Edent, to fediverse
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “Rebuilding FourSquare for ActivityPub using OpenStreetMap”

I used to like the original FourSquare. The "mayor" stuff was a bit silly, and my friends never left that many reviews, but I loved being able to signal to my friends "I am at this cool museum" or "We're at this pub if you want to meet" or "Spendi…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/01/rebuilding-foursquare-for-activitypub-using-openstreetmap/

#ActivityPub #fediverse #FOURSQUARE #geolocation #OpenStreetMap


@Edent Knowing you can't see likes or replies on the location posts, let me report that both my accounts can see photos and parse the alt-text correctly.
It appears neither can handle the location in the way you intend though. I'll use your form of words from the Mastodon Issue to pop one on the repo if that's OK.

box464, to random
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

The founding developer of Firefish has officially stepped down from the project. Keys are being transferred to one of the dev leads.

It appears Firefish IS still breathing, albeit flopping around at the edge of the pond right now.

Many instances migrated to other Forkeys - Sharkey or IceShrimp. A newcomer, Catodon, is also emerging.

Glad to see Firefish given a chance to survive, and wish them the best!


lightone, to random

Recently I've seen posts that project is in trouble? Its flagship server being unavailable, and people are impatient about new releases. Sad if true, though I hope its death is slightly exagerrated. Anyhow, I've learnt that people are migrating to other Misskey forks (mainly , , and ) And Iceshrimp devs are rewriting the JS backend on C# 😯

NicolasConstant, to fediverse

I completely missed that #IceShrimp was doing a .NET rewriting. That's quite exciting, there wasn't a lot of .NET #ActivityPub implementation so far, and I'm curious to see how they will tackle some of the tricky parts of the protocol.

Cefr, to fediverse
@Cefr@beige.party avatar

If Firefish is going to come back, Kainoa won't have a hand in it. They quietly handed over the keys to the repo to a maintainer... who has publicly stated they aren't a programmer and are just looking after commits. Not exactly a signal things are starting back up.


Unless there is an announcement soon about someone taking up development again, I think it's safe to say Firefish is over as a Fedi platform.

Optimism wants to say that someone will, but at this point even if someone does it'll be playing catch-up to the current state of affairs. It isn't possible for someone to come off of the street and say "I'll do it" and go back to the pace that was happening last summer immediately. (But it's not impossible for me to be wrong and six months from now someone does. I'm just not banking on it happening. Even the Firefish name itself might be too damaged in reputation to even take back up.)

, , and are derivatives who are continuing onward with things. All three of them have disassociated with FF completely so it seems Misskey still has a future with non-Japanese users. (Iceshrimp even spent time on a new non triangular logo to further separate from Firefish.) Server admins who wanted to consider a Firefish instance but shied away from the drama last fall may want to follow those projects instead.

If your fedi server is still on Firefish, don't be surprised if an announcement "were taking signups on our new Plombus server, in X months Fleeb will be decommissioned" comes down sometime soon. Internet services without recent updates are asking for trouble from exploits and vulnerabilities. Also, without an active FF developer to fix standing issues (or a skilled DB admin on your instance's behalf to whittle the database and schema to fit the new system as well as possible) a cut-over migration where users don't lift a finger isn't in the cards like the Calckey to Firefish migration last September. It likely will be up to you to decide to either move your account Mastodon style (no post migration, just your follower lists and a link back to the prior server) or to just start fresh.

sayunu, to random Japanese


・ Firefish のソフトウエア開発の中心人物である Kainoa さんがしばらく音信不通になっている。

・ サーバー firefish.social では深刻な技術的問題が続いている。

・ Kainoa さんは Panos さんや Namekuji さんなどの数人を「コアメンバー」に招いたけど、対等に権限を分けたわけではないので本人以外では手出しに限界がある。

・ Panos さんと Namekuji さんで Misskey‐系の新規プロジェクトである Catodon を発足させた。

#Firefish #Catodon


#Misskey のフォーク、色々あって全貌がよく分からない。誰か纏めてないのかな。#Sharkey は Misskey の直下で、Mastodon API を実装したりしつつ、できるだけ上流に追随する方針 ? #Iceshrimp は Firefish からの更なる分家で、大幅な書き直しとかしてる…らしい。

hello, to mastodon

It's almost time. We're super-excited. is entering public testing now, before a full live launch.

