lycophidion, to climate

Big Oil, Plastics Industry Led 'Campaign of Deception' to Push Recycling Fraud

"The oil industry's lies are at the heart of the two most catastrophic pollution crises in human history," one advocate said.

#fossilfuel #bigoil #BigOilKnew #climatechange #plastics #plasticspollution

Snowshadow, to news avatar

Lately the Canadian media has been rehashing the incident last year in Parliament when Zelensky was here, but I see absolutely no mention of this...

Three Conservative MPs who met with far-right German politician will stay in caucus
Anderson , a member of European Parliament ..... which has been under surveillance as a suspected extremist group in Germany and is accused of downplaying Nazi crimes, opposing immigration and pushing anti-Muslim ideology.

#News #Politics

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar
Snowshadow, to news avatar

👍 This is an Excellent Idea!!👍

NDP calls for ban on 'misleading, deceptive' fossil fuel ads

Party says the bill would take the

👉same approach Ottawa took to tobacco ads in 1997

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


Why not ban ANY and ALL #FossilFuel ⛽️ adds?!?

For decades, they have been engaging in the biggest #PsyOp in history, lying to and misleading the public for over a century.

They sell virtually only a highly #toxic product whose production also destroys the #environment.


*s.o. recently posted a newspaper 📰 article from the previous turn of the century and how 🤔 the burning 🔥 of fossil fuels would lead to #GlobalWarming (in my words)

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar



Hello, my friend!

I know, I needed to edit this post for adhering better to the #PascalCase convention.

Also, it fit in nicely with my re-boost today of the #BigOil fiasco background, inspired by the new allegations that even 👉#Shell's #CarbonCapture plant might be a complete fraud, as it possibly even emits way more #GreenhouseGases than it captures!👈

StephenRees, to climate avatar

From DeSmog

New Evidence Reveals Fossil Fuel Industry Sponsored Climate Science in 1954

Documents shed light on the earliest-known instance of climate science funded by the fossil fuel industry, adding to growing understanding of Big Oil’s knowledge of climate change.

#ClimateCrisis #BigOilKnew

ByRebecca John on Jan 30, 2024 @ 09:00 PST

DoomsdaysCW, to climate

What #BigOil knew about #ClimateChange, in its own words

by Benjamin Franta, October 28, 2021

"Back in 1979, #Exxon had privately studied options for avoiding #GlobalWarming. It found that with immediate action, if the industry moved away from #FossilFuels and instead focused on #renewable energy, fossil fuel pollution could start to decline in the 1990s and a major #ClimateCrisis could be avoided.

"But the industry didn't pursue that path. Instead, colleagues and I recently found that in the late 1980s, Exxon and other oil companies coordinated a global effort to dispute #ClimateScience, block fossil fuel controls and keep their products flowing.

"We know about it through internal documents and the words of industry insiders, who are now beginning to share what they saw with the public. We also know that in 1989, the fossil fuel industry created something called the Global Climate Coalition—but it wasn't an environmental group like the name suggests; instead, it worked to sow doubt about climate change and lobbied lawmakers to block clean energy legislation and climate treaties throughout the 1990s.

"For example, in 1997, the Global Climate Coalition's chairman, William O'Keefe, who was also an executive vice president for the American Petroleum Institute, wrote in the Washington Post that 'Climate scientists don't say that burning oil, gas and coal is steadily warming the earth,' contradicting what the industry had known for decades. The fossil fuel industry also funded think tanks and biased studies that helped slow progress to a crawl."

Read more:

#ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #BigOilAndGas #Climate #ClimateEmergency

climategeomap, to climate

Editorial: California’s lawsuit against Big Oil could help end decades of climate lies.
“…it’s notable that the state is also trying to prevent oil companies from continuing to make false or misleading statements about their role in overheating the planet.”

CorinnaVahrenk1, (edited ) to random German avatar


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  • HistoPol, avatar
    Mina, to random German

    Warum dürfen #Auto- und Energiekonzerne überhaupt Dividenden ausschütten und ihren Managern #Boni zahlen, wenn sie ohne staatliche #Transferleistungen seit mindestens 2 Jahrzehnten nicht mehr profitabel wären?

    Setzt das nicht völlig falsche Anreize und führt zu massiver kognitiver Dissonanz, wenn man sich auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit ein Luxusleben macht?

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar



    Richtig. Es ist das deutsche Spiegelbild von #BigOilKnew. Der deutsche Beitrag zur globalen #Klimakrise.

