kyle, to random

Sadly it looks like is going to die a slow unmaintained death now, and I need to pick a successor to run.

and/or appear to be the spiritual successors, but I think I'll be waiting to see who publishes and maintains a public Docker image first.

KazukyAkayashi, to random

Bon visiblement les réglages fait dans PostgreSQL pour les workers semblent avoir résolu le problème, ça fait un peu moins d'un mois que tout tourne nickel du coup sans que la RAM pète un câble et que PostgreSQL ne se vautre 👍



onat, to random avatar

Just learned about the demise of (head is M.I.A.). It's unfortunate for the thousands of instances running it, but with that comes , , and . All of them (I think) are being developed by former Firefish devs. Options.

Hopefully, current FF users are all, if they want to, able to move to another actively-developed community easily.

Long live Firefish.

mona, to random

Websocket issue on Jistflow has been fixed, and we have migrated to #iceshrimp.

Jistflow previously ran Firefish, which was almost too good, but recently I discovered via the official Firefish matrix channel that there seems to be a little bit of hault in maintenance due to @kainoa not being available, based on really valid reasons which I'll agree with him that he need some time off to take care things IRL.

However noticing #iceshrimp and seeing that "they have been focused on stabilizing what exists over introducing new features" which is a very big YAY for me, coupled with the amazing team and community behind it, I'm excited to migrate Jistflow to it, and also help in maintaining #iceshrimp,

it also my greatest excitment to announce that Jistflow now has full support for mastodon API which means you can now use your favorite mastodon apps with Jistflow, this was made possible by #iceshrimp of course.

Cheers to a more stable instance 😀

technicat, to fediverse avatar
lucy_idk, to fediverse German avatar

liebe fediversefreundis,

könnt ihr mich mal erleuchten was eigentlich dieses ganze zeug mit #misskey #meisskey #foundkey
#calckey #firefish #sharkey #iceshrimp soll?

was sind da die unterschiede und warum gibts da so viele forks? gibts da gossip?


tournesol, to random avatar

the iceshrimp offtopic channel going wild

tournesol, avatar

@Thomas haha oui c’est

alyn, to random

Finally made the jump off #FireFish, and swapped the live server over to #IceShrimp. Not an entirely smooth process if I'm honest - the migration instructions take a bit too much for granted. I've made records though, so I'll try to suggest alterations. Anyway, nice to be here 👋

bblaze, to fediverse avatar

It doesn't matter if you are new to the #fediverse or if you have been here forever, it's always good to keep in mind that (a) what server you pick, and (b) what software that server runs, matter.

I should admit am fairly new at this. I created my first fediverse account only a year ago. It was a #mastodon server with about 8,000 users. And while it "worked" there was something missing from the experience.

While researching the idea of hosting my own server, I discovered #FireFish which in turn led to discovering #IceShrimp. It's hard to describe how much better the experience is with IceShrimp.

The #UI is just so much better, and the feature set way more robust. The way it handles replies, the ability to quote, to use multiple emojis, etc.

If you have friends or family thinking about joining the Fediverse or are feeling unimpressed with your mastodon experience, I highly recommend getting an account running IceShrimp or other similar software.

Probably also worth mentioning that I also looked at using a #Wordpress integration and #Hubzilla #GoToSocial #Pleroma #Humhub and #Streams. I found them to be clunky; reminding me of how email was in the early 90s.

If the fediverse is going to thrive, then it needs to make a good first impression. Moving beyond mastodon is a good step in the right direction.

box464, to random avatar

An interesting feature of the Misskey forks (#Forkeys) is Pages, long form posts with a CMS editor. I wrote about it, and the changes you can expect over the next year! Check it out.

#Firefish #Sharkey #IceShrimp #Missskey

panos, to random avatar

This development makes me very happy. #Iceshrimp is a project that involves many people who were important in #firefish development but were unhappy with how things were handled there, so at some level it feels like righting a wrong and bringing the broader community closer together - even if we've ended up with two projects, both of which I feel that cover different needs though. This is also an answer to everyone who thought that our corner in the fediverse was falling apart. We have a healthy ecosystem, we have ways to communicate and stay on good terms - let's build bridges, not walls! I like the place we are right now. Nature is healing =)


catodon, to random avatar

Important announcement, everyone! 🎉

After giving this a lot of thought and discussing with the wonderful people that build Iceshrimp, will rebase to . We feel that it's the right decision for the road ahead, as Iceshrimp is another fork that focuses in improving performance and they have already done some amazing improvements, like full Mastodon API support. With Firefish's future uncertain, we think it's better to stay closer to an actively maintained project. The two projects will stay distinct, as we have different design goals, but we have a common codebase so we feel this makes sense.