Many of us have used other Boosting Groups, but they only work well if you follow from Mastodon accounts. We know there is a wider fediverse. FediGroups works with all the favourites, including , , , , , and more. One big happy family 👪

Read a little more at https://about.fedigroups.social

Tell all your friends.

bumble, to random

Well done to the team behind the scenes here on for the work in migrating the code base to 's standard.

This gives great opportunities for both software types to grown and deliver their own unique experience, from a more stable base.


scribblans, to random
@scribblans@fedia.social avatar
panos, to random
@panos@catodon.social avatar

Kinda big day tomorrow as catodon.social's getting updated to our latest dev version, since our announced rebase to is finished, which means that, if everything goes well, after tomorrow catodon.social will have all of the performance improvements of Iceshrimp, including full Mastodon API support. It took us back a few weeks but we think it was worth it, and now we can resume development towards our first release.

don, to random
@don@shonk.social avatar

Offene Sharkey & Iceshrimp Instanzen

Es sind wieder ein paar Instanzen hinzugekommen.

Schaut euch mal um, ob da was für euch zum Testen mit dabei ist.


Falls euch der neue Account sehr gut gefällt, dann könnt dir sogar euer Konto von Mastodon dahin umziehen.

#Sharkey #Iceshrimp #Instanzliste

mesdoigtsmaladroits, to FiberArts

I think I'm seeing discrepancies on posts not showing up on my timeline.

Some posts on Mastodon are not appearing here on #IceShrimp and some of my posts are not on Mastodon when I'm accessing them through a hashtag?

I'm browsing on #embroidery on Mastodon and the same in IceShrimp but I'm getting different results.

Is this a federation issue?

@Gargron @jerry

kyle, to random

Sadly it looks like is going to die a slow unmaintained death now, and I need to pick a successor to run.

and/or appear to be the spiritual successors, but I think I'll be waiting to see who publishes and maintains a public Docker image first.

KazukyAkayashi, to random

Bon visiblement les réglages fait dans PostgreSQL pour les workers semblent avoir résolu le problème, ça fait un peu moins d'un mois que tout tourne nickel du coup sans que la RAM pète un câble et que PostgreSQL ne se vautre 👍


RE: social.zarchbox.fr/notes/9nar92jvg0ka4yzv

onat, to random
@onat@masto.ai avatar

Just learned about the demise of #Firefish (head is M.I.A.). It's unfortunate for the thousands of instances running it, but with that comes #IceShrimp, #Sharkey, and #Catodon. All of them (I think) are being developed by former Firefish devs. Options.

Hopefully, current FF users are all, if they want to, able to move to another actively-developed community easily.

Long live Firefish.

mona, to random

Websocket issue on Jistflow has been fixed, and we have migrated to #iceshrimp.

Jistflow previously ran Firefish, which was almost too good, but recently I discovered via the official Firefish matrix channel that there seems to be a little bit of hault in maintenance due to @kainoa not being available, based on really valid reasons which I'll agree with him that he need some time off to take care things IRL.

However noticing #iceshrimp and seeing that "they have been focused on stabilizing what exists over introducing new features" which is a very big YAY for me, coupled with the amazing team and community behind it, I'm excited to migrate Jistflow to it, and also help in maintaining #iceshrimp,

it also my greatest excitment to announce that Jistflow now has full support for mastodon API which means you can now use your favorite mastodon apps with Jistflow, this was made possible by #iceshrimp of course.

Cheers to a more stable instance 😀

technicat, to fediverse
@technicat@iosdev.space avatar
tournesol, to random
@tournesol@peculiar.florist avatar

the iceshrimp offtopic channel going wild

@tournesol@peculiar.florist avatar

@Thomas haha oui c’est #iceshrimp-offtopic:161.rocks

alyn, to random

Finally made the jump off #FireFish, and swapped the live server over to #IceShrimp. Not an entirely smooth process if I'm honest - the migration instructions take a bit too much for granted. I've made records though, so I'll try to suggest alterations. Anyway, nice to be here 👋

bblaze, to fediverse

It doesn't matter if you are new to the or if you have been here forever, it's always good to keep in mind that (a) what server you pick, and (b) what software that server runs, matter.

