@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar






For some reason Friendica finds it utterly impossible to open this thread. It times out every time!

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar



This is literally the unending thread. It just keeps going and going and going and going and going...

@sotolf @benjaminhollon @joel @mirabilos

(BTW, please tag the devs of the platform you're on so they can debug with it)


@RL_Dane They wouldn't be able to load my comment either. 🤣

I opened a separate thread referring to this one, with my admin for a first preliminary look before we go to the devs.


Calling @Chartodon ...

I need help understanding how large or not this thread is. My tool of choice for this would be Friendica, but... 😅

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Wow, not even @tut can open this whole thread anymore. We truly broke mastodon, gentlemen. XD

@benjaminhollon @joel @sotolf @mirabilos

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane @notclacke @tut @joel @sotolf @mirabilos
Oh, whoa, you're right. Even when opening this reply I only get three posts.


@RL_Dane Now I want a Solarized-light console!

I remember the feeling the first time I did Cmd-Shift-O-F-W on my old iBook and got a black text on white OpenFirmware console with a nice font, it felt like The Future (even though SunOS had it forever) compared to some Grub or initrd with the classic white text on black.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I'm honestly not fond of the solarized themes because of the relatively low contrast, but whatever floats your boat, my friend!

@clacke @notclacke


@RL_Dane I forgot when, but I think some time I managed to turn mine into nord, I don't even remember setting it up, but that's what it looks like :p


@RL_Dane You've no idea how close I was to posting "hisssss" and then deleting this account


@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar


On NixOS you can set the virtual console colors with console.colors but to be honest I haven't taken the time to figure out which colors are which. XD

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Here's my light theme:


< Legend: {color number}"#"{hex code} >

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

That seems like it would work. Do you know of any reference for what colors would go with which number? I'm pretty good at porting themes (see tty1.blog) but need to go which colors go where.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Oh hey this old bookmark of mine would probably work: https://github.com/tinted-theming/base16-schemes

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Hmm it builds but I have to restart my laptop to apply changes to the virtual consoles… :P

I'll see if it's applied when I next restart, I guess. I don't want to lose my spot in the albums I'm listening to right now.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

It works! I have a gruvbox light tty!

Now if only I could figure out raising the font size… It's tiny on my HiDPI screen.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I've got a script for that!

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

yeeaaah right off the bat I can tell ya that it won't work on NixOS. ;)

~] tree /usr
└── bin
├── env -> /nix/store/l6jgwxkc3jhr029vfzfwzcy28iyckwsj-coreutils-9.1/bin/env
└── joplin -> /home/benjamin/.joplin-bin/bin/joplin

1 directory, 2 files

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


You should be able to adapt it

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

What I'm going to look at having to set is console.font:


I assume I can add whatever package the font I want is in using console.packages:


In some ways this is more straightforward, but it could sure use better documentation.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Hmm I think I probably solved it based on https://discourse.nixos.org/t/setting-tty-fonts/14799, but

~] reboot
Backing up; try again later.

As glad as I am that I added the lockfile to my backup script… I wish I could just try this out. 😅

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Oh wait, it looks like it went ahead and applied, unlike the color changes.

Still I see some messages in the thread about it not sticking on reboot, so I do want to try that.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

…and it works! It's not applied for the LUKS unlock prompt, but that's okay. Everything else is the proper size.

Now I just need to figure out how on earth I switch tty with my custom keymap…

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Yeah, last time I tried to do my caps <--> esc swap in the TTY, it royally b0rked up X11. Not sure about wayland.

Still not sure why I bother with the greeter. It's an extra piece of software just to save me from a single 'exec sway' command. :P

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Well I'm more thinking about the fact that I don't have leftctrl. XD

And I'm also using my QMK config, which is firmware-based.

A display manager does help you with some security things, tho. For example, if sway crashes, it doesn't just drop you back into the tty, you're back at a login screen.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


'exec sway' should do the same.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Huh, really?

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

That does seem to work.

Ehhh I like agreety.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


What does it do that getty and a tiny shell script couldn't?

You can't even change the font size. AFAIK

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Changing my tty font size changed it too.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


But if it's set to just execute sway, how do you get in to change the font size?

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

I may be misunderstanding? What exactly are you trying to set the font size of? I was assuming you were referring to the agreety prompt's font size.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Yeah, that's automatically changingn with the tty font size, which I changed in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I'll have to figure that out for #Debian ;)

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

From what I've learned it seems the font size is basically just picking a font file with a larger default font size. :P

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Right, it's just a matter of where to add that command or setting in the boot process, and have it stick for all terminals

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

Exactly why I do like NixOS's approach here, though I wish it were better documented. :D

All NixOS options are listed and searchable here: https://search.nixos.org/options

And all packages are here: https://search.nixos.org/packages



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  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane
    Yeah, that is nice.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon

    The standard font size is usable. It just doesn't make for a particularly aesthetic login screen XD


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon I don't think anything on my pc is very aesthetic, it's a tool, not a porno :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon

    Uhh, porn isn't aesthetic, it's perfunctory. And very sad.

    Moralizing aside, anything can be made aesthetic if you want it to be ;)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon

    Well, it depends on what porn you watch, if you go for lowest common denominator stuff, of course that's what you get, I mean, you don't go to McDonalds and get disappointed that you don't get a gourmet meal :p

    Sure, I guess I'm just easy to please, my machine is basically rolling white text on background, log in, and then getting dumped into the terminal, and then writing startx, and you're left with your background, and nothing else on the screen :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    Not usable on my screen. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    What's the rez and size?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    I think it's 1080p, 13.5"?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    163 ppi. A little hi-res, but not quite HIDPI territory.
    My #PinebookPro is 1080p 12", I think.

    I think it's got to be at least 200ppi to be considered HIDPI, but I doubt there's a hard-and-fast rule to it.

    I just know that the first HIDPI Macbooks were around 288ppi

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    HiDPI enough that the default tty text is far too tiny for me to read without squinting. I normally keep everything 2x scaled, which I've heard is overkill for this resolution but I actually really like.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    2x would be 100ppi equivalent, which would be like a late-naughties 1280x1024 17" LCD monitor.
    Not bad at all.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    I might be misremembering that description from my previous laptop? Not sure. All I know is I've read was a lot of people bemoaning poor fractional scaling support on Linux due to both this and the previous laptops.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    Fractional scaling in KDE and Gnome have gotten quite good.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    Yeah, I thought that too back on GNOME, but decided I liked full 2x scaling better anyway.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    I think it's gotten better quite recently, so I'm sure you're not wrong.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    It's a fun little thing to carry around. It's basically a 2016 chromebook with Linux

    The keyboard is decent, the tackpad is kind of disappointing, and you won't be very happy in a web browser, but everything else is fine.

    I do believe video is hardware accelerated in Firefox, but I always play video (YT & otherwise) in mpv, because I don't have the patience to deal with the modern web in something that's got the CPU power of an iPhone 7.

    @fbievan@social.fbievan.live avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf im considering getting a pinebook pro now

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber @sotolf

    I'm not sure it's such a good buy in 2023, but I've had mine for about 2 years and it's been great.

    Maybe look at the #Pinetab 2?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber @sotolf
    Yeah I'm really excited about the Pinetab 2, assuming they can get the software support where it needs to be.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber @sotolf
    I don't need it to be. :D

    My hope is for a very portable device I can run vim on and do some writing on, without necessarily having all the distractions my main laptop has. Hey, maybe I'd even run it tty-only.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber @sotolf

    lol dude, that's what this thinkpad was for, and it turned into my gateway drug back into Unixdom. ;)

    Yeah, it's a GREAT device for writing (decently nice keyboard, too), and the battery life is around 7 hours or more.

    Just don't expect anything out of the webcam except for still photos. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber @sotolf
    My previous laptop was a Surface Laptop 1st-gen, which never got Linux support for the webcam. Most of the time, my Framework's camera is switched off via the hardware switch. I don't need a webcam. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber @sotolf

    My thinkpad has none, and my LG Gram has blue tape over it unless I'm in a class that requires it ;)

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sotolf

    The Thinkpad's an X200t, and the LG Gram is the 2022 model. 17" with the 12th gen i7.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sotolf

    The swiveling screen is kinda cool. I've used it to "talk" to my nearly deaf grandmother before.

    The digitizer is a proper Wacom (or clone), but there's a HUGE gap between the LCD and the surface glass (plastic, really).
    I bought a cheap stylus on eBay, and it's not quality. I wish I could find an authentic one. Any wacom stylus will work, but not any stylus will fit in the stylus bay.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sotolf


    The display latch is a sliding plastic piece that breaks easily. It slides to allow you to latch the cover closed with the display down (laptop) or up (tablet). I already broke mine, so it just kinda sits there, but doesn't quite latch. The plastic around the hole where the latching part goes is slightly broken, and doesn't properly keep the little latch piece captive.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @RL_Dane @fbievan @sotolf
    Yesss minimal technological requirements, who would've thunk? :)

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • fbievan,
    @fbievan@social.fbievan.live avatar

    @sirber @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf reminder my phone is from 2020 (Pixel 4a), mostly because I need a headphone jack and the adapter i had just melted randomly

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @fbievan @RL_Dane @sirber @sotolf
    Am I the only one to whom a 2020 CPU sounds really new? XD

    I guess I do tend to stay behind the times on hardware.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber @sotolf

    Yeah, my phone's a Pixel 4a 5G, or as I like to call it, "Pixel 5a, Jr." (although it might actually be a wee bit larger).

    With a ROM like CalyxOS, I hardly ever feel any slowdown.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber @sotolf
    I feel so jealous right now. XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber @sotolf

    What are you rocking these days?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber @sotolf
    iPhone SE 2. It's pretty new (2020), so I've still got software support, but it's still an iPhone.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber @sotolf

    Yeah, I will give Apple credit for keeping small phones alive.
    Every now and then I boot up my iPhone 4 and MARVEL that I used it daily for nearly three years.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber yeah, because all my phones would be dead without apple :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber

    Who makes small android phones anymore, though? Other than pretty niche and suspect devices.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber I don't buy phones that often, and am no good on brands, I have an LG and it has served me well for the time I've had it, I don't think LG is either niche or suspect really, just another electronics company.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber

    LG abandoned the phone market a couple years ago ;)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber There you see how up to date I am :p I basically just go for a non-chinese brand and I think I've had this phone for over 3 years now, still working great. I don't know I've been using android devices since 2013 or something, before that different symbian ones.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber

    Ah, sweet Symbian.

    Are you running a custom ROM? I can't imagine stock/manufacturer Android running well after three years.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber nope, just the rom the phone came with, it has been rather flawless, it has some strange things some times, like 0,05 of the times I connect a charger it goes into firmware flashing mode for some reason, and the boot sequenence being weird some times, but it's nothing that I have often.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber

    Man, when I got my Pixel, it started feeling a bit slow after a single year.
    Now that it's degoogled, it runs great.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber I seriously could use most of the phones that I used to use back in the day and continue on like I do today, not really feeling clunky or anything.

    @fbievan@social.fbievan.live avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @sotolf even a modern 'small' phone is much bigger than those. Not by width, mostly by height.

    Example: my pixel 4a.

    Which i really love

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber @sotolf

    I miss proper 16:9 phones, though.

    To me, the most important dimension is the width of the phone, not the length, because I chiefly use my phone for reading stuff.

    I was so excited to get my 4a 5G with its MASSIVE 6.2" screen, then suddenly crushed to learn that it was actually "smaller" in the dimension that mattered to me -- horizontal -- than my 5.5" iPhone 7+. WAT.


    @RL_Dane @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber I don't really like reading on my phone much, my kindle, while being from an evil company has been one of the greatest things I've bought, so good to read on, it's not comparable to even the best led screen.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber

    Oh, I don't mean reading books, but rather #fediverse posts, texts, and the occasional email. ;)

    I did my time reading an entire book on my Palm IIIx in 2000. In the dark. With that wonky green backlight. 160x160 resolution.

    I DID MY TIME. lol


    @RL_Dane @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber I have done so many weird ways of reading books on devices I have read at least one book on, the psion, palm pilot, psp, nintendo ds phone and a computer :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber

    The psion was sweet.

    "Look at your Palm Pilot. Now look at me. Now look back at your Palm Pilot..." lol


    @RL_Dane @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber haha, yeah, I loved the keyboard on those things :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sirber

    How did Nokia end up with #Symbian?

    Almost as strange as how Palm ended up with #BeOS.

    @liilliil@mastodon.online avatar

    @RL_Dane Palm end up with Linux and WebOS
    none of Cobalt (BeOS) was released

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    I remember playing with the PalmOS 6 (Cobalt) emulator.

    I thought it was pretty hot stuff!

    @liilliil@mastodon.online avatar

    @RL_Dane simulator actually

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    That's right! Man, that was a long time ago

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber
    Yeah, the kindle is pretty great. I would like to get a Kobo, though, if my wallet can ever afford it.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber I had a kobo glo for a while, but the screen cracked, it certainly was more clunky than the kindle, that being said I never connect to the net with my kindle, just transfer stuff over usb :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber

    I think you can side-load on a kindle? Or am I thinking back to my nook? I can't remember.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber I sideload mobi files that I convert with calibre, workssreally well :)

    benjaminhollon, (edited )
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber
    Yeah that’s the same way I do it. I still don’t like living in fear of accidentally turning off airplane mode for a moment and them sending a firmware update that makes everything worse, like has happened so many times. :P


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber Just deconfigure the wlan credentials, and it can't connect anyway :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @fbievan @sirber
    True, true. I usually have it that way.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sotolf

    lol, not anymore. Not one red cent. ;P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    Yeah, it's going to be a little faster. But don't expect fast. I'd avoid web browsers on cheap ARM chips for now. It's not a very fun experience.


    @RL_Dane @fbievan @benjaminhollon

    seems like that guy has just decided to disagree with you today even though you are the one who has the machine :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @benjaminhollon

    lol, it's all good

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf
    I wonder, how does something like vimb run? Still too slow?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan @sotolf

    Honestly, the main thing it's got going for it is weight, screen, keyboard, and openness.
    Any modern web browser won't be a very fun experience, although if you stick to lighter websites, it's tolerable.