    Ich beginne mal mit ein paar Gedanken zur #Autobranche, die die Motivation der Akteure vielleicht klärt:

    Bereits spätestens 1990 waren auch in der #Automobilindustrie Alternativen zum Verbrennungsmotor in der Diskussion. Sie setzten sich nicht durch, weil Erdöl zu billig waren und weil die Automobilindustrie kräftig mitverdiente. Nicht nur die Hersteller- und Zulieferer,...

    chrisstoecker, to random German avatar

    Wer die »Ausrutscher« von @_FriedrichMerz
    aufreiht, sieht: Der CDU-Chef, der die AfD »halbieren« wollte, versucht weiter, ihr Wähler abzuwerben, indem er die Union als populistische, reaktionäre, Grünen-hassende »AfD mit Substanz« präsentiert.

    HistoPol, avatar


    Wenn die grosse Mehrheit so gedacht hätte, hätte es funktionieren können.

    #BigOilKnew hat größtenteils das #Klima auf dem Gewissen.*


    @Mina @chrisstoecker

    BlumeEvolution, to Uruguay German avatar

    Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

    Nun berichtet auch der SPIEGEL über den Zusammenbruch der #Trinkwasser-Versorgung in Montevideo, der Hauptstadt von Uruguay. Sowohl linke wie rechte Regierungen versagten, Industrie & Rinderzucht plünderten die Ströme und Gewinner sind u.a. Konzerne, die #Wasser in Plastikflaschen verkaufen. Ein Wahnsinn mit Ansage. #Montevideo #Uruguay #Wasserkrise

    HistoPol, avatar


    Hm ich hatte jetzt wieder einen Namen erwartet. Den der #DoEvilCompany, Nestlé...aber konnte ihn auf die Schnelle nicht bei den (nicht genannten) "Konzernen" finden.

    Die internationale #WasserMafia bereitet sich seit Jahren auf die #Wasserkriege vor. In ein paar Ländern haben diese bereits begonnennen.

    Sie wissen genauso gut Bescheid, was kommen wird, wie (einst) die #Mineralölkonzerne. #BigOilKnew


    pistolenkind85, to random German

    Es gibt keinen "Idealismus der Ökobewegung" mehr, über dessen Vorschläge wir zu diskutieren haben.

    Der Schaden ist bereits angerichtet. Der Idealismus ist gestorben. Es geht jetzt um Schadensbegrenzung.

    Es geht auch nicht mehr um eine Ökobewegung. Wir alle leben auf diesem Planeten. Es geht wirklich um jeden Einzelnen. Alles andere ist zu wenig.

    Es geht auch nicht mehr um Vorschläge sondern um Überlebensbedingungen.

    Zeit aufzuwachen. Den Anfang der Folgen erleben wir doch jetzt schon.

    HistoPol, avatar

    @Gehtso @pistolenkind85

    Ich hatte mir da schon mal Gedanken gemacht gehabt, mit Begründung:


    DoomsdaysCW, to climate

    Supreme Court clears way for construction to proceed

    By Ariane de Vogue and Ella Nilsen, CNN
    Updated 2:06 PM EDT, Thu July 27, 2023

    "The Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for construction of the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline to proceed, granting an emergency request from backers of the project that has the support of Congress and the Biden administration.

    "The justices agreed to lift lower court orders that froze construction of the project while legal challenges play out.

    "The Supreme Court’s order is a victory for Sen. , a conservative Democrat who has championed the project and pushed for it during negotiations in June.

    "In the brief order, the court offered no extensive reasoning and no dissents were noted.

    "The order came as the White House announced new actions to combat -fueled extreme heat, which has been baking cities in the Southwest for weeks before moving Northeast on Thursday.

    "Despite urging the administration to stop approving projects like the Pipeline, White House officials have been supportive of the pipeline since it was first introduced in Congress last year. More recently, administration officials including White House senior adviser and Energy Secretary voiced support this year for the pipeline’s approval.

    "The White House did not immediately return CNN’s request for comment on the Supreme Court allowing the pipeline to proceed."

    Read more:

    DoomsdaysCW, to random

    The #UnitedStates isn't just an #Oligarchy, it's an #Oiligarchy! Yes, folks -- Oiligarchy is no game -- it's reality!
    #BigOil #BigOilKnew

    DoomsdaysCW, to climate

    TPTB love to tell us to eat vegan or drive less or stop using #incandescent light bulbs, when the BIG PROBLEM is being caused by #BigOil and #BigGas!

