
Why was the Search for Intelligence () 👽 unsuccessful so far ?

🦠 appeared pretty much as soon as it could, right when the formed and our stopped being a molten 🌋 hellscape. That might have been as early as 3.7 billion years ago. But life appeared basically yesterday—what we identify as anatomically modern humans arose about 120,000 years ago.

Pictures : :ccby: :cc_sa:

spaceflight, (edited )

Do you believe #intelligent life with the ability of #interstellar #spaceflight 🚀 exists


It’s possible that out there, beyond the limits of what we see, the #Universe 🌌 is finite, either curved on some large scale and simply connected or even flat 🥏

"The #galaxies are the raisins, and the dough is the #space between galaxies or large structures"


🔭 #JWST 📆 22 September 2023
#Galaxies like our own #MilkyWay 🌌 dominate throughout the #universe and are surprisingly common. These galaxies are the types of #galaxies where #life 🦠 can develop given the nature of their formation history.

#JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope


@spaceflight Can we add a "No" option?

greeneralia, avatar

I am agnostic. I think it possible that such life exists in this universe or beyond, but I have seen no evidence and therefore cannot 'believe'.


@greeneralia "to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain"

Yes we can

greeneralia, avatar


Interesting that you, with a scientific background (presumably) can believe in things about which you are not completely certain;

whereas I, an arts person with an interest in theology, am able to say that I 'believe' in God (although my standards of proof would not be acceptable to a non-theist) but not that I believe in life forms whose existence is, as far as I know, based not on evidence but on surmise. 😋


@greeneralia the question was more about probability or an approximation (The question wasn't about the number of aliens or how far they were away in light years). If the universe (or "beyond") is endless, there should also be an endless number of possibilities ? 🤔. I'm probably "scientific" in terms of "thinking careful and logical"


@greeneralia another "scientific" guy who "worked as a motorcycle 🏍️ mechanic and a photographer 📷"

greeneralia, avatar

I was told as a child that the moon is made of blue cheese. I was young enough to 'believe' this, given that the source was my father (previously thought reliable) and it seemed to something that could not be disproved, therefore might well be true.
In the 1960s and 70's, I was both a Trekkie and a Whovian, read science fiction etc so 'aliens' seemed very real to me. But I wouldn't say I believed in them.
However, having seen the OED definition, I realise I may be in a minority!


@greeneralia so you're meanwhile in the "scientists previously thought reliable" phase ? 🤔😜

greeneralia, avatar

It's 1.15 in the morning here - although I am regrettably sober, I think my arguments are less cogent than they might be after breakfast, for which I apologise :ablobcatmeltwave_rev:

raumfahrttutnot, avatar

@spaceflight "No" is missing.

raumfahrttutnot, avatar

@spaceflight Question missleading to me. Thought about system to system. Sry.

bcoffy, avatar

@spaceflight Obviously with a sample size of one we can at best make educated vibe checks, but given that we know basic life started pretty early on Earth, and that we have already observed similar exoplanets to earth, then apply that to the scale of the Milky Way Galaxy and it feels like there should be another intelligence out there. I highly doubt there is an interstellar-capable civilization chilling in the solar system, we prolly would have noticed by now lol


@bcoffy "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe." 😂



Two problems with this..

There's no option if you don't believe ANY exist. And define "beyond" the universe. Arguably, the universe goes on forever, therefore there would be no "beyond".


@g7izu you mean any intelligence 😜 ? One of the unanswered questions about the #universe is whether it is infinite or finite in extent.


@spaceflight No. I just meant there was no "none of the above" option... ;-)


@g7izu I know, but there are only 4 options possible. Which ones would you have offered ?


@spaceflight I mean, all of the above? There's almost 8 billion individuals of a species right here on this planet that has successfully sent spacecraft outside the solar system. Some of them are even intelligent 😉


@neonregent then just choose "universe", this should include the others ? 🤔 ("beyond" isn't clarified yet) Just 1% currently believe in intelligence within the solar system 😜 (only)

tony, avatar


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    AAA365a, avatar

    @spaceflight @tony Like to think if you travelled through the far reaches of space to edge of Universe beyond that is an infinite void that is continually expanding and also transmuting into another dimension. Benevolent exceptionally intelligent advanced life forms exist there who are masters in universal and inter-dimensional travel with God like abilities.


    @AAA365a what if the solar system is just a kind of yeast ? 🤔😜
    "The galaxies are the raisins, and the dough is the space between galaxies or large structures"

    AAA365a, (edited ) avatar

    @spaceflight Your theory would mean that our planet is one minuscule part of a big pan au raisin.