    Most of the time, I'm using it with w3m ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf
    Well if you're using w3m you'll have to stick to lighter websites anyway, I assume. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan @sotolf

    No, that's the beauty of w3m. Even very heavy websites work like a champ IF they present any plain html. So, the super heavy crap that's all JS and no actual content won't display anything, but some websites that have regular html content and some heavy JS will be much more enjoyable in w3m than firefox.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf
    True, true, disabling JS helps a lot. But you can do that too in qutebrowser, firefox, etc. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan @sotolf

    I don't know about qutebrowser, but in luakit, disabling JS also clobbers most of the fancy navigation features.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf
    Not in qutebrowser. :D

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan @sotolf


    I'm liking Vimium C, although it's limited in that it only works in actual web pages, and only once a page is loaded.
    So if you're in about:blank or the system start page, or if a page is still loading, you don't get anything ;)

    I usually keep a file:///dev/null tab open so I can have a functional launchpad for vimium features

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf
    Yeah, I remember that being frustrating with Vim Vixen.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sotolf

    Begone, heathen! /s ;)


    @sirber @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @fbievan js if more like the walking dead, it's a small gnome hanging on our neck trying to strangle us, and we are trying to pretend everything is okay. No it's not js is utter garbage.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @sirber @RL_Dane @fbievan
    prepares popcorn

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @RL_Dane @fbievan

    unhealthy, fatty, clogging your arteries and reducing your life expectancy and comfort, sounds good to me.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @sotolf @fbievan

    > @sirber @sotolf @RL_Dane @fbievan
    > Unhealthy? ;)

    ^^^And this coming from someone who's chiefly a JS dev ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @sotolf @fbievan @RL_Dane
    Now, now, I'm chiefly a web dev. It's just on the backend that I'm chiefly JS, and currently I'm using a JS SSG, so none of that buttery goodness gets handed down to the visitors of my sites.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf @fbievan

    My French is rusty... "Fat is life"??

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @sotolf @fbievan
    Looks right to me. :D

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf @fbievan

    Ah, un Quebeçois! I loved visiting Quebec city in the early 90s. It reminded me a lot of old Paris, which I had seen just a couple years prior.

    BTW, what is that terrifying-looking contraption in your profile pic? lol

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf @fbievan

    Do you work on trains?

    From its proximity to your mouth, I thought it was some crazy dystopian steampunk ventilator or something. X'-D

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @benjaminhollon @sotolf @fbievan

    I'm a... (counts massive life-reboots on his fingers)...
    ...ex infosec analyst, ex Unix sysadmin, ex academia hopeful currently working in some kind of sales because the universe is hilarious.


    @RL_Dane @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan jack of all trades :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @sirber @benjaminhollon @fbievan

    Poor jack of all trades, master of 0.1 ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @RL_Dane @sotolf @fbievan

    > I'm a web developer, but I enjoy industrial photography! How about you?
    That is the best career statement ever. I love it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan @sotolf

    My early 2010 Thinkpad X200 "tablet" is a better experience in every way but weight and screen.
    Also, ironically, the Pinebook Pro chicklet keyboard vs. the X200 "TRUE BLUE" keyboard are kind of a tossup. They're both pretty good.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @fbievan @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    Yeah. I haven't seen Apple be this far ahead technically since the early nineties.

    And I haven't seen Apple be this lost and soulless since the late 90s.

    Strange times.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan @sotolf

    > And I haven't seen Apple be this lost and soulless since the late 90s.
    Yeah. :(

    @spaceraser@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon you kind of wish that a company with almost unlimited resources would be on every moonshot project you can think of but they’re kind of the opposite? But then you have Google over there starting and cancelling things left and right? Idk I’m glad I’m not a tech ceo.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan why sad? It's just an american gigacorporation, why are people taking it so personal, the wellbeing of a soulless greedy megacorp..

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    I'm mostly sad that I'm stuck with one of their products. :P

    I can say I have very little goodwill toward Apple the company.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Sad because they had, if nothing else, the semblance of a proper mythology back in the 80s through the naughties.
    Even if they weren't noble, the had some noble ideas, even if those ideas were in the service of greed. It wasn't all greed, even if it was mostly greed.

    Now it's worse than just greed.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan They had an image of soul, because of hugely successful ad campaigns, seen from someone who never cared about it, and not from their langauge or country I see nothing else than a google/amazon/microsoft company with no soul, just focused on parting as many people from their money as possible, I don't see them doing a single thing that made me thing about something noble, all greed.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    I was there 6000 years ago, Gandalf.

    I sat before the very first Macintosh and looked on in wonder as its glow filled my eyes.

    Even as a wee lad, I knew it was something unlike anything else I'd ever seen.

    They did change the world. Probably for greed, but yes, they certainly did.

    I don't think they've changed anything since 2010 or so, and probably not anything for the better since 2001 or so.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan mcrosoft invented loads of stuff too, but I don't really hold them up either, I don't know if I just don't wasn't there at the time but I can't remember them having invented anything that useful.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Old iFanboy roots showing, but to me, Apple took the Xerox Alto demo and made it into a working product, and took something that would become a $10,000 workstation and shrunk it down to a $1,999 home computer (yes, it sold for $2,495. Purely John Scully's fault).

    I don't think Microsoft contributed a single thing, not one solitary innovation in their entire first decade of life.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan


    They packaged up QDOS to sell to IBM and they ripped off the Macintosh interface by having Charles Simonyi work very closely with the Macintosh system devs under the guise of getting MS Office working well.

    AFAICT, their very first innovations came in Windows 95, twenty years after they were founded.

    (Ok, MS Basic was ok. I'll give them that. I think Applesoft basic was better, but it lacked floats)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan ah, so basically just copying what others did but with better advertisements, like they did with the phone market.

    They used to quite a lot of programming language development, and still do, that's basically the main thing that they do quite okay.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Really? I figured you'd hate Objective-C.

    Man, don't discount Bill Atkinson's mathematical genius. It's easy to think of GUIs as no big deal today, but with the slow CPU, limited RAM, and limited dev tools they had in the day, that work was MIRACULOUS.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan


    I don't give a crap about Jobs, but Atkinson and Woz before him deserve our respect. The Macintosh was much more than a copy of or a marketing refinement of the work at Xerox. They took a very rough sketch and made it actually work, and with commodity hardware.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan Sure I can respect people, not soulless corporations, if I remember correctly apple pretty much fucked Woz anyway, not giving him almost any worth for what he did.

    And don't get me started on Jobs, the guy who killed himself because he didn't believe in science, and just died from something way before he should have, truly there are things that can't be bought with money.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Woz's biggest problem was the airplane accident. Well, his biggest problem from the perspective of someone who loved his innovations and wishes he had continued. After the accident, he really lost interest in tinkering.
    But he's definitely not a poor man. But I'm pretty sure he's got tons of stock.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan objective-c was pretty nice like a lovechild between c and smalltalk, created at NeXt :)

    The GUI would come anyway, I'm still not convinced it wasn't a bad idea, I still dislike most of the things it has resulted in :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    The democratization of tech that resulted from it was good, but the dumbing-down of tech was bad.
    Honestly, I think that the GUI was pretty good overall, but smartphones (particularly the iPhone-derived variety) were disastrous.

    Of course the GUI would come anyway, just as someone would eventually land on the moon. The remarkable thing isn't that Armstrong was first, but that he was first in 1969, when the technology was barely ready.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan yeah, but I keep thinking what if the ui more evolved through TUI, so we would have had good keyboard shortcuts everywhere, and things laid out better, come to think of it, maybe the mouse was the worst thing that happened, there are few things that are good about mice, ma'be the scroll wheel, I like the scroll wheel :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Oh man, I so miss TUIs. Heck I miss normal GUIs. Now everything is a flerpin' stupid web crApp. (Or mobile crApp).

    Friends have told me how amazing airtable is, and I'm like, "I'm happy for you, but I hate the web." 😄


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan I'd honestly argue the tech was more ready then than it is now.

    I honestly think it might be harder to do it a second time than it was the first, simply because technology has gotten so much worse


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan Think about the moon rocket having dashboards made in electron :p ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Yeah, serious nightmare fuel

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    much of the slowness comes from people using garbage technology, such as electron or other java script garbage with huge frameworks rather than using an actually good language that compiles down to fast software, basically making "applications" that are little less than offline webpages that has only the downsides from the web of being slow as molasses, and being made by people who don't care about performance at all.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    "Amen, brother!"
    --- The Choir


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan



    “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." :p

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar



    John 10
    7. so he explained it to them: “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.

    1. All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them.

    2. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

    3. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.

    @benjaminhollon @sirber

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    One of my favorite scriptures, although troubling to some when taken out of the broader context and read as a statement of elitism or exclusivism.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan



    Hehe, yeah, I used it very dishonestly here, I'll give you that ;)

    I think my favourite is http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=I%20Thessalonians%205:21

    “Prove all things: hold fast that which is good.”

    But that probably won't surprise you :p

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Nothing wrong with that! 🙏🏼💗

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    Just look at how our machines now are at least an order of magnitude faster than they used to be, but in many cases they feel more sluggish to use now than they did back in the day.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    But that's just crappy consumer software, designed to sell more computers and spy on people.

    Embedded tech is still pretty lean where it needs to be, I surmise.

    I mean, all the equipment on Mars runs on hardened PowerPC chips.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    The functionality is all cloud-based now. But don't worry, the companies running the services have no intention of going bankrupt. Why would you even worry about that? ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar




    NASA is running stuff on Mars on cloud crap? 😵‍💫

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    YES. Yes, they are. </sarcasm>

    (Somehow I missed the sentence about Mars. XD )

    @fbievan@social.fbievan.live avatar


    My thing is, what is the point of running something in the cloud when you have a perfectly good computer right infront of you (I get stroage). I rent a server from digitalocean (if you check the ip address the domain of this points to it is digitalocean). I dont see a reason to run the actaul programs on there, only really my E-Mail because most other things are not going to be helpful to me if something happens, so there is no reason wasting cycles on that.

    Why run a program in the cloud for a bunch of money if you have a more powerful computer right infront of you

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber



    I think benjamin meant for things like smarthome stuff, I've seen things like lightbulbs having cloud stuff built into them, in devices that will never be updated, it's kind of scary.

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sirber

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sirber
    Yeah, I definitely was imagining "smart" home stuff. Really frustrating.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    What are you worried about, Sotolf?

    All you gotta do is install their little spyware app and waive your right to seek justice in a court of law.
    Such a small price to pay for such important features. /s

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber



    I have nothing to worry about I have the dumbest house ever :p (As the luddite that I am) but it would be kind of fun to mine bitcoin on a distributed bulb network :p

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    lol... That's hilarious.

    BTW, I learned recently that the Luddites weren't against technology itself, but against how it was used against the working class.

    Pity you can't stop A.I. with something as simple as a shoe between the gears.

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber



    Yeah, I know that thing about the Luddites, which just makes me identify with them even more :)

    Yeah, it's kind of sad, maybe we'll have to use an EMP ;)

    @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber

    Sad, because an EMP is basically a bomb unless you're ready to live like a proper Amish person -- in which case, I totally respect that. XD


    @RL_Dane @fbievan @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber Well I live a long way away from where the LLM data centers are, so I am safe :p



    Ehm I've seen people try to use js and python for embedded stuff, so count your blessings ;)

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    NodeJS is all the rage these days for that. ;)



    Yeah, sadly I have seen that as well, and I still have nightmares about it.

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan dont get me started on electron. Why do we run the browser engine for everything now... even terminal emulators?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    One of my best friends started using hyper as his terminal and I just can't even. I don't get it at all, it seems like the worst possible technology to build a terminal on.

    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan one day humanity will regret this, when our cars can be hacked through a zero day exploit in of the 10000 deps the electron apps in them uses and other apps simply stop working after an update because a dependency down the tree is outdated... or even worse, got hijacked and now strangers have access to your car.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    There was a brilliant article I found once about hijacking npm dependencies as an exploit, but I've had trouble tracking it down since then. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    ...or someone is murdered by having their car swerve right into a concrete barrier at 80mph... or swerving off of a bridge


    @RL_Dane @Anachron @benjaminhollon @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Eh, they chose to get in the death machine; I'd rule it a suicide /s

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    The problem with our society is all of the little foolish choices that eventually make the big foolish ones unavoidable 🫥

    @Anachron @benjaminhollon @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @sirber @fbievan that's true. Small mistakes pile up and cause a big one down the road.

    The sad part is that reverting it or moving away from it is kinda hard, if not impossible.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Yep. That's why I get really frustrated when everyone's reaction to potentially very dangerous technologies is "Ooo, shiny!!" 🤦🏻‍♂️

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    While I mostly am cautious about self driving cars I have to give props to this xkcd comic which calms things down a bit:


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    I think one of the worst ones are BalenaEtcher, a usb flashing tool in electron, I say that again, a usb flashing tool...

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    Yeah, really frustrating. It's surpringly tricky, though, on Windows to do it natively, though, at least in my experience. At least it's a portable .exe so you can just delete it when you're done. Though I bet it leaves trace files all over your app data folders.



    Or you could just use rufus, which is a 1,3 mb executable :p

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    Yep, I've used that one too. A good tool.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    Anyone remember Gibson Research (https://www.grc.com/intro.htm), a.k.a. the makers of SpinRite?

    Dude wrote several windows utilities... IN ASSEMBLY


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan oof, yeah I listened to security now for years...

    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    Weather apps are a bit worse imo.
    You can either just use the browser or use the console or even statusbar widget. But an electron app displaying a few weather icons?


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    I even prefer a GTK weather app to that. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan


    also, @smxi's excellent inxi --weather

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    Oof, didn't know that was electron, too.

    A whole stinking web browser... for dd. %)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah. JS terminal is the final insult to injury XD


    @RL_Dane @Anachron @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    I did not know these existed... Why?

    For platform cross-compability?

    I- no

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @fbievan @Anachron @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    One of my best friends daily-drives Hyper, an Electron-based terminal. :P



    Welcome to the electron hate club, just go over to the right and get your complementary cookie :)

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    Can I join? Or am I barred because I once upon a time coded an electron app? (which is a large part of how I understand just how terrible it is)



    We all have our sins brother, that's 500 ave maria and 170 hail maries ;) And then you're free to join :p

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    Do all the TUIs I use now count?

    ~] free -h
    total used free shared buff/cache available
    Mem: 31Gi 1.3Gi 26Gi 674Mi 2.7Gi 28Gi
    Swap: 0B 0B 0B

    ^^ or that?



    31 Gb ram?? You almost have as much cache as I have total memory :p

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    Yeeeaah I ordered this computer before my conversion to the way of the TUI. XD

    Not that I ever used this much then; I had an 8G computer and occasionally ran up against limits there. It wasn't too much more expensive than the 16G I would have gotten, iirc, so I went ahead and made sure I'd never need to upgrade my RAM again. :D

    …yeah I've never used even half of it. And I rarely cross 2G of usage.

