@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Moving slow & shaky this morning and I can't seem to shake off the morning crankies. I hope the food bank is gentle with me today. Feeling fragile. #POTS

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I promised myself that I'd do 20 minutes of exercise today. The last fucking thing I feel like doing is 20 minutes of anything resembling exercise. I swear I can feel the #POTS flare up getting worse as my day goes on. (Someone tell me to stop bitching & get the yoga mat out.)

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Did 30 minutes of gentle, seated yoga. New teacher for me so I was skeptical that it would remain gentle but was. It was excruciating & at the same time lovely. Muscles feel angry, like DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, for you nonexercisers). But it happens while I'm exercising. The entire time. And now I feel super stiff. The only way this goes away is to rest. It takes so long to heal that I lose any strengthening benefits I'd get from the exercise. Repeat. #POTS


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I did this one again. It's late. I'm tired as hell but I also want to stop groaning when I stand up so I did my #yoga. Now my head feels buzzy even though the whole video is sitting or laying down. I should be wearing compression. Lesson heard. I do feel relaxed and quite bendy. (I'm so not bendy. This is a lie my almost 50 yr old brain tells me to trick me into doing harder workouts & that's how I get hurt. I'm on to you, brain. No bendy. Yet.)

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I did my 17 minutes of beginner (leg circles suck) and I felt good so I did 30 minutes of gentle right after. This is a new instructor for me. I'll try it again without doing pilates first. I'm nauseous now & headachey & I think I just did too much. (Sounds like it's time for a bowl. Hopefully the munchies will kick in just as dinner starts.)



@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Today's #yoga was with Kassandra. A couple years ago I decided I really wanted to "get good" at yoga (this is where you say- wth, Heidi. That's not the point of yoga... I know.) Anyways, I have bad wrists from knitting & I've had multiple ab surgeries, not to mention the exercise intolerance from #POTS but I dove in & it didn't last. 🤣 Kassandra was my preferred teacher. Today's session was gentle. I'm stiff from yesterday & sitting all day at work.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Yesterday was a rest day. Today was 20 minutes of #Pilates with #JessicaValant then a full body stretch with her. I went through the videos before I started pilates, knowing I wanted to do both pilates and stretching. I thought- stretching is relaxing, I can totally do both! Lol. I got 1/2 way through and I swear it hurt more than the pilates. I got it done though! Just don't ask me to walk upstairs. #POTS #ExerciseIntollerance #LegsCirclesOfDeath

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

More gentle pilates. There's something vaguely embarrassing about needing to follow exercises meant for seniors when you're not even 50, but it felt good to do so I'm adding this to the line up. There's a few more videos with this instructor that look interesting. I would really like to add strength training to my workouts. I'd really like to get even a quarter of my strength back.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Ha. I'd consider this my first "real" #pilates class. It was hard but it felt good. I wasn't wearing compression (and I should have #POTS) so now my brain is feeling buzzy. I think I'll recover with my legs up on the wall before showering and getting to the office. I may need to shower sitting down.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

No workout today. I'm dealing with a natural supplement adjustment (not related to the #POTS) and it's been a bad pain day today. Tomorrow is a new day.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Did Jessica Valant's beginner #pilates again. It's so good, just wish it was longer. I'm noticing some strength & it feels good. I managed to finish all of the leg circles during the 1st round. Never was able to do all of them at once. The second round of them- forget it. I'm still not even close. It's a different angle & I just don't have the strength yet. I'll keep working at it.

Also attempted abdominal exercises but stopped halfway through.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

This morning I did a new to me 35 minute #pilates session with #MoveWithNicole. To be perfectly honest, I Did Not Want to do it. I'd been up since 4am, the natural supplements I've been taking are making me nauseous & Husband was in & out of the room. I was able to do all the moves though & I am feeling stronger on the mat. By the time I was done I was stiff and cranky but proud of myself.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

We're going to pick up a machine from a family in town this afternoon, if it ever stops raining! I'm so freaking excited!! It looks in great shape from the photos & all they want is $25. (The husband said, "Just get it out of my house." Lol.) I used to love to row years ago so I'm hopeful that I can build up some stamina & strength. Maybe I'll start adding too. I'm done being sick. I'm done with . It's time to beat it into submission.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

It never stopped raining (it's stopped now) but we went to pick the #rower up anyways since they're 2 miles away. We brought it home, husband & I got it into the house. Googled for the manual & it's an under $300, simple magnetic rower. What I was used to from the gym was an old school, large fan, rust bucket (literally, it was rusty) beast of a machine, so I'm not going to stick my nose up at this one. 1st row was 6 minutes, 151 strokes on level 3. 💪 I got nauseous and shaky so I got off.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

42 minutes of for-real #pilates. I only swore once. I would like to get in at least 150 strokes on the rower also today. Just waiting for Husband and Younger Kidlet to leave for #hockey. Tonight is the first practice of our last year of youth sports. I'll miss my hockey family, I will not miss youth sports.

