
What doesn't not kill me, only makes me come back.

It, they /them, for now

All the genders, all the ghosts.
Multi-system animal.

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ShinyAmygdala, to random

Colonizers are global NIMBYs

ShinyAmygdala, to random

Going on TikTok feels a lot like it did going through High School while physically and mentally disabled.

In social justice posts TikTokers explain how to properly use the platform to frustrate communication systems of fascism, and to elevate suppressed voices. I try my best to understand how the correct way to do it is, but, I feel like I'm still not doing it the way they say to. The last video I watched said that in order to overthrow the algorithm, a viewer has to pay attention and, then, in the comments, use key words from the video they just watched.

Basically, from what I can understand, they are meaning that you need to have good memory recall and you need to pay attention in order to be of any use on TikTok

In order to write this post, to tell you what I just saw, I had to rewatch that video several times, and i still don't think I have it right.

I have never used any social media platforms the way they were intended to be used. I hack my way thru it, I try the best I can to make something work, even if I'm using the parts in the "wrong way". I have to compensate for what I'm physically and mentally unable to do.

This reminds me so much of Highschool because I wasn't granted access to all the social circles because I wasn't able to communicate like everyone else

I was still held to the same standards but given none of the tools or help to succeed

Social media keeps replaying that experience.

I even think now, that I'm using Mastodon wrong

ShinyAmygdala, to random

I know this sounds like I'm "tooting my own horn" , but, I assure you I'm not actually.

I am super depressed because it looks like I ended up being the only kind, conscientious, and logical sibling out of my three other siblings.

I'm not a bigot, I'm not callus, and, I'm not cruel.

I know I am nobody's prize, but, at least now, I can sit and point my grief in a different direction.

All those years of being picked on, throughout my whole childhood, by every one of my siblings, it seems now that they were trying to crush my spirit, so I would be more like them.

It hurts to still love people like that. I wish my heart would just hate them. I wish... I wish I could only feel apathy towards them.

I don't actually want a relationship with them again, I just wish they weren't terrible human beings.

This is all very tragic to me.

Why couldn't I just have had an extended family???? Why did most of them have to have turned out to be monsters

ShinyAmygdala, to random

The robo hamster, Bean, is so curious and peppy.

Last night, as I was drying off after the shower (we moved Beans enclosure to the back bedroom because it was too drafty in the livingroom for her), she noticed I was there, so she started standing on her hind legs and pawing at the sides of the enclosure.

I got dressed and went over to hear and peered down, and saw that she got up on top of her little wooden hut, and was looking at me.

So, I figured I'd take off the lid to her enclosure and interact with her without taking her out, which is actually going better than playing with her outside of her home. She was so sweet and playful. I put my hand down in the bedding and she was crawling all over my hand, squeezing her muzzle in between my fingers, looking for seeds. She nipped my knuckle to say "please give me some treats!" So I pulled my hand out, went and got a pumpkin seed placed it on my palm, and lowered my hand down on top the bedding. She sat in my palm and ate the seed right on my hand! Then, we played for a while. I set up her paper towel tubes, and hid treats in her wooden toys and gave her pets.

I know it's commonly said that robo hamsters are not cuddly nor do they make good companions, but Bean is just the sweetest bundle of fluff and I know she loves us back.

I feel so happy when I spend time with her

ShinyAmygdala, to random

I'd like to read posts from disabled and chronically ill trans people living in countries that aren't the US, who write about their experiences where they live.

Anybody know of anyone who this describes that I can look up and follow?


gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

Are we going to save cat videos or the cats?

Over 50% of Internet traffic is video.

Are we going to save pictures of Nature or Nature?

There are 10 trillion photos stored in the Cloud.

We took more photos last year than we took in the entire 20th Century.

Soon, our data will drink more water than we do.

And 90% of this data is crap. Waste.

We are wasting our environment to create digital waste.



Many of us can't leave our homes. Many of us have no friends, no extended families, and no lives outside the digital world.

I only take pictures and videos of my indoor world and of my children as they grow up.

I screenshot pictures I like, and keep them to look at when I need to see beautiful things.

Many of us aren't allowed to interact with any environment, and so, looking at pictures is all we have.

Imagine you were us.

Imagine you were kept in a cage.