    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan I have 32GB with a mostly terminal flow because I sometimes need the RAM for VMs and media computation and occasionally bigger compile project.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @Anachron @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    See I never compile software, do media computation, or run VMs. XD

    Something I kinda want to try is putting my .cache directory on a ramdisk. See if I get faster speeds on anything. Or at least experiment with tmpfs for different applications.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    I've done this.
    I don't know if it makes things faster, but it's less wear on the disk.
    I had a script that got executed upon login that looked for symlinks in the .cache directory, and created the corresponding directories in /tmp

    @Anachron @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    I did put my tmp directory on a ramdisk, lastnight!

    Turns out nixos has an option for it, boot.tmpOnTmpfs = true;


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Ooh, 9front has an option for that too!

    % ramfs

    just toss that in lib/profile! ;)

    [joking aside, I really don't like the way nixos does that.

    My general understanding of nixos is that it does a good job hiding away the complexity of a modern system

    If my understanding is correct, I HATE IT because the correct solution is to rm -rf the complexity away instead]

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I'd say that's one of the more extreme examples of "do it for me". In most cases, you do have to do a lot of figuring it out yourself, especially if you go down the route of learning how to package things, which (from what I can tell not having done it) is similar to creating programmatic instructions on how to compile from source in many cases.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Basically, but packaging can also just be "the git repo is at URL X, it requires the following other packages"

    and then other packages just say the same thing

    and your 'package manager' is just a recursive "clone-if-not-present, fetch, mk && mk install if updated"

    but yes linux distros are, uh, not that.

    because linux software is not that.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Holy heck I can prototype that package manager I've been eyeballing for Plan 9 in probably <20 lines of shell O_o

    why haven't I done this yet???

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    That may very well be the case. Again, I haven't tried packaging for nix so I'm not entirely sure what it involves.

    But yeah I've never been a "build from source" person on my system.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    I do agree with you that it does abstract away much of the complexity, but I'd also argue that for some people that's a good thing. It lets them harness granulated control over their system without needing as much in-depth technical knowledge as it might take.

    I don't use Linux because I want to learn the complexity, I'm here because I want the control, and NixOS gives that to me.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan > It lets them harness granulated control over their system without needing as much in-depth technical knowledge as it might take.

    That's WHAT I DON'T LIKE.

    Er, wait, not the "it makes life easier" part

    the "you nEED in-depth technical knowledge to manage a system" part

    I consider the correct answer to be "simplify the system," not ADD ANOTHER LAYER ON TOP





    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan To be totally clear, I have nothing against the users - and, honestly, nothing against NIx itself; given its goals, it seems to have picked reasonable solutions

    I'm just LIVID that the Linux world is so backwards that this is necessary.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    You definitely get the impression that Linux distros are kind of a great big ball of wax, n'est-ce pas?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan There's a reason I'm looking at moving from alpine to OpenBSD for where I need to interact with Other stuff [e.g. dayjob], and using Plan 9 for everything I care about.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    You know what I was just thinking today?

    If you could just TURN OFF all of the insanely over the top security countermeasures in #OpenBSD, it would be an AMAZING OS.

    I loved it on my Thinkpad, but it ran like such a dog that my #PinebookPro felt heaps faster.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Eh, I strongly disagree; their security is not over the top.

    Or, at least, abs(OpenBSD - ideal) < abs(Linux - ideal)

    OpenBSD's security may be too far, arguably, but it's less so than Linux's is woefully insufficient.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I get that argument (being an ex-infosec guy myself), but if there's so much security that you can't use you're laptop, you're doing it wrong (unless you want to use said laptop for something critically important)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I thought it only makes it unusable for "modern" use cases - e.g. Firefox or chrome.

    Text editor latency is probably fine, right? Compile times are probably not much worse.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I'd expect to be able to run, say, GIMP or Inkscape without issues

    I am ONCE AGAIN urging people to write BETTER SOFTWARE instead of demanding that the hardware be so fast that we have to turn off the MMU to run your crap

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Gimp was a bit slow to start, but usable.

    Sadly, Gimp 2.10 required Python2 of all things, so I was stuck running the beta GIMP 2.99 (which was honestly fine).

    Now that I think of it, I wonder if #OpenBSD's disk encryption wasn't taking access of crypto instructions on the Core 2 Duo??? That would explain a LOT

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Disk access felt slower (might have been the encryption scheme, dunno), and even something as simple as firing up xdm (xenodm) and having it run an xsetroot seemed to take a while.

    But yeah, outside of web browsers and other tragically heavy things, it's pretty usable, particularly if you put it on a machine that you haven't used any other OS on (and therefore have no basis of comparison)

    How's security on 9front?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Everyone has a different threat model and that's okay. For me having FDE and a password manager takes care of most of my concerns.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I, uh

    If there's a browser bug / side channel attack / whatever, then basically any website you visit can grab your passwords directly out of RAM.

    I think my threat model is pretty much the opposite of yours; I'm not at all worried about physical attacks.

    Rather, I'm much more worried about what, in a situation where they can mess with my laptop, someone can do to me.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I don't think any of my passwords are stored in RAM? I've been trying to clamp down on that as much as I can.

    Much of being more worried about physical attacks is due to living in a dorm where certain people do have physical access to my devices for long periods of time. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    You don't use any browser built-in password management?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Nope, zero. Qutebrowser uses a script (qute-pass) to take it directly from pass and type it into the input fields.

    I've never trusted browser-based password management.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    That's probably smart.

    Hmm... maybe I need to do some greps on /dev/mem

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    Then all of my CLIs that need passwords get them directly from pass, too. aerc, borgmatic, etc.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Oh, git too; it requests passwords from pass if a remote needs it.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    What it means is I keep typing my ~40-char passphrase over and over into GPG popups, but that's a small price to pay since it only takes ~3-4 seconds to type.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I just memorized a ~20 char password, itself generated by pass.

    hell to memorize, but probably more secure, and faster to type [<2 seconds lol]

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah my worry with the random ones is how easy it is to forget.

    With my master password I made up a line of poetry with zero context and never posted it anywhere else. :D


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I keep a copy of my old ones encrypted with an ED25519 key with my new one as the passphrase XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    Ha, clever. I used to do something similar, using Encrypted ZIP files, which Nautilus let me create and open easily. Not the ideal solution anymore of course.

    I think I can set pass to use a different key for a specific password? I'll have to check that.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I wouldn't trust an encrypted zip file unless I was certain of the implementation.
    Early zip "encryption" was pretty terrible.

    I really like ccrypt (after the compressor of your choice and tar). It's available on almost all distro and all BSDs, and is fast. It's just straight-up AES.

    Speaking of which, when's NIST going to announce AES' successor?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah it's definitely not the path I'd take now.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    90% likely that any FOSS implementation is going to use real encryption.
    Hopefully. ;)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan ...I would not take that bet. Not even close.

    Encryption is HARD.

    I'd give it 90% odds that a FOSS project TRIES to use real encryption, but decides it's not a priority, and so they don't realize how insecure their solution really is.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I was thinking that a FOSS project would just use a FOSS encryption library that "does it right," and call it a day.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan I was talking about the libraries that "do it right" :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Thaaaat's troubling, then.

    Do you know for sure that a popular encryption library isn't up to snuff?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Not personally, but I've heard from people I trust that a lot of them are reallllllllllly bad.

    Honestly, i don't think I'd fully trust any Unix other than OpenBSD; I say that as someone typing this into Alpine Linux.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I've been thinking I'd like to give #OpenBSD another try sometime, but I'd still like to find out why the performance on my Core 2 Duo was so abysmally poor. Not just browsers, but everything, including browsing threads in tut were painful.

    I guess if all you did was edit code, then hit compile and walk away and get a coffee, then it wouldn't matter. But as a desktop, it was kinda bad.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Uh.

    If I have time to grab coffee during a compilation on a personal machine, something is horrendously wrong.

    Not a SINGLE PROJECT of mine takes more than one second to compile on my old thinkpad.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan @pixx

    What I meant is that no matter how slow the hardware/os is, you can always go for a coffee break if compilation was the slowest thing.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    Um that's the same for me but possibly only because I don't use compiled languages much. XD


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well, you're making some tradeoffs there I'm not really sure are worth it, most of the time.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan You can init a subfolder with a different key, yeah.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    That indeed seems to be the case! Handy!


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan Also: I betchu that I wouldn't have performance complaints about OpenBSD on my pinebook pro :P

    [I don't use a web browser btw]

    ...oh wait. For work. Hm. Maybe :/

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan

    I'll admit that (even just STARTING) the web browser was my #1 pain point in #OpenBSD, but everything was slow.

    The one thing that it did better than the other major BSDs is its resume from suspend was pretty quick. #FreeBSD took 14 seconds to resume from S3 suspend on this box.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    That said I am considering moving to a different base distro and building on top of that with nix or something similar to harness some of the benefits of NixOS while sidestepping some of the drawbacks, like the difficulty of running binaries.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan then you're just building your wonky abstraction tower on top of something not meant for it, and you have two abstractions..


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan you mean creating a makefile? Most programs comes with one already.


    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I wish this was true; it no longer is.


    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan What if you've used ELectron but you aren't Catholic?

    Substitute person religious sayings in, instead? :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan

    I'm sad to admit I still do use Electron for the desktop Signal app. I really wish Signal was less fussy about 3rd-party clients. :P


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan yet another reason I avoid signal ;P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan

    I would but…

    My parents are on it. And my parents being on a FOSS, E2EE chat program is enough of a win for me that I will gladly have an electron app for that.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan it's foss, so you can make your own clients right ;) or else, is it really free or open?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    You "can", you just can't use their servers with those other clients. Run your own server and you're good, but that kinda negates the purpose of Signal in the first place. :P

    Definitely not my favorite thing about Signal.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan my biggest problem is that they don't have datacenters outside of the US, but that's probably not an issue for you anyway :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    Why wouldn't it be? I'm an international kid. :D

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    Speaking of which I should probably head to bed. It's getting late here.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    Hmm this is interesting: https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli
    and this alternate CLI for interacting with that one as a backend: https://github.com/isamert/scli

    Last I'd heard things like this were getting shut down. Perhaps I misremember.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan That's a no. It's not free, in any way that's really meaningful.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan agree to disagree on signal being foss ;)

    the source is open, but if you can't connect a custom client, the service is not free.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    I actually just discovered a CLI and am installing it now to see if it works. :D

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    It works! :D

    scli seems pretty cool. We'll see if it holds up over some more frequent use!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    The thing is that it's the closest thing to a properly private messenger that Joe Average wohod ever be willing to put up with.

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan signal generally is not something I trust at all.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    The fact that my parents already use it, though, makes it hugely better than lots of the competition. Their oranization uses it, too, so I'm not likely to convince them to move over to an alternative with (from their perspective) marginal gains.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan true enough, that's the reason I use What'sapp, so me saying you shouldn't would be me being a huge hypocrite ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    Yeeeah I need whatsapp too since it's practically ubiquitous here in Malaysia. Really frustrating. I avoid it, though, and I am glad that my parents are on Signal instead.

    And honestly, usability-wise, I prefer whatsapp to iMessage (which is the ubiquitous communication in Texas) since I at least can access it on my computer without OWNING A MAC.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I believe it's my last electron app, only because there's no way to just use it from the browser :/

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I’m now trying scli and if it holds up I might just be able to rid myself of electron for good.

    The one limitation that affects me is not being able to do video calls through it, but I guess I can either do that through my phone or temporarily install the electron app once a week when my dad calls.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Wait, you're not with your parents now?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    I am now, but I do weekly calls during the school year, so I'm referring to that. Ideally this'll last me longer than just over the summer. :D

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ah, gotcha. I figured that's what you meant.


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan I was trying to come up with some clever puns, but gave up :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    "Blessed are You L-rd our G-d, King of the universe,
    who forgives us our digital transgressions, and restores to us the simple joy of honest TUIs."

    How's that?

    P.S., It's joking, but not intended to be sacreligious. I figured you know where I'm coming from, but I wanted to be clear.

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan That implies that I believe that our gods are the SAME

    and hey, maybe MY god doesn't like the whole "monarchy" thing?

    [also joking, as I'm sure you know :)]

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, I don't even know how to address that, lol

    You do know I was formatting it in the style of traditional Jewish prayers, right?

    I know, I know, you're not practicing. ;)


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I was thrown off because you wrote it in English ;)

    I'm used to seeing them the old-fashioned way, in the "you're NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT OUT LOUD unless you're FORMALLY RECITING THE BLESSING" Hebrew.

    ...but I'm realizing you dashed the "Lord" and "God" there and I totally missed it and now I feel stupid, this is really obvious in retrospect even in english 😅

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ha, I can understand that.

    I can get as far as "Baruch hashem adonai," but then I get off the rails.
    But I can recite the first line of the Shema in Hebrew. I learned that much ;)


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    A friend of mine goes to a Messianic Synagogue. I need to hit him up for lunch to ask him how he navigates both worlds without going cross-eyed. ;)
    Not that I'm necessarily interested in becoming a practicing Jew (even a Messianic one), but I have a lot of respect for the Hebrew roots of my faith... and a lot of sadness for how the church has treated Jews throughout history. Egad. :'(


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan ...I, uh

    Was that a typo? ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan "adonai hashem."

    The first word there is one of God's names; the second is the stand-in we're actually allowed to say out loud [because it literally means "the name", as in "the name of God," since God said not to say God's name, but didn't say "don't say *the words" 'god's name'", so it's totally fair game]

    I think you meant to write "baruch ata hashem," which is basically "blessed are you, G-d"


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Me writing God's name there is arguably blasphemous, but I'm pretty sure education is one of the legitimate reasons to use it, so it doesn't count as "in vain" here.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan ah yeah, clarification: you're not allowed to say "the names of God" out loud; you can say "bless" or "you" or "king" or whatever

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I thought it was ok to have it written with the vowels replaced by hyphens, or to say Adonai (or maybe HaShem) out loud?


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Adonai is one of the names of God; you're not supposed to say it out loud unless you have a good reason (such as saying a prayer).

    "Hashem" is two parts: "Ha" means "the", and "Shem" means "name". "hashem" means "the name," and is what we say to loophole our way out of the "don't say My name in vain" rule :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ah, I didn't realize Adonai counted, because it was my understanding that it's a drop-in replacement for the actual name, to the point that the Christian world gets the poor transliteration "Jehovah" because the vowel markings of Adonai were added to the tetragrammaton at some point as a kind of... obfuscation?


