DoomsdaysCW, to NativeAmerican avatar

Opinion: Why the birthplace of the Western religion shouldn’t be destroyed by a

by Luke Goodrich
February 6, 2024·

"A federal court is poised to decide whether a site will be destroyed by a massive . Mining proponents claim that destroying the is necessary for the development of . That claim is both factually wrong and morally repugnant. And recent polling shows that the vast majority of Americans agree with what the constitution requires: sacred sites deserve the same protection as all other houses of worship.

"Since before European contact, and other Native tribes have lived and honored their at , or 'Chi’chil Bildagoteel.' The site is the birthplace of Western Apache religion and the site of ancient religious ceremonies that cannot take place anywhere else. Because of its religious and cultural significance, Oak Flat is on the National Register of Historic Places and has been protected from mining and other destructive practices for decades.

"That changed in 2014, when several members of Congress, supported by , slipped an amendment into a must-pass defense bill authorizing the transfer of Oak Flat to a foreign-owned mining giant. That company, , announced plans to obliterate the sacred ground by swallowing it in a mining crater nearly two miles wide and 1,100-feet deep, ending Apache religious practices forever. That was no surprise given the company’s sordid history dealing with . The majority owner of Resolution Copper is (the world’s second largest mining company), which sparked international outrage in 2020 when it destroyed a 46,000-year-old rock shelter with some of the most significant artifacts in all of .

"The Apache and their allies, represented by my firm, the , have been fighting in court to ensure that such an atrocity won’t repeat itself at Oak Flat. After initial court rulings against the Apache, a full panel of 11 judges at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reheard their appeal last spring. A decision on whether the government can execute the land transfer is expected any day.

"Resolution Copper and its backers want the public to believe that building the mine is essential for developing energy. Extracting the copper beneath Oak Flat, they say, will help to build batteries necessary for powering and thus fight . In other words, we have to destroy Oak Flat in order to save the planet.

"These claims, however, are false — and they are specifically designed to obscure the physical and cultural destruction the project would wreak on the land.

"The mine will destroy the , not save it. It is undisputed that the mine will swallow the ecologically diverse landscape of Oak Flat in a massive crater, decimating the local . It will also leave behind approximately 1.37 billion tons of ',' or , which, according to the government’s own environmental assessment, will pollute the and scar the landscape permanently. And the mine will consume vast quantities of water at the time it is most needed by drought-stricken towns and .

"Supporters of the mine are also at odds with the majority of Americans. According to this year’s Religious Freedom Index, an annual survey conducted by Becket, 74% of Americans believe that Native sacred sites on federal land should be protected from mining projects, even when the projects are purportedly pro-jobs and pro-environment.

"That conclusion is both sensible and humane. America can transition to renewable energy without blasting the cradle of Western Apache religion into oblivion. And it should. For too long, our nation has made excuses for taking advantage of and their land. Indeed, our nation drove the Western Apache off Oak Flat and surrounding lands in the 1800s precisely to make way for . It shouldn’t repeat that again.

"It is past time to protect Indigenous sacred sites from further destruction. Basic fairness and our constitutional commitment to religious freedom require no less. And, happily, most Americans agree."

Linux, to Steamdeck avatar

✅ Valve (Steam) | All Steam Audio SDK source code open sourced❣️

The code now available under Apache 2.0 license.

◉Steam Audio SDK plug-ins are included
◉Valve's great work for Linux and freedom continues
◉Steam Audio: an immersive asset for games / VR
◉Plug-ins exist for Unity / Unreal Engine and others

#Valve #Steam #audio #SDK #OpenSource #Apache #gaming #Linux #SteamDeck #VR

DoomsdaysCW, to random avatar

Native Warrior Women

Indian women have always been written out of history, but their bravery is being rediscovered in archives and Native oral traditions.

May 11, 2023

#Cheyenne warrior #BuffaloCalfRoadWoman had fought a number of battles in leadership roles. At the Battle of the #LittleBigHorn, it is told she charged #Custer, grabbed his saber and stabbed him, knocking him off his horse, killing him. Afterward, Cheyenne and #Arapaho women stabbed their awls in Custer’s ears, chanting ‘you will listen to our people in the next world.’ They were avenged.'

"She wasn’t the only female warrior at the Little Big Horn. The Arapaho Chief, #PrettyNose, fought there, too. She lived to be 101 years old and her grandson served in the Korean War as a U.S. Marine and later an Arapaho chief, just like his grandmother.

