Nonilex, avatar

Today at the Supreme Court in Manhattan, it is an historic day. Donald is slated to in the ’s case against him, the , & its execs alleging he , & the for decades by lying about his .

The last time testified at a trial was in 2013 per @AP


In gives me great pleasure to freely use his surname as a hashtag in this context. Great, great pleasure.

Nonilex, avatar

It’s believed the NYAG will conclude its presentation of the case this week, ending w/ #Ivanka Trump’s testimony slated for after her father’s.

She appealed the order compelling her testimony several times, & lost every time.

Justice #Engoron already found #Trump liable for “persistent & repeated” #fraud, in addition to #DonaldTrumpJr, #EricTrump, fmr #TrumpOrganization execs #AllenWeisselberg, #JeffMcConney, & several Trump business entities.

#TrumpTrial #law #civil #conspiracy #NYAG

Nonilex, avatar

The trial is deciding the remaining counts of , , issuing statements & to commit all of the .

Justice issued a limited after posted disparaging comments on social media about the judge’s .

Trump violated the order 2X (so far). Last Fri, the judge was forced to extend the gag order to Trump’s attys when they took over the abuse after trump’s had to stop.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump took the witness stand shortly after 10AM ET, Monday, November 6, 2023.

Atty #KevinWallace is questioning on direct for the #NYAG. The first topic is the #DonaldJTrumpRevocableTrust, which was used to hold Trump’s assets while he was in office.

Wallace is asking about 2021, & trustee changes that year. Wallace asks what was different that year.


“Well other than you & every other Democrat [bringing investigations]”

(Oh-frickin-joy straight to the antagonizing)

#TrumpTrial #law


@Nonilex Let joy be unconfined...!

Nonilex, avatar

Asked why he reinstated himself as trustee BEFORE leaving the WH, said because he would go back to business & complained that "you" () & other "Democrat" prosecutors "were all coming after me from 15 different sides” said the cases are "not good… weaponization, they call it.”

Shown his stmnt of financial condition () from June 30, 2011 — Trump pointed to a disclaimer, "We would call it a worthless statement clause… not really documents that the banks paid much attn to."

Nonilex, avatar

(FYI: #Engoron rejected #Trump's "worthless clause" defense in his pre-trial #ruling.)

Trump then started campaigning from the witness stand:
"As this crazy trial goes along" his attys will call bankers & "they will explain the process”

The judge interrupted Trump’s speech & instructed Trump to answer only the questions presented to him.

Trump then went off on Engoron & the statute of limitations:
"I'm sure the judge will rule against me because he always rules against me."

#TrumpTrial #law

brendo, (edited ) avatar

@Nonilex Jesus fucking Christ. This is not a campaign rally. He is going all Colonel Jessup on us. May it land him in jail tonight. EDIT: Engoron is about to pull him off the stand.

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG asked about what role #Trump personally played in the preparation of his #financial statements.

Trump: “Me personally? It’s so long ago, this is well beyond the statute of limitations…. But [it’s] probably not because I’m sure the judge will rule against me, because he always rules against me.”

Trump insisted that his properties were “underestimated”

NYAG asked which assets Trump thought were undervalued in his SFCs.

Trump: ““Mar-a-Lago, 40 Wall Street, Doral…

#TrumpTrial #law

Nonilex, (edited ) avatar

#Trump: “Mar-a-lago was very underestimated. I didn't do anything about it, I just left it be. I don't care.” (Yeah, right) "I'd say it's worth 50 to 100 times more than that. He thought it was worth 18M dollars which is absolutely crazy," he indicated Judge #Engoron.

(Engoron didn't; he cited an #appraisal of the property from 2011 in his ruling.)

Trump said if he wanted to "build up" his financial statements, he would have added his "brand value." (he did, named a ‘presidential premium’)

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “We didn't value the most valuable #asset in the statement, the brand value…. I became president because of my #brand, I sell books because of my brand.” (It certainly had nothing to do w/policy) “Even though these banks were paid back in full, there was no harm...there was no victim.” (Eh-hem, when you don’t pay taxes, you rip off the govt which then does not have that $ to fund various programs)

Engoron: “Mr. Wallace, did you ask for an essay on brand value?"

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump spouts his narrative of the #NYAG's case: “‘Trump had no money & he wrote up phony statements & he defrauded banks,’ even though they were represented by the best lawyers.”

Wallace: “I move to strike that answer.”


Engoron: “Mr. Kise, can you control your client? this is not a #political #rally, this is a courtroom. I don't want editorializing, we’ll be here forever. We don't have time to waste. We have one day to do this.”