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    I also love how the morning Shema says "I am thankful before You, living and enduring King," because they reasoned that people weren't holy enough to even say "HaShem" before washing their hands.

    Kinda legalistic for my taste, but I have to massively respect the way the Jewish fathers of faith sanctified the Name, at least in terms of practice.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Pretty sure they're both considered to be names of the divine - which is maybe why Jews and Jehova's Witnesses aren't oft found together, since one of them considers the other's NAME to be blasphemous? :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I've got a lot of respect for anyone who gets out of the house on a weekend to knock on doors for their faith, even if others consider it annoying, but yeah...

    Love the JW's, but I think they are "mistaken. About a great many things." ;)


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I personally disagree with basically every aspect of their beliefs that I'm aware of, BUT

    I have to give them credit for being one of the only groups, religious or otherwise, that actually lives truly to their stated ideals.

    I think most religions, at least in the US, have basically adjusted themselves to be more compatible with the current political/economic envrionment; it's one of the main disputes I have with current Judaism TBH

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, that's my #1 heartburn with American Christianity. To the point of tears and groaned prayers.
    I hate hypocrisy. Not the common hypocrisy of the average person failing to live up to what they believe -- that's just ordinary growing pains -- but the really deep-seated hypocrisy that can skip over the multitude of verses concerning the care of orphans and widows, ...

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    ...and dire warnings not to mistreat foreigners.

    To borrow the words of dear Brennan Manning,
    “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Or in my far less eloquent words,
    "Do you REALLY think the world is THAT stupid?!?"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    A large part of it is that U.S. "Christianity" has become largely tied to a specific political party which everyone sees as representing the same views when it really doesn't, in many cases.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    (full disclosure I don't agree with either major political party in the US, though I think each is right on certain issues)


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    As an American, voting in this country feels like trying to guess which weapon will kill the fewest people, to be honest.

    Honestly, if I had a choice, I'd vote for the federal government to shut down operations for the next four years, and let the states get about things.

    That would probably kill fewer people.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Depends on the state.

    Also, the federal government is sometimes the only thing keeping some states from reverting to full Confederacy.

    You haven't spent much time in the South, have you? 😄

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    Yeeeeeaaaah I was gonna say the same thing. Keep in mind that back when state laws were considered more important than federal, half the states had slaves. Not saying that would happen again, just pointing out that states don't always make good decisions, so having a back and forth tug-and-war between the state and federal can be healthy.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and yet I'll note that the federal government told the northern states they had to hand over escaped slaves back to the south, so...

    yeah. back and forth is probably the best we're going to get.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I doubt I'll ever vote anything except third-party, personally.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan so you're throwing away your vote, giving votes to the greater of two evils then.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    It communicates that I'm dissatisfied with the current state of things. That's more than, say, not voting would do. But I refuse to vote for either of the main parties because voting for one of them communicates that I'm okay with the two-party system that's developed.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan it's why I'mo happy to live a place with small parties and coalitions, more stable and fewer wild swings. Always people keeping an eye on each other, now the left-ish coalition we curretly have is garbage, and they don't do much right, but the representative from the party I voted for is doing an awesome job.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Duverger's Law: the U.S. will always have a two-party system as long as most states' electoral college is winner-take-all.

    You can rail against the two party system, but it's like shouting at Mt. Rushmore, unfortunately. It's never going to change.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think I remember reading about some states trying to work together to effectively remove the electoral college? It was something like, if enough states join the agreement, they'd all change their system to being popular-vote-based.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    "...if enough states join..."

    And that, young man, is why we can never have nice things.

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeeeeah that's the iffy bit of course. XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Sadly so... but who knows? Maybe if we cloned Stacy Abrams a bunch of times, we could get some actual change.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    Afraid I have no idea who that is.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    She's a big community organizer and Democrat politician in Georgia. She's doing much good there. Badly needed good.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan IIRC they're only like two states off, though. They've already got hundreds of electors, effectively.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I honestly can't see the post-Trump Republicans being right about anything.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'll note that part of the reason I didn't vote in 2020 was that I became aware - shortly before the election - of the fact that both parties have been murdering innocent people for decades with no repercussions, and I couldn't bring myself to express support for either of them, even if it would make a net positive difference to the world

    Some things are bad enough that they can't be overlooked for any cost.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan As noted prior, I'm not religious;

    that said, the best metaphor I can think of is that I cannot stain my soul to make the world better - because such is inherently impossible.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Not to be snarky, but...


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan That's not even getting into the 'if we hold them outside of the US the Constitution doesn't apply' bullshit that was used in, uh, Guantanemo?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan but I THINK that one was mostly the R

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Sorry but politics is one of the topics I just don't discuss except in person. Too easy for things to be taken out of context and completely ruin friendships. :D

    (I don't discuss it with people I disagree with or who I think I might agree with; I've made it a hard rule.)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I know. Forgive the awkward reference to an awkward movie, but your oath of political celibacy is on file. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I don't know the movie, but now that you mention it I do remember mentioning this to you before. :D

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yes, and me engaging in the topic isn't meant as baiting. I figure you'll stop where you want to stop, and that's totally cool.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    No prob.

    (are you still awake???)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah. I need to switch off my brain! XD


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan aha, interesting, both would be far right parties in norway, so I don't think the farther right is a good idea.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan ehm are you trying to not all republicans? Because all republicans are at fault for big parts of the us taking bodily autonomy away from women, and trans hatred is from them 95% of the time...

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    No, I'm not. I disagree with both major political parties in the US. I'm saying it's a problem that Christianity is associated with being Republican in the first case, since I don't think the values do line up, but most US "christians" assume they do.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > We have their thoughts and prayers
    > and who could ask for more?

    > You pray unto a God who loves the hungry and the weak
    > Your actions do not match the prayers you speak

    Those are from two different songs by Jonathan Young, they're both pretty heavy




    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Honestly, the whole first verse there applies pretty neatly to a lot of 'religious' folk today.

    > Let them hear us sing, lost and broken souls
    > Trusted priest and king, all of the lies they told
    > They can hear our cries, leave us in the cold
    > While the children die, watch them count their gold

    especially that last line.

    How much stolen wealth does the Vatican have, again?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I don't know much of that history, unfortunately.
    I imagine there are a whoooole heck of a lot of skeletons in that big closet.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan My catholic history teacher was veeeeery upfront about it at one point 😅

    I mean, that's basically why the Protestants are a thing, no? Because a looooot of people got fed up with the church literally selling people tickets to heaven?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    "Indulgences! Get your fresh indulgences right here!"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeeeep that's where it started, assuming my history classes were correct.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and, relatedly, with the church sending folks off to engage in ACTUAL LITERAL GENOCIDE, plunder other people's shit, and then use that to buy their way into heaven

    I feel like there was an important rule about, oh right, "DO NOT STEAL" somewhere in there, no?


    and also "DO NOT MURDER"

    Juuuust saying.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Not really following the buy their way into heaven, but I'm tracking you with the rest of it.

    Leonard Ravenhill (a revivalist preacher) would say, "You wouldn't send your daughters off to [prostitute themselves] to benefit your country, so why do you send your sons off to kill?"


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Isn't that basically what indulgences were? Give money and all is forgiven?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Ah, yes. Now I see what you mean.

    I think it was more to secure a loved one's place in heaven, but yeah.

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    My understanding is they would reduce purgatory.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeeeah the crusades are another whole box of… something.

    Church history is not pretty.


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yup large amounts of people where I'm from got murdered in the "christening" it's weird how christians always talk as if they are against murders and stealing when it's exactly what they inflicted on us, yeah I mean it's the same as what the vikings did, but at least we never claim we were against it :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I know you don't do movies much, and it's only tangentially related to the subject at hand, but I think you really need to watch "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" at some point.

    It's a magnificent film.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan e.g. there's a lot of Jewish behavior I consider antithetical not just to my personal values, but also to Torah values

    There's some things I'm totally fine with that I find antithetical to Torah values, too


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan you loke the people who abandon their kids for not agreeing with them, and kill kids that could surive by not letting them do blood transfusion because of the way they read a book..

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Well, those aspects obviously stink. I had forgotten about the blood transfusion ridiculousness. O_o
    Cutting off kids because they don't follow your beliefs is sadly not isolated to JWs, although they are particularly egregious about it.
    My friend's father-in-law wouldn't come to their wedding. Sheesh.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    People are complex, and belief systems are complex. I can respect some aspects of a group's practice, even if I find some aspects weird. But yeah, I had forgotten just how controlling the organization/structure is. That's absolutely not ok.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't respect groups, or ideas, I respect people, and people abandoning or killing loved ones deserve no respect.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yep, they aren't allowed to tank to their kids, shun them, toss them out so others have to take care of them, which is why jw doesn't get any money from the norwegian people like other religions, because their rules are evil and make people do bad things.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan pretty sure that if I ever marry, I'm getting disowned /shrug

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Very.

    And divorced, too! Woo!


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan What I'm getting at is that i had GREAT ROLE MODELS as a kid


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oh man. :(

    I had such an advantage, having non-religious parents that told me exactly nothing about religion.

    I'd take that upbringing over a "Here's all the world's religions and what they believe, and how they're similar and how they're different."


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    PLEASE do not ever do that to a kid -- filling their minds with "religion" instead of leaving them open to explore faith on their own. It's bloody criminal.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    I'm not saying people shouldn't teach their own faith to their kids. I'm just saying that I honestly abhor the world religion smorgasbord approach. It's just awful. Way to inoculate kids from ever having any kind of faith (most likely).


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Personal question (answer if you like), what of your parents (expression/practice of) faith did you admire, and how do you feel about it now that you have some perspective?


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Gimme a few days to think about it :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan is that the ST live long and prosperx

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Heh. Yeah, it's the classic ASCII art Vulcan hand salute. ;)

    Also represented with a simple #LLAP which Leonard Nimoy himself popularized on #BirdSite (when he was still with us, RIP).

    (Live Long and Prosper)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    For the longest time whenever I'd raise my hand in greeting I'd accidentally do the Vulcan hand thing.

    Keep in mind I've never watched the show.

    RL_Dane, (edited )
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Interesesting spellling, mi freind.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    lol, but what's a big brother for?!?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Heyyy the "girl you walk with physics with" I teased one brother about and about which relationship he claimed there was nothing just agreed to date him so I'm getting plenty of teasing in about that. ;)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I had the some upbringing, did some exploring and reading too, wanted to believe for a while, but it's nothing you can force really, either, one is convinced or not.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oh, absolutely true.

    I just hate the idea of kids being given the most cynical view from the outset -- that of religion as a purely human phenomena. The human soul is made to ponder big questions, and giving easy (and crappy) answers to really enormous questions absolutely saps the soul's potential (unless the person is naturally given to pondering deeper and questioning their assumptions)



    Personally I didn't really know anything about religion before I started at school.

    If I asked about the bigger things my mom and dad was pretty honest about not knowing the answers, but giving me help to look in libraries and stuff to figure things out as I was getting old enough to read.

    I am really happy that they were honest enough to tell me they didn't know when they didnt :)

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    In my case, I literally didn't know what the word "religion" meant until around middle school or so, but I had some kind of innate knowledge of God, or intuition.

    I went to a Catholic school for a semester during middle school, and I thought it was both interesting, and incredibly boring.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    A couple years later, I was (somehow?) going through confirmation classes at a Lutheran school, but dropped out. I just didn't see any point in it. It was (to me at the time) all form, no substance.

    I became an agnostic soon after that, and then an atheist fairly early on in High School until my early-mid twenties.



    > but I had some kind of innate knowledge of God, or intuition.

    I'm not sure what this means, it's kind of a weird thing to just come up with out of nothing.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean that as a child, I had an intuition that there had to be some kind of Prime Mover in the world. Some kind of apotheosis of virtue.



    As a 5 year old you had a concept of a prime mover?? I hardly knew how to tie my own shoes at that time.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I've always been a crocs kid. Still am. I think I was about eleven before I could consistently tie my own shoes. And even then I almost never wore anything but crocs.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    My grandma bought about a decade worth of crocs in incrementing sizes for each of us boys and sent them overseas to us. XD



    Ah, a new kid, crocs didn't exist when I grew up :p

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    An intuition of something to that effect, not a full-blown theology/philosophy.



    Hmm, I don't know, that kind of feels like second hand indoctrination to me, but I won't claim something that I don't have any idea about, I still kind of doubt it coming out of nothing.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Well I think the implication is that it didn't come from nothing, but that God put it there. But I understand not believing that. :D



    That's kind of an apologetic and arguing some kind of a-priori knowledge that I see no reason for, at least for me. It's kind of very shaky when we can understand how it get there with way less assumptions than "a god exists, this god cares about people, this god can put things in peoples minds, it wanted to do it, did it to some people and not to other" compared to they picked up something from the environment they grew up in.

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > ... apologetic and arguing some kind of a-priori knowledge...

    I'm not really arguing from a perspective of origins, but rather an a priori (YES) knowledge of something greater than ourselves.
    I know it's a weak argument. To me, there are simply things that transcend pure logos, dialectic, and even dogma. But that's a gut-conviction (a meta-gut-conviction, even), and not easy to be argued.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    As I said, it's definitely not in and of itself an argument that God exists. Much more of a personal thing than something that can persuade others. Perhaps a hint to look in a direction rather than persuasion either way.



    plural of anectdotes is not evidence.

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yep, as I said it's not evidence.



    > "It's not in an of itself evidence"

    It's not in any way evidence.

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean, it's always possible that I overheard something, but I really didn't have any kind of religious upbringing.



    That doesn't mean you don't pick up things from neighbours, traditions and things like that, maybe from being at a friend's house and they were doing prayers before a meal and things like that.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I know. Call it a meta-conviction. Can't really be argued or even properly conveyed, but only described.


    so kind of like the porn thing?

    "I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it"

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Uhh, least favorite subject, but I guess? But that would be more of a flesh reaction vs. a soul one.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan hah, well, I was not thinking about the feeling, more of the thing that you can't really describe but kind of know what is, it's just my degenerate mind that goes straight to porn :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan probably way more than the second time :p I'll try to be better, the first time I meant porn like in unixporn though ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    That's an interesting phenomenon, "porn" being used to describe gawking at non-titillating images.

    Not moralizing you, BTW. I'm obviously not a fan of the, er, artform, but I'm not a fan of moralizing either. At least not in a person-to-person sense.

