dragfyre, to fediverse
@dragfyre@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Updating the lofi & instrumental hip-hop playlist on tanukitunes with some high-quality Creative Commons Netlabel tracks. You're welcome.


funkcastmusicwhale, to fediverse Italian

Abbiamo aggiornato #Funkwhale alla versione 1.3! 🥳

Potete testarlo per la condivisione & ascolto di #musica e #podcast nel fediverso da qui:

:funkwhale: https://funkwhale.it

questa versione dovrebbe migliorare la velocità su browser, eliminare i bug e permettere un migliore funzionamento dell'app ufficiale (solo su fdroid):

:funkwhale: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=audio.funkwhale.ffa&hl=it&gl=US

E' possibile utilizzare tutte le app per podcast come #antennaPod:

:funkwhale: https://gitea.it/Funkwhale/AntennaPod-Android-Podcast-App

Buon weekend! :funkwhale:

symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@phpc.social avatar

Explore our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/Fediverse :fediverse: :mastodon: #/kbin

vivaristic, to fediverse

Falls dies euer erster Account im Fediverse ist oder ihr mehr informationen benötigt:

Grundlegende Informationen, eine Auswahl interessanter Fediverse-Projekte, Verzeichnisse und Berichte findet ihr unter folgendem Link:


#Fediverse #NeuHier #Pixelfed #Mastodon #BookWyrm #PeerTube #Owncast #Friendica #Hubzilla #Castopod #Funkwhale #WordPress #Matrix #LinkStack #NYCMesh #Freifunk #Nextcloud

vivaristic, to fediverse

If this is your first Fediverse account or you need more information:

Basic information, a selection of interesting Fediverse projects, directories and reports can be found at the following link:


#Fediverse #NewHere #Pixelfed #Mastodon #BookWyrm #PeerTube #Owncast #Friendica #Hubzilla #Castopod #Funkwhale #WordPress #Matrix #LinkStack #NYCMesh #Freifunk #Nextcloud

mondstern, to fediverse German
@mondstern@mastodon.green avatar
flavigula, to fediverse
@flavigula@sonomu.club avatar

So I've come around to #faircamp and find it a good thing to have around even if I remain on #bandcamp, as I shall for some time to come.

And my #funkwhale will still be available for as long as I can maintain it.

I'll slowly upload releases to https://faircamp.thurk.org ... If anyone notices any strangeness, please let me know. I'll possibly style it a bit differently in the future.

heinrich, to Youtube

Unser neues Musikvideo ist da!
Regenbogenexpress ist jetzt überall verfügbar. Neben den großen Plattformen natürlich auch bei Bandcamp, PeerTube und Funkwhale.

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNZ0ur7ToHY
PeerTube https://tube.tchncs.de/w/ghoiL6QPLdj8VMswhrHnxL
Bandcamp https://dasheinrichmanoever.bandcamp.com/track/regenbogenexpress
Funkwhale https://open.audio/library/albums/20526/


MOULE, to fediverse

I love the ! :Fediverse:

This week I boosted posts from and instances and followed someone on a instance all from my instance, as if they were all Mastodon posts and accounts.

Fediverse is so cool :MOULE_Stars:

seanbala, to fediverse
@seanbala@mas.to avatar

Just learned that FunkWhale (the Fediverse Music and Podcast platform) calls its instances "Pods."

Well-played, FunkWhale, well-played 😂

Joking aside, what are people's experiences with FunkWhale? Was thinking about exploring another part of the Fediverse soon!

#FunkWhale #Fediverse #Podcasts

dansup, to kbin
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

✨ New https://fedidb.org update

The following software projects now include enhanced stats/graphs:

box464, to homelab
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

Another home lab install - I decided to give Plex another try for managing my music, and after installing Plexamp, I can't say I hate it. Works well on phone, ipad, and even CarPlay.

Still going to give Navidrome a try. Looked at Funkwhale but I'm not quite there yet.


desmu, to fediverse French
@desmu@mastodon.desmu.fr avatar

Musiciennes et musiciens, ça sent hélas le roussi pour #Bandcamp dont la nouvelle direction vire la moitié de ses employés (bon courage).

Si vous commencez à avoir vos habitudes sur le fediverse, considérez proposer vos morceaux sur #Funkwhale . https://funkwhale.audio/ Ça marche pareil que PeerTube pour la vidéo et Pixelfed pour l'image (on peut suivre vos comptes directement depuis Mastodon).

Par contre il n'y a pas de feature de monétisation, mais bon, le reste est déjà bien fichu.

caos, (edited ) to fediverse German

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

✨ 13 new projects (on Friday the 13th)

Just added 13 new software projects to fedidb.org!


ueckueck, to Podcast German
@ueckueck@dresden.network avatar

#FinalFederation :fediverse:

Die #Podcast-Folge, in der sich so richtig tief in das Thema #Fediverse eingenerdet wird.

In Folge 68 von #FocusOnLinux wagen sich @stdevel, @w4tsn und ich auf eine Reise in die Tiefen des #Fediversum|s. Wir besprechen u.a. verschiedene Dienste, technische und soziale Besonderheiten und unsere eigenen Erfahrungen.


Laufzeit ca. 2 h 37 min.