    AAA365a, avatar

    @spaceflight Thank you for the video illustrating perspective l believe there are beings out there both in the universe and beyond. There is so much we don’t know about dark matter, plasma and neutrinos and it is an exciting time for new discoveries. I guess speculation on what is out there is much like pre Christopher Columbus finding America or Galileo discovering the Solar System who’s work impacted religious beliefs at the time.


    #Forbes 📆 Sep 29, 2023

    • Within 326 light-years of the #sun there are statistically 11,000 #Earth-size #planets 🪐 in the habitable zone of K-type (sun-like) stars.
    • The #SolarSystem is younger than 77% of close #star systems with rocky #exoplanets.
    • Rocky exoplanets outnumbered giant Jupiter-like exoplanets when the #universe 🌌 was young.
    • Statistically, the closest life-harboring Earth-like #planet is 65 light-years 📏 distant.

    This last claim depends on #microbial life 🦠 arising as soon as it did on Earth – so, a billion years ⏳ after becoming #habitable – on just 1% 📊 of rocky exoplanets. “If simple life is abundant, it is also old, as it would have emerged more than eight billion years ago in about one third 📊 of all life-bearing planets today”

    TomSwirly, avatar


    > This last claim depends on #microbial life 🦠 arising as soon as it did on Earth

    That's a lot of stew from one oyster.

    We just have no idea how common life is. It might appear on any reasonably habitable planet, it might be incredibly rare. With only one sample, we literally have no way to even make a good guess.

    Hcobb, avatar

    @spaceflight K class is more Sun-Lite than Sun-Like, but I'm sure they're very nice stars.


    's has its limits. 's size and proximity to the ☀️ enable it to support life. But JWST wouldn't be able to detect faraway 🪐 as small as Earth or as close to their parent , because of the glare.

    Nasa is planning the Habitable Worlds Observatory (), scheduled for the 📆 2030s.

    The European 🇪🇺 Southern Observatory ()'s Extremely Large Telescope () 🔭 has the largest mirror of any instrument built, 39-metres 📏 in diameter, and so can see vastly more detail at planetary than its predecessors.


    📆 18 December 2023 First segments of the world's largest #telescope 🔭 mirror shipped to #Chile 🇨🇱

    #ESO #ELT


    🇪🇺 #ELT scheduled for 📆 2028 : Surface irregularities of the mirror 📡 reduced to under 10 nanometers, less than one-thousandth 🔬 of the width of a human hair by a technique called ion-beaming figuring, which involves a beam of ions sweeping across the mirror's surface, eliminating irregularities one #atom ⚛️ at a time

    The world's biggest eye 👁️ on the sky 🌌

    Pictures :



    🇨🇱 #Chile experiences on average two #earthquakes above a magnitude of 1.5 every 24 hours, with a total of 677 in the past year.
    One specific challenge is posed by the gaps between the 798 segments that make up the primary mirror 📡. For observing reasons, these gaps must be as small as possible — but the mirrors must still be separated, as any contact between them during an earthquake would be devastating.
    In case of an #earthquake, the telescope 🔭 and the dome foundation can slide horizontally on isolators by as much as 30 centimetres 📏 to compensate for the ground movements, minimising shocks to the telescope.

    Picture : ELT’s #seismic isolators

    #ELT #ESO


    #ELT 🔭 dome moves for the first time

    spaceflight, (edited )

    #CambridgeUniversity 📆 2022 While our #Anthropocene phase displays key features of a #planetary #intelligence, it appears to lack the critical characteristic of autopoietic self-maintenance. Driving the coupled #Earth 🌏 systems beyond their safe-operating boundaries, early-Anthropocene human 👫 activity is threatening/degrading, rather than maintaining

    Picture :



    In 📆 1995 the first #exoplanet was discovered orbiting Pegasus 51, 50 light-years 📏 distant from #Earth. Since then, there have been more than 4,000 confirmed discoveries of exoplanets 🪐 in our #galaxy. Almost all #stars 🎇 have #planets, which radically improves 📈 the odds of our discovering #intelligent life in the #universe 🌌


    The Big Numbers argument notes that our , the 🌌, has something like 400 billion 🎇, and it’s just one of untold billions of galaxies in a that might be infinite. Moreover, in the past 30 years, astronomers have discovered that 🪐 of all shapes and sizes are common in the universe.