    I'll moralize on social issues all day long ;)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan no worries, yeah, It's often used to describe things like that, and there is something to that, it also depends on a lot of things, where does the border lie between porn and art, is there anything redeemable about it, it's generally something that can be hard to define, is something porn if it isn't distributed, I'm getting tired and sleepy, and my mind goes to weird places :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah I'm very not a fan of the title of "unixporn". I could totally get into the subreddit if not for the title but it puts me off. And it seems silly of them to pick a title that'll alienate a lot of people who are like me. I mean… it's vivid, so I guess it hits that mark. But still…


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan am I the only one that usually don't feel bothered about stupid things like that?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    There are plenty of people who aren't bothered. I am, though, and most people I hang out with IRL would likely be. :P


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well, I guess you can be happy you didn't grow up where I did, and around the time I did, that was some weird times at times.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think it largely is upbringing-based, though. If I'd grown up in a different situation I'd likely have a very different reaction to language.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah sure, I grew up in a very blue collar down to earth family, which has made me almost incapable of enjoying things that requires a "finer palate" so it's not all good :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, I think it's a terribly dumb term.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan It's also an accurate term, so keeping away is a reasonable choice ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I don't think it's accurate. UnixErotica, maybe.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Problem is it's hard to start an alternate place for people to post stuff with an alternate name since a lot of people would just see it as a duplicate. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Greasemonkey. Just change the name for your own browser. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Nahhhh I still couldn't. I'm in COMM, remember? I obsess about how other people view things; using unixporn communicates implicit approval of the name, as I see it.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan why would it? I am in the ask an atheist reddit, doesn't mean that I agree with or use the label or the other people using it.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Different people are different, I guess. That's how I look at it, at least.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan there is usabilityporn too, but I guess that's not too much better for you :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Nope, though I like the idea behind the subreddit better, I still wouldn't use it. :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I've been on there. It's a pretty great sub, if you can get past the name (which you probably can't, and that's absolutely not wrong).

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I do like that sub a lot more.

    I think r/unixporn posts with a pretty background and one or two small terminals are kinda dumb, tbh. ;)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and often so much transparency that you would in practice be unable to actually use the terminals, well maybe they just don't use the terminal that much.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    YES. I remember experimenting with transparency early on in my first time playing with #KDE #Plasma a few years back.

    Made some very pretty screenshots, but was soon an eyesore. XD


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah, I've found anything over just a bit to be really bad, as in the text gets unclear and stuff like it yeah.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan My point was that I wouldn't want to see a place where people post the stuff they'd post there, generally :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    But yeah, I'm tracking with you. And actually, it's a good analogy.

    I mean, I'd make it more general to Eros, and not just porn. Because porn is Eros-as-product.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Isn't eros more like lovemaking than the often more carnal raw some times really ugly nature of porn? There is a lot of it, really a lot that just don't work for someone like me who is rather "boring" and vanilla, and just want something wholesome ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, eros is more about sensual love, while porn is... more perfunctory? I honestly think it's really dehumanizing to all involved.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan so here is a question then, what about people in a long distance relationship sharing nudes, is that porn, it's obviously closer to sharing the little intimacy one can have between seeing each other.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan IMO, definitely not the same thing at all.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Eh, perfunctory-towards-the-goal-of-sustaining-a-real-relationship?

    I guess. I mean, I wouldn't judge it. I mean, I wouldn't need to know, lol. ;)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well, I've been in long distance relationships where it was some of the only ways to share intimacy, apart from the times that we were actually together, some of my longest relationships started out long distance.

    I mean intimacy, and being close in many ways are really important things for humans.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I was about to reply to the other post, but: basically this.

    I don't have any moral objections to erotica, but porn is not erotic art; it is a debasement of the erotic arts, as surely as Beiber debases the sonorous arts, Atlas Shrugged is a debasement of the literary arts, and every Star Wars movie since after I was born is a debasement of the visual arts. Or, even more directly, as "food porn" is a debasement of the culinary arts.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan



    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'd even go further and say that, by definition, in order to be porn, a work has to emphaize the worst parts of an art, and pervert the good.

    For instance, one of the joys of food is its transience: it's never quite the same, and it's always a reminder that it's made by people.

    Actually, ha, I've already given a good quote to this effect. Won't fit in this post, so 1/2:


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan >
    > Hedonism has never been enjoyment, but the opposite. They take the wonderful things of life and indulge until they lose savor. It's listening to beautiful music, performed so loud as to eliminate all subtlety - taking something beautiful and making it carnal."

    • The King's Wit, Brandon Sanderson's "Oathbringer"

    Pornography is just the worst possible interpretation of hedonism; it takes erotica and debases every aspect of it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I think I've used it on you before ;)

    ...also this is not actually a thread lol, we've forked the conversation in a dozen different ways at this point :D

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeeeah I've started wishing I could mute certain forks rather than just an entire conversation. :P


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan /me jots notes for the inevitable bespoke AP server

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    sigh Yeah, it is pretty much inevitable at this point, isn't it? I've even started reading the 40k+-word ActivityPub docs. XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I can already tell that tonight is gonna be another that'll take forever to scroll through the backlog, since my schedule is inverted from pretty much everyone else in this conversation. XD

    I only finished last night's a few hours ago.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Speaking of which I think I'll be heading off to snoozeland now. It's pretty late here.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan good night, hope you catch some good zs


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan good night! :)

    I'll wait for further conversation in this thread till you're back XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    (notes down yet another feature for the inevitable AP platform I'm going to end up coding XD )

    @hq1@fosstodon.org avatar


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  • pixelherodev,

    @hq1 @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan That's because good conversations ebb and flow with the minds of the participants ;)

    We're just awesome, is what I'm getting at

    and also IRC is better than fedi but I don't know any good, purely social IRC servers so I hang here anyways :blobcatsad:


    @pixelherodev @hq1 @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'm not a big fan of the immediate nature of it though, I've had to stop chatting many times, since it's not good for my mental health, things like this and forums that are async I deal with a lot better.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @hq1 @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    That's why I love Fedi and tut-cli.


    @hq1 @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and yet we haven't fulfilled Goodwin's law yet :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Also, this was obviously penned LONG before Godwin's law was rescinded* by Godwin himself. :/


    (Relative to the context at hand, not universally, I think. Maybe someday we can joke about Nazis again, but not today.)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan we can't joke about nazis? There is something I haven't followed I guess-

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    "Nazi" isn't funny when you're dealing with literal Nazis.

    Just like you wouldn't joke about dragons if half the town is being eaten by dragons.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well dark and heavy humour is often a important point in mentally get through things.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @hq1 @Anachron @sirber @fbievan [insert tasteful joke about Jewish humor traditionally making light of the bad things that happened to them, before the literal Nazis happened.]

    I'm Jewish and I can't figure out how to make it tasteful, so I'll leave it at that :(

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @hq1 @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Kind of how Patrick Stewart took Shylock and made him a more victorious character through humor and sarcasm.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hmm that image isn't loading for me but it might be my terrible connection rn.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @hq1 @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    It's a tweet from Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) saying,
    "By all means compare these s**theads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you."
    Dated Aug 14, 2017 10:03 AM (tz unknown)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @hq1 @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    OH MY GOODNESS, that's where all this came from!! My light fbdev terminal? LOL!!!


    @RL_Dane @hq1 @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan nahhhhhhhhh, it came from the FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY!


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I dunno, I find it quite plausible to be honest.

    A lot of people have the intuition that things happen for a reason - taking it to [one possible] logical extreme, even for a kid, is perfectly plausible IMO. I doubt it's common, but I also doubt it never happens.

    [that's not even getting into whether or not it's right, of course - people, kids and otherwise, have plenty of incorrect intuitions!]

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I'm actually not crazy about that line of reasoning.
    I mean, something good may very well come out of evil tidings (or so we'd hope), but that doesn't mean the evil tidings came about FOR the sake of those good things.

    That would just be creepy.

    Obviously, I'm not a #Calvinist.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I didn't even mean good/bad things, even, just the idea of causality itself.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ah, well, then yes. I think that's the whole idea of the Prime Mover, an origin point for all causality.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yep.

    I personally disagree with it, but "I disagree with it" has rarely implied, for me, "I don't think a child would come up with it" :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, this is why mythos is mythos and logos and logos.
    I don't say never the twain shall meet, but rather a hammer is a terrible screwdriver, and a screwdriver (particularly Phillips #00 ;) is a terrible hammer.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well to be honest phillips isn't that great of a screwdriver head shape anyway, torx is generally nicer to work with.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oh, true. I kinda hate Phillips. They have a square-shaped screwdriver system in Canada called Robertson. I always thought that was a great idea. ;)



    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I think I've seen it a few times in the US, and I have bits for it; I agree that it's better than what we've got :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Just seems like such an obvious solution. Only way for it to be better is if maybe it was a triangle. More polys, more strippage.



    Sure enough, but what makes you think there is a prime mover, if that prime mover is eternal, why couldn't our universe be, no matter what you end up with infinite regression, just that yours have more steps that are unknown.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean... [unanswerable], but if we're going to dance around the unknowable, if a universe comes from a singularity, is it still a universe? What is it exactly? A seed? A being?



    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I do not understand the question.

    "If all matter in the universe was, at one point in the past, compressed into a single point, then what does that imply?"

    Virtually nothing, as I see it? It implies that all matter was in one point?

    I'd have to throw myself back into math and physics for a week or three to have a more satisfying answer, but purely philosophically I see no meaning in it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Eh, I could only do the philosophy dance, my understand of physics and especially math is pretty paltry.

    How can a universe be a single point? Is it even a universe at that point? What if it's something more like (spitballin' here) a thought?

    Just a thought. ;)


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Ehhh

    Just because all the stuff is in one place doesn't inherently mean the container is. I don't see how it would meaningfully affect the "character" of the universe [or whatever word you want to use].

    It'd just be a universe with all the stuff in one place, just like our current universe is just a universe with all the stuff spread out.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think my thing is that any understanding of the nature of our universe falls apart when it's in a singularity. At least my understanding of it does.

    Even if we define the universe as a limitless expanse containing varying amounts of mass and volume, a universe containing all of the massenergy of the universe today in a singularity is what I'd call Something Other-Than.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan but we don't know doesn't mean we just invent something to explain it, we just don't know.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I'm not so much trying to invent something to explain it, but rather trying to specify what I... don't know about it?

    Yeah, cross-eyed again. XD


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well that is easy, for most of those grand big things, I don't know. So I can't say anything about how the universe came into existence or if there is any meaning to it, and neither can anyone else.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    No, there's no way to prove it one way or the other, or even to prove that the entire topic is meaningless and pointless (although it may indeed be quite unfruitful).

    That's why I think it behooves all to engage in the topic with charity and humility.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I wouldn't define the universe like that, though.

    I'd define the universe as "the thing that holds all stuff in it," to be extremely non-mathematical ("the four dimensions of space and time," presumably, if I were going for the math)

    No matter what you do to the stuff, it does not affect the container.

    I'd definitely reject the definition of the universe as a "limitless expanse"; whether it's finite is entirely irrelevant!

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > ("the four dimensions of space and time," presumably, if I were going for the math)
    I'd personally describe it as "the seven dimensions of space, time, and possibility" but that's just me being weird. ;)


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'm talking just based on the physically observable ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I have to agree to disagree, but I don't have a well-formed argument for why.

    I just think the universe-as-space doesn't matter when the only thing in it is an impossible pinpoint of all matter/energy/probability.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan how is tha any more impossible than many other weird things in our existence, like big parts of qantum mechanics.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan ^ 100% this. All of this.

    The world is an impossible place; to impose what can or cannot be based on our sensibilities of what is possible is just silly.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Of note: this is also part of why I don't reject the idea of spirituality - I find it basically utterly insane, but I think that's true about things which I'm certain are real, too, so arguably the fact that it's crazy is a point in its favor!


    I don't care how much you mansplain photolithography to me, I GET IT, but it's STILL WRITING RUNES ON ROCKS.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Heh, I never bother using it, since I don't care what happens on twitter, I was mostly just copy/pasting from search. ;)

    I figure it's not hard to put in nitter if you want to, especially since I gave warning that it's a twitter link.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    …that link looks sus to me. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    AHhh but you were copying from search. Hilarious! XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Says the dude who posts unsanitized #birdsite links! 😆😝

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I hadn't checked the context in the thread yet. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    You can't be blamed for that.
    I think James Joyce would take one look at this thread and say, "Gee, it's just a little long, don't you think?" XD


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I can't believe I've just seen you say "sus"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @wyndix @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @sirber @Anachron @fbievan

    I am a gen-z adult. ;)

    I'm more prone to using slang when it's very clearly in a joking context already. If there's any chance of the joke flying over someone's head, the slang from an unexpected source helps clue them in. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    There's a line from the Loki series I really loved.

    Loki was ridiculing the Owen Wilson character for believing that he was created by the timekeepers. Owen responds by asking where he came from. Loki said that he was created by an ice giant of Jotunheim.
    Owen responded by saying that no matter what you believe about your origins, the more you look into it, the more ridiculous it sounds.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Whereas I don't see it as impossible at all ;)

    My solution to the paradox is to assume that the math is subtly wrong, and that compressing all the matter to a point actually works just fine - or, perhaps, that it wasn't compressed to a single point, just very very small.

    But yes, without any mechanism of direct observation, all conclusions here are the completely abstract and meaningless, even^Wespecially the ones I agree with ;P


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan or maybe the gigantic gathering of matter warps spacetime in a weird way that makes it make sense.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think that's closer to an answer.

    My issue isn't thinking that a singularity-universe (let's skip the universe definition debate) can't exist, only that it may not be fathomable in any sense, and maybe not any kind of universe that we can comprehend.

    It reminds me a lot of Greek thought: that the origin of all things was a void from which anything can come out. Pure possibility.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    The more I think about the singularity, the more my brain kind breaks. XD


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'm fascinated about string theory, I read about it until I feel like I understand it, then I forget and start again :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    String theory is mad, and cool. No one can convince me there were no recreational pharmaceuticals (or at least, some kind of deep trance states) involved. XD


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah, there are some really out there stuff in maths that are really cool :)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well you take a universe, then you press it down to half the size, and you keep on doing it, at which size does it stop being a universe?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan That's just word games, man :P

    I could classify the current universe as a manylarity, because it started as a single point, and expanded into many; clearly, we've gone from being a universe (when we were a singularity) to something meaningfully different.

    I find the argument pretty absurd. If you rearrange the matter in the universe in any fashion, the result should - definitionally!- still be the universe!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I disagree, and I'm not trying to be semantically clever.

