trochee, (edited ) avatar

The boom in LLMs is going to hollow out a number of knowledge-worker industries — for example, writing boilerplate code or technical documentation

Not because it does it well but because the flacks can sell upper management on the idea that it can do it at all, as @pluralistic recently pointed out

This sale is a pig-in-a-poke, and the winning move is to not be holding the bag when the actual code or documentation is found to be terrible



@trochee it's just bog-standard capitalism applied to fields it was previously thought to not be able to apply to. Quality always goes down to lower costs and raise profits. Providing a good product is expensive; providing one that looks good but is shit isn't.

There have been automatic documentation generators before and they've always sucked. /** Pizzas the eating contest. @param i The i. */ void pizzaEatingContest(int i) - LLMs are really only dressing up the underlying suck to make it not so obvious.

And Cory's account is @pluralistic. It looks like @doctorow doesn't exist.

trochee, avatar

@immibis @pluralistic

Thanks for the correction!

trochee, avatar


You are not wrong

And we need to be looking for answers to "what do we do so we can build things without VC money"

Yes, some people will leave the field because the grifting isn't good; that's probably a good thing


@trochee The best thing we can do to build things without VC money is to build things.

Me, personally, I haven't done nearly enough free software building, so I have no right to complain about a lack of free software.

But that's software. The economy is bigger than software (even though it fully relies on it). The problem isn't "how do I build something without VC money?", it's "how do I not starve to death without VC money?"

trochee, avatar


My friend, you are asking "how do I get a union"

tom_armstrong, avatar

@trochee @doctorow I get frustrated sometimes that even in the fediverse (which sometimes feels like the last remaining hidden sanctuary for the possibility of a nuanced discussion on the internet), discussion of LLMs seems polarised into "If you've ever used the output of an LLM for anything, you're an irredeemable villain" and "What kind of moron writes/codes anything for themselves? Where my AGI at?" camps.

trochee, avatar

@tom_armstrong @doctorow

Both camps — and maybe even your frustration — easily slide into doomerist plans

I think there's something to be learned from the refuseniks, though, just like solarpunk visionaries have things to learn from, say, the Amish

tom_armstrong, avatar

@trochee @doctorow I'm a senior dev, and I find them helpful for work stuff quite regularly, but I'd also rather chew off my own fingers than outsource the better part of my coding or any of my writing to them.

I can't fathom how that seems like a good idea to anyone, and I can only conclude that a lot of people must really, really hate writing.

trochee, avatar


Also I'll bite off your fingers if you (the abstract you) expect me to read something you couldn't be bothered to write

Don't send me LLM output; send me the prompt you would have sent the LLM

tom_armstrong, avatar

@trochee I've been trying to think of a pithy way to frame "As the LLM output approaches quality, your effort spent prompting it will approach or exceed that necessary to just do the fucking work" for about a year now.

Where I use them for code, it's most always boilerplate;
eg. sketching out a starting point for some unit tests.

Mostly, they're a supporting tool. Handy for converting text from one format to another.

eg. "Turn this Typescript definition into a JSON schema" (or vice versa)


@tom_armstrong @trochee Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine all over again!

trochee, avatar


That poem is frighteningly prescient


tom_armstrong, avatar

@trochee @attoparsec I admit that I had to search for that reference. Don’t know if that one made it outside the US?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Douglas Adams. Also a lot more prescient than I’d have thought possible.

trochee, avatar


Well, Shel Silverstein's goofy poetry has a certain snarky aesthetic that vibes well with Douglas Adams


trochee, avatar


I'm also a senior dev and I agree with everything you've said there

My feeling is that whenever the llms are useful in coding, that is a sign of a poorly organized abstraction — a missed opportunity.

