Edent, to fediverse
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “I made a mistake in verifying HTTP Message Signatures”

It's never great to find out you're wrong, but that's how learning and personal growth happens. HTTP Message Signatures are hard1. There are lots of complex parts and getting any aspect wrong means certain death2. In a previous post, I wrote A simple(ish) guide to verifying …

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/03/i-made-a-mistake-in-verifying-http-message-signatures/

#ActivityPub #CyberSecurity #http #security

kornel, to random
@kornel@mastodon.social avatar

#HTTP content negotiation has some unwritten rules for images. Accept: image/png, */* technically allows image/avif, but that’s not a wise interpretation.
Except what a caching proxy is supposed to do when the origin only sends AVIF?

wyri, to php
@wyri@haxim.us avatar

New PC who this! Gave the @reactphp #HTTP Hello World a quick benchmark, clocks in at nearly 70K requests per second with 100 concurrent keep alive connections on a single #PHP process:

sebsauvage, (edited ) to random French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

#Logs #http
ça vous parle, ce genre de requêtes ? C'est encore une connerie de chez Avast ?

Les requêtes arrivent sur le lighttpd de mon Raspberry, depuis mon LAN, en tapant directement sur l'IP (et non le FQDN).

EDIT: Trouvé: ça semble être une option de sécurité d'Avast pour prévenir les utilisateurs qu'ils sont sur un réseau avec un routeur compromis.

schizanon, to webdev
kalvn, to random French
@kalvn@mastodon.xyz avatar

Une explication détaillée de HTTP3. La principale différence est qu'il utilise UDP + QUIC + TLS au lieu de TCP + TLS.

QUIC vise à moderniser et remplacer TLS, mais pour garder une compatibilité maximale avec les équipements réseau (routeurs, firewalls, etc.) UDP est nécessaire.


#http #quic #http3

Logological, to random

Communications of the is now open access, but at the cost of breaking all existing links to articles. "We need to get Google to reindex the new site ASAP," says its editor. Has no one at @ACM heard of redirects? https://developers.slashdot.org/story/24/03/03/035222/communications-of-the-acm-is-now-open-access?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed

voltagex, to python
@voltagex@aus.social avatar

Teach your developers about #HTTP and #curl (and probably #Python). Otherwise they will end up using "tools" such as "post man" and "thunder client"

blainsmith, to random
@blainsmith@fosstodon.org avatar
aral, to linux
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

It’s bloody 2024, think we can agree on either wget or curl being installed by default on every freaking operating system by now so shell scripts can have a guaranteed way of carrying out http requests?

I mean it’s been about 35 years. I think it’s about time.

#http #shell #cli #linux #unix #macOS #curl #wget

Edent, to fediverse
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “A simple(ish) guide to verifying HTTP Message Signatures in PHP”

Mastodon makes heavy use of HTTP Message Signatures. They're a newish almost-standard which allows a server to verify that a request made to it came from the person who sent it. This is a quick example to show how to verify these signatures using P…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/02/a-simpleish-guide-to-verifying-http-message-signatures-in-php/

Edent, to fediverse
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “HTTP Signature Infinite Loop?”

I'm trying to get my head round HTTP Signatures as they're used extensively in the Fediverse. Conceptually, they're relatively straightforward. You send me a normal HTTP request. For example, you want to POST something to https://example.com/data You send me these headers: POST /data Host: example.com Date: Sa…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/02/http-signature-infinite-loop/

#ActivityPub #CyberSecurity #encryption #fediverse #http

blog, to fediverse
@blog@shkspr.mobi avatar

HTTP Signature Infinite Loop?

I'm trying to get my head round HTTP Signatures as they're used extensively in the Fediverse.

Conceptually, they're relatively straightforward.

You send me a normal HTTP request. For example, you want to POST something to https://example.com/data

You send me these headers:

POST /dataHost: example.comDate: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:43:48 GMTAccept-Encoding: gzipDigest: SHA-256=aaC57TDzM0Wq+50We2TkCsdMDvdqON92edg7KI+Hk8M=Content-Type: application/activity+jsonSignature: keyId="https://your_website.biz/publicKey",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date digest content-type",signature="JGQ53kEoIiMWRp9By9jajVGCOCu4n7XBeiA1uY5xLcnAxL2Y1GIgU/...=="Connection: Keep-AliveContent-Length: 751

In order to verify the contents of the message, I need to do three things:

  1. Check the SHA-256 hash of the message matches the content of the "Digest" header.
  2. Check the timestamp is somewhat fresh.
  3. Check the signature matches.

The first is simple: base64_encode( hash( "sha256", $request_body, true ) ).
The second is a matter of opinion. I might be happy to receive messages from the distant past or far in the future. For the sake of a little clock drift, let's allow 60 seconds either way.
The third gets complicated.

First, I need to get the public key published at keyId="https://your_website.biz/publicKey".