Just to be clear on all fronts and to answer the obvious question in advance, yes, Iceshrimp is also currently doing a full rewrite in C#, which is a few months away, and we haven't decided if we'll adopt this yet - it's a strong possibility, but we're keeping our options open. We're confident they're doing a great job, still, we'll weigh what the best decision for Catodon is on this when it's ready and the time comes.

Just wanted to let you know that this might push Catodon's development back a little, as it's sort of a structural change, but we feel that it's worth it, and that it might be better for the broader community. Catodon development will resume once rebasing to Iceshrimp is finished, and then we'll have better foundations to build this on.

panos, to random avatar

There's a vision behind #Catodon: To build a software that will be as self-explanatory as it gets, so that you can invite your (irl or from other platforms) friends to your community and they will instantly feel familiar. People tend to not like change; they like sticking with what's familiar. So when they enter a fedi server and they see all the confusing terminology and buttons they don't understand what they do, it's just one more reason for them to give up and go back to facebook or wherever. Not everyone will want to come to your fedi community, but for those who are willing to try something different, let's at least not put unnecessary obstacles in their path. They're attempting to feel at home here - let's make them feel at home.

panos, avatar

@NumbersCanBeFun Catodon is trying to change UX into something that makes more sense, and also we're gonna change some features, like Channels will be more like federated Forums and Pages more like federated Blog posts - we feel these are features that would be more useful to people than the current set. So we are trying to be bold with some changes in order to achieve those goals, so not everyone that comes from firefish will be happy with all of the changes. We're doing our best to offer a smooth transition, but you just can't please everybody.

However, if you like Firefish's UX but just want to use something that performs better and is actively maintained by a team of very cool people, you can't go wrong with #Iceshrimp, as that's exactly what they do.

So I think that the situation in the #firefish camp is not as tragic as it seems. You basically have two options, depending on which direction you'd prefer the software you use to go. Of course you can also wait and see what happens with firefish, I mean if your server is running smoothly, there's no rush. But tbh I think that trust in firefish has been broken, and that sooner or later most people will jump to another platform.

Oh and of course there is another obvious option which is #sharkey, which is great if you like misskey's current direction. Firefish was a hard fork of misskey, based on v12, sharkey is a soft fork based on the current v13. Personally I'm not very fond of some of the design choices of misskey, or how they seem to add and remove half-baked features, so I prefer where we are with Catodon (same applies to Iceshrimp).

fediforum, to fediverse avatar

What are some cool applications that were created recently?

We'd like to reach out to them and see whether they want to demo at the next in March.

You can find previous recorded demos on

narF, avatar
mima, to CSharp

#Iceshrimp is doing whaaaaa..? ​:wriggle_what:​

#Csharp rewrite and ditching the #Misskey API... It feels to me like they took one of the factors that led to #Firefish's downfall and said "hey we can do worse than that!" ​:SanaeConfuzzled:​


po3mah, to random avatar

Is there a painless way to upgrade server ( to something with more perspective (that will not die in the next 6 months)? What do you suggest? ? ? ?

box464, to random

I've collected all my work on #Firefish and #AiScript into one place! It should be useful to anyone using #IceShrimp and #Catodon (for now) as well.

If anyone has questions about AiScript or any of the features I've examined in blogs, happy to share what I've learned.

panos, to random avatar

The more I learn about #Iceshrimp, the more I like it.

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

We're one week into 2024, do you know what that means? Time to clean up your “following” especially here in the .

  • Check the “dormant” accounts if you can unfollow them.

  • Check which accounts “moved”. Follow their new account, then unfollow their old account.

And maybe there are other accounts that you haven't interacted with in the past few months; and their content is no longer something that you are interested, you can unfollow them too.

If you still want to see their content, you can encourage them to use and you follow those hashtags. Or, join a federated “group” like those powered by and .

Of course, depending on the fediverse platform your instance is using, there are probably better features to the content of users without seeing their content that is not of interest to you. A good example, / / can do that through the “Antenna” feature.

Take some time to do this, and start your 2024 fediverse better than 2023.


don, to mastodon avatar

Deutschsprachige Mastodon Instanzen

Frisch für euch aktualisiert!