Either in the PL itself (ahem, Java and C++) or the lack of a standard library or terse idiom for the thing

tom_armstrong, avatar

@trochee @doctorow I don't disagree in the least about the coming "hollowing out", and it's depressing as hell. Just wish we could get to "yeah, they're useful for some things" already.

timdnewman, avatar

@tom_armstrong @trochee @doctorow management don't like paying for expensive knowledge workers or waiting for a good product? People who have seen "wizards" but don't understand the "wizardry" assume all "wizardry" is the same. That I think is who thinks it's a good idea and you can make yourself very unpopular by suggesting that maybe, just maybe, LLMs are not the panacea to an ailing bottom line.

trochee, avatar


That is, of course, in line with the doom-prepper thinking — not wrong, but not exactly dreaming of what could be different and better


trochee, avatar

But there isn't really a winning move if you're one of the people getting hollowed out — for us, the game is survival until the grift collapses

So I'm thinking about what it looks like to prepare for the Collapse, and I've been making an analogy to depending on gasoline for your entire culture

(I mean, we do, and — after "racism", "gasoline politics" is the second good answer for "why are Americans like that")


trochee, avatar

So I see two poles for how to respond to "Peak Gasoline" in SFF

[bear with me while I digress; coming back to LLMs in a sec]

and they're basically

doomer hoarding and xenophobia (everyone for himself, and f your feelings) — think MAD MAX


Solarpunk invention of new ways of living that... just don't use gasoline (everyone's in this together, so we'd better have a community garden, build transit, and learn first aid) — think THE TERRAFORMERS (thanks @annaleen !)


trochee, avatar

So, back to LLMs, or rather, back to prepping for "Peak AI"

(It's coming, let me tell you.)

Those of us currently under attack/usurpation by the push towards AI, we can respond to this by prepping toward either pole

The doom-prepper approach is to, I dunno, start planning a consultancy on "unbefunging your company's poorly-thought-out dependency on chatgpt", or building tools to poison (or detect poisoning) for the LLMs


trochee, avatar

But what is the solarpunk approach to "Peak AI"?

Solarpunk offers a vision, in the face of gasoline, for planning community gardens, mutual aid societies, bike repair workshops, etc, even as the gasoline culture around us creaks and groans its way bloodily towards a reckoning

What is our (data science, machine learning, UX, design) equivalent of solarpunk for the concepts of automation?



@trochee Long ago a SF writer (Clarke?) said that if a machine can do it, it’s not fit work for a human. That feels like the thread to pull on.

trochee, avatar


I think there's a keen difference between

the "how can I reduce toil for myself and my community" moral imperative that Clarke is alluding to


the "what can I enclose and extract rent from" logic of venture capital and advertising

And the FOSS successes of the last uh, three decades have been built by ignoring (or obfuscating) this difference

BradRubenstein, (edited )

I think of Clarke when I see Japanese robots caring for elders.

Whether a machine can ”do" a task depends on what is to be accomplished by its doing.

@trochee @Virginicus

trochee, avatar

@BradRubenstein @Virginicus

Agreed there.

In a solarpunk future, I want automation to do mindless drudge labor
… free up the people to care for people and make art

But our coming doomer future has the automation performing a simulacrum of caring for people
…and making art-shaped artifacts
…and humans are doing the mindless drudge labor

dalias, avatar

@Virginicus @trochee What if a machine can "do it" but the quality of the result is so bad that we suffer extreme increases in overall system inefficiency or decline in quality of life?


@dalias @trochee You’re right about the scare quotes. “doing” a job is not the same as doing the job, though that may be the direction we’re headed.

trochee, avatar

What is our (data science, machine learning, UX, design) equivalent of solarpunk?

Can we even imagine a world of automation without the exploitation, fantasies of infinite growth, and the increasingly unsubtle justifications for "laundering toil away"?

What are compelling visions of the future of automation that aren't burying the exploitation behind an app or within a billion-parameter model?

