jdoe, to random
@jdoe@freeradical.zone avatar

WTF Google Play?
You're drunk, #PlayProtect. Go home!

"Harmful app removed. #KDEConnect. The app is fake. It can steal your personal data, such as banking info and passwords."

@kde ftw
#DeleteGoogle #KDE

RL_Dane, to KDE
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

My music stopped playing, the phone rang, I answered it.
After speaking for a few minutes, I hung up and the music started up again.

It took me a second to realize that the music wasn't coming from my phone, it was coming from my computer.

#KDEConnect is groovy, y'all. It pauses your music when a phone call comes in. (MPRIS-compatible player required, of course, but even mpv on the command line can do that)

#KDE #Plasma

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


The #KDEConnect Android app works with Gnome, too! Check out the GSConnect extension.

chillicampari, (edited ) to fdroid
@chillicampari@layer8.space avatar

If you installed KDE Connect on Android and it was removed by Play Protect they (KDE) want to hear from you. The link is to Reddit but they are taking reports in other places also (see in their Reddit post).


Thanks to VincentTunru@fosstodon.org for providing the link in this thread: https://freeradical.zone/@jdoe/111222555551988417

#kde #kdeconnect #fdroid #android

mamus, to KDE

Without #kdeconnect it wouldn't be so easy to share files and most importantly the clipboard between my devices

#kde #android

foss_android, to opensource
@foss_android@mstdn.social avatar

KDE Connect
Multi-platform app that allows your devices to communicate

Connect all your devices with KDE Connect! Share files, control music and videos, read and send SMS from your laptop, and more.


leftylabourtech, to linux
@leftylabourtech@mstdn.social avatar

is awesome! I was playing music on my desktop computer and my phone rings. KDE Connect automatically mutes the music when I answer the phone! When I finish the call and hang up, the music automatically starts playing again!


trmsc, to linux German

Wenn man auf dem Sofa gefangen ist und die Musik im Arbeitszimmer ausmachen möchte... 🥺🛋️

... Zum Glück gibt es #KDE #kdeconnect! 🥰🏆🎉

@kde @kde_community #linux

rhys, to random
@rhys@rhys.wtf avatar

#KDEConnect is my new favourite thing. Magic phone integration from any operating system and environment!

schm43cky, to random German
@schm43cky@metalhead.club avatar

"Has Play Protect removed KDE Connect from your phone? Let us know!

We have noticed a couple of reports recently about Google Play Protect removing KDE Connect from some people’s phones, claiming it was dangerous."

Uncool, wenn Google jetzt anfängt, beliebig Apps von den Benutzer-Geräten zu deinstallieren.
Scheinbar wird KDE Connect bei manchen Menschen deinstalliert (auch wenn es via F-Droid installiert wurde).


#android #playstore #fdroid #kdeconnect

[Sammelthread] Freie Software - Was sind Eure (Geheim-)Tipps? 💡 (feddit.de) German

Liebe FOSS-Freundinnen und -Freunde! Es gibt eine ganze Reihe freier Software-Anwendungen, die schon relativ weit verbreitet, bekannt und bewährt sind: von Libre Office über OBS, gimp, vlc, Thunderbird u.v.m. Für andere Anwendungsbereiche ist es zum Teil noch schwieriger, Alternativen zu entdecken. Dafür können hier Tipps...

caos, to random in [Sammelthread] Freie Software - Was sind Eure (Geheim-)Tipps? 💡

@Guenther_Amanita @caos

KDE Connect: (Linux/ Android) kennt auch jeder, der Gnome/ KDE benutzt. Unfassbar gut.

ja, wer kde nutzt (oder überhaupt) kennt sicher. Aber besonders toll dran ist ja, dass es wirklich für fast alle OS nutzbar ist:
...auch für (fehlen nur noch ...), also eigentlich fast 100% der Geräte können es nutzen und das klappt hervorragend! und unter nicht-Linux-Usern ist es wahrscheinlich schon noch ziemlich unbekannt.

mightyspaceman, to random
@mightyspaceman@aus.social avatar

KDE connect is bloody awesome

#kde #kdeconnect

forteller, to random
@forteller@tutoteket.no avatar

I love the idea of #KDEconnect so much! But almost every time I actually want to use it it just doesn't connect my devices :(

oblomov, to Steamdeck
@oblomov@sociale.network avatar

Has anybody tried to write something to use the #SteamDeck like a gamepad for a Linux desktop? I wonder if it would be possible to cook up something via #KDEConnect, although I suspect they over WiFi that would be suboptimal. A direct connection via USB would probably be better.

