chargrille, to random avatar

In 2018 #Netanyahu's govt "pushed through Parliament a new law calling Israel the 'nation-state of the Jewish people'…its primary function is to build a formal foundation for Israel’s annexation of the West Bank—& for a Jewish state eventually to stretch over the whole of Palestine"…In 1948, the Declaration of Independence…created a Jewish state that would ensure 'complete equality of social & political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex'"

chargrille, avatar

"Palestinians—from Darwish to Edward Said to law professor George Bisharat to former Knesset member Talab al-Sana—have alluded to the bitter irony of Jews telling another people to give up on their homeland & assimilate in foreign lands.

We, of all people, should understand how insulting that demand is. Jewish leaders keep insisting that, to achieve peace, Palestinians must forget the #Nakba, the catastrophe they endured in 1948…more accurate to say that #peace will come when Jews remember"

chargrille, avatar

"The consequences of these efforts to rationalize & bury the #Nakba are not theoretical. They are playing themselves out right now on the streets of #SheikhJarrah. The Israeli leaders who justify expelling Palestinians today in order to make Jerusalem a Jewish city are merely paraphrasing the Jewish organizations that have spent the past several decades justifying the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948…historical crimes that go unaddressed generally reappear, in different guise"


chargrille, avatar

"Nazmiyya al-Kilani walked with a broken leg, one child in her arms & another tied to her apron, to the Haifa port, where she boarded a boat to Acre. In the chaos she lost contact with her husband, father, brother, & sisters, all of whom were deported from the country. For the next half-century, until her adult daughter tracked down her siblings in Syria, she did not know if they were alive or dead."


chargrille, avatar

"In November 1948, Israel conducted a census. A month later, the Knesset passed the Law for the Property of Absentees, which determined that anyone not residing on their property during the census forfeited their right to it. This meant not only that Palestinians outside Israel’s borders were barred from reclaiming their houses & lands, but that even Palestinians displaced inside Israel, who became Israeli citizens, generally lost their property to the state."


Crowpine, to Israel avatar
Heidentweet, to Palestine Dutch avatar

Imprisoning Palestine, Zionist colonialism through an abolitionist lens.
by Rawan Masri & Fathi Nemer, June 2023

"Today, more than ever, it remains crucial to center any discussion about Palestinian liberation through the lens of abolition and a complete rejection of carcerality. In this context, Incarceration is not only related to prisons and prisoners, but touches upon every aspect of our life. From the moment of birth, Palestinians must contend with being criminalized for existing. We are surveilled and censored, our oppression normalized, and our bodies corralled into various open-air and closed prisons.

Such tactics have always revealed more about the jailor than the prisoner, and the logics inherent to the carceral apparatus are shared between all oppressive forces. While the goal is to project strength and power, what it divulges instead is fear, insecurity, and self-doubt. Resorting to locking away the inconvenient reminders of a crooked system betrays its weakness, a society unable to function without constructed villains onto which the world's ills can be pinned.

It is an attempt to cover the sun with a sieve."

#Abolition #IsraeliWarCrimes #EndOccupation #Palestine #FreePalestine #Nakba #colonialism #westbank #gaza #decolonization @palestine @israel

Sherifazuhur, to palestine avatar

[…] In 2010, she obtained French nationality. It was a turning point. She immediately booked a plane ticket to Tel Aviv, with a pro-Palestinian association (EuroPalestine), in the hope of finally discovering the land of her ancestors. But, at Charles-de-Gaulle airport, she was prevented from boarding with a few other Arab culture activists. "All the energy I've rallied since then has been to appease the anger I felt that day." or

H/t @Sherifazuhur

#france #palestine #nakba

rml, (edited ) to random
appassionato, to books avatar

The Holocaust and the Nakba A New Grammar of Trauma and History
by Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg

In this groundbreaking book, leading Arab and Jewish intellectuals examine how and why the Holocaust and the Nakba are interlinked without blurring fundamental differences between them.

