msquebanh, (edited ) avatar

@msquebanh Garbage - The World Is Not Enough

msquebanh, avatar
msquebanh, (edited ) avatar

Hero of War

This song was inspired by - 'Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends', a documentary on soldiers who experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( #PTSD ).

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #MusicVideo #WarVeterans #Acoustic #GenX


@msquebanh that's a powerful song. It made me cry.

msquebanh, avatar

@Rasta ❤️❤️❤️

shayz0rz, avatar

@msquebanh I love the shit out of this song. Been trying to catch up on...everything I missed while I took my nap between work and dance, then got some much-needed exercise/stress relief and just wanted to say this, and several others I've seen in your thread are favorites. Impeccable taste!

msquebanh, avatar

@shayz0rz I'm a huge music junkie & was also the first local POC female DJ here. I was fired from 3 bars in Vic (I had gigs at 5 bars here & 4 in Vancouver) because I started using my popularity at gigs to shout out humanitarian msgs & play heavy POC activism songs. NO REGRETS 👊🔥🎶💕💗☮️❤️

shayz0rz, avatar

@msquebanh That's so cool.

I mean, the bars that fired you for speaking out obviously aren’t...but everything else.

msquebanh, avatar

@shayz0rz Fuck those weakass boss bar owners. I made shitloads more direct monies by hosting private parties after & 2 of my old shitass bosses tried to gain entrance & were bounced the fuck out. I am NOT sorry for telling them - You are not welcome & leave before my security physically removes you. Those asshats actually tried to offer me more $ to come back for exclusive nights & I told them to go fuck themselves. They only wanted to exploit my popularity at the time.

shayz0rz, avatar

@msquebanh I'm in a very "let's be terrible and let off some steam” mood right now, so I really do hope they cried about it.

msquebanh, avatar

@shayz0rz ❤️❤️You are my new e-adopted Jewish sister from another mister.

msquebanh, avatar

Spanish Bombs

This song's about the Spanish Civil War in 1930s; during the Franco regime. It touches on the violence & oppression of the brutal dictatorship.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #AntiWar #MusicVideo #DubbedOverVideo

msquebanh, avatar

Run To the Hills

This song condemns the horrors of the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Indigenous peoples in USA; the colonialism & how Native peoples ran, trying to find refuge from the brutalities of violent colonial forces.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #StopGenocide #GenX #HeavyMetal #HardRock

msquebanh, avatar

Orange Crush

This #AntiWar song is about consequences of USA war on #Vietnam.

#USmilitary used #AgentOrange, a chemical herbicide defoliant. Killing full ecosystems. Killing & disabling people, to this day.
We're still trying to get US govt to pay for human damages reparations, decades later.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #MusicVideo #WarSurvivor #BiochemicalWarfare #BioWarfare #USwarCrimes #WarCrimesByUSA #StopWarmongers

kierkegaank, avatar

@msquebanh i always wondered what it was about

msquebanh, avatar

@kierkegaank Now, you know 💖☮️✌️

msquebanh, avatar
msquebanh, avatar
msquebanh, avatar

The most unexpected #AntiWar song ever!

This was played in so many nightclubs & ignorant ppl had no idea it was an anti war song!

War Child 🔥

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #LightItUpForPeace

msquebanh, avatar

The Battle Rages On

This song's about the inner battles that we all fight, on a daily basis. Speaking to the universal experience of confronting challenges, whether personal or societal in nature.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #ConcertVideo #GenX #RockNRoll #MusicFromMyYouth #ClassicRock #MusicThatSavedMe #RockMusicTherapy #MentalWellness #HeavyMetal #80sMetal #Metalhead #ILoveMetal

msquebanh, avatar

The Ballad of Ira Hayes

#IraHayes was a #Pima #Indigenous man who served in #IwoJima, and he was one of the #marines in the famous photo taken of raising the flag at #MountSuribachi 💗

He faced mass #racism - despite serving, loyally, for #USAmilitary & protecting white soldiers - who treated him like he wasn't even a human being. He had more #courage than whole lot of them.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #MusicVideo


@msquebanh One of my favorites of his.

msquebanh, avatar

@Lightfighter It is really underrated. Mostly because it's not a bar/nightclub friendly song. I love it. One of my longtime faves from him.

msquebanh, avatar

@Lightfighter Samesies, e-pal!

msquebanh, avatar
msquebanh, avatar

Call to Arms

This song's a rallying cry for unity, strength & standing up against oppression.
It speaks to the human desire for freedom & justice, encouraging listeners to rise above their fears & face the challenges that surround them. It encourages fierce, radical resistance against state imposed abuses & oppression.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #MusicVideo #HeavyMetal #metalheads #MetalMusic

msquebanh, avatar

Rebel Soldier

This #FolkSong is about a #ConfederateSoldier pining for home. Waylon Jennings performed it on Songs of the #CivilWar (1991).
According to the #CivilWarTrust, it is a folk song from #SouthernAppalachia.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #Acoustic #GenX #MeaningfulMusic #MusicVideo

msquebanh, avatar


Inspired by a book set in #WWI - “Johnny Got His Gun”. That was made into a movie in 1971 & that film inspired this metal track. Focused on a war veteran who lost all of his limbs in addition to most of his senses & confined to a hospital bed. Despite all of this he is still very much alive; while he desires to die.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #HeavyMetal #GenX #Metalheads #AntiWar #MetalRock #MusicVideo


@msquebanh 🤘

Imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body, my holding cell”

msquebanh, avatar

@emb 💖💗🎶🎵🎸💕


@msquebanh … suddenly realizing the lyrics are reflective of depression, too.

msquebanh, avatar

@emb Yes... that is actually why some of us, in our teens, when it was released & didn't know what it was really about...related to it because it echoed our feelings of depression. It helped us, at the time, to realize that how we sometimes felt - wasn't so foreign to others. It helped us not feel alone.

msquebanh, avatar

#Sabaton 🤘
Great War

This energetic #AntiWar song is about how millions of men in #WWI went to fight in a war that was supposed to end all wars. They discovered one fact about it, and that was that #WarIsHell.