    With so much turf out there, even the most frowny-faced skeptic must admit it’s hard to run the numbers 📊 in a 13.8 billion-year-old universe like ours and wind up with just one self-aware, technological, 🔭-constructing species.

    The universe is not about us, and what happened on this planet over the past 4 billion years could happen elsewhere.

    Life on took roughly 3 billion years to learn to crawl.

    Lazarou, avatar

    @spaceflight I don't know about 'contact within 200 years' but I'm willing to bet proof of something alien far off in Space will be discovered in 200 years, our telescopes are getting so good.


    @Lazarou yeah, way better than the stone tools we recently used to use 😜 (or people we used to burn if they said Earth isn't the middle of the Universe)


    #SETI messages "we occasionally fling into the void 🌌 are the equivalent of standing on the edge of a jungle 🌳 and yelling: “Hellooo?”


    #JWST detected a #molecule called dimethyl sulphide (DMS). On #Earth this is only produced by life

    #JamesWebb #SETI


    @spaceflight but if you stand on the edge of a jungle shouting ‘hello’ the animals don’t come running towards you, do they? They probably look and think weirdo!


    @gaiawarrior depends whether they're hungry 😁


    @spaceflight they may already be on their way. But it will take a while to get here, so maybe it’s a drone coming.


    @gaiawarrior you think they sent the Mayflower instead of the Concorde ? 🤔😜


    @spaceflight maybe they’ve been here all along, long before us?


    📆 1950 the question "Where is everybody ?" occurred to #Fermi at lunch 🍽️ one day.

    • The #MilkyWay 🌌 contains hundreds of billions of stars 🎇, and billions of them are similar to the #sun ☀️.
    • It is highly likely that some of these stars will have planets 🪐 that are similar to #Earth 🌏.
    • If we assume – via the #Copernican principle – that Earth is not particularly special, then #intelligent life should also exist on some fraction of these Earth-like #planets.
    • Some of these intelligent life-forms might develop advanced technology, and even #InterstellarTravel.
    #Interstellar travel would take a long time, but as there are many sun-like #stars that are billions of years older, there has been plenty of time ⌛ for such #travel to have occurred.
    • Given all this, why haven’t we met or seen 🔭 any trace of #aliens 👽 ?


    Picture :


    @spaceflight have you met us? I think it’s pretty easy to see why an intelligent species wouldn’t want anything to do with us.


    The #evolution of #intelligent life on a #planet 🪐 requires not only that planetary conditions are conducive to life at the start, as it first evolves, but also that the planet remains #habitable 🌡️💧 subsequently, without interruption. This is because there has to be enough time to allow life to increase in #complexity from simple cells to more sophisticated single cells to multicellular life and eventually to #intelligent life. #Solar ☀️ heating of today’s #Earth 🌍 is about 30% more intense 📈 than of the early Earth


    #Science 📆 31 Aug 2023 #human ancestors went through a severe population bottleneck with about 1280 📉 breeding individuals between around 930,000 and 813,000 years ago. The bottleneck lasted for about 117,000 years and brought human ancestors close to #extinction ☠️.

    #Evolution #IntelligentLife #SETI

    Picture :


    📆 September 12, 2023 At temperatures around minus 15°F (-26°Celsius) ❄️, microbes 🦠 “don’t rely at all on solar ☀️ energy— only using chemical energy”


    #Guardian 📆 Tue 4 Jul 2023 If successful, #BreakthroughStarshot could get to #AlphaCentauri 🪐 not in 76,000 years but in just 20. It would revolutionise our understanding of the #universe 🌌 by enabling closeup observations of #exoplanets and their atmospheres, and potentially even detecting signs of life.

    In 100 years’ time the question ‘are we alone in the universe?’ may seem as ridiculous as the idea of the #Earth being at the centre of the #universe, when we are in contact with a dazzling array of alien life 👽 out there.


    Timeline of #SpaceExploration

    • 📆 1610 discovery 🔭 of the Galilean #moons 🪐 (of #Jupiter) 🇮🇹
    • 📆 1944 First man-made object in #space 🇩🇪
    • 📆 1949 First #mammal in #space 🇺🇸
    • 📆 1959 First #spacecraft to reach the #Moon 🇷🇺
    • 📆 1989 First #astrometric #satellite 🇪🇺
    • 📆 2001 First #laser #satellite link 🇫🇷 🇪🇺
    • 📆 2010 First #sample return from an #asteroid 🇯🇵
    • 📆 2015 First #propulsive landing of an #orbital #rocket 🚀
    • 📆 2022 First #asteroid ☄️ deflected by a #spacecraft 🇺🇸

    Picture : #Oumuamua 2017



    #Reuters 📆 July 11, 2023 At present, we've had 70 years ⏳ of the #Anthropocene

    (so it started at the same time as the first #mammal 🐵 in #space, see post above ⬆️)

    Picture : #launch of the first #monkey in space from #NewMexico


    The most common reflectors for amateur #astronomy 🔭 have mirrors 📡 spanning 15 to 30 cm 📏 across, though ones that are much larger are available if your budget 💶 has an extra zero or two at the end of it.