Kise: "You're in control of the courtroom, not me."

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump continued to boast about his finances: "It's a nice compilation of assets. It's a great statement. L.... It's a lot of cash. ..... The banks came to me. They wanted to make deals with me."

Judge: "Stricken! Stricken!"

Engoron “In addition to the answers being non-responsive, they're repetitive."

#NYAG: "If anything, you think the valuations that they used were too low, is that correct?"

Trump: “Absolutely”

NYAG Wallace asked about Trump's 2014 SFC which valued Niketown at $348M.

emmreef, avatar

@Nonilex he's treating the witness stand like a campaign rally

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: "I'm between IBM & Tiffany."

Trump: "It's a holdup. It's not a nice word. It's a holdup site." If either Tiffany or IBM wanted to expand, they’d have to buy his bldg.

#NYAG: “The question was...”

Trump, spoke over the AG: “I bought the air rights over Tiffany so they can’t go up…”

#Engoron: “Excuse me”

Trump dismissively: “Hold on!” (& cont’d)

Engoron: “Mr. #Kise, can you control your witness? I am considering drawing a negative inference on any question he might be asked.”

Nonilex, avatar

#Kise urged the judge against that.

#NYAG asked about 40 Wall Street (Trump Tower) & its valuation at $550.1M on the 2014 SFC. #Trump gave a speech about the statute of limitations, possibly converting it to condominiums, & how developing condos for that property "was perfect."

Trump: "I got a lollipop in the lease. It's a legal term, believe it or not." (So now he knows the law? I thought he didn’t even know what a subpoena was)

#TrumpTrial #law

Nonilex, avatar

#Engoron: "I beseech you to control him, if you can,” he warned he will control #Trump if the lawyers don’t.

#Kise & #lHabba jumped up to defend Trump, calling his answers “responsive”.

Habba said Engoron's here to "hear what he has to say.”

Engoron: "I'm not here to hear what he has to say. HE’s here to ANSWER questions!"
He ordered them to sit down.
Kise said the judge should want to hear EVERYTHING Trump has to say.

Engoron: “No I do not want to hear ‘everything’ this witness has to say.”

Lats, avatar

@Nonilex it would be nice if the media didn’t listen to everything he has to say.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “This is a very unfair trial. Very, very unfair, & I hope the public is watching it."

Engoron didn’t take the bait.

#NYAG asked about the 2014 SFC that valued 40 Wall St at $550M which was signed by Trump. “Was the 550M asset price based on true & accurate information?”

Trump: “I suppose so. I accepted it. Other people did it, but I didn't say, ‘oh geez, it should be higher or lower.’”

Nonilex, avatar

Apparently it looked like #Trump was l going to start another tangent because, #NYAG said: “ I think we'll take our break now," & said he'd appreciate it if #Kise would talk w/his client.

At one point, #Engoron said he would excuse the witness if he didn't respond to the questions he was asked.

After the break:

NYAG asked Trump about valuations of his New York penthouse in 2014, which inaccurately tripled its size.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “The number was too high. They lowered it after that. I thought it was too high. I don't know what's too high any more."
But then Trump claimed that it wasn't "too far off" when you add rooftop access.

"They took 10k feet per floor, & they went times three. But they didn't take out elevator shafts & different things."

NYAG then moved on to the 2014 evaluation of Trump's #SevenSprings estate.

Trump valued it at $291M. Trump says HE decided to drop the value: “I thought it was high."

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG: “Is the #SevenSprings [conservation] easement donation under review by the #IRS?"

#Trump: “Not that I know of. Again, I haven't spent a lot of time looking at these statements because their value (is low)”

Next topic, value of a joint venture w/real estate investment firm Vornado, involving one bldg in NYC & another in Cali.
Trump had a 30% stake, which he valued at >$800M.

Trump: “And excuse me [but] the buildings have been refinanced, 2 yrs ago”

NYAG: “There's no question pending”

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump brings up the 2021 valuation, but says he wasn't really involved bc he was very busy as president (um, no he wasn’t)
Trump: “My threshold was China, Russia & keeping outrcountry safe”

#NYAG: "And just to refresh your recollection, you were not president in 2021?"

Trump: No I wasn't," Trump says, over-pronouncing the words.

#TrumpTrial #Fraud

Nonilex, avatar

moved on to 2014, & 's of the club, which was valued at ~$2B for that year.

Trump: “I had no mortgage on Mar-a-Lago, there's no debt, zero.”

NYAG showed Trump the deed, which said Trump intended to "forever extinguish" the right to use Mar-a-Lago as anything other than a club. Trump however, valued it as if the land were unrestricted.