Good #Workout song too.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #DubbedOverVideo #HeavyMetal #MetalMusic #HardRock #Sweden #SwedishMetal #EuroMetal #EuroMusic #MusicVideo

msquebanh, avatar

21 Guns (live)

This song is #AntiWar - it asks people to think long & hard about what/who they're fighting for, when it comes to war & to think about fighting harder for things that help humanity, more than sacrificing your life for corrupt, warmongering governments.

1st time I saw GD was in a basement in Fernwood here in Victoria

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #ConcertVideo #MusicVideo #GenX #StopWar

msquebanh, avatar

I Was Only 19

Australian perspective of war on Vietnam, from an Aussie soldier's perspective.

#StopWar #music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #MusicVideo #WarIsHell

msquebanh, avatar

Hands Held High ✊️

This was released during the US invasion on Iraq & Afghanistan. It's about how US Govt continues to sacrifice its citizens in their ongoing bloodthirsty wars in foreign countries.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #GenX #AntiWar #MusicVideo #StopWarmongers #StopKillingPeople #ResistTheWarMachine


@msquebanh Interesting. Didn't know that one. That war was 100% to spike oil prices so huge profits could be raked in. Killing OSB and getting rid of al Qaeda was the pretext.

It was Numb and Crawling that introduced me to Linkin Park. Much different.

Linkin Park - Crawling

Linkin Park - Numb

msquebanh, avatar

@gray_witch I love Hands Held High ❤️

msquebanh, avatar

Don't Believe the Hype

PE's fierce call out on mass media's propaganda, the MSM false narratives & how it influenced groupthink.

"Anybody who knows me really well or cares knows I wrote Don’t Believe The Hype a bit influenced by Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent in the 80s,” Chuck D said in a tweet from 2021.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #RapMusic #GenX #political #AntiEstablishment #ANTIFA #MusicVideo #ChuckD

msquebanh, avatar

"Don’t Believe the Hype” inspired by left-wing political commentator #NoamChomsky, who authored the famous book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, which came out the same year as this song.

aby, avatar

@msquebanh - you know you're old when things like this just feel wrong.. like, it feels like Manufacturing Consent has existed forever but I'm psure Don't Believe the Hype was only released like 5 years ago 😆

msquebanh, avatar

@aby I'm so tired of seeing violent war history repeat, again & again. My PTSD has taken hits because this recent unbridled violence is bringing up a lot of past war & refugee camp memories for me & my surviving family members. I am using music therapy to alleviate the pain in my heart & soul. I want this violence to cease. It's creating more generations of war traumatized children. My heart hurts over it all.

aby, avatar

@msquebanh - what's happening is atrocious and it really feels like a tipping point for how things are going to be in the future.

msquebanh, avatar

@aby I'm hoping we can stop the violence. I don't know how but I want to help where/when I can.

aby, avatar

@msquebanh - yeah, it seems hopeless. Especially for those of us who can't get to protests and actions.

msquebanh, avatar

@aby Please contact as many unions as possible & try to organize phone banking & emailing campaigns, in your area. It takes a village & people who can't get out physically can help with lots of important actions, from home 💕💗

aby, avatar

@msquebanh - oh, I have been emailing and phoning. I'm also hooked in with some of the protest and action organisers here and am helping out with the admin/backend type stuff.

I'm Aboriginal.. we know how important community solidarity is, especially in the face of state violence 💜

msquebanh, avatar

@aby I appreciate every single person like you. I believe us BIPOC folks can help shift things a lot. Especially when we are speaking our truths, sharing what our elders & ancestors have taught us, doing best we can where we live & refusing to shut up when told to by colonial asshats 💗✊️💖

msquebanh, avatar

Love Vigilantes
Live in Tokyo, Japan, 1985.

This song is about the universal shared sentiment of soldiers who are deployed to wars, far away & the longing to return, to their families.
It's an upbeat track with very somber messages.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #ConcertVideo #MusicVideo #GenX #NewWave #FaveBands #AntiWar #NewOrderForever

msquebanh, avatar

The Drums of War
(Audio only)

This song expresses frustration over the senseless violence of the US war on Iraq & the lack of accountability from US government.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #AntiWar #GenX #StopWarmongers #WhereIsICC #FolkMusic #AcousticMusic

msquebanh, avatar

Hammer to Fall
Incredible live performance at #LiveAid 1985.

This song reminds everyone that death does not spare anyone - whether you are rich, poor or famous.

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #FreddyMercury #RockNRoll #Legendary #GenX #FaveBands #ClassicRock #ConcertVideo

msquebanh, avatar

The ‘Fish’ Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag
#Woodstock live performance☮️

This is about the disconnect between US govt’s #AntiWar propaganda & fugly realities that soldiers & civilians faced in US war on #Vietnam.

"Come on Wall Street, don't be slow
Why man, this is war au-go-go
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of its trade"

#music #SelfCare #MusicHelps #MusicHeals #MusicSoothes #MusicTherapy #GenX

msquebanh, avatar

How Does the Grass Grow
(AI generated images lyrics video)

This #AntiWar song is about the dehumanizing process of turning ordinary people into brutal killers, capable of atrocities in the name of war.

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