I'm not exaggerating

ShinyAmygdala, to random

Anyone know of good resources to teach #ASL to teens who're #autistic and have issues with hand eye coordination and making eye contact?

I'm interested in it for myself too. Tia

ShinyAmygdala, to random

So now we are at the point of rationing oatmeal.

I'm here laying in bed, trying to wind down and get my pain back down so I can fall asleep at a good hour, and I hear conflict coming from the kitchen because a teen got "too much" oatmeal from the fridge.

We have to ration all the food so everyone gets enough.

My partner has been prevented from working as much as we need them too because of harrassment from the landlord, the neonazis upstairs from us, and the fact that we kept getting sick from when the kids were in public school (we had to pull the kids out and go back to homeschooling, again).

Our SNAP been cut again due to Social Security raising our benefits.

The food bank doesn't carry the food we need because we have lots of food allergies and dietary needs, and all the food banks have are wheat, sugar, peanut butter and dairy. 3 of us have wheat allergies and Celiacs, and 2 of us have a dairy allergy, 2 of us a peanut allergy. 2 of us can eat eggs, but the banks by us don't ever have eggs. The food banks don't even have canned veggies. The last food bank we went to had loaves of stale wheat bread, bitter half rotted squash, 2 yrs past expiry date cans of pumpkin, boxes of stove top stuffing, Capri Sun packets, potato chips, mac and cheese boxes, jug of milk, packs of craft cheese, peanut butter crackers-- that kind of stuff.

We are in a rural area and it's a food desert. The stores in town are the yuppy food stores and expensive.

I already don't eat as much as I need to because I save it all for the kids. They are going through growth spurts and need to constantly eat. I wish we had enough




ShinyAmygdala, to random


I been paying more attention to the nuances of the "homeless- to -housed" success stories.

Mostly white cis men are celebrated on social media posts as having put in the "hard work" of mastering "impulses and addictions and attitude", getting a good job with a union, saving up money, and then closing on their first house. All this within the span of 3 years.

I KNOW FOR A FACT that this is NOT the majority of experiences, and YET, they are the ones circulated the most, even by housing "advocates".

One of several things this tells me is, that who gets help during this housing crisis is also due to a person's proximity to power.

People in marginalized demographics are the farthest away from that kind of power.

Also, "wrap around services" wrap around each person, or certain groups of people differently.

It's a noose for some, a safety net for some.



The city I live near is having major problems housing disabled and Black and Indigenous LGBTQIA2S people. The shelter system is killing us. There IS talk of a non religious LGBTQIA2S shelter being built in Lansing (Michigan) though! Which is huge news!

kkffoo, to actuallyautistic avatar

@actuallyautistic Does anyone know of a (non-ableist) resource which collates the potential developmental paths of a ND infant? I know this is going to vary from child to child, but the stuff I am finding is all about comparing kids to 'normal' NT children, and very much from the perspective of a NT adult observing children.


@kkffoo @actuallyautistic

I wish one existed.

It would be awesome if there was a project started for and by ND parents to show what those "milestones" look like in ND babies and children. We would need lots of data.

ashleyspencer, to random avatar

Maintenance was knocking hard on a neighbors door earlier and kept yelling “maintenance!” The cats got scared and hid. And I was getting anxiety and nervous they’d knock on my door.

I’m becoming my cats.

Is this what happens when you spend all your time with cats? I’m turning into a skittish cat.

sigh at myself.



I don't have cats and this is what I'm like. I'm actually worse than this

robertnorlyn, (edited ) to random avatar

ALT Text, do you read it? Do you find general descriptions of images useful or meaningful to your experience online? #ALTText



I can't figure out how to use it, I see pictures wrong and have gotten into conflicts with OPs because I missaw their pictures and commented based on what I thought I saw. I would love alt text, but I need to know how to access it


@lapingvino @marytzu @CynAq @PatternChaser @hellomiakoda @actuallyautistic

I was thinking that there's probably more polyglots than we realize. I never thought of myself as one, until recently. I never thought much about it, as it's another one of my interests that I don't think to discuss at length.

I learned that a person doesn't have to be exceptionally fluent in all the languages they know in order to be a polyglot.

ShinyAmygdala, to random


It turns out, the neurotypicals are actually the neurodivergent ones.