@palestine @bookstodon

DrALJONES, to Israel avatar


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  • steve_zeke, avatar

    That is an excellent interview. Thank you. He speaks about #history #nakba #zionism #gaza, but also about his vision for the future, specifically a democratic one-state solution. The interviewer asks excellent questions IMO.

    appassionato, to books avatar

    The Palestine Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory by Nur Masalha

    This book explores new ways of remembering and commemorating the Nakba. In the context of Palestinian oral history, it explores 'social history from below', subaltern narratives of memory and the formation of collective identity.


    br00t4c, to random avatar
    oatmeal, to Palestine

    / Israel’s cruelty dispersed and hidden (Amira Hass)

    […] Israeli cruelty is hidden not only because its partners and perpetrators are too numerous to count and the state protects most of their anonymity. The cruelty is hidden because it is dispersed in both time and space, like an invisible chemical element. Dozens of kilometers separate the lands of Sakhneen, Arabba and Deir Hanna in the Galilee, which were expropriated in 1976, from the Silwan neighborhood and its constantly demolished homes. Long years separate those who signed the declaration of Palestinian lands in the Jordan Valley as a firing zone in the 1970s from the soldiers who beat Basel al-Adra from the village of At-Tuwani (ﺍﻟتوانة) in 2022, a “Sikha Mekomit” journalist and one of the creators of the movie “No Other Country”. And except for their ID cards, there is no connection between the Supreme Court justices who approved in 2022 the holding live fire drills in the heart of the Palestinian villages in the Masafer Yatta (مسافر يطا) area, to the IDF soldiers shooting towards hungry Palestinians in , literally. Neither ones nor others see themselves as technicians in the production line of Palestinian expulsion. But all are shocked by the cruelty of the Palestinians.

    [Hebrew] or

    I’ll add a link to the full English translation when available.


    banned_tweets_of_john_cusack, to Palestine
    oatmeal, to Israel

    #Israel / There Are No 'Uninvolved Civilians' in Israel [Odeh Bisharat]

    Israel's anger at #UNRWA is for reminding it of its original sin - expelling Palestinians in 1948. Israel needs to atone, instead of living a lie and resenting those who mourn its crimes. It is high time Israel put an end to its aggressive defiance towards the world, and instead, strive for peace.

    Bisharat appeals to #Herzog to recognize nearly all Israeli Jews support the disastrous status quo - unlike #Gaza, where civilians are truly uninvolved [*].

    Bisharat points at the fact that #Netanyahu dictates the national agenda unchallenged. The opposition did not dare criticize his recently unveiled brutal "day after" plans for Gaza. This plans, like many others, are in fact Netanyahu's habit of manufacturing threats is meant to scare Israelis to unit against the world behind unjust policies.

    • Bisharat is referencing bomb-signing-Herzog saying:

    […] Unequivocally. It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. It is absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’état. — 12 October 2023, Isaac Herzog

    #Haaretz or

    Bisharat profile:


    GeriatricGardener, to Israel

    This 26-minute video of the Arab League’s presentation to the ICJ absolutely shreds any semblance of legitimacy in respect of Israel’s Zionist reign of terror over the Palestinian lands since 1917!

    Despite its legalese, it’s well worth taking the time to watch! You’ll be stunned!

    “Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel at ICJ”

    via the We Love Africa channel on YouTube

    #ArabLeague #ICJ #Israel #Occupation #IllegalOccupation #Apartheid #InternationalLaw #ForcefulDisplacement #Nakba #Naksa #Zionism #Gaza #WestBank #ZionistProject #ZionistRacism #SettlerColonialism

    Orijewnal, to Palestine
    kriykat, to random French avatar

    Le président Lula da Silva met à nu les actions génocidaires d’Israël
    Les déclarations du président brésilien Lula lors du sommet de l’Union africaine (UA) ont levé le voile sur les crimes de l’État sioniste et mis en lumière la vérité sur ce qu’Israël pratique dans les The post appeared first on .
    #Politique #NousRecommandons #Slider #Antisémitisme #Brésil #CrimesDeGuerre #FascismeIsraélien #GazaBlocus #Génocide #Nakba #Sionisme #TerrorismeIsraélien

    dbattistella, to random

    Canadians, add your name to participate in a community consultation to recognize the Day of the Nakba

    1. Visit on launch day, Feb 23.
    2. Sign up to access the consultation portal.
    3. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on the proposed bill.

    #NDPCanada #NDPMatthewGreen #Nakba #FreePalestine #CdnPoli

    miki_lou, to Palestine avatar

    “We all share this history of displacement and disconnection to our homelands, and seeing it happen live in right now…to see the physical displacement of this group of people and the death and destruction and seeing how it is being funded by the American government: this is another example of .”