    In 📆 May 1921, the 54-foot-long, 1,200-pound refracting #telescope 🔭 at the #University of #Chicago’s Lake Geneva #Yerkes Observatory was the largest of its type in the world. Of the 19 people documented alongside #Einstein that day eight were women.

    Picture :

    falken, avatar

    @spaceflight 2024 first private moon landing seems a weird thing to leave out


    The long-run perspective on 🔧 change by (slightly enhanced with for more 🚀 )


    @spaceflight To me, such a chart contains still a fair bit of cherrypicking to keep the pre-industrial history dark.
    The modern TikToking teenager might regard the latest technology trends of 923 a bit different or useless, but for the people who lived back than, the innovation cycles had been only been slightly slower than we experience them.

    I can really feel how primitive the people will perceive us in the year 3000 😁


    @urwumpe the innovation cycles will be faster as the communication is way easier. And already the generation after the next will percieve us primitive (I grew up without internet or mobile phone, for instance 😱)


    @spaceflight exactly. My daughter can't really grasp that she was born just four years after the first iPhone.

    And that is likely no difference for previous or future generations. I was born right at the time, the first self service gas station were introduced in western Germany. (And reacted pretty confused when Shell returned the attendant as Option).


    #Reuters 📆 May 31, 2023 #SETI : The #scientists in the various monitoring efforts passively #scan 📡 for signals of #alien 👽 beings and do not actively #send their own signals advertising our presence on #Earth.

    "In my opinion, transmission of 'we are here' type beacons comes with the danger of potentially #inviting aliens with unknown #intentions to the Earth 🌏"

    Pictures : New buddies ?



    A #NASA -led team has unveiled plans to transmit the “Beacon in the #Galaxy” to #extraterrestrial 👽 intelligence within the #MilkyWay 🌌 #galaxy. The #risks associated with a new proposal to beam #Earth’s 🌍 position 🧭 and details about humans to possible alien life should be taken “seriously”

    spaceflight, (edited )

    #Earth 🌏 has been unabashedly broadcasting 📣 its own presence into the #galaxy 🌌 for about a century now. The most notable period was from 📆 1900 up to World War Two, when our #radio 📻 transmissions were stronger. "They needed to be more powerful because the radios that people listened to didn't have as sensitive receivers"

    #Earth-size #planets 🪐 have formed throughout most of the #universe's 13.8 billion ⏳ year history, leaving open the possibility for the existence of ancient life 👽 in the #Galaxy 🌌


    spaceflight, (edited )

    What might #extraterrestrial intelligence 👽 look & behave like ?

    jaycee, avatar

    @spaceflight extra-terrestrial, so we don’t know. 😏

    jaycee, avatar

    @spaceflight wild guesses it’s what gives us a flat earth…. 😂😂

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @spaceflight crab-looking creatures and fungus

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @spaceflight oh and worms and octopi

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @spaceflight All the best lovecraftian horror species of our own scale level!


    @kierkegaank thanks, didn't even know this expression

    sternwarte, avatar

    @spaceflight all i hope that their not too human like... this would be too much for one universe


    @sternwarte well there are way cuter life forms, but also possibly those


    sternwarte, avatar

    @spaceflight oh i love all animals (except bloodsucking types 😂 ) my dearest dinosaurs are the birds 🥰
    this spider is cute, but the Velociraptor is much cuter ❤️ in fact, i think he would like human flesh 😎


    @sternwarte yeah, birds 🦅 are so nice to each other, sweet 💔


    @morpheo might also be none of the above


    @spaceflight will be something so different that we simply will not perceive them

    because there's nothing to relate to

    or... may be something completely boring, like chickens


    "Galloanserae-like birds 🐓 were one of the main survivors of the K-T Event, that killed off the rest of the #dinosaurs"

    SkipHuffman, avatar

    @spaceflight bilateral symmetry with a sensor cluster on top is a highly optimized body form.