6/fin (I think)

mensrea, avatar

@trochee i think a combination of the same data science and automation from before LLMs made everything worse, small language models, and community built, trained, and owned models. like Te Hiku Media is doing ~

craigbro, avatar

@trochee Perhaps you mean statistics, statistical learning, rule engines, and human interface design? I feel so much of this latest crop of disruptive hucksterism is obfuscatory wrapping of much older math and computer science in techno teleo-mythology. It's like how trademark, copyright, and patent got wrapped up into "Intellectual Property" and turned into a commodity, making something, "property" out of piecemeal, specific, and limited inventives and legal rights.

trochee, avatar


It is possible, yes, just as the bicycle pre-dated the car

But now the bicycles are still here and have to find ways to live with cars (even though the favor is not returned)

So the same thing can be said about all the "pre-LLM" tech tools — we have to figure out how to protect them and their ethical use from the coming destructive collapse

craigbro, avatar

@trochee amen. Just yesterday I was talking with a former co-worker about how there is an opportunity for those who know how to build human focused, simple and maintainable systems that don't rely upon the intensified economic infrastructure made of sand. The sand being proprietary hardware, operating systems, software, and services designed to serve the rent extracting capitalists via forced upgrades and constant churn, and layers and layers of tools to compensate for managing them.

promovicz, avatar

@trochee Nice question - one might also ask it about app development and smartphones (extremely exploitative), some sectors of research, and also many industry products.

Where do we draw an ethical line? What's the human element of it?


@trochee just built a scalable GPU cluster running llama2 that is never going to be used unless OpenAI goes down.

trochee, avatar


... That sounds like a MAD MAX doomer/hoarder approach

The LLaMa models are also baking in a lot of the problems (unaccountable and probably pillaged training data, overfitting, inability to learn or work with structured models of the world, etc)

What are you doing to build for a future that walks away from that particular "foundation models" Omelas?


@trochee my strategy is actually to wait that one out, and get to a more sustainable solution when "Large Reasoning Models" come out.

My company owns tons of high quality, curated data that current transformers seem to be too dumb to grasp.

trochee, avatar


Still sounds like a hoarder approach, though


@trochee Principal AI Hoarder... I love it!

trochee, avatar


With that attitude, the Butlerian Jihad will come for you


@trochee just had a AI strategy meeting with my CTO, revealed that I was called a hoarder/doomer on the internet. He (I value his opinion very much) revealed he is an armageddonist, believing the whole organization will be out of work in 24 months. Blew my mind.


@trochee he believes the lay-offs will traverse the tech organization bottom to top him being the band on the Titanic, playing alone until the bitter end.

trochee, avatar


Holy cow dude

Get. Out.

Your CTO may be right about the layoffs but it's not because the AI can actually do your job

It's because c-level execs are so horny to move the stock price by performing "labor discipline"

If you're the last ones playing, it's because somebody stole your seat on the lifeboat

dahukanna, avatar

@trochee @Jenkins

1/2 - How about making the various Machine Learning model architectures available and using your own data to train it for your personal use so it becomes a spoken or written conversational interface to “your digital stuff”. Alternative to sitting in front of a keyboard and mouse.

So it is “democratized” and available to all, not just the “overlords”.

trochee, avatar


There's a storied history of assuming that tools that are "democratized" are therefore only ever good for people… that turned out to be wrong

Social media is one of them. We (collectively) didn't spot that the democratization at Twitter was also threaded through with oligarchic control

But there were early signs, like when Saudi spies worked there to identify dissidents

Don't ignore the early signs in "foundation models"

The Stochastic Parrots paper is one of those signs

mmby, avatar

@trochee just like an NGO working against climate change probably has a credibility and ethics problem if they're taking donations from Shell/BP, the participation of software giants in FOSS projects is an easy way to subvert them - this has to be harder to do or inacceptible within software-dev culture

Loukas, avatar

@trochee It would have to be automation that wasn't just all about using fossil fuels to replace all other kinds of labour and energy. So it would be all about seeing how much automation you can get from one waterwheel, for example? And how that could all be channeled for meeting human needs rather than building bloat to exploit people.