NYAG pointed to the language describing it as an “exclusive private club."

Asked if that was true, Trump said: "Yes."

Nonilex, avatar

The financial statements also notes that Mar-a-Lago is wholly owned by a LLC (shell).

#NYAG asked if Trump believes Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.5B

Trump: "I think between a billion & a billion-five."

NYAG's counsel asked Trump about the language in the deed that states that "the Club & Trump intend to forever extinguish their right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use."

#TrumpTrial #law

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “When you say ‘intend’, ‘intend’ doesn't mean we'll do it. I intend, but we have a right to turn it back to a house."

#NYAG: “Switching it back would be contrary to ‘forever extinguishing’”

Trump: “Idon't think so. It says 'intends’. If someone wanted to change it later, …they would have the right to do it."

The NYAG showed docs Trump submitted to Palm Beach ofcls as part of his purchase of MAL, in the 90s.

In the doc, Trump says the place would be impractical as a sole owner-home.

Nonilex, avatar

Trump says something like, that was then this is now.

Trump: “There's a man building a house down the road, and spending $1 billion...$1 billion, and it ain't Mar-a-Lago” (?)

#NYAG showed an interview of him saying that
"the Mar-a-Lago Club is a great success. It will forever be a club!"

Trump claimed he said it as "bravado," not "legal intent."

Asked if he got tax benefits from it being a club, Trump answered yes.

#TrumpTrial #fraud

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG turned to Trump's golf course in #Scotland, Trump International Golf Links #Aberdeen.

The 2014 statement shows a $200M increase in value from the prior year, which it attributes to “development” of the property, which #Trump confirms wasn't done from 2013 to 2014.

Trump: “Aberdeen is a very rich place. It's an incredible piece of land, & it may be the greatest golf course ever built… Everybody said I couldn't get it zoned, & I did get it zoned for more than anyone thought was possible”

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump re #Aberdeen cont’d:

"Those homes will sell for a tremendous amount of money, they're on the North Sea,"

(FYI These are potential homes, recall #SevenSprings)

Trump: “It' a painting, you can pretty much do what you want to do, the land is there”

Trump says even if the financial statements were off, it wouldn't matter.
"I'm worth billions of dollars more than the financial statements. So anything that would be a little bit off….

#TrumpTrial #law #fraud #NYAG

Nonilex, avatar

Justice #Engoron tells the #NYAG that he's following his lead, & if he wants to let the witness "ramble" on w/ "unresponsive" answers, he'll do that.

#Kise defends what he describes as Trump's "brilliant" response.

#Trump: “I have a lot of money, a lot more money than you thought."

Trump goes on to say that since his financial statements have disclaimer clauses, telling parties to do their own due diligence, there can be no #fraud. He’s totally off topic.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “They always hold up in court, except maybe this court," Trump says. (this issue was decided BEFORE trial)

Trump goes on a tirade:
"That's why we shouldn't be having a case here”

#Engoron lets him go on.

Trump invokes legal scholars who he says agree with him.

"It's disgraceful," he says.

#Trump: “People don't know how good of a business I built because people like you (to the AG) go around demeaning me & try to hurt me."

Nonilex, avatar

: “he ruled against me before he knew anything about me, he ruled I was a fraud [knowing nothing] about me. He called me a fraud & he didn't know anything about me!" Trump’s voice rising.

"It's a terrible thing that you've done," Trump tells the judge.
"You believed that political hack back there,"
Trump says, pointing to NY AG Letitia James, who's sitting in the courtroom.

Given his repeated warnings earlier this morning, the judge has given remarkable latitude for all of this.


@Nonilex I'm not the only one spamming refresh - right?

Nonilex, avatar

(sorry folks had to walk dog, go to grocery, stuff… I am back)

#Trump said that the #NYAG brought this case to try to become the governor & then AG.
(FYI: Trump lost political arguments long before trial.)

Trump cont’d on about the #disclaimer clause:
“I think it's fraudulent the decision. The fraud is on the court."

#Engoron: “If you want to learn about the disclaimer clause, read my opinion — for the first time.

(See attached)

Engoron’s decision about the disclaimer.

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG: Who from the #TrumpOrganization was responsible from detecting fraud?

#Trump: “Everybody.… Anybody sees something going wrong, come see me about it directly."

NYAG Asked if anyone ever did that, Trump indicated they did, & the AG asked for an example. Trump responds to w/ a broad generality.
NYAG asked again

#Habba objects: "Asked & answered."

#Engoron: "No, it hasn't been answered.”

#TrumpTrial #law

GatekeepKen, avatar

Habba is only there becasue she's the new Melania..She's a moron.