Next, I need to know which algorithm is being used to sign the headers: algorithm="rsa-sha256"

Then, I need to know which headers - and in what order - are being signed: headers="(request-target) host date digest content-type"

So I create a string using the received details which matches those headers in that specific order:

(request-target) POST /dataHost: example.comDate: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:43:48 GMTDigest: SHA-256=aaC57TDzM0Wq+50We2TkCsdMDvdqON92edg7KI+Hk8M=Content-Type: application/activity+json

I can verify if the signature - signature="JGQ53kEoIiMWRp9By9jajVGCOCu4n7XBeiA1uY5xLcnAxL2Y1GIgU/...==" matches by:

openssl_verify(    $headersString,     $signature,     $publicKey,     $algorithm);

If that's TRUE then all is well.

But can you spot the implicit problem?

How do I get your server's public key?

I just GET https://your_website.biz/publicKey - but if your server uses something like Authorised Fetch then I have to sign my request to you.

Which means your server will need to validate my signature by obtaining my public key. Which it will get by signing a request and sending it to me. Which, before I return my public key, I will need to validate your signature by obtaining your public key. Which I will get by signing a request... and so on.

This deadlock loop is documented. The usual way around it is either for the sending server to use an instance-specific signature which can be retrieved by an unsigned request, or to allow any unsigned request to access a user's public key.

I get why things happen this way - I just wish it were easier to implement!


#ActivityPub #CyberSecurity #encryption #fediverse #http

shaft, to random
@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

Oh dear.

“This document describes a mechanism for creating, encoding, and verifying digital signatures or message authentication codes over components of an #HTTP message”

#RFC 9421: HTTP Message Signatures

Edent, to random
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

What useful or interesting #HTTP headers do you have on your personal website?

I have:
Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics=()

X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

But that's it. Anything fancy or cool or helpful I should add?

frankel, to random
@frankel@mastodon.top avatar

The history of #HTTP and the (some) stories behind status codes


setebos, to internet
@setebos@mastodon.online avatar
linuxmagazine, to security
@linuxmagazine@fosstodon.org avatar
minioctt, to ps1graphics Italian

[⤴️ https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/02/10/cazate-per-il-c/]

Dopo aver perso altre incalcolabili quantità di tempo oggi, alla fine, finalmente ho finito quel malefico… circa, perché ha un di cui ora non ho proprio manco la voglia di venire a capo: quando prova a convertire che (a quanto pare) sono corrotte, manda in crash tutto il sistema. , questo ed altri brutti dettagli li lascio ai posteri. 😇️

La scelta un po’ bizantina di usare un per l’effettiva delle si è rivelata vincente (anche perché davvero ero a corto di soluzioni…), e sorprendentemente non è nemmeno troppo lento, impiega in media 1 secondo per file (nonostante il WiFi sulla faccia pena, ma al netto dell’avere il server in LAN). Creare lo script PHP è stato facilissimo, ovviamente, non è mica quello che mi ha fatto perdere il pomeriggio sano… è stato il fatto che c’è un , da qualche parte in quella di httpc (il servizio per le cose ) dentro libctru (la libreria per gli del 3DS), se non direttamente nello stack di di , che faceva fallire il trasferimento di dati via verso o da il mio server, nonostante la connessione in sé avvenisse, e con altri server non ci fossero di alcun tipo. Io ovviamente ho provato tremila cose, e solo alla fine ho tentato di collegarmi senza cifratura, e ho visto tutto funzionare. 😤️

Ora quindi posso catturare in qualunque gioco usando il menù Rosalina, poi avviare la mia per avere tutto quanto convertito in e messo nell’album di sistema in (non devo premere nulla), quindi tutto visibile dal selettore del browser web… e a quel punto posso pubblicare qui sopra direttamente da lì, per qualsiasi titolo. Forse però dovrei espandere il codice , facendogli scrivere le date delle foto nei parametri EXIF, altrimenti il vede tutto come datato 01/01/1900… nulla di grave eh, ma un po’ scomodo per navigare nella galleria. 💀️

Il 3DS che esegue il programma, con lo schermo inferiore che lista i file convertiti.Tutto il , e il binario 3DSX compilato, è su https://gitlab.com/octtspacc/OcttBitsOfFun/-/tree/main/LumaBmp2NinJpg.https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/02/11/what-c-taketh-away-it-give-back/

mapache, to fediverse
@mapache@hachyderm.io avatar

Part 3 of "A Guide to Implementing ActivityPub in a Static Site (or Any Website)" is just out the oven!

In this blog post, I explain how to make your blog discoverable in the Fediverse as an account, and also address some of the annoying pitfalls I encountered.

Full article here: https://maho.dev/2024/02/a-guide-to-implementing-activitypub-in-a-static-site-or-any-website-part-3/

If you like it don't forget to follow the @blog !

#fediverse #activitypub #static-sites #hugo #azure #mastodon #web-development #social-web #webfinger #http

bynkii, to random
@bynkii@mastodon.social avatar


It’s an interesting idea, but folks should maybe stop banging the “faster” drum. At human levels, it’s barely faster.

Maybe focus on the other factors, which are of more use to more people.