    I find the wording interesting:

    “… seeing it happen live in right now…to see the physical displacement of this group of people and the death and destruction and seeing how it is being funded by the American government…”

    It’s like the war in , which Israel’s call 2.0; managed to make the original Nakba real for younger generations, who might not have even been aware it happened, or that Israel is still illegally occupying (according to the partition resolution at the UN, at least).



    oatmeal, to Palestine

    #Pealestine / how Israeli settler violence forces Palestinians to flee their homes [January 2023]

    “I feel death would be easier than leaving al-Ratheem,”

    #TheGuardian (on IG)


    banned_tweets_of_john_cusack, to Palestine
    zMinga49, to Israel German

    As a reminder: As a result of the Arab war of aggression against Israel in 1948, around 900,000 Jews were expelled from Islamic states or had to flee. They found acceptance in the young state of Israel. Despite the adverse circumstances at the time, they were integrated into the young state. How did the Muslim states, which are now showing such solidarity, deal with the Palestinian refugees?
    #Israel #itsnogenocide #fckhamas and supporter


    @zMinga49 no they were not #NakbaInversion

    Nobody was “expelled” from any Muslim or Arab country. To the contrary. In some cases the ones who wanted to leave were denied, because the authorities didn’t want them to join the war in Palestine. In communities like Iraq and Iran Zionist operative had to meddle and create a sense of insecurity by throwing bombs into synagogues, and even then many, like in Iran, refused to leave. Yemen’s Jews started coming in the middle of the 19th century because of spiritual awakening and later economical hardship all Yemenis were subjected to. Et etc.

    Judgin by your trolling so far on @palestine it’s obvious you’re either ignorant or naive. This fabricated pseudo-history is rightwing revisionism, trying to justify the #Nakba.

    For anyone interested in the history of the Jewish communities of MENA I’d suggest visiting Prof Haim Sadoun’s center and learn about the reach and prosperous past disturbed by Zionism, mostly after the partition decision that transferred Palestinian lands from the majority to a Jewish minority.

    Official site of the research center

    Soecial project of these communities during WWII

    oatmeal, to random

    Visual history, Israel/Palestine 1920-1940s [pinned].


    The Irgun and Transjordan

    A poster of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), “Irgun” for short, which began its terrorist campaign against the Palestinians in September 1937, and was the parent body of the "Stern Gang".

    The Hebrew letters inside the square stand for “only thus" This way, as indicated by the map and the superimposed rifle, was the establishment of Israel by force on both banks of the Jordan River, ie., in Palestine and Transjordan. The date of the poster is ca. 1946.

    The translated transcript says "only solution".

    Irgun emblem: The map shows both Mandatory Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan, which the Irgun claimed in its entirety for a future Jewish state. The acronym "Etzel" is written above the map, and "raq kach" ("only thus") is written below.

    Adapted from Walid Khalidi

    #JewishTerrorism #Irgun #ZeevJabotinsky #MenachemBegin

    Irgun emblem. The map shows both Mandatory Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan, which the Irgun claimed in its entirety for a future Jewish state. The acronym "Etzel" is written above the map, and "raq kach" ("only thus") is written below.


    The Irgun and Transjordan

    A poster of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), “Irgun” for short, which began its terrorist campaign against the Palestinians in September 1937, and was the parent body of the "Stern Gang".

    The Hebrew letters inside the square stand for “only thus" This way, as indicated by the map and the superimposed rifle, was the establishment of Israel by force on both banks of the Jordan River, ie., in Palestine and Transjordan. The date of the poster is ca. 1946.

    The translated transcript says "only solution".

    Irgun emblem: The map shows both Mandatory Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan, which the Irgun claimed in its entirety for a future Jewish state. The acronym "Etzel" is written above the map, and "raq kach" ("only thus") is written below.

    Adapted from Walid Khalidi

    #JewishTerrorism #Irgun #ZeevJabotinsky #MenachemBegin

    Irgun emblem. The map shows both Mandatory Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan, which the Irgun claimed in its entirety for a future Jewish state. The acronym "Etzel" is written above the map, and "raq kach" ("only thus") is written below.
    Menachem Begin & patron saint Ze'ev Jabotinsky poster on the wall behind him, "homeland and freedom" poster in front

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