minioctt, (edited ) to bapcsalescanada Italian

Stavo pensando: da ora che ho la tastiera più piccolina per il , e mi sa che mi trovo parecchio meglio ad usare lo come (per certi versi più comodo del normale per me) rispetto a quando avevo quella grossa, potrei quasi quasi comprarlo un touchpad … 😁️

E però oh, non si trovano a un prezzo decente, né su Amazon né su AliExpress, eccetto per uno micragnoso brutto minuscolo (che comunque per il è un insulto eh)… !!! E persino da alcuni cinesi locali non ho trovato; forse dovrei cercare meglio in tutti, ma a questo punto neanche ho la certezza di trovare qualcosa, figuriamoci di bono. 😩️

Altrimenti, questa è forse la volta buona che trovo un utilizzo pratico per il mio vecchio distrutto, che sta nel cassetto a marcire (il vetro c’ha lo , ma il funziona, e al tatto non c’è problema perché c’è una pellicola intatta sopra)… perché certamente col telefono primario, che mi serve per altro ed è pure bello cicciotto non posso andare avanti così. Preferirei comunque un vero touchpad però perché , a meno di trovare alternative (o forse mi basta collegare il al PC con il USB?) 🐁️


minioctt, to android Italian

[⤴️ https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/01/17/overlay-webview-su-android-a-scopi-ricreativi/]

Alla fine, ho sistemato quell’ #applicazione (e l’ho caricata), quindi ora sul vecchio #Android ho sempre #KDEConnect a fare da #touchpad, ma in più ho questo #WebView in primo piano: a tutti gli effetti un #browser #web totalmente funzionante eccetto per il non essere cliccabile, che mi riproduce qualsiasi cosa io voglia. 🤭️

Vorrei metterci un qualche orologio #animato con del #carattere, magari qualcosa #stile 8-bit come il Game & Watch di Nintendo, ma ahimè non so se riesco a trovare qualche robo #bello già fatto che giri in #HTML5. Quindi, per ora, ho messo semplicemente la #animazione #FlyingToasters di #AfterDark, e almeno adesso ho qualcosa di meglio di una noiosa #schermata semivuota. Fa parte di questa #collezione, comunque, ossia una ricreazione in puro #CSS di quella #serie di #screensaver, che ad oggi fanno molto #retro: https://www.bryanbraun.com/after-dark-css/. 💌️

Ecco i #tostapane volanti sul mio #Huawei tutto #spacc, sotto c’è il touchpad #virtuale attivo che funge.Tbh, ogni volta che in qualche modo riesco a rimettere in circolazione degli screensaver su un #dispositivo dei miei, penso che il #mondo è diventato proprio #noioso. Solo perché non sono stati più necessari, ecco che i #salvaschermo sono spariti. Spero che prima o poi torneranno #mainstream come lo erano un tempo, e che le generazioni correnti e future possano ricominciare ad apprezzarli. Ho visto questo #video (sotto) su #RokuCity, che mostra come #Roku ha dimostrato che al #pubblico generico gli screensaver piacciono… quindi potremmo bene farli tornare. Per favore. Voglio. Ormai su molti ambienti utente o sistemi operativi non sono nemmeno più supportati in modo adeguato, e questa cosa fa schifo perché metterli significa avere un’ #esperienza peggiore di cosa si aveva 20 #anni fa… 🙏️


#AfterDark #Android #animato #animazione #anni #applicazione #bello #browser #carattere #collezione #CSS #dispositivo #esperienza #FlyingToasters #HTML5 #Huawei #KDEConnect #mainstream #mondo #noioso #pubblico #retro #Roku #RokuCity #salvaschermo #schermata #screensaver #serie #spacc #stile #tostapane #touchpad #video #virtuale #web #WebView

huey, to singapore

DBS banking app is taking issue with #KDEConnect 😡

#Singapore #DBS

irfan, to apple

In case some people here aren't aware of #KDE's app, #KDEConnect already, it's an app that gives you an #AirDrop like experience (among other things), 'cept not just for #Apple devices but #Linux, #Windows, and #Android as well.

You can use it to transfer files of any kind between 2 devices, share your clipboard between devices, etc. On the mobile side of things, it works best on Android, but even on #iOS (most) things work for as long as the app is opened in the foreground.