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG showed #Trump a #TrumpOrganization engagement letter w/ accounting firm #Mazars, which held management responsible for "preventing & detecting #fraud."

Trump said: "I'd love to read this your honor. Can I do that?"

#Engoron: "No, not at this point."

Trump (heavy sarcasm): "Shock"

Nonilex, avatar

showed a 2015 article.

Trump scoffed: "Forbes. They're owned by China. Now, they sold to Russia."

The article says that was very much involved in inflating his ,

Trump: “I have very little respect for Forbes."
(Forbes broke the news that Trump inflated the size of his apt & recently knocked him off the billionaires list.)

The article cited a recorded conversation at the time. Trump atty objected & called the recording inaudible. agreed re quality.

Nonilex, avatar

By all accounts the recording was terrible in terms of quality/audibility.

#Trump cont’d bashing #Forbes. He was all over the place, but among the things he said were:
Forbes is, 1) owned by China, 2) owned by Russia, 3) is out of business or 4) all of the above.

#Engoron mostly backed off attempts trying to reign trump’s testimony in, he let NYAG #Wallace deal w/ Trump how he wanted.

#NYAG: Why did you have the statements of financial condition prepared…2011-2017"

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump said he thought they had them before 2011 “in one form or another. I think it's a positive thing to have, even for myself"

#NYAG: “Did you use them to obtain financing?"

Trump: "Because of the disclaimer…they’re almost valueless….Again I've been doing this for 50 yrs, (lenders) look at the property."

NYAG showed evidence that 40 Wall Street ran a cash flow deficit of $8.7M in March 31, 2015.

Trump says they made a lot of investments: “I spent a lot of money fixing the building up."

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump decided to use this topic to go after #NYAG #LetitiaJames again:
"She doesn't even know what 40 Wall Street is."

NYAG actually laughed, then went back to her usual poker face.
(The NYAG's office is next to 40 Wall Street.)

NYAG Wallace: "Mr. Trump, are you the one who told a reporter for the Wall Street Journal that there was a $600M #appraisal for 40 Wall Street?

Trump says he doesn't remember something from 12 years ago.

Nonilex, avatar

showed an email from to execs on 1/22/12, part of which said,

"djt told [the reporter] the 600 [number] so he will be happy if that gets printed."

conceded he was the "djt" his son referred to in the email.


Trump posted this over the recess (pic)

Judge Engoron actually said (context above):
"I'm not here to hear what he has to say. He's here to answer questions" — Engoron was explaining Trump can’t just go off & expect them to allow it.

Nonilex, avatar

(After lunch break, #Trump back on the stand, #NYAG Kevin Wallace resumed direct.)

Moved on to #DeutscheBank, as heard in testimony & evidence earlier in the trial, #Deutsche, the German #lender was Trump's largest creditor, & loaned him HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars during the years at issue, 2011 to 2021.
Trump primarily dealt w/their private wealth management business.

#TrumpTrial #law

Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG showed docs from a 2011 #loan, where #Trump said his #financial stmnts were accurate, that he's worth $2.5B, that he had at least $50M in unencumbered liquid assets, & other things.

Trump's signature is on the document.

NYAG: “Were you aware that this [$2.5B] covenant would be tested & certified every year based upon your statements of financial condition?”

Trump: "Yes which I could've done w/o (SFCs).
| could have just shown them a couple of assets which were worth more than $2.5B"

synlogic, avatar

@Nonilex thank you for your work to cover this!

Nonilex, avatar

(The #NYAG said #Trump was worth $1.5B in 2011)

Under the terms of the agreement, Trump had to maintain liquid assets = $50M.

NYAG: “Do you believe you complied w/this?

Trump: “Yeah, I had a lot of cash.”
#Trump repeated several times the #banks were mainly concerned about cash on hand.

Trump: “I had a lot of cash. They would come in & check, not so much the (statements of) financial condition, but the cash. That's what they were concerned w/...not because of me, but because of other people.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump added: “This loan was paid off in full, it was a very successful loan...the bank was thrilled. If the interest was due on a Saturday, I paid it on a Friday."

#NYAG moved on to another #loan for 2014, which related to #Trump's renovation of the Old Post Office (#OPO) hotel in DC. Trump leased that property for a time from the federal govt, & renamed it the Trump International Hotel Washington DC.

NYAG had the same questions as the other prop, re loan covenants & asking what Trump knew.

GatekeepKen, avatar

James will hang him on his own words when she cross examins him

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “The net worth of me was far greater than the financial statements, far greater.”

