen them before!

@bookstodon @yalit

SceNtriC, to cyberpunk Polish
@SceNtriC@101010.pl avatar

Nie spodziewałem się za wiele rozpoczynając lekturę i może dlatego ta książka kopnęła mnie między oczy - to topka powieści, które czytałem w tym roku (a przeczytałem więcej niż jedną).

Co prawda, im dalej w las, tym bardziej czuć, że to jednak "młodzieżówka", ale tutaj nie należy tym się kierować - to futurystyczna fantastyka, lekko cyberpunkowa, która nie tylko dostarcza fajną historię, ale też pokazuje, do czego ludzkość może doprowadzić eliminując choroby, wprowadzając wszechwładne AI (które jest tutaj pokazane nawet w pozytywny sposób) i mając pełnię władzy. Polecam gorąco, bo zaskoczeń też jest tutaj sporo.

Pełna opinia: https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/kosiarze/opinia/79059467


SceNtriC, to fantasy Polish
@SceNtriC@101010.pl avatar

Piękny przykład, jak bardzo dobra seria YA może stracić na kiepskiej części, będącej w dodatku finałem. Śmiało mogę powiedzieć o tym, że to "fantastyka z szablonu" i tak miałkiej oraz przewidywalnej fabuły dawno nie czytałem. Tak się zdenerwowałem, że bigosu nie nadążam gotować, aby się uspokoić.

Jedyny plus jest taki, że nie będzie (mam nadzieję) czwartej części, bo mogłaby być gorsza i jeszcze bardziej zatrzeć dobre wrażenie po 1. i 2. tomie. No i nie powiem - cała seria (która jest ogólnie dobra, wręcz bardzo dobra) to dobry prezent z gatunku fantastyki młodzieżowej dla np. 15-latka. Ale jeśli jesteście starsi, to tej młodzieżowości może być tutaj za dużo.

Pełna opinia: https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/karmazynowe-rzady/opinia/78814566

#książki @ksiazki #przeczytane #przeczytane2023 #Readlist2023PL #Readlist #FediKsiążki #Bookstodon #ksiązkodon #fantastyka #fantasy #YA #YoungAdult

ablueboxfullofbooks, to bookstodon
snowywingspub, to fantasy
@snowywingspub@wandering.shop avatar

Out today! SHADOW THIEF, the prequel novella to SUNBOLT by Intisar Khanani, is available now.

Learn more: https://www.snowywingspublishing.com/book/shadow-thief/

Here are some early reviews from book bloggers:

"I think this broke my reading slump." - A Forest of Books (https://www.instagram.com/p/CwQRRQ-rfbD/)

"Witty dialogue, swift action, warm friendships, and a very clear and persuasive writing style." - Musings of the Heart (https://ihnnuendo.wordpress.com/2023/08/25/shadow-thief-by-intisar-khanani-review/)

@bookstodon @diversebooks

theendupdates, to templeofelementalevil
@theendupdates@podvibes.co avatar

THE TRINITY SQUAD, a dramatized series from Sterling Sulieman, may be what you’re looking for this .


After a mission to steal a relic from the far ends of Myracula Galaxy doesn’t go as planned… our three sisters, The Trinity Squad, find themselves thrown into their ultimate destiny…To save Myracula.

A POC podcast, with songs!

• Season 1 finale released 31 May 2023
• 5 episodes
• Listening time: 1h 28m
• Season 2 slated for Nov 2023
• 🦹🏽‍♀️👩🏾‍🎤🦸🏽‍♀️

It was one 17 audio fiction titles highlighted in the 51st issue of The End: https://newsletters.theend.fyi/preview/159417/emails/97402822860997732

@AudioFiction @FinalesandCompletions

ablueboxfullofbooks, to LGBT
ablueboxfullofbooks, to bookstodon
ablueboxfullofbooks, to BadInternetBills

Tomorrow Begins Now is a very interesting nonfiction book focusing on how teenagers impacted civil rights and social justice in the United States between the 1950s and 2020s.

#nonfiction #ya #yareads #yanonfiction #yabooks #youngadult #youngadultbooks #booktok #bookstodon #book #bookstagram #igbooks #igbookstagram #booksofinstagram #booktour #avaloreleideakin #tomorrowbeginsnow #activism #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #teenager @YALit @mastodon

ablueboxfullofbooks, to sciencefiction

When Elizabeth makes a discovery that throws her entire identity into question, she uses a time machine found in an abandoned house. As she catapults through time, she encounters a mysterious abandoned child, an elite gymnast preparing for Olympic Trials, and an enigmatic woman who seems to know more than she’s revealing.

#NancyMcCabe #camcatbooks #storygramtours #ya #yabooks #sciencefiction #timetravel #bookstodon #littlefreelibrary #bookdrop @bookstodon @YALit

tinadonahuebooks, to fantasy
@tinadonahuebooks@mastodonbooks.net avatar
ablueboxfullofbooks, to Horror
KellyEsparzaWrites, to writing

I sent my second YA mystery novel to my agent!! Yesssss! 🤩

franciscawrites, to books
@franciscawrites@mastodon.scot avatar

Opening lines can be memorable by being intriguing, enticing us to keep reading...

"Some people are born under a lucky star, while others have their misfortune telegraphed by the position of the planets."
-Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

#WritingCommunity #YA #YAfantasy @bookstodon #books #readersofmastodon #amwriting #inspiration

franciscawrites, to bookstodon
@franciscawrites@mastodon.scot avatar

A great opening line gives us a vast glimpse into the new world we're about to enter...

"Soft and bright, rainlight fell through the sky, each drop tearing a neat hole in the season."
-Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi

#WritingCommunity #YA #BooksWorthReading #amwriting @bookstodon #amreading #YAfantasy

franciscawrites, to fantasy
@franciscawrites@mastodon.scot avatar

A great opening line invites the reader in by suggesting a new adventure waits ahead, hence engaging their curiosity...

"In the dungeons the darkness was complete, but Katsa had a map in her mind."
-Graceling by Kristing Cashore


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