    SkipHuffman, avatar

    @spaceflight a second arm is hugely valuable, a third not so much. Two legs have balance issues that can be solved in software, three or even four doesn't help much, you need to get to six which is energetically expensive. Sticking the sensor cluster up high is more useful than not. So two legs, two manipulators, and a head is a darn good body plan for a sapient.

    SkipHuffman, avatar

    @spaceflight true. But as I understood the question, the goal is "sapience". If you define that to include sophisticated tool use and environmental manipulation (I do), then the kinda humanoid plan is hard to beat. The emphasis is on "kinda".


    @SkipHuffman the question is meant as "think about that", similar to the whole page/account. "Sapience" (as of wikipedia) is defined as "knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight". The problem with SETI is the lack of knowledge & insight. So we only rely on experience & common sense, which makes it difficult to predict what might appear


    👽 Most seem to prefer the 👾 insects / octopuses assumption, some impressions how this might look 👀 like




    An average of 18 percent 📊 of respondents said that they considered #extraterrestrial 👽 visitors a likely scenario for 📆 2023 :ccby: :cc_nd: 🙄



    • Probability suggests #aliens 👽 are out there
    • We already know of hundreds of potentially habitable #planets 🪐
    • We’ve found life 🦠 on #earth in places that we didn’t think #life could possibly exist
    • The life that’s out there may not be #intelligent 🐒 life
    • Intelligent lifeforms may be living in conditions that make #communication 📶 difficult
    • Or we may be trying to communicate to each other using opposing methods 📱
    • Stars 🎇 are so far 📏 away, it could take thousands of years ⏳ for an extra-terrestrial message to reach us
    • To make contact, our civilisation and an alien #civilisation need to exist at the same time ⌛
    • Long distance 📏 #SpaceTravel 🚀 isn’t yet possible for us – and may not be for them
    #Extraterrestrials have to actually want to visit us 🙈



    On #Earth, #DimethylSulfide is only produced by #life. That does not prove the existence of life on #K218b - but if dimethyl sulfide exists there, it is certainly a hair-raising clue.


    photos_floues, avatar

    @photos_floues ‘When you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’

    Powerfromspace1, avatar

    @spaceflight part the answer to the #Fermi #paradox the other part is most intelligent species don’t make it past type 1 Kardashev scale ( EX : humans aren’t even managing #ClimateChange a basic level test )

    human3500, avatar

    @spaceflight Is there much evidence of intelligent life on earth?


    When the #moon 🌙 first formed some 4.5 billion years ago, the day 📆 was less than 10 hours ⌚ long. But since then, the moon’s gravitational pull on the #Earth 🌏 has been #slowing our planet’s rotation. The #sun's ☀️ gravity #speeds it up.

    📆 5 Jul 2023 Fossil data record the number of days 📆 per year or, equivalently, the number of hours ⌚ per day. Interactions with the #Moon 🌙 and with the other #planets 🪐 drive changes. #Lunar tides have been active since at least 3.2 billion years ago. There were about 27 #Solar days per synodic month around 3000 Ma

    pieist, avatar

    @spaceflight The other problem is that most of the galaxy, as measured by density, is unsuitable for development of the kind of life we understand. Too many stars too close together means you get a supernova in the neighborhood with life-extinguishing effects too frequently for anything resembling DNA-based life to get very far before the reset button is pushed, again and again.


    @pieist probably near the center, but all the 100K light years ? The @arstechnica article also mentions we currently don't really observe 🔭 very thoroughly (same with #asteroids btw)



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    pieist, avatar

    @failedLyndonLaRouchite @spaceflight We don't know it didn't. there could have been many intelligent species; there's no reason to expect they'd leave a recognizable and accessible trace over those kinds of timeframes. Even Precolumbian-grade stone structures would be scattered and buried rubble by now.


    @pieist @spaceflight

    I don't think it is correct to say no traces would be left
    after all, sterols can be found in 500 million year old rocks, so I think if these putative intelligent creatures existed at near our level, plastic (esp teflon) or Titanium or other things would be still intact sort of

    no evidence in fossil record of large brain organisms; if they were present in large numbers we would expect to see that

    and some ore deposits - eg the Mesabi - have been around for a long time


    @failedLyndonLaRouchite @pieist scientists had a hard time to find the forum romanum, which was only 2K years ago. Evidence ends around 40K years ago Bacteria could have "eaten" older remains The mentioned examples wouldn't exist if we died out ~200 years ago (after being "intelligent" for 120K years) 🤔


    @failedLyndonLaRouchite @pieist this is also interesting, the Rockies 2.0 (means any cave paintings or similar remains would also have been crushed)

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