    To me an entire universe of matter packed into a single dot is impossible to comprehend. You may define the universe as the space around that dot, but to me, that dot still defies understanding.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Maybe, but I also would say that the dot was still within the universe, not that the dot is the universe.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I get that distinction. I'm not sure I agree, but I understand where you're coming from.

    I have a hard time seeing an endless true vacuum as the universe.
    It is more plausible if it indeed isn't endless, but then what defines its bounds? And what is beyond it? That has a lot of problems.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan no the universe would be that dot, I mean an infinitely big void is also kind of impossible to imagine as well. Really big, sure but infinite, I even find it hard to understand the distance to the nearest galaxy.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I've always found infinity pretty easy to understand - instead of trying to picture a large number, I just visualize endless growth [or, for endless space, endless movement]

    Sure, you can't visualize all of infinity at once, but that's kinda the definition of infinity ;)


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    yeah, but the space between us and the next galaxy might as well be infinity to me, it's so large, and infinity is just so much more.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    The problem with a non-infinite universe is trying to define its bounds, why it's limited, and what lies beyond it.

    If we define the universe as an infinite void with some stuff in it in various volumes, densities, and arrangements, that just seems more intuitive to me.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah I'm not saying it's not infinite, just that even imagining it to me personally is really difficult :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Have you heard about (I might get the name wrong) the infinite hotel problem? It's where an infinite number of people go to an infinite hotel and fill it up, then another infinite bus of people want to stay at the hotel, so the hotel manager tells everyone to move two doors down so that there's another infinity to fill up, so on and so forth.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    [Egad, 500 characters is driving me NUTS]


    My poor description makes it sound like a joke, but I think it's an actual number theory problem/description.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah I've heard of that one.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Not two doors down, but yes.

    For any room n, move the occupant to room 2n; this frees up infinite odd-numbered rooms.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ah, thanks. I knew I wasn't remembering it totally correctly. ;)


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yup tthat's one of my big problems with philosophy, it just takes a bit of time, and it's starting to be weird word games and trying to one-up another, I prefer things that has actual solutions.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I think philosophy is EXTREMELY important - arguably, the most important activity humans engage in - but it's important because it affects how we live our lives.

    Of note, science - as the word is popularly used - has become a term for "philosophy for which we found the answer." The classical term was "natural philosophy."

    I prefer to continue calling it that, as a reminder that it's important to ask questions BEFORE we can answer em


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well people are naturally curious and will always ask questions, i'm not convinced that building gigantic castles in the skies, with extremely flimsy evidence. I just don't see the use for it. It's fun to have wild discussions like that over some relaxing substances for sure, but I don't think it's something very important for anything else than entertainment.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    We can build castles in the sky, but it's best not to try to live in them. X'-D

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Interesting, I always felt "natural philosophy" was an odd term, as philosophy is so up in the air (in good and bad ways) and the scientific method is (relatively) so concrete.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Eh, yeah. That's really filling the gooey center of the Philosophy/Science Venn Diagram. But a lot of science is further away on the diagram.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Haven't, though I've heard of it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    It makes more sense for a singularity to be an origin point than the universe itself, unless you're defining the universe as that singularity, but then we still don't -- oh look, I've gone all cross-eyed.



    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well still, it being a beginning point doesn't indicate a prime mover though, that's just inserting extra variables that we don't understand to explain something else that we don't understand, and that thing will have to be outside of the universe, if something like outside of the universe even exists.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, it's all really heady stuff. It sounds to me like you could identify that universingularity as a prime mover, as it no longer has the properties of any natural phenomenon that we can understand.

    We can't hardly even imaging gazing AT it from outside it, in which case, what is it actually?

    Yep, cross-eyed again. ;D

    I love aporia (logical impasse).


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan it's the sack of space that we live in, and the only one we know, which makes even fantasising about it weird, if all we have ever seen were black swans, would we even come up with dogs? maybe all we could imagine was different varieties of birds. So yeah, it's crazy.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    That's why I think considering a priori knowledge and not dismissing it out of hand is important.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Considering that we all know SO very little of our origins, source, and purpose, WHAT IF there was some kind of low-level soul firmware that still had a wee little connection to that which came before us? I'd think of it along the lines of monotheism (sorrynotsorry, lol), but it's not limited to that in this train of thought.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan why monotheism rather than an ensamble like the old norse pantheon? Or nothing lik in buddhism and no religion, like we say in norway, it kind of feels like butter on bacon, too much for no good reason.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think the pantheon of gods has its own problems. First of all, if gods are in opposition to each other, are they even worth following?
    Secondly, if they have parents, then who is the original god? Is then the original god God, and the other gods just superheroes?


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    As far as non-theistic faiths, I think they have a stronger argument, taking observations of the world around them and extrapolating a higher purpose and being, but not necessarily a creator or superior being -- just a more abstracted one, like the Kami of Shintō (if I'm understanding the concept correctly, which I'm likely not ;)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well if a god allows suffering and throws someone to eternal hell for not worshipping them, are they worth following?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    In this context and the limitations of the forum, it's best not to even attempt a worthwhile response. It's just too prone to divisiveness.

    I will say however, the devil's always in the details of how the question is framed.

    And I'm gonna have to leave it at that. :)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I've had many apologists and even priests trying to explain me solutions to the problem of evil, and nobody has came with a sane or even likely explanation for it, so don't worry :p


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan My personal explanation is that, taking for granted the existence of a unified Higher Power, their ultimate goal is not maximization of benevolence, and that that's a silly human imposition.

    It makes more sense to me that, if there is a higher power, they're more interested in watching [and possibly helping] us to become better than we are - and that inherently requires conflict!

    But hey, that's just a hypothesis. A GOD HYPOTHESIS


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I mean, the classic metaphor for the divine is that of the parent - and no good parent just goes around solving all of their children's problems!

    A good parent will lie to their kids if it means they become better people down the line; if anything, I find it entirely plausible that many religious texts from many religions were divinely inspired, and still largely false.


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan what parent damns their kid to eternal damnation for not doing as they said though?


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I said I find the divine plausible, not Catholicism ;P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hate to break it to you, but Catholics are hardly the only ones who handle this subject flippantly. :/


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Okay, but that was more of a flippant response myself ;P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    lol true... and maybe we shouldn't be flippant. :P


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan hehe, yeah, if you take away the benevolent part of a god idea that would be totally working, but then why worship them if they are not benevolent then they may just as well lie to you and you're actually worshipping something evil ;)


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't worship any deity, and I sincerely believe that if a deity exists, and is worthy of worship, it would not want my worship anyways.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    I guess that's if your concept of worship is groveling.

    What if worship is relationship? Love? Fellowship? Mutual enjoyment?

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan a relationsip needs to sides, I don't think a parasocial relationship is something that is healthy. Love? What is love when there is no realisation of it, when there is nothing showing love is there is it then love, for something to be mutual two people have to be in contact, I'd say all of those are impossible without bidirectional contact, or else i'm in a relationship with many people.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I guess you're assuming that bidirectional contact with the divine is impossible or delusional. I'm not of the same mind on that.

    In terms of realization of love, it can be love and service towards others (I guess that is parasocial), but also intimacy and enjoyment on a one-to-"one" level with the divine.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that all makes no sense to me, how can love go in only one direction, I have had zero contact with the devine, I don't really even know what that means to me honest.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan This is one reason I consider certain religions to be utterly inherently immoral, as in "If your religion is true, it'd mean that God exists and that God is EVIL."

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    This always flip-flops. If the universe needs a creator, who created the creator?
    If the universe doesn't need a creator, then why can't the creator not need a creator.

    Tomayto Tomahto Potayto Potahto alsdfalskdfjlsakfjlaskjflk XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Man my youngest brother could talk to you for hours about this stuff. He reads dozens of apologetics books in his free time and loves the stuff.

    It's never been something I'm very interested in, though. In my experience no one ever gets convinced of anything by apologetics, it's just a way for people to push themselves deeper into their already-held beliefs.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I have a deeeep dislike for apologetics.

    If you're troubled by a philosopher, lets say, then go read them. Get to understand them well. THEN decide you don't agree and come up with arguments against their ideas.

    Don't just read someone else's pre-chewed ideas and parrot them. That's not worth anything. :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I am happy that he does read a lot of the original sources, I think? Still, he's twelve. I'm kinda astonished he's reading stuff at this level already, and I'm not sure he could handle the raw writings of philosophers yet. Hopefully he'll get to that point. And he's a smart kid, I'm sure he will.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean, yeah. That's a scary-smart twelve year old. :D

    One thing about reading philosophers: it helps a lot to have a sounding board, so you don't get lost in their madness. XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Personal experience, man.
    I was in my second geology course in nearly ten years ago, and the heavy emphasis on evolution was really bewildering me.
    I went for answers to my local campus apologist guy, and I was deeply unsatisfied with what he had to say. Not a bad guy, but it just didn't speak to me.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    I found my couple weeks of deep soul-searching, reading (of both Bible and science), and pondering to be worth more than any amount of time spend reading apologetics.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I think you flipped the second one backwards ;)

    If the universe needs to have a creator - if the first event needs a cause outside the bounds of the universe / causality - well. Even if you take that for granted [and I don't, because i consider 'the first event' to be a definitionally invalid term], who says that that cause had Intention?


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and why would we assume the universe needs a creator in the first place, it may just have always existed.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan > Even if you take that for granted [and I don't, because i consider 'the first event' to be a definitionally invalid term]

    I mentioned that in the post ;)


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that's when you bring out that guy's razor, the explanation that brings in the fewest new assumptions is the one most likely to be true :)


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan If Gods are not in opposition to each other, how do you know which one is worthy of being followed?

    What does it means to be the "original" god? A "god" is just an infinitely powerful entity, classically; all that "Creator" and "absolute power" stuff came about later.

    I also don't think the whole creator/omnipotent bundling is logically necessary.

    Heck, some of the conflict in nature makes MORE sense through a divine-conflict lense!


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I couldn't agree more with you :)


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'll note that I don't take what I wrote there particularly seriously; it's an explanation of why I don't agree with the "monotheism is obvious" sentiment, but I don't actually agree that polytheism is inherently reasonable, either.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well, it's impossible for us to know what was before the singularity as the big bang is where time for us began, it doesn't even really make sense to talk about before, when tim, as we know it didn't exist. The singularity was the universe, just really compressed I guess, beyond that, all we have is guesswork.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Right, I'm not trying to think about before the singularity, even. Just the singularity it self.

    It seems to me you cannot go backwards in time past the early, hot, rapidly expanding universe without crossing a boundary into mythology. I'm not saying I don't think the big bang has scientific merit, only that we're building such a tall ladder of logical statements and educated guesses that it becomes very ethereal in nature.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'd argue that the big bang itself is a mythology, in the literal sense of the word.

    That's not to say that it's not true, but that the source for belief in it is not that it is true. Most people who accept the big bang as the origin of the universe are not scientists who understand the cosmic microwave background; they're normal folks who trust the ones who are.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yes, when science strains so far to look into the past, scientists become priests.

    Not that that is a good or bad thing. But it is a real phenomenon.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    For this reason I'd say my "opinion" about pre-history and what happened during it is best described by the term "agnostic".


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan as a mostly-atheist, I definitely agree with this.

    The core of science is empiricism; most scientific analysis that stretches so far back is extrapolation from empirical observations about the present.

    Correlation has its place, but it takes a few more assumptions than I'm willing to make to accept some of the conclusions that come up in these contexts.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I also think that just because you have a beautiful, elegant, and well-functioning mathematical model for deeply mysterious properties of the universe, it does not necessarily follow that that actually is the way the universe works. It's a functional model matching multitudes of observations.



    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Given that there are a dozen mathematical models for the universe, none compatible with the others, and all with multiple varying interpretations? Yeah.


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Math is just a description. To try and use the math to say something prescriptivist requires a MUCH higher burden of proof.


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah like logic, which technically is also just math, it's just a framework that you can use, if you but in bullshit, bullshit is going to come out.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    The same as if I took a 5MP image and AI/Fractal/N.C.I.S-Magic upscaled it to 50MP, the resulting image may look AMAZING, but that doesn't mean that that resulting image IS what was there.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't think that is what anyone claims it to be though.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Unsure. I haven't had all that many conversations with actual sciences. That's definitely how it's represented in media, though.

    Of course, media is never sensationalistic. XD


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan General rule: NEVER listen to what the media has to say about science. Ever.


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan You can't go past the bginning as far as I understand it at least, even going backwards, at some place it has to begin, and since everything has a beginning it has to stop somewhere, I think I just stop one step before you, as we can't know anything else than that it had a start, philosophy so often just end in people in a big circljerk whil patting themselves on the back


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't think there's a meaningful consensus that time began with the Big Bang. Hawking certainly believed that to be the case, but genius is not always correct.

    Einstein infamously disbelieved quantum mechanics, for instance, though evidence since his death makes it extremely hard to reject, to put it mildly.

    I personally see no reason to believe that time began with the Big Bang.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Man, time is a whole 'nother can of worms.

    Actually, it's a 747 heavy full of suitcases full of cans of worms. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    My theory of physics (a fairly literal "worldview") allows non-paradoxical timetravel. ;)

    I'm not sure I've ever been able to successfully explain it to someone, though. XD


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well, as long as you don't claim it's reality I guess all things are possible.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Nah, I just think it's theoretically possible. Except for one quirk which I won't go into. ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hypothetically possible. I don't think you've crossed into theory territory yet.
    I'm not sure if anything in this subject has at all.

    Unfortunately, in colloquial English, theory == hypothesis.

    So annoying. :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ahh, of course, yes. I avoid the term "hypothesis" for this, though, since it implies I have a way or intent of testing it. I have no way to do so, it's a theoretical structure through which I currently view the world but have no way of testing.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan theory is even worse though because that implies you have gone through the rigor and has tested it..


    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Only in a scientific context, but given that the article is coached in scientific language [which is totally fine, of course!], I think I'd suggest going with "hypothesis" for clarity.

    I don't think anyone's going to misunderstand it, though, unless they're doing so willfully.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, there's not really a good word for something like this. :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah my guard against misunderstanding was the preface where I was saying I haven't really seen anything to confirm or deny it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    But doesn't "theory" imply that it has been tested?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I had a dog, and Bingo is his name ;)


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't know that there is a good word for it. I agree with Ben that hypothesis is wrong, upon further reflection, for the reasons he indicated; but theory in this context also seems wrong.

    I think "idea" works, though is a bit too abstract; there's probably an option I'm missing


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan idea, fantasy, musings, something like that :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > I don't know that there is a good word for it.
    Yeah, that's about where I'm landing on this.