And yes, it's another new pilates teacher. You were warned. #Gemini.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

250 #rowing strokes! Yay!! Did you know that there's beginner rowing classes on YouTube? Is there anything you can't learn on YT?

I went down to level 2 for warm ups and the actual row, then dropped to 2 for cool down. Feeling nauseous, headachy & shaky but it will pass.

I'm mostly happy with the machine. It's a smooth enough pull, it's just loud as hell. And, since I'm trying to work out at 7am on most days, a loud machine will wake up the whole house.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

After doing some research, I'm pretty sure the rower is broken. It should be much, much quieter. I'm honestly heartbroken.

So, do I keep using it until it really breaks or attempt to fix it on my own (which isn't really an option because I don't have the energy or the strength to fix this thing). Husband is going to be so mad when I tell him. He didn't really want this thing in the house to begin with. 🤬 I just want to get healthy. It shouldn't be this hard.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I've apparently decided to keep beating on it because I did the same class as last night & banged out another 250 #rowing strokes. 💪Level 3 for warm up & workout, level 1 cool down. Got my heart rate up. I'm sore. But I feel like my knees bounced around less today & I was really able to put some power behind the strokes. Felt good. Tonight my plans are for a hot bath & then early bed. Tomorrow should be a rest day. Don't wanna. I have to keep moving. #KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #Dysautonomia

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Yesterday, I rested. I'm proud of myself for not only letting my body rest, but for also getting back to it with no excuses. I woke this morning with no hip pain so I did my #row for 365 strokes at level 3 for all but the last 2 minutes where I rowed as hard as I could at level 5. I'm going to feed the Younger Kidlet dinner, then find #pilates.

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS #dysautonomia #ExerciseIntolerance

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

500 strokes, completely by mistake. Happily rowing in one YouTube class, hit pause to answer a question from the Younger Kidlet & when I unpaused I switched me to another class. 🤷‍♀️ With a much higher stroke rate. My legs are jello. up next. 💪I'm too sore for tonight. (Sad panda.)

I know I'm going to need to really start focusing on cardio if I want to do this right, but I need this time to get there safely.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

No #rowing yesterday or today. I'm sore. Hurting from head to toe. It feels DOMS on steroids. Jaw, shoulders, lower back, hips, knees and toes are screaming. I'm also exhausted. I know fighting through it is what everyone says to do, but I honestly can't. I did 20 minutes of gentle nighttime yoga yesterday & tonight I'll do the same. At least I won't be backsliding, right? Ugh. I wish I had more guidance on this. I'm going to smoke a bowl & reassess. #POTS #dysautonomia #KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Back at it. Am I still sore? Yep, but it's reasonable. I did 20 minutes of #rowing for 300 strokes, a nice and slow row at level 3. Did 20 minutes of gentle #pilates (#JessicaValant on YT, see previous toots for video link) and about 15 of #yoga stretching. 25 zone minutes on the #Fitbit. That's enough for today. Are you getting some movement in? What's working for you?

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS #dysautonomia

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Feeling much better. 525 stroke #row, level 3, 30 minutes with #DarkHorseRowing on YT. 35 zone minutes on #fitbit

Ok, that 525 is a LIE because the guy from DHR, made me do these arm drills that effing killed me but they don't count because my machine only registers the times that the seat passes a sensor which it doesn't unless the legs are engaged.

In all seriousness, today felt like a proper #workout. 💪I felt strong & engaged & it was LOVELY.

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

600 strokes in 30 minutes, 15 minutes level 3, 14 minutes on level 4. 1 very loud minute on level 1 for cool down. (My machine doesn't like level 1. It grinds.) #ROW

Also did 40 minutes of real #pilates. I noticed that I can move through poses easier. I'm not flailing around trying to catch my breath & balance. It's nice.

Great #workout. My body is buzzing!!

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS #IWouldLikeAMassage #AndANicerRower lol

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

579 stroke #row in 22 minutes. Moved up to level 4.

I Did. Not. want to row. I'm tired, my GI hurts, I'm prob migraining...excuses excuses. I sat on the rower & thought that I'd row lightly for 100 strokes & if I didn't feel into it I'd give myself some grace & stop. At about 40 strokes in I said fuck it & I picked a 20 minute intermediate interval row & went for it. Not going to lie, it was hard. I'm sweaty, my legs feel like jello & I'm super nauseous now. But I'm #KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS!