I should admit am fairly new at this. I created my first fediverse account only a year ago. It was a server with about 8,000 users. And while it "worked" there was something missing from the experience.

While researching the idea of hosting my own server, I discovered which in turn led to discovering . It's hard to describe how much better the experience is with IceShrimp.

The is just so much better, and the feature set way more robust. The way it handles replies, the ability to quote, to use multiple emojis, etc.

If you have friends or family thinking about joining the Fediverse or are feeling unimpressed with your mastodon experience, I highly recommend getting an account running IceShrimp or other similar software.

Probably also worth mentioning that I also looked at using a integration and and . I found them to be clunky; reminding me of how email was in the early 90s.

If the fediverse is going to thrive, then it needs to make a good first impression. Moving beyond mastodon is a good step in the right direction.

box464, to random
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

An interesting feature of the Misskey forks (#Forkeys) is Pages, long form posts with a CMS editor. I wrote about it, and the changes you can expect over the next year! Check it out.


#Firefish #Sharkey #IceShrimp #Missskey

panos, to random
@panos@catodon.social avatar

There's a vision behind #Catodon: To build a software that will be as self-explanatory as it gets, so that you can invite your (irl or from other platforms) friends to your community and they will instantly feel familiar. People tend to not like change; they like sticking with what's familiar. So when they enter a fedi server and they see all the confusing terminology and buttons they don't understand what they do, it's just one more reason for them to give up and go back to facebook or wherever. Not everyone will want to come to your fedi community, but for those who are willing to try something different, let's at least not put unnecessary obstacles in their path. They're attempting to feel at home here - let's make them feel at home.

@panos@catodon.social avatar

@NumbersCanBeFun Catodon is trying to change UX into something that makes more sense, and also we're gonna change some features, like Channels will be more like federated Forums and Pages more like federated Blog posts - we feel these are features that would be more useful to people than the current set. So we are trying to be bold with some changes in order to achieve those goals, so not everyone that comes from firefish will be happy with all of the changes. We're doing our best to offer a smooth transition, but you just can't please everybody.

However, if you like Firefish's UX but just want to use something that performs better and is actively maintained by a team of very cool people, you can't go wrong with #Iceshrimp, as that's exactly what they do.

So I think that the situation in the #firefish camp is not as tragic as it seems. You basically have two options, depending on which direction you'd prefer the software you use to go. Of course you can also wait and see what happens with firefish, I mean if your server is running smoothly, there's no rush. But tbh I think that trust in firefish has been broken, and that sooner or later most people will jump to another platform.

Oh and of course there is another obvious option which is #sharkey, which is great if you like misskey's current direction. Firefish was a hard fork of misskey, based on v12, sharkey is a soft fork based on the current v13. Personally I'm not very fond of some of the design choices of misskey, or how they seem to add and remove half-baked features, so I prefer where we are with Catodon (same applies to Iceshrimp).

panos, to random
@panos@catodon.social avatar

This development makes me very happy. #Iceshrimp is a project that involves many people who were important in #firefish development but were unhappy with how things were handled there, so at some level it feels like righting a wrong and bringing the broader community closer together - even if we've ended up with two projects, both of which I feel that cover different needs though. This is also an answer to everyone who thought that our corner in the fediverse was falling apart. We have a healthy ecosystem, we have ways to communicate and stay on good terms - let's build bridges, not walls! I like the place we are right now. Nature is healing =)

RE: https://catodon.social/notes/9oed3uchq5t76dbu

fediforum, to fediverse
@fediforum@mastodon.social avatar

What are some cool #fediverse applications that were created recently?

We'd like to reach out to them and see whether they want to demo at the next #FediForum in March.

You can find previous recorded demos on https://fediforum.org/

box464, to random

I've collected all my work on #Firefish and #AiScript into one place! It should be useful to anyone using #IceShrimp and #Catodon (for now) as well.

If anyone has questions about AiScript or any of the features I've examined in blogs, happy to share what I've learned.


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