Oder schaut euch mal eine andere Plattform an, zum Beispiel oder

Dahin könnt ihr sogar euren Account mitsamt den Followern übertragen.

Natürlich gibt es noch viel mehr tolle Plattformen im Fediverse, eine gute Übersicht findet ihr immer beim

PS: Ein wirklich tolles Projekt, das wie alle anderen auch immer mal wieder eine kleine Spende braucht.

stanford, to random

Two identical servers, two fediverse instances of the same size, one running iceshrimp and one firefish.

Wanna guess which one is which? ​:neocat_laugh:​

#iceshrimp #firefish

htop of a server showing the used system resources. The server has 4 cores, 6GB RAM and 1GB swap. CPU Usage: roughly 22% RAM: 2.1GB Swap: 946MB

Amelia, to random

From a Dev to People On Fedi (pls boost):
While i understand that there's lots of drama around firefish, please do actual research. Sharkey is not and has NEVER been a firefish/ fork, it didn't spring of from firefish. it started off as just an indipendent Misskey soft-fork(updates with misskey), there is no relation at all to firefish, it is incredibly damaging to call it a firefish fork, as the sharkey team actually spends lots of time just implementing features that people wish for (this include some features firefish has), while also spending time on making sure they work decently unlike (firefish some times)

also it's just as damaging to call Iceshrimp an offspring of the whole firefish drama now, Iceshrimp while an actual fork of firefish existed way before the entire recent firefish drama the only recent ofspring of firefish is and then again catodon is not trying to be firefish, catodon is its own thing it wants to sit inbetween mastodon and *key as a more userfriendly thing with alot of the "fun" misskey stuff removed, and is doing a full rewrite of firefish in c#, none of these projects are even remotly similar to the firefish way of doing things, some of them aren't even in any relation to

tldr: stop calling things firefish sucessor, esspecialy don't call sharkey a firefish ofspring it was never in any way related to firefish

noahcarver, to fediverse

Okay, #Fediverse explorers with way more knowledge than I. What, exactly, are the differences between #Mastodon, #Firefish, and #Iceshrimp? I'm interested in what Iceshrimp has to offer, but I'm not finding a good explanation of the differences between the three forks. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

d_zwoelfer, to community German avatar

#FirefishEnde: >>Meiner Ansicht nach ist das kein Fundament für eine Plattform, die lang und zuverlässig betrieben werden kann, von daher gibt es Gedanken, zu alternativen Plattformen zu migrieren.
Wie einige vielleicht wissen, ist #Firefish keine vollkommen eigene Kreation, sondern eine Abspaltung von Misskey, dem "Hauptprojekt". Mittlerweile gibt es weitere Abspaltungen von Firefish und Misskey, die alle ihre eigenen Ideen umsetzen, wie beispielsweise #Iceshrimp, #Sharkey, #Catodon etc.<< so eine Ankündigung hier.

Dazu meine #Fragen an die #Community:

  1. Ist es möglich, dass der Admin / die Admina einen kompletten
    Umzug macht oder muss jedmensch selbst suchen was passen könnte?

  2. Welche deutschsprachigen Instanzen gibt es, die von einem Admin-Team betreut werden, so dass ein ähnliches Problem wie bei Firefish nicht so leicht entsteht?

Gerne #Retroets, da das Thema ja sicher etliche hier betrifft...

pepecyb, to fediverse


Ich habe die Gruppe "FirefishTalk" (umbenannt in "KeyTalk", wobei das leider lediglich den Titel, aber nicht das Handle änderte) geschlossen und eine neue Gruppe"MisskeyTalk" erstellt. Ich hoffe, auch hier entstehen interessante Threads, die Nutzern und Admins ggf. weiterhelfen können:

Eine Gruppe für Nutzer und Administratoren des Fediverse-Dienstes Misskey für Fragen, Diskussionen, Anleitungen, Nutzererfahrungen, Hilfsgesuche, Hilfe und mehr...

In der Gruppe sind auch Nutzer und Admins der Dienste Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish und vergleichbare willkommen.

I have closed the group "FirefishTalk" (renamed to "KeyTalk", which unfortunately only changed the title but not the handle) and created a new group "MisskeyTalk". I hope that interesting threads will also be posted here, which may help users and admins:

A group for users and administrators of the Fediverse service Misskey for questions, discussions, instructions, user experiences, help requests, help and more...

Users and admins of the services Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish and similar are also welcome in the group.

#misskey #ui #interface #server #sharkey #iceshrimp #catodon #firefish #fediverse

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