    > I think "idea" works, though is a bit too abstract; there's probably an option I'm missing
    Yeah idea feels ot general. It also makes it feel less fully-formed than it is, to me; I have thought through it a lot, even though I don't have experimental evidence for it.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean not necessarily. If so that's a colloquial meaning tacked on. A theory just means an idea that hasn't been proven. That said there are many theories (like Gravity or Relativity) that have been tested and are very likely, but have no way to actually prove.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan have you tested your musings though?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    Nope, I'm not sure how I'd even go about testing it, since all I can observe is three dimensions. ;)

    It's a "theory" that can't ever really exist out of that realm.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan but can they even be a theory if they are untestable? then they don't qualify I think, the least is that you should be able to test them.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Most definitions of "theory" don't actually require testabililty. But that has become a colloquial connotation of the word.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oooh in looking through this I think I've found the right word for what I have: "conjecture"


    Kinda surprised I didn't think of it earlier.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan conjecture, I would be totally fine with yeah :)


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    That dictionary is flat-out wrong.

    Scientific English holds that a theory has predictive power definitionally; pop open any intro to chemistry/bio/physics/whatever textbook and it will explicitly tell you so.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, I see that. I'd argue from my perspective of a COMM major and based on what I've learned in that class that the scientific definition of "theory" is "jargon"—occupation-specific language. It's not necessarily the same meaning the language at large uses.

    But since this is a scientific-ish conjecture of mine, the scientific jargon fits.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan That, and I'd argue that science is so widespread at this point that it's not purely occupational. A lot of people - most of them not professional scientists! - expect and demand that you hold to this definition at all times.

    Personally, I think the response to "Evolution is just a theory" should have been "We decided that we should still be using 'Law' terminology for these things, it's the Law of Evolution now.'


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan also, busy; bye for a few days :)

    Assuming the thread doesn't die right now, I'm probably going to revive it on, like, Tuesday as I start answering all the posts from the next 20 minutes XD


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan hope you'll get through it well :)


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that's just because over use by people not in the group using the jargon it gets watered down, there is no more and less correct in semantics really, but for communication I would think clarity would count more than just the number of definitions you find supporting you. I can swear I use fags for cigarettes in a conversation, but I would never use it in a situation where I can hurt people with it.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    True, at that point it becomes more colloquial.

    Side note, it tickles me pink that the word "jargon" is itself COMM jargon. Yeah, that's the kind of humor (if you can call it that) that for some reason gets me. XD


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan The scientific definition of a theory is, in fact, an that's been tested repeatedly, never been disproved, and which has predictive power. In order to count as a theory, knowledge has to have been predicted using the theory before that knowledge was empirically confirmed.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hmm, yeah, I suppose from the scientific end it may be defined differently than the linguistic end.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan linguistics, well, I mean if you drag in semantics, but linguistically it has both meanings, depending on who's using it and the situation, when you use it in a context that feels like science, the science connotations will most often be used.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yeah, I was going to mention that this is a Context issue.

    Words don't have definitions; (word, context) tuples do.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan theoretically possible is just a fancy way to say we have no idea :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yup, that's exactly it! I have no idea but I like to imagine it. :D


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I can understand that, I love imagine space travel and sci-fi stories, but would never myself go onto a rocket :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I would totally go to space. :D

    I mean I don't know how much I'd be willing to pay for the privilege, but if offered to me for free?


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I don't accept the premise that everything has a beginning; in fact, I think it's logically incompatible with the very idea of causality.

    If every event has a cause, then for any event which WOULD be the beginning - the first event - it must, definitionally, have a cause.

    In order for the universe to have a beginning, causality must not be absolute.

    I find that less plausible than the alternative, to be honest.


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah I mean isn't it kind of impossible, even? But since Dane was talking about a prime mover, how does a prime mover mean if nothing needs to be moved, I agree with you by the way, I don't think everything needs to have a beginning.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I think either way you come at it, there's always a really good argument for the opposite. These arguments always end in some sort of impasse, but they're fun.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    What about cyclical time? That is kind of a neat solution. If time is a circle, then it's both "contained" in a sense (and doesn't sprawl on indefinitely, which is difficult to imagine), nor does it have the problem of coming from a fixed point.

    But then again "Cylon eyes time" (going back and forth in the same space) is another hypothetical possibility.


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan it just turn into philosophy masturbation now, well, that's just philosophy for you.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I wish I could remember how my translation studies professor described philosophy.

    It was something along the lines of, "The philosophers are just airing each other's laundry" or something like that. But I'm pretty sure I'm missing a lot.

    This was a good number of years back.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I was at a party today with a bunch of people from my old drama club and we got to playing improv games. In one I ended up playing a "philosophical clown" for most of it. :D

    (The scene was at a circus, and I was assigned to be a clown, so I threw in a bunch of existential questions and theories to everything I said and did)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I had a blast. :D

    The specific game was our own customized version of the party game Mafia. The short version is, we have a defined scenario, then we all design characters we stay in for the duration of the game.

    In this case I was assigned to be a clown but really wanted something more interesting so I threw in the "Philosopher" part.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Philosophy always ends in either agreement of the conclusions, or a disagreement of premises, basically.

    and, historically, philosophers haven't been very great at noticing that their premises were, in fact, assumptions.


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan yeah, like Descartes is a very big example of that. There are just so much of it to seems to be built on such a flimsy fundament.


    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yeah, he had some good ideas, buuuuuut


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I disagree with this take; I don't think that a reasonable interpretation of the math implies a hard beginning of time.

    I've even seen interpretations of the math which, combined with long-term predictions of universal behavior, implies that time is infinite in both directions, and that eventually the universe will compress again and explode again in a never-ending cycle.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    And if you can somehow create a recording of all of those BOOMs and FOOPs, and somehow preserve it through time eternal, play it back at fifteen million gajillion times speed, it will begin to form notes and words and say,

    "Louie Louie, oh no, you take me where ya gotta go
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby
    Louie Louie, oh baby, take me where ya gotta go..."


    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan sure it won't be never gonna give you up?

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yes, but then it'd be lying, because you would've died a zillion times already ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hmm predestination…

    Kinda factors into my view of physics. Of course my view is extremely complex and seven-dimensional. (And if you add an eighth in, I think it allows non-paradoxical time travel!)

    I wrote it up once: https://benjaminhollon.com/musings/a-seven-dimensional-universe/

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Seems pretty straightforward, but I'm not following how you're expressing multiversal possibility as three dimensions. To me, it would either be a single dimension (distance from our universe) or as more dimensions than I can conceive: the time, place, and decision that spawned the new universe, and the universe from which it came.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah it's pretty tricky to visualize. Not sure how to explain it better than I did. XD

    I think, based on what you said, that this is accurate: it fits the "single dimension" you said, where it expresses distance from our universe. The reason there's three is that there's one of those "single dimensions" for each of the three spatial dimensions.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, tbh my eyes glazed over a bit when it got to the three dimensions of possibility part XD

    I'll try to give it a more careful reading later.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeeeah it's not the easiest idea to parse. There was one day that I was thinking over those two ideas and just "got it". There's only two other people I think I've really successfully explained it to, in person. XD

    Also this article wasn't written with the most care in the world. But I think it gets the point across.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan sory, that just sounds like wooo

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Heh it goes over most people's heads pretty easily. XD

    It's a bit crazy and I haven't seen it anywhere before but it makes sense to me.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Honestly seems more like philosophy than physics to me ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    In a way it is. It started when I encountered Eternalism and really liked the idea, but didn't agree with the fact that it implies determinism. So in a way this is "Eternalism but still allowing free will." XD


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'm still unconvinced that agency and determinism are fundamentally at odds :P

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    How could the two work together, unless you're implying some kind of wonky secular Arminianism?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan If I can predict exactly what you're going to do in a given context, does that mean you don't have agency? I don't think so.

    Rather, I'd go so far as to say that agency is usually predictable. If you know someone, you can predict their response to a given event.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I agree with you. Standard eternalism, though goes further. It doesn’t just say that everything is decided but that the future already exists as part of the universe. That to me feels like it does take away agency. But maybe that’s an arbitrary line.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Hmm. To me, saying that the future is a fixed part of the universe doesn't actually feel like it takes away agency.

    To me, that would be more like saying that the future was determined WITHOUT your input.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    But if you are a part of the universe steering the universe, and the outcome is the outcome -- to me, that still has agency, although maybe not as much as saying that there are any number of futures and universes that branch according to what we do.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    But determinism != prediction.

    Prediction is actually a central tenet of Arminianism (as I understand it), that rather than arbitrarily choosing the Good and the bad, He foreknows those that will choose to be good and those who choose to be bad, and does not force their hand either way.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, "free will" isn't quite the term I'm looking for but I'm not sure of a better one, at least this late at night.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that's why I said "agency;" I think it encompasses the same idea while being less generally vague.


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I'm not convinced we really have free will.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Well of COURSE you'd say that, wind-up-clock-person. /s


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan well.. I don't know if it's best for me to just say nothing to that, but I'm a very down to earth person.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I am very much not. XD

    I have an overactive internal monologue that keeps me awake at night.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that's something that is very weird to me as I've never had an inner monologue or voice in my head. I was sure that voiceover in movies was just a trick of the movies, not that people actually narrate and think in words and sentences.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I've never heard of this before, although it sounds a little bit like the phenomena where people are unable to visualize anything, but can only mentally describe it to themselves.

    My internal interlocutor is an absolute MOTORMOUTH.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan you mean aphantasia? That's not really what I have, it's just that I don't have a voice in my head, sometimes it makes talking cumbersome, since I have to translate the weird collection of fragmented feelings, memories, and concepts into something halfway coherent :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Not everyone has an internal monologue. I've met people from both sides. But I definitely do, and as far as I can tell it's far more active than anyone else I've talked to about it.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Wait, you're saying we can figure out which people have souls just by asking?!


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yep! People with internal monologues clearly don't have souls so we need that coping mechanism.



    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan No, no, not having souls opens us up to demonic influence; obviously that's what the internal monologue IS.

    ...I will note that I am genuinely unconvinced that my internal monologue does purely originate internally. Some of the things it says are too much at odds with, well, Me.


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan there is one positive of not having one :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Well since this thread does have a theological aspect to it I will point out that from the perspective of a theist (namely, me) there are "other" (i.e. spiritual) influences that can put a thought in one's head. ;)

    Not planning to get sucked into a debate on whether those influences exist, though.


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I've had that thought before, yes :)


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan you can't suck us in, because there is no way to prove it, and all you have is assumptions, without a mechanism and a possibility to tes t it, all you have is assubptions anyway.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    As I said, I'm not planning to debate whether it's true, just putting it out there as a thought. :D


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan and I'm just answering with my thoughts, if you write something and send it out you must at least be okay with being challenged on it, I can't let bait like that just lie unchallenged.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yep, you're also welcome to respond. I'm not looking to be in a debate about this right now, though.

    Sorry if I did come out as touchy about it; I should probably go to bed. 'night, all.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I had no idea that some people don't have one.
    Mine WILL. NOT. SHUT. UP.

    Maybe that's why I'm either reading books or watching TV at any given time (unless talking to people).

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > reading books
    That's when my inner monologue is loudest. ;)


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I love reading, it feels so structured, it's not just concepts and feelings coming in weird groupings.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    When written well, yeah. Some writing in particular feels gloriously coordinated.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I meant that what you were describing were similar (in concept) to aphantasia, not aphantasia itself.

    Or, to put it clumsily (and I don't mean to offend), inner-blindness vs inner-deafness.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan IMO, it only becomes contentious because the intuition in question is often forced into kids' heads.

    @markusl@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @markusl @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Man. Coming from an Evangelical background, that's HARD cringe for me. :facepalm:


    @markusl @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan lot's of lies yea, JWs are allowed to lie and cheat if it furthers their religion, my dad used to ask them in for coffee and have hours long discussions when he had the time, changed nothing for him, or for them, but was very educational for me as a child. Especially when I started seeing how much they lied or were not quite honest.

    @markusl@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • sotolf,

    @markusl @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I mean it makes sense that they are scared of it, because that's how religion usually gets out of peoples heads, it starts with a little seed, that litlte doubt that grows, then you start looking into it to see why it bothers you and as you start pulling the thread the whole sweater falls apart.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @markusl @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Eh, I think that's honestly simplistic. ;)

    I think if your faith is insecure by nature, then the very first seed of doubt could demolish your whole world.

    But once you've had some history, it doesn't shake you, but rather gives you an earnest desire to learn more and to have a better answer than just some easy 'apologetics' nonsense.



    Of course it's simplistic, I can only get so much into 350 characters ;)

    It also wasn't meant as a critique of all religion, more as a reason for why the elders don't want JWs to have any outside thought, I don't think they trust the faith of their "flock" as much as they maybe should.

    @markusl @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Well, with all the names in this conversation just a bit over 400 :p but yeah, I do, I just didn't know the limit of the top of my head, I just write until the counter stops me :p

    @markusl @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    Not exactly sure how it works out but I don't think mentions count for the full value, at least on Fosstodon. I'm not sure the calculation, but I've definitely sent some toots that would have been a bit over.


    Yeah, I don't remember correctly either, there are leniency for both mentions and links, something like ~30 char for a link or something like it, 76 chars for all the menitions in this thread :)

    @RL_Dane @markusl @pixelherodev @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yet another reason that mastodon's limits are terrible and stupid and that John guy should be ashamed

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    YEAH, John Mastodon. What were you thinking? ;)


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan They count, absolutely.

    Hit reply on any of these posts in the web client and it immediately tells you your budget's lower than usual.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah, they count, but I don't think they count full value. Perhaps it doesn't include the domain extension for out-of-instance folks?


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yep, just tested it; that's exactly what it is


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    wonders how people ever got on with 144 back on twitter

    realizes this message will trip my own filters

    posts it anyway


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan we used to have that limit on sms as well, and the n have fun sending sms on a japanese phone where you got around 68 characters :p

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    It was because SMS was limited to 160 characters, and twitter was originally just a glorified SMS bridge.

    I still have fond memories of tweeting from my Nokia flip phone in 2009.
    That was so amazing, for the time!

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan wow, that makes me feel kind of old :p

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I tend to have that effect.

    Keep in mind that I did grow up with a much lower technology level than most people from my age and "home" culture.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan that's just more scary than I thought it was :p


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Yeah, I added a filter for all square numbers, too - didn't realize there was anyone else who felt so strongly about this, it's like we were DESTINED to be friends!!!!!!!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    All square numbers?
    Like... 2, 9, 16... ?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Square numbers? How does referencing "plan9" not trip your filters then? 9 is a perfect square.