For all things you can do though, you will need both devices to be connected to the same network. This is easy when the devices are connected to the same WiFi but if you're trying to i.e. share files between 2 phones while outside, you will need to take care of this by for example, connect to the other device's personal hotspot.

🔗 https://kdeconnect.kde.org

justin, to kde in KDE connect on MacOS - Where are the binaries now that binary-factory.kde.org is down?
@justin@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I would jump into the KDE Connect Matrix room: go.kde.org/matrix/#/#kdeconnect:kde.org and the KDE Mac room: go.kde.org/matrix/#/#KDE-Mac:kde.org to discuss. Builds are now done on GitLab directly, but it may be the case that nobody has set up the CI builds.

More information: community.kde.org/KDEConnect/Build_Craft

irfan, (edited ) to linux

#Linux and #KDEPlasma is a massive boost to the desktop productivity experience. Instead of requiring a ton of third party, proprietary apps, a lot of the "regular" or even "not so regular" things I might need/want to do can be done directly from #Dolphin, the file manager (equivalent to #FileExplorer on #Windows, #Finder on #macOS).

From Dolphin, I could:

  • Convert documents and slides to pdf.
  • Convert annoying image (jpeg/png) receipts to pdf.
  • Convert images into any other image formats you'd need.
  • Resize images.
  • Combine multiple pdfs into one, or break one big pdf into multiple.
  • Rotate any images.
  • Combine any images (into a collage).
  • Convert pdfs into images.
  • Combine multiple images into a gif or video.
  • Access and use your Google Drive (or most other cloud drives) directly from Dolphin.
  • Compare the difference between multiple text-based files.
  • Send files to other devices using #KDEConnect.

Many more other things really on top of all of the other, more basic things you could do built into Dolphin like its amazing search feature, and the ability to compress/uncompress any formats including rar. I thought macOS was better at this vs Windows, but even then what macOS is able to do (from Finder) isn't even 10% of what Dolphin could. Also, Finder's insanely freaking slow, I'd actually take the ancient File Explorer any day.

proactiveservices, to random
@proactiveservices@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane you're a happy #KDEConnect user - does yours still automatically reconnect after say, sleep / switching WiFi networks? It appears that I have to now issue a kdeconnect-cli --refresh before it reconnects.

There's half a dozen bug reports about it not automatically reconnecting since November time.

(between Kubuntu and Android here)

HolgerD, to android German
@HolgerD@troet.cafe avatar

#Frage :

Mit welcher App kann man die Daten (Apps, Fotos usw.) von einem iPhone auf ein Android schieben ? Muss für Dummies sein, also für mich! 🙈

Gibt es da was das einfach mit Bluetooth funktioniert ohne Cloud ?

Danke für eure Hilfe! 🙏

#danke #hilfe #android #ios


@HolgerD #KDEConnect gibt es für (fast) alle OS, auch für #iOS : kdeconnect.kde.org/download.ht…
... kann einiges mehr als Dateien (übers Netzwerk) zuschieben (da allerdings eher für einzelne Dateien). Zwischen #Android #Linux und #Windows läuft es super. Mit iOS habe ich keine Erfahrung

RL_Dane, to random
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Man, when it works, #KDEConnect is pretty darn magical.

Especially the SMS integration.

chbmeyer, to random German
@chbmeyer@digitalcourage.social avatar

Falls mal wieder jemand eine -Lösung für alle Plattformen sucht und wieder einmal "gerade Offline" ist:

Ich habe eben entdeckt, einen Fork von Snapdrop, der sogar über VPN und das Internet funktioniert. 👍
, verschlüsselt und natürlich als

Neben dem Browser gibt es das auch als PWA, Firefox-Plugin, App oder CLI und auch im "Teilen"-/"SendTo"- Dialogfenster 👍


@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@birgitlachner \o/ Ja! #KDEConnect kann echt fast Alle(s) verbinden. Läuft auf #Linux #Windows #macOS #Android #iOS #LinuxMobil & #SailfishOS 🤩
Für nur Dateitransfer eigentlich überdimensioniert, also ggf. die anderen Optionen deaktivieren, sonst wird man plötzlich ferngesteuert oder unbeabsichtigt die Zwischenablage geteilt usw.

monkee, to random German
@monkee@chaos.social avatar

Muss sagen dieses #KDEConnect ist recht cool.


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