#ActuallyNeurotypical --
until we find a better way to describe this without labels.

Our circle keeps getting wider, more expansive, and we realize, the ones that had us think we were flawed and broken, are the exact definition of what they've projected onto us.

For once in my life, I love my brain.
I'm "autistic" and a bunch of other labels , but, Ill never trade the way I experience the world, not for anything

realTuckFrumper, to random avatar


The descendants of plantation owners and conquistadors want to continue their traditions, it looks like.

lowqualityfacts, to random avatar

Whats that you say, favoriting a post is functionally useless because there's no algorithm on Mastodon?

Tell that to my instant gratification addicted lizard brain that's getting hit with a tidal wave of dopamine every time my phone vibrates.



I get anxiety attacks when my phone goes off from notifications. I never know if it's a troll. I have this problem with craving attention, but then hating it once I get it. Lol

ShinyAmygdala, to random

So, I think I have a good theory as to why SO MANY LANDLORDS won't rent to disabled people.

Look at this screenshot
(disclaimer: I'm positive the person who this post is about is not disabled)

I was reading the comments, which I'm also including.

Read through it.

Then, I'm going to tell you, and this is from experience of my partner working as a property manager for USDA+ section 8 housing on the Oregon coast as well as for Hollywood East in downtown Portland Oregon--

Landlords see disability and chronic illness as a liability as they are financially on the hook in the event a tenant dies inside the apartment.

I would not be surprised if this is also why landlords are advised not to accept section 8. Some take the risk, some don't want to be anywhere near that risk. Section 8 does not contribute toward such cleanup services.

Top comments ▾ Daniel Trejo Family members are never legally or financially responsible unless it's a minor child. 1h Like Reply Brenda Snow Daniel Trejo But can the manageme... View 2 more replies... Michelle Chele Taylor 19 MASON Hi Brenda. If it's a rental the owner is responsible. I can give you further resources if you need. 1h Like Reply 12 Brenda Snow Michelle Chele Taylor You mean my... View 1 more reply... Michelle Perrine Top contributor The property management company has an insurance policy (like a homeowners). This is not an abnormal situation and they should have themselves covered for these type of circumstances. Tell them if it goes to court you will be requesting this information to be presented in court. 1h Like Reply 10 Elsa Tiedeck Been in Property Management for 17 years. Write a public comment...

Radical_EgoCom, to random

One day they'll be a war fought against the 5 day work week



Often, there's people who get all their assigned work from the day done in just 4 hours. My partner kept having bad run ins with bosses because they were accused of not working when they finished all their tasks early, so they were expected to sit there and "look busy" for 4 additional hours. They couldn't keep that up due to fatigue and pain (autoimmune disease) and so were eventually fired

Radical_EgoCom, to random

Seems a valid question






Health insurance


There's more but I'm tired

Radical_EgoCom, to random

Anti-theft cages to protect the rich, while the poor suffer


@Radical_EgoCom @ErosBlog

I once made a song called "end stage" and it was a mantra: "the means of production produce the means" , if you wanna listen, I'll give you the link

luckytran, to random avatar

It isn't just about variants & surges. One of the major problems with COVID is that baseline levels of the virus are high for the majority of the year. That excludes many people, especially those at higher risk, from participating in society as most indoor spaces are unsafe.


@eniko @luckytran

The at home test the govt sent me didn't detect the COVID I caught. And I'm vaccinated and mask. I'm high risk and homebound, but my child brought it home from school (they are the only kid at their school that masks) . This is the link to my post where I go into everything that's happened to me since May:

Radical_EgoCom, to random

The Poverty trap is real.


@thecalchemist @kingu

I'm parent to a 15 y.o on SSI and they were part of a fellowship online for trans youth, and because the teen made $120 one month as a stipend, SSI reduced their payment by $90.

It's a struggle.

We are all disabled and recieve SSI and as a family, we aren't allowed to have more than $3k in the bank. To give you an idea, after we pay rent, utilities, van payment+ insurance, we only have $120 left. For a family of 5.

Radical_EgoCom, to random

Well lable me a communist then because Kids shouldn't have to pay for food ever.



Also, I just looked at the picture. WTF is wrong with her face! I wouldn't let that person within a block of a child or school. YUCK! Look at the violence in her eyes

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