"Lozen (c. 1840-June 17, 1889) was a female warrior and prophet of the Chihenne Chiricahua #Apache who fought beside #Geronimo. She was the sister of Victorio, a prominent chief. Born into the #Chihenne band during the 1840s, Lozen was, according to legends, able to use her powers in battle to learn the movements of the enemy. The Apache tribesman, scholar and author, James Kaywaykla, was a child during the fighting days of Geronimo, Lozen and Victorio. Kaywaykla wrote, as a child:

"'I saw a magnificent woman on a beautiful horse—Lozen, sister of Victorio. Lozen the woman warrior! High above her head she held her rifle. 'She could ride, shoot, and fight like a man, and I think she had more ability in planning military strategy than did Victorio.'

"He added that Chief Victorio honored his sister as a great warrior: "Lozen is my right hand ... strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy. Lozen is a shield to her people."

Lozen fought beside Geronimo after his breakout from the San Carlos reservation in 1885, in the last campaign of the Apache wars. The band was pursued relentlessly by both the U.S. and Mexican cavalries. According to Alexander B. Adams in his book Geronimo, Lozen would try to ascertain where the enemy was by standing 'with her arms outstretched, chant a prayer to Ussen, the Apaches' supreme deity, and slowly turn around.' The band often relied on her strategic prowess.

"In 1885, Geronimo and about 140 of his followers, including Lozen, fled the reservation when they heard rumors that they were to be imprisoned on Alcatraz Island. Lozen and another female warrior, Dahteste, were designated to try to negotiate a peace treaty. Ultimately, after Geronimo's final surrender, Lozen traveled as a prisoner of war to the barracks in Mount Vernon, Alabama. There, along with many of her fellow warriors, Lozen died in confinement of tuberculosis in 1889.

"#Dahteste was a #Mescalero Apache warrior who rode with Lozen. Dahteste was fluent in English and often acted as a translator for the Apache people and was designated to lead in treaty negotiations with the American and Mexican armies. When Geronimo surrendered, she was arrested alongside Geronimo and Lozen, but was shipped to St. Augustine, Florida, rather than the barracks in Alabama. Nevertheless, like other prisoners in Florida, she contracted tuberculosis and pneumonia, but managed to survive both. Some scholars believe that #Lozen and Dahteste were #TwoSpirits and lovers."

#NativeAmericans #WarriorWomen #TwoSpirit

governa, to random avatar
jochie, to php avatar

Scratched an itch this week where I replaced a fairly old MAMP app with ~70 lines of docker-related configuration files that create 3 containers (and 1 of those could easily be removed, it's just for convenience).

In particular I'm happy that the DB files are no longer in an app-directory (/Applications/MAMP/…) that may or may not be backed up, whereas everything in my home-directory definitely is, and I can easily run mysqldump.

gborn, to random German avatar

Echtes Abenteuer; Computer kapott, fliegt in 22 Lichtstunden Entfernung, und die Programmierer sind in Rente oder verstorben. Als junger Ingenieurstudent habe ich 1977 dem Start der Sonden entgegen gefiebert - und die Teile funktionieren noch immer irgendwie.

mjgardner, avatar

@necrosis @gborn That depends on how much traffic the site gets. CGI is slower and uses more memory because it has to spawn a new process for every request. But servers in 2024 are faster and have more memory than those in 2006, so that might be enough to compensate.

#Apache httpd gives an additional boost if you use mod_cgid instead of mod_cgi:

Not enough? Install mod_perl and use its #Perl registry handler instead:

uastronomer, to FreeBSD avatar

I recently discovered blacklistd, which I understand is FreeBSDs native equivalent of Fail2Ban.

However I'm struggling to find useful documentation - most search results focus on protecting sshd, and there doesn't seem to be any way to set the rules. What behaviour triggers a block? What if I want to add to that?

I want to protect Apache from getting DOSd by rude and overeager search engine bots. Can blacklistd do this, or would fail2ban be an easier option?

#FreeBSD #Apache

osjobhub, to hiring avatar

Featured Jobs @fosdem: On a mission to make Linux secure, stable, and profitable, CloudLinux is seeking a Go developer for its Apache2Nginx project. Learn more and apply now on #OSJH #FOSDEM #CloudLinux #jobs #career #hiring #Golang #NGINX #Apache #OpenSource #SoftwareDevelopment #FOSS

jacobydave, to random avatar

In a nostalgic mood, so I'm curious how people in other computing environments pronounced HP/UX.

mjgardner, avatar

@jacobydave I pronounce HP-UX as “aitch-pukes.”

In the late 1990s, after running #Merck’s public web sites for several years on their Research Labs’ favored MIPS-based #SGI #IRIX machines, I had to help transition that responsibility to corporate IT and their favored #HP PA-RISC #HPUX servers.

Along the way I had to explain that no, #Apache httpd was not “shareware.”

jimmyb, to debian avatar

I just replied to a comment on my #LiveJournal clone site. I can't remember the last time I logged into this site.