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I rested yesterday. I stopped taking my iron supplements last week & it caught up to me. Zero energy.

Today I did 527 strokes in 27 minutes listening to #DarkHorseRowing on YT. And 20 minutes of stretching yoga. Funny, I was done around 3:00 & was exhausted but now it's almost 6pm & I'm sitting here thinking... I have energy.

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #MaybeItShouldSayRowingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

42 minutes of level 1 on YT this morning. Great practice. Feeling strong when I step on the mat. Every time I have a workout, regardless of the , I feel more & more hopeful that I can actually put my into remission this time. I'm anxious that I have to do a stress test next week with the new . And if I'm being honest, I know I have to start & that's when I historically fall off the wagon.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

300 strokes #rowing in 15 minutes. That was something. My legs were on fire. Used another #DarkHorseRowing class. There's other teachers on YT but I'm used to Shane's instructions and he always looks like he's having so much freaking fun.

Also, my fitbit auto-recognized this as swimming?

20 minutes of #yoga. Real yoga, like downward dog & stuff. My head hurts. I need a hot bath but I'm afraid I won't be able to get out. Maybe I'll just sit in the shower.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

525 strokes #rowing for 29 minutes. I got frustrated at #DarkHorseRowing's video (my fault, not his) so I shut it off & turned on Fleetwood Mac. Delightful row, challenging myself when my mind wandered into the lyrics to bring me back to my workout. My heart rate isn't as high as I need to be. I think I need to consider going off beta blockers, which is frightening. Two of my most common #POTS symptoms were heart pain & tachycardia. Uncomfortable.


@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

Tuesdays are just exhausting for me (food bank) but I still got a petite #workout in this afternoon- a quick 252 stroke #row (listening to #Claud) and 20 minutes of pilates (Jessica Valant, YT).

I'm going to add in #WeightTraining tomorrow. I'm nervous. I think I'm going to start with resistance bands (Therabands). I really don't love any of the YouTube theraband videos. So that's an issue. A majority of them are so slow in pace & instructors sound like they're speaking to feeble people.

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

No weight training today. I'm tired. I spent 2 hours in the car and a total of 90 minutes in various Drs offices. It's a lot. I'm tired.

I #rowed 427 strokes though. Did I mention I'm tired?

#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

No exercising for 2 days (Thursday & Friday) thanks to the Covid booster but today I did 20 minutes of yoga, 15 of ab pilates (ow), 20 of beginner weights (used soup cans... 39 yr old me is rolling her eyes but 49 yr old me is out of shape & I need to start somewhere...) and 10 minutes of chair HIIT cardio. I admit, the only reason I did the chair cardio was to watch & listen to the very good looking Australian instructor. I have a feeling I'll be doing more chair running in the future. 🤣

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

555 #rowing strokes in 25 minutes. Intermediate class with #DarkHorseRowing. Probably worked harder than I should but it felt great. My rowing machine is being very loud & clicky again. I don't have the $$ for a new one, crappy or otherwise, so it better knock it the fuck off.



@Heidiknits lol I JUST found #DarkHorseRowing

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

@deweyritten Shane Farmer is a great coach. I'm so grateful that I found him. He's honestly helping me to change my life in so many positive ways. My rower is a comical hunk of junk but like he says, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the work I put into it. (And, Hi! Sorry it took me so long to respond & follow back.)


@Heidiknits lol hi! My rower is too, literally the cheapest one I could fine.I just watched one video I found and was like, oh this is good, this really helps me to know wtf im doing is a semblance of accurate!

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

@deweyritten When I win the lottery I'll buy us both Concept2 rowers. 👍 No more crap machines for us!


@Heidiknits hahaha cool deal 😎

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

@deweyritten Right? I get a much better workout now that I actually use good form. Unfortunately it also means that sometimes, I question how I'm going to stand up from the rower or walk upstairs to shower. Lol


@Heidiknits OMG I damn near fell over after rowing this morning... did not know this would be turning my thighs to total jello. How'd you build up endurance to do a whole video?

@Heidiknits@mastodon.social avatar

I need to row. But I'm weaning myself off a beta blocker & my heart rate is all over the place. Going from 3 pills a day to 2 shouldn't be that big a deal but my body disagrees. I have to take it easy for a couple of weeks, which feels like a set back. For #rowing I'll probably have to drop back down to the beginners class & lower the resistance when I return to it. I'm going to hop on the #yoga mat and get some stretching in. It won't (shouldn't) raise my hr.
#KickingTheShitOutOfPOTS #POTS

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