@trochee @emilymbender

  • spread knowledge of how LLMs work and how to properly evaluate them (current eval is crap)
  • use the above to show when small open models can compare to large, closed ones
  • share these models, how they have been evaluated, the data used to train them (esp high-quality, human-annotated, harder to replicate data)
  • show non-LLM alternatives: there are still so many problems which can be solved with them

@trochee I think key parts of the aesthetics of solarpunk include things like: finit growth, not being alienated from your work, an ecology of technology, and of course sustainability.

It’s hard to imagine tech meant for finite growth since all we have talked about is scalability. A community garden can’t scale so how would that look like in technology?



@trochee I think having pupose and not being alienated is one of the reasons people work in startups or open source, so there we have some kind of model for how it might look…

With ecology I’m thinking protocols, maybe something about mutual benefits… but also that we need to build solutions that are resilient and can handle variations. Less control mindset

Interesting to think about buts it is hard since the tech culture is everything solarpunk is not

trochee, avatar


> tech culture is everything solarpunk is not

Oh, indeed

luke, avatar

@trochee best solarpunk vision of actually helpful ai assistance is Ruthanna Emrys' A Half-Built Garden. Highly recommend.

matthewmaybe, avatar

@luke @trochee another one is the seemingly underrated A24 movie "After Yang", which I just watched last night. Not perfect, but worth checking out.

trochee, avatar

@matthewmaybe @luke

I mean, if we're after "what do actually helpful AIs do" we should be looking at Iain M Banks' Culture books (or the Act III train in TERRAFORMERS)

but the whole "conscious and autonomous" angle is a smokescreen; I want to dream about how to use and improve the automation we have to ease toil rather than to extract rent

trochee, avatar

@matthewmaybe @luke

I mean, assuming we keep a central state, we'll probably want to have a system of progressive taxation, so let's dream over there:

imagine if the effort that went into deploying ads for maximum revenue
... were dedicated to catching tax fraud and profiteering

Imagine if the design effort for onboarding into a subscription service app
... were spent on helping the 99% file their taxes without fear

luke, avatar

@trochee oh aye. As a USian, I don't even want smart tax filing tools... I just want automatic filing. And to end the whole concept of "the 99%" as we currently understand it.

trochee, avatar

@luke yeah, if you have a middle-class income (or less) you should not have to file taxes at all; all the information is already logged centrally

I'm not unhappy with the 99%, just the 1% -- and they can afford to pay someone to file their taxes for them.


@trochee @luke The UK and I think many other countries already do that if you are not self-employed. One of many ridiculous things the US doesn't have that other comparable countries do.


@alastair @trochee @luke Yeah I'm still mad at finding out how many European (and Asian, and African, and South American, and Oceanic...) countries just send you a bill rather than make you "do" your taxes.

Like, it makes sense, the IRS has to recrunch my numbers anyway. They can't just take it on my good faith...

trochee, avatar

I guess this is an answer to my question ☝️


trochee, avatar

I think this 👇is the beginning of an answer to ☝️ too


trochee, avatar

And another partial answer ☝️👇

b_cavello, avatar

@trochee @rtyler I feel like #PublicAI is part of this…

alper, avatar

@trochee The technology is so simple that it’s possible to have open source models trained by public institutions based off say all the content you can find in any library and make that available to everybody.

trochee, avatar


The math is simple. But the compute and data volumes are prohibitively expensive to anyone not an oligarch

Perhaps a new public institution could exist at the scale we would need — but that pushes the governance and accountability problem there (probably better than the completely unaccountable oligarchs)

American public institutions, at least, have been so gutted by the early days of the Jackpot that they cannot participate here (alas)

danhulton, avatar

@trochee Honestly, it's a lot of the same answers as solarpunk, and it generally boils down to "communism, but we don't SAY communism, because it gives the Americans the skeevies."

The vast majority of the problems with AI hollowing out certain careers is the fact that we have to do these careers in the first place in order to survive. If you could practice art for art's sake alone and not have to try to make a career out of it, who would care if a computer also made art?

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