Oddly enough I was fiddling around with backups on its server last night. I don't even want to say which version of #Debian and #Apache its running 😬

shalien, to random French avatar

So, to install #GLPI and have it working here the magic trick :

Nooooh, get #apache, don't even try. You will lose it upon reinstalling it a hundred times.

Fuck this shit and fuck Tech lib.

david_senate, to SEO

🌎 Quick reminder for 301 apache permanent redirections:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*$$1 [R=301,L]

This tells browsers and search engines the page has a new permanent home.

#Apache #SEO

governa, to random avatar
MaxKoder, to php French

Petit article de blog : Comment se créer un environnement de développement avec .
J'ai essayé d'y aller doucement, pour essayer de s'y mettre tranquillou milou...

alltagsradler, to random German avatar

Uh, Störung bei .
geht nicht mehr. Viel interessanter finde ich die Fehlermeldung. Sie nutzen Version 9.0.68 in der Cloud. Die ist am 7.10.2022 erschienen (Aktuell ist 9.0.85). Ziemlich alt.

governa, to apple avatar
anthony_goubard, to Java

I've created an open-source :java: Java library to make code using virtual-threads easier to write and to read.
Check it out on GitHub:

It's already in Maven repository.

#java #jdk21 #virtualthreads #projectloom #loom #opensource #apache #java21

TDP4, to random

Over the past 3 weeks I migrated my Apache Reverse Proxy over to a managed Nginx Reverse Proxy with a web management interface. I apparently have a lot of redirects.

It's mostly stable. Only my old landing page / site is having weird downloading issues. Everything else was easy to do.

dataplane, to random's Q4 newsletter has been published with a look back at our microblog series The Internet Last Week for 2023, NETINT on Apache Struts and a look at SSH password attempts for 2023.

#netint #apache #2023recap #passwords

LenaA, to ubuntu Swedish

Nu har jag tillbringat två dagar med att installera #Ubuntu och bekantat mig med miljön (det var minst 10 år sen sist). Sedan har jag installerat #Apache, #MySql och #PHP vilket förde med sig några timmars problemlösning när jag upptäckte att jag saknade skrivrättigheter där jag behövde det. När måste slå
upp alla terminalkommandon jag glömt tar det tid. Om någon har ett tips på ett bra #IDE för PHP medan jag övergår till mer nyårsrelaterade grejer, tar jag gärna emot det!

frankel, to opensource avatar

#Apache Superset™ is an #OpenSource modern #data exploration and #visualization platform

governa, to random avatar

Critical Zero-Day in #Apache OfBiz ERP System Exposes Businesses to Attack

itsjoshbruce, (edited ) to php avatar

Preparing a beta release of:


I know how I consume feeds and how I'd like to publish them.

How do you prefer to consume the actual content of what's in the feed?

Please boost. Thanks!

(Admittedly, I don't subscribe to a lot of feeds, but that will probably change soon enough.)

#PHP #RSS #Atom #JsonFeed #Syndication #WebDevelopment #UX

itsjoshbruce, (edited ) avatar

@itsjoshbruce: For today’s personal site 30-minute time box, the RSS feed is rendering, based on the results of the above survey so far.

Next up are the Atom and JSON Feeds.

I’m planning on the site eventually being static, and I’m not sure what the easiest way to customize response headers is.

Nyholm PSR-7, is pretty straightforward; won’t have it for static site.

htaccess seems to be the way. Curious if anyone has other ideas or experience with Apache on this score.

#PHP #Apache #RSS

jay, to web avatar

❔ Referring to the World Wide Web, do you capitalize the words "Internet" & "Web" when you use them in a sentence?

I was doing research today & noticed the AP Stylebook changed them to non-capitalized words in 2016 (See Wired article: I've been capitalizing these words since the 90's. To me, it seems like they should be proper nouns. What's your take on the subject?

fatuus, to random avatar

Hello :mastodon:

I am hiring 💸 !

Looking 👀 for a Network Security Engineer 🕸️ for my customer.
Job description 📰 on demand.

Required #skills are:
Palo Alto &
(Algosec would be a plus)

Position based in #luxembourg 🇱🇺

Feel free to contact me

#joboffer #job #iamhiring #lookingforajob

fatuus, avatar

Hello :mastodon:

I am hiring 💸 !

We're looking 👀 for a person with Linux Admin :debian: (RedHat actually) skill.
Strong Security mindset 🛡️

Job description 📰 in PM.

Skills needed :
/ ,

🇬🇧 Anglais mandatory

Job can be in 🇱🇺 , 🇫🇷 , 🇧🇪 or 🇵🇱
for Internal
Any country in 🇪🇺 as Contractor

Feel free to contact me for anything.

:boost_requested: makes your CPU faster

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