#Mastodon #PeerTube #Castopod #Funkwhale #Lemmy #Kbin #Firefish #Mobillizon #Friendica #Akkoma

mxv, to fediverse
@mxv@social.tryptophonic.com avatar

What with the no-doubt immanent enshittification of #bandcamp I'd like to direct people's attention to projects like #Faircamp by @freebliss and #Funkwhale @funkwhale. While not a drop-in replacements for BC as of yet, I think these are an excellent starting points for an #ethical, #decentralised & healthy #music community.

mxv, to fediverse
@mxv@social.tryptophonic.com avatar

My ideal #decentralised #Bandcamp alternative would be something like a combination of (I) #Faircamp as a frontend, (II) #Funkwhale as an #Activitypub audio file sharing & profile-following for the backend, and (III) something like #Liberapay or #Comradery to buy albums & financially support musicians.

Aznorth, to fediverse French
@Aznorth@framapiaf.org avatar

Le problème, avec l’écoute d’une playlist des morceaux favoris, c’est qu’on peut pas vraiment liker une deuxième fois.

caos, (edited ) to fediverse German
@caos@metalhead.club avatar

Hallo zusammen, hier noch mal der Hinweis auf die -Artikelserie auf .
Dort gibt es anschauliche Einblicke in verschiedene Fedi-Plattformen wie u.v.m.: 🚀


@tobias @kattascha @ueckueck

DavBot, to fediverse
@DavBot@nerdculture.de avatar

New #Introduction pin:

Dadmin of the #PeerTube:

Actively federating to 40 instances+

If you want to publish video content to the #Fediverse and vibe with the content policy you are welcome to join.

Main Channel:

#Funkwhale Channel:

  • @davbotbeepboop

#LiberaPay to help keep the lights blinking:

PeerTube channel Owners that donate can get #NextCloud and #Matrix users as a thank you.

contributopia, to fediverse Italian
@contributopia@vivaldi.net avatar

[#LETTURE] La #Resistenza delle #donne. Bellissimo saggio-romanzo di Benedetta #Tobagi incentrato sulle storie e le testimonianze di tante #partigiane e sulle foto che le ritraggono. Qui la lettura delle pagine iniziali che partono appunto dal commento a una foto https://funkwhale.it/library/tracks/12647/ #storia #memoria #Funkwhale @macfranc @libri @fucinafibonacci

Guardatele. Direste mai che sono impegnate in una guerra? È il loro punto di forza, l’arma segreta. Nessuno sospetterebbe del viso giovane incorniciato dal colletto bianco da commessa timida, di una maestrina occhialuta in sottana scozzese e calzettoni, della bellezza che guarda trasognata a labbra dischiuse, coi capelli al vento. Sono solo donne, quindi creature fragili, vanitose, pettegole, tutte nervi, incapaci di nuocere ma anche di tenere un segreto, destinate a sposarsi, buone solo a fare figli, a servire, a decorare i salotti, a dar piacere al maschio, gratis o a pagamento. Le contadine poi, cosa vuoi che capiscano? semianalfabete strappate alla scuola per faticare a sostegno della famiglia. Come le operaie delle filande, dei tabacchifici, delle fabbriche tessili, muli da sfruttare, pagandole sempre meno degli uomini. E loro zitte, con la furbizia di Penelope trasmessa di generazione in generazione, maturata nei pensamenti di milioni di donne intelligenti, anche se non hanno potuto affinarsi sui libri. Mai rassegnate, sorridono, dissimulano, fanno spallucce. Sanno come cavarsela, all’occorrenza. Ognuna a modo suo. Arte antica, puro teatro. Sei bruttina. Nessuno ti guarda: sarà la tua salvezza. Sei bellissima. Sono stupidi: li fregherai scoprendoti appena, come una stirpe di sirene prima di te. Ti sottovalutano. Bene, li prenderai alla sprovvista. Sorridi, annuisci, disfa la tela sottobanco. Sorridi e prepara l’attacco senza fartene accorgere. [...]

ethicalrev, to fediverse
@ethicalrev@pixelfed.social avatar

As part of my commitment to being brave about sharing my creative output I’ve uploaded some sample songs from a demo EP (2008) and demo album (2014) to my #FunkWhale account. 👨‍🎤

You can have a listen at https://funkwhale.our-space.xyz/channels/secretdeal/episodes 🙉

The image shown is where I now make my new music - it’s one end of Ted’s bedroom. 🎹

When I can find some time to get some newer tracks to a presentable level I’ll get them posted on my Funkwhale profile too. 🐳

feditips, (edited ) to fediverse
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

If you're looking to share music, podcasts or other audio on the Fediverse, you might want to sign up on a FunkWhale server.

Funkwhale is a free open source audio platform featuring channels that can be followed from Mastodon etc. You can sign up on servers or start your own.

More info from the official website at:

➡️ https://funkwhale.audio

Follow the Funkwhale account for latest news on the project at

➡️ @funkwhale

#FunkWhale #Fediverse #FediTips #Podcasts #Music #Audio

PaulaToThePeople, to fediverse

:fedi: Since I don't do enough here yet ( 😉 ) I'm now part of the communications team of :funkwhale: @funkwhale!

For those who don't know: #Funkwhale is part of the Fediverse and an awesome platform for sharing :cc_cc: freely licensed music and other audio.

I once hosted a Funkwhale instance for climate justice podcasts and stuff, but shortly after the :fff: FridaysForFuture podcast I was publishing there stopped making new episodes and since nobody else seemed to be interested in publishing on my instance I canceled it.
Some of the episodes of the fff podcast are still on open.audio: https://open.audio/channels/FutureOnAir/ (it's in German).

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