    (Okay this is a joke but I really don't get what you mean by that)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ohhhhh I see now. You were referring to the 144. XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Setting filters for something as pure as numbers? That's just gross. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan Why do you keep sending asterisks???

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    It's my password; Mastodon auto-censors your password.

    Like this: ***********************************************************

    Now you try!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    (you may have guessed, but my already higher-than-normal free association gets even more intense when I'm sleepy. also my sense of humor is looser.)

    @ruhrscholz@kif.rocks avatar

    @benjaminhollon hunter2

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar


    Yep that came through for me as *******. Of course it'll look normal to you because you already know your password.

    @grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

    @benjaminhollon @ruhrscholz Deep trolling. You go to your room. You know what you did. ;)


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan 1FpCGrIe1[2Z`Xq~hoedknAz?

    You won't be able to see that, right?

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    (okay I feel certain the original joke I'm referencing nearly exactly was from a link sent to me by someone in one of these endless threads)


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan It was possibly me?

    It's on bash.org somehwere I'm sure

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    What the heck is that page, and why is it on bash.org? XD

    OH. That's not the page for the bash shell. Ok, nvm.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I highly doubt the bash shell has quotes like, say

    > <TSPhoenix> You're so lame that you can encode mp3s.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    The fact that this seems so hilarious to me is a strong sign that I should go to bed now. Good night! XD


    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @RL_Dane @markusl @Anachron @sirber @fbievan OBVIOUSLY I meant only numbers whose root was EVEN; here I thought we were one and the same 😭

    @markusl@fosstodon.org avatar



    Yeah exactly, and those healthy confident religions are mostly the ones that have been dragged kicking and screaming into our times, that being said I am mostly quite happy with those people, it's the zealots and old timey ones that I worry about. The ones that just moves priests around when they have been diddling kids (catholic, mormon) the ones who shun (LW, mormon) the ones who go door to door and lie (JW, mormon)

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    @sotolf @markusl @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan lolz, "Nobody ever complains about the old guys going door to door offering potato kugel and chulent and asking if you've heard the great news about Moses!"

    I don't remember the precise original, but I'm sure there's dozens of independently developed variants XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @markusl @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    I've never even heard of those dishes, so I'm absolutely game. XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @markusl @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    > Why are they so scared of non-#JW thought?

    Man, that's really the question, isn't it?
    Coming from that general area, there's a LOT of fear. Faith based on practice and external validation isn't faith, it's just fear-dressed-as-faith. And that's a VERY fragile faith. Those who live from that place are always afraid of being led astray.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @markusl @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Those who have discovered genuine faith tend to be very open and inquisitive. They echo the mindset of St. Paul, "All things are permissible for me, [although] not all things are profitable."

    They don't run scared from every new thing and every new possibility.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @markusl @sotolf @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan


    Unless they're an IT veteran, in which case they hiss, run for cover, and mutter, "Oh dear God, what abomination hath Silicon Valley unleashed on us THIS TIME?!?" X'-D


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I mean, depending on your interpretation, the name "Jehova's Witnesses" is arguably a literal violation of one of the ten commandments.

    Y'know, the list that includes NO MURDER - after "don't take my name in vain." 😅

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Yeah. Of course, what constitutes taking the Name in vain is somewhat up to interpretation, but I'd totally get if someone felt that the name of the entire faith was blasphemous.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Heh, I learned about the dashed "God" thing when doing research for a paper on Astrotheology.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan As a kid, I was taught that whenever I wrote a lowercase t, I ALWAYS had to write the curve on the vertical line before making the horizontal dash

    because otherwise, you're drawing a cross, and even accidentally, that's a symbol of idol worship and thus blasphemous

    sooooo yeah, I learned it the FUN way, not in some stuffy classroom

    I learned in the way that involves LIFELONG TRAUMA!!! :D WOOO

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oh, haha, fascinating. I never did a curve on the vertical line for t. Then again I'm pretty lazy when it comes to hand-writing things.

    Speaking of idol worship, reminds me of how the Taliban (back pre-2001) made Chess-playing illegal because the pieces were seen as idols. Apparently a friend of my dad who liked chess had to jump out a window to escape them, at some point? The story's grown a little fuzzy, I admit.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    It's always funny when religious observation goes massively overboard.

    I mean, funny unless you're the one dealing with it. :o


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan "funny" in the same way that someone walking down the street, carrying a knife, dripping blood is "funny."

    It's not "haha" funny, it's "huh, that's funny, I wasn't expecting OH GOD IT'S THE SPANISH INQUISITION"


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @Anachron @sirber @fbievan NOBODY expects the spanish inquisition.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    lol... lifelong trauma is the hallmark of any good middle-eastern culture!

    This Persian kid approves!!

    Did you get HEAPS of toxic masculinity demonstrated for you TOO? XD

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Now I'm very curious how the two are related.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Okay so I was actually researching how you'd keep the Sabbath while on the ISS, but the resulting article used the dashes so I had to figure out what was up with that.

    The bigger issue with that paper from my view is that the teacher told all the other English teachers about it, so the next time I had a research paper the teacher said "I heard about your paper last year, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with."

    @Anachron@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan the club is open for everyone.

    On a more serious note: I like JS and how easy it is nowadays to get stuff running, but that doesnt mean we should use it for everything.



    Every time I have used js I have disliked it.

    plus this:

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    > ('b' + 'a' + + 'a' + 'a').toLowerCase()



    The funniest thing to me is that Not a Number is a number :p

    @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @Anachron @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    > 0.1 + 0.2

    But then most languages mess that one up. :D


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    It actually makes perfect sense if you tilt your head. ;)

    The + + "a" is telling it to add a positive "a", and since "a" is not a number, the + "a" gets replaced with "NaN", for "Not a Number"

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan TBH, most of JS's quirks are actually reasonable when you look at them.

    I mean, I'd argue that you just should not allow it, because, really, why? But if I HAD NO CHOICE but to pick semantics, than... it's not unreasonable, just weird.

    I could live with JS; it's quirky but fun. I can't stand the DOM or the Web* APIs or the other stuff the modern web is built on.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Just curious, what's wrong with the DOM? I know very little about it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan okay okay okay

    /me takes a deep breath to prepare to type


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan I mean, might as well just start listing gripes with ALL Of HTML5 tbh. I know a bunch of these will have Good Historical Reasons; I don't give a [beep].


    • Requires you to specify the encoding... in the encoding. Just use UTF-8.
    • The head/body split is arbitrary and not enforced
    • More generally, NONE of the structure is really enforced. This is Really Bad.
    • There's too many ways to do basically anything you can think of.

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane [2/N]

    • For instance, want to set a paragraph's color?
    • style="text-color: ..."
    • class=""
    • id="foo" ; document.getElementById().style=""
    • change the font to a programmatic font which specifies color, probably?
    • There's multiple full layout engines, with a lot of overlapping features
    • <table>
    • standard DOM positioning; <div style="...">;
    • grid, flexbox
    • there's multiple layers with no clean separation between them

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane

    • XML is a terrible basis for trees; Lisp is way better
    • That's unironic, I'd genuinely rather e.g. (paragraph "foo " (bold "bar") "baz") over what we've actually got. Bonus: that would let the scripting and styling be specified in the same mechanism as the document, instead of THREE!
    • heck, styling can be done both by HTML AND CSS AND JS! [<b>, style="font-weight" or what have you]



    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane

    • Most generally of all, the features don't mesh with each other in the slightest
    • e.g. HTML, CSS, and JS are all completely unrelated languages, and their overlapping features have differing design, syntax, and semantics.
    • this is the source of most of the problems, esp. the dozen different ways to do everything

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane

    • Learning to write web stuff means learning a dozen different things with no cohesive design.
    • Implementing the web, in direct mirroring, requires implementing completely discordant components

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane

    • There's too many things grafted on, since basically anything that's wanted by Google just gets tacked on without regard for how it interacts with other parts of the design
    • This isn't even touching on the parts that are less than 100% technical: the way its design inherently facilitates tracking people; the way many features only exist to push ads; the fact that the web encourages bloat to such an extent that it's probably a major cause of climate change; ...

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane
    tl;dr; the web is just a really shitty version of uxn.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar



    uxn is the new Lisp, and everything else in the world is a lousy copy. 😄



    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon ur face is a lousy copy of uxn!

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    My face is a sad 32-bit shadow of potential 2-bit glory :P


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev

    I always figured your face would be a .

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane

    (that's not even to speak about how Apple can basically blackmail the whole web dev community on what gets implemented on websites because if a feature is not implemented on WebKit it works on zero iPhones ever)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane

    > - For instance, want to set a paragraph's color?
    > - style="text-color: ..."
    You seem to be out of practice with your CSS properties, eh? ;)

    But I take the point. Really, though, many of the things you're bringing up are due to an amazing thing about the web: with very few exceptions, a website from 1991 will work in modern browsers. It's (except with security issues) thoroughly backwards compatible, which is so rare in modern computing.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane

    And many of the inconsistencies are due to the browser wars, when everyone was making different standards. The reason they're still around is, as I said, backwards compatibility.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane See initial comment.

    The reasons are irrelevant; the result is terrible.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon

    I know, let's let completely feckless, gormless, and soulless corporodroids drive the ENTIRE path and advancement of the Web for twenty years... LET'S JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan
    (I like the DOM so I too am curious)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @sotolf @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Oh, definitely. I'd throw an error instead of returning "NaN". But such is JS.

    Some of JS's quirks can actually be harnessed for mad performance, like recursive arrays.

    (re the APIs, I do like the DOM but most of the other JS-related web APIs aren't great imo)


    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan "mad " performance if you keep in mind it's still 2 orders of magnitude slower than languages with performance that is real...

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @Anachron @sirber @fbievan

    Ha, perhaps. I do know that the result when I used recursive arrays was several orders of magnitude faster than the original approach I took at the problem, but it might be that other languages have features that could beat that result too.


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan js doesn't know hex? 0xa is a number.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @Anachron @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    We were all fools, once.
    All who have been redeemed are welcome ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Yeah, this one is one of my favourites. And that one about playing games on old hardware, which almost perfectly describes me :p

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    I ran across it again the other day and yeah it really strikes home, the way the software industry is going, even within FOSS.

    @fbievan@fedia.io avatar

    @benjaminhollon LOL

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Micropython, though. Still decently lean.

    JS is for the birds, though.

    /me reads with interest about some hot new language
    "One of the big selling features of language X is that it transpiles to Javascript*"
    /me flips the table in front of him, then every other table in the house, then goes to his neighbor's house to flip their tables, too 😆

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    > "One of the big selling features of language X is that it transpiles to Javascript*"
    Even I know that's a terrible idea.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    I got curious, and found this: https://www.slant.co/topics/101/~best-languages-that-compile-to-javascript

    51 best, not all 51 best... that's kind of crazy.

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Nim transpiles to JS?!?


    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    I think it can go to WASM, right? Or is that just Rust?



    No, no, it transpiles directly into js if you want to also to c, c++ and objective c, you could of course also transpile to c and compile to wasm ;)

    @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar


    Yeah, it's one of the targets, it also does c++ and objective-c ;) I've never used it though, so I have no experience with it, but it can do it, doesn't mean it's a good idea :p

    @pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    > it can do it, doesn't mean it's a good idea :p
    This sums up the software industry.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    "But Mr. Musk/Jobs/Gates/Brin/Zuck!
    If you do this, you could very well destroy society itself! Surely that's not worth it for just some paltry profi--"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
    I'm going to pretend that name is the activation phrase for the society-killer because to me that takes the hilarity even higher.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    lol, it's an old gamer meme.

    It's the war cry of the clueless player that's about to get himself and his whole team killed.

    It's the 2000s version of "Ogging"

    @sotolf @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    Figured you'd know, but it's probably before your time as well.

    It was a move in #Netrek where you go after another player, no matter the cost. You frag them (to use fps parlance), even if you end up getting fragged yourself in the process.

    @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan ah, I knew Lsroy at least ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @sirber @fbievan
    Yeah it’s not until 2025 that we’re planning to go back.

    @sirber@fosstodon.org avatar


  • Loading...
  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sirber @sotolf @benjaminhollon @fbievan

    Actually the guidance computer ran around three processes in parallel IIRC, and if one crashed, it would quietly reboot and the other two would take over.

    But early Macintosh "blue screens" were way more aesthetic, I think:


    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sirber @sotolf @fbievan

    Man those computers were something though.

    When they were coming down (Apollo 11) in the LM, it kept throwing error messages no one recognized. Landon ended up succeeding though.

    Turns out it was the lunar module’s guidance computer running out of RAM and automatically clearing out low priority processes to make sure they could keep landing.


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan I'm fully convinced it IS a bad idea, if only because GUIs are more captivating than CLIs. Nobody's going to doomscroll through a command line social media client ;)


    @sotolf @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan I'd argue most of the bad parts of modern computers in general disappear if you remove the GUI, even!


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan Yeah, I'm pretty happy with using mostly command line stuff, it's all I need, and it gets the job done quickly and without fuzz :)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @pixelherodev @sotolf @RL_Dane @sirber @fbievan
    glares furiously at pixel

    realizes I’m on the web client in my phone right now


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan That is also a good point :) You might not be that off with it :)


    @RL_Dane @sotolf @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan Microsoft invented the big tech strategy of moving faster than regulation could catch up to you.

    How many times did they lose lawsuits over theft of other people's work, again?


    @pixelherodev @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sirber @fbievan We lost the count long time ago ;)


    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane Why such a huge resolution for such a small screen? Well, I might not be the right one to talk, I grew up with very low resolution devices ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon

    72dpi (not ppi! ;) was the gold standard when I was growing up. ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane
    No idea, it was the only option for the Framework. I don't particularly care, myself.

    I looked up the actual specs:

    Dimensions: 297mmx 9mm x 229
    Width: 13.5 in (34.3 cm)
    Resolution: 2256 x 1504


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @sotolf

    201ppi. Yeah, that's pretty high.

    Odd rez, tho: 1.175 x 1920 and 1.4 x 1080

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf
    My last laptop was also HiDPI, a Micro$oft Surface Laptop (1st-gen).

    That thing was trash. Worst laptop I've ever used. :P

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar


    (One that works on an immutable distro? XD )

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    MAYYYBE? ;)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    A lot of those same themes are actually included with the terminal theme switcher program I used.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    I think it's straight-up the order of colors shown in neofetch (ANSI color numbers, at least relative to each other)

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