    #Methane is a more potent polluter than #CO2 - here’s how energy firms can help contain it

    Oct 26, 2021

    "Methane is a #GreenhouseGas that’s 80 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. It is estimated to account for 30% of the rise in global temperatures."

    #BigOilAndGas #ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #PlugItUp #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateChange

    DoomsdaysCW, to climate

    #BigOilAndGas can afford to fix the problem they created!

    Largest oil and gas producers made close to $100bn in first quarter of 2022

    Shell made $9.1bn in profit, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while Exxon raked in $8.8bn

    Oliver Milman, Fri 13 May 2022

    "#Shell made $9.1bn in profit from January to March, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while #Exxon raked in $8.8bn, also a near threefold increase on 2021.

    "#Chevron upped its profits to $6.5bn and #BP reveled in its highest first-quarter profits in a decade, making $6.2bn. #CoterraEnergy, a Texas-based firm, had the largest relative windfall of the 28 companies, with a 449% increase in profits on last year, to $818m."

    Read more:

    #ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe

    Judeet98, to random

    Darren Cullen has been on the case for years. This is one of his best images in my opinion, and so perfectly suited to the deadly issues at hand.

    HistoPol, avatar
    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar



    When I suggested that the should be known as the , I was debating with myself.
    The company that pioneered before and during the of the 1970s was a clear contender for the top spot. !
    You nailed with that tweet. The shall be known as the .

    On that note, it already...

    stevelord, to climate avatar


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    TexasObserver, to Texas avatar

    From last week: Record breaking temperatures caused oil and gas companies to release massive amounts of #pollution, too:

    #OilAndGas #Texas #news #politics #USpol #environment #energy #ClimateChange #heatwave

    HistoPol, avatar



    #BigOilKnew exacerbates the #ClimateCrisis releasing 100s of 1,000s pounds of gas to cope with #HeatDome due to poor engineering concepts

    "#Oil and #gas companies in West #Texas released hundreds of tons of toxic gasses into the air last week as a record-breaking 👉#heatwave drove pressure inside #pipelines and compressors to dangerously high levels.👈

    One company, #Houston-based #Targa Resources, alone released more than half a million...

    persagen, to random avatar

    The Federalist Society Just Won Its 40-Year War on Affirmative Action
    The opinions that killed affirmative action were written by six justices who all have ties to the Federalist Society

    HistoPol, avatar
    chrisnelder, to random avatar

    Christiana Figueres, head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 2009-2016, who helped negotiate the Paris Agreement, finally realizes what all veteran energy transitionistas eventually realize: That it's foolish to think FF companies will ever be good partners in the #energytransition.

    "I thought fossil fuel firms could change. I was wrong."

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


    #BigOilKnew--make them pay


    The impudence of the successors to the people who caused this #ClimateCatastrophe with an average global temperature not seen in 120,000 years is outrageous.

    We need a strict #PolluterPaysPrinciple to cover the clean-up costs for CO2.

    Both chambers of Congress have now held hearings and have uncovered the exasperating truth.

    Senator #Whitehouse of #RI sums up the findings brilliantly:

    I have written a short 🧵 ...

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, to journalism avatar


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  • HistoPol, (edited ) avatar



    Senator #Whitehouse of #RI is brilliant.
    (Too bad that his proposal for a #WindfallProfitTax--in particular for #BigOil--did not become law.)
    I have written a short 🧵 on #BigOilKnew, but seeing and hearing it is even more damning.


    rbreich, to random avatar

    Exxon just reported record profits for the first quarter of this year, raking in $11.43 billion. The oil giant now has $33 billion cash on hand.

    Say it with me, corporate greed is driving inflation, not workers demanding better wages and benefits.


    @rbreich How much in taxpayer funded subsidies has #Exxon received this year? Does the $11.43 billion include those or is that extra profit? #oil #BigOilKnew #environment #capitalistcrimes #plunder #america #gop

    HistoPol, (edited ) to internet avatar


    I know a lot of people don't want to hear about the or anymore.

    However, until is either broke or , or in jail, or at least not able to control the anymore, the following is very important to know about ’s :

    One central key to understanding is this insightful article by @davetroy :

    "👉’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense — Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger👈"

    I had this...

    HistoPol, avatar


    Your horizon in this respect seems to be longer than mine.

    I think our conclusions might be quite similar, despite our quite likely very diverse backgrounds.

    This makes these conclusions all the more scarier.

    I am not sure if the demagoguery had anything to do with the right-wing renaissance. I have not looked at this aspect enough. However, as one strongman and his clan is much easier to bribe, I would not put it past them. They signed up for , time...

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