@mjgardner@social.sdf.org avatar

@bynkii I miss when #HTTP was a #telnet-based protocol that you could easily implement and debug on the wire

minioctt, (edited ) to Software Italian

La dualità del fixare #bug (o, in generale, far funzionare il #software?):

  • Perdi almeno 1 ora buona appresso ad un #glitch oscurissimo (spoiler: la codifica del testo centra sempre in tutti questi bug, in realtà estremamente stupidi), facendo svariati test e tentando varie opzioni prima sensate, e poi senza senso perché altrimenti non sai nemmeno come continuare. 🤥️
  • Nel frattempo si è fatto #tardi in culo, ti prepari per andare a #dormire e nel frattempo pensi, ma niente… a metà spegni ormai il PC, finisci di prepararti, e continui a #pensare, e solo a quel punto un’idea ovvia viene in testa. Troppo tardi ormai. 💀️

E poi ancora, perché le #incoerenze non sono mai abbastanza:

  • Giustamente nel letto ti irrequieti e non prendi #sonno, perché il cervello non prende pace senza vedere il #problema finalmente risolto dopo tutta la #pazzia passata, anche scommettendo che l’#idea appena venuta è giusta al 100%. 🥴
  • Però prima o poi il sonno lo prendi, e dopo ore arriva la #mattina dopo, in cui la sveglia suona e… pensi “zzzzzzz voglio stare nel lettino ancora, tanto la #rogna in mente l’ho risolta, chi me lo fa fare di ammazzarmi a prima mattina [prima mattina: le 9:30, ndr.]”. 🥹

Insomma, è una #condanna. Non se ne esce. Comunque si, il mio #errore era #stupido: stavo cercando di caricare #file nella galleria cloud di #WordPress tramite la #API REST, ma ricevevo sempre un rest_upload_sideload_error… controllo gli header, tutti giusti; cerco in giro, poca roba che non mi aiuta; provo #minuzie come mettere gli header lowercase, ancora niente; tento di settare a mano content-type parziali o estensioni file arbitrarie, e ovviamente non risolvo. 🤯️

Però, noto che un caricamento da curl, anziché dal mio #codice JS, va a buon fine. Allora, provo a caricare verso un server netcat in entrambi i modi, così da poter vedere al volo i dati della trasmissione #HTTP, e noto una differenza stronzetta: il corpo generato dal mio #server è molto più grosso del peso normale del file… quindi qualcosa lo sta corrompendo E qui, però, mi sono ribloccata. 🤔️

Solo poi, quando ormai avevo chiuso tutto come ho detto, ci ho pensato: ma io, nella parte del #programma che legge i #dati trasmessi dal client, vado a castare tutto ad una stringa; sarà questa la causa? …E, ricordandomi di altri #incidenti simili capitati in #NodeJS, capisco subito che è così. Detto in breve: la #codifica del testo centra sempre e rovina ogni cosa. Se esistesse solo l’ASCII, ecco che castare dati binari a stringhe non causerebbe alcun danno. E invece abbiamo deciso che i #computer devono supportare nella loro codifica migliaia di #caratteri discutibili, come tutti quelli emoji. E io, dopo aver apportato questo #fix, devo ora continuare a programmare. Non. Se. Ne. Esce. 😭️


#API #bug #caratteri #codice #codifica #computer #condanna #dati #dormire #errore #file #fix #glitch #HTTP #incidenti #incoerenze #mattina #minuzie #NodeJS #pazzia #pensare #problema #programma #rogna #server #software #sonno #stupido #tardi #WordPress

mamund, to random
@mamund@mastodon.social avatar

Representational State Transfer: An Architectural Style for Distributed Hypermedia Interaction (1998)


I had occasion to revisit one of the earliest presentations on REST (May 1998) by Roy Fielding. Seen from 25 years away, this material still strikes me as clear-headed and, in many cases, prescient.

For those who utter the word "REST", this is a bit of history i recommend you should check out.

#api360 #fielding #REST #HTTP

raptor, to random

This project looks very cool (and useful)!

The #HTTP Garden is a collection of HTTP #servers and #proxies configured to be composable, along with scripts to interact with them in a way that makes finding #vulnerabilities much much easier.


For some cool demos of the stuff that you can find with the HTTP Garden, check out our #ShmooCon 2024 talk.


melroy, to random
@melroy@mastodon.melroy.org avatar

@georgengelmann Sorry I didn't follow-up right away, I was kinda busy. I don't think this is my issue. I do have quic enabled, but only one the default server block in Nginx (listen 443 quic reuseport default_server;). For all my other domains I use: http2 on; http3 on;, which should go to HTTP/3 when possible. Yet, in all cases it uses HTTP/2 for all my resources :(... #http3 #quic #nginx

@melroy@mastodon.melroy.org avatar

@georgengelmann @debounced Ow.. one more thing, adding a add_header to location, will REMOVE all existing headers from the server section. I know, it's insane right? Docs says (and read carefully): There could be several add_header directives. These directives are inherited from the previous level if and only if there are no add_header directives defined on the current level.
#nginx #quic #header #headers #http #http3

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