(In 2012, Trump's net worth was $1.8 billion, according to the AG's calculations, based on third-party appraisals.)

#NYAG Wallace asked if Trump is referring to his "brand value."

Trump said no, his assets w/o the brand value would still be worth more than what his financial statements reflect:
“If you add the brand value [as well], you're talking about just a tremendous [increase].”

#TrumpTrial #law

Nonilex, avatar

#Kise made his usual statute of limitations objection on a term loan agreement from late 2012, which Judge #Engoron overruled - Trump smiled at the ruling.

When it was entered into evidence, Trump shook his head.

#Trump: “The number[s] of my net worth are substantially more than reflected in my financial statements, so therefore you have no case. I think this case is a disgrace

(Trump campaigning from the stand)

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “I think this a disgrace for people moving in & out of New York.”
The banks he did business w/were happy, Trump said. “The only complainant is you.”

The NYAG has shown plenty of evidence of the that Trump sent fraudulent statements of financial condition to banks & insurers to get favorable terms.

The judge found for the state on the top count, of #fraud, it is not as issue. The only thing to determine are the other counts & #disgorgement.

#TrumpTrial #law

jonberger, avatar

@Nonilex And of course if the bank were suing him, he'd be all "the AG's office enforces the fraud laws and they haven't said a word, the only complainant is you." One complainant is all it takes.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump: “It's election interference because you want to keep me [hostage] in this courtroom all day long, & we have a judge [who's a disgrace].”

In prior testimony, the NYAG's office called attn to covenants requiring that Trump maintain a certain net worth & liquidity to obtain favorable rates on loans.

Trump argued again that it wasn't #fraud because the #banks "got all their money back" (not how it works) & the #loan was "paid off in full."
“The bank was thrilled," Trump testified.

Nonilex, avatar

The loan agreement also stipulated that Trump had to maintain a #NetWorth of &2.5B

Which is the reason the #NYAG kept going back to the loan agreements.
Under the terms Trump was obligated to:

•supply "true & correct" financial statements
•maintain a certain net worth ($2.5B)
•maintain certain liquidity (unencumbered liquid assets aka cash)

#Trump: “The net worth of me was far greater than the financial statements. So I don't know what you're getting at."

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump complained again about the statute of limitations, "You're going into ancient history!" & (again) went into a monologue about the disclaimer clause, “Therefore, you have no case."

During that speech, Trump said that the disclaimer clause "goes on forever," in one of his many talking points.

NYAG: "That clause isn't the only thing that goes on forever."
(Laughter in the court.)

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump tore into the #NYAG & Judge #Engoron (again).

Engoron said he was dating himself w/the analogy, but Trump sounded like a "broken record."

#NYAG asked Trump about fmr #TrumpOrg CFO #AllenWeisselberg, & events after his #taxfraud #guilty plea.

Trump: “It was a very sad thing, people went after him vigorously & violently because he happened to work for me.”

Trump said if he’d never run for president Weisselberg would have just led a normal life (doubtful, but the country might’ve).

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump defended his ex-CFO #AllenWeisselberg & said the DA charged him "because he paid for the education of his grandchildren… That's some kind of breach that they're going to put a man in jail?"

#NYAG Wallace asked #Trump if he planned any changes at the Trump Org. in light of the AG's suit.

Trump said there are accountants & probably lawyers who would be dealing w/ it: "There will be recommendations made, & we'll be happy to let you know what those recommendations are.”


Nonilex, avatar

#NYAG: "Your honor, we have nothing further at this time for this witness.”
(Thank goodness)

#Kise declined cross-examination at this time.

#Trump left the stand.

Trump's attys made post-trial arguments on motions they may make, such as #mistrial motions or challenging the expansion of the #GagOrder to the lawyers.

#Kise says that he may want to mention information potentially barred by the gag order on the lawyers in their mistrial motion.


Nonilex, avatar

made clear that the motion would be in part about Justice Engoron's principal .

: "Don't file that motion, please. I think it's important for the safety of my staff. I am 1,000% convinced, & you don't have any right or reason to complain about my confidential communication."

: “There's no way to file that motion without referencing the subject matter.”

Engoron: “I'm directing you not to make that motion [...] I'm going to protect my staff, okay."

GatekeepKen, avatar

I'm seeing Engoron as a pushover. Anybody feel me.

Nonilex, avatar

#Habba said the defense is going to (move for a mistrial). She said the defense would allude to the notes between the two “delicately."

#Engoron (wryly): "Give me a second to have a confidential communication."


He huddled w/the clerk, & then allowed them to proceed.

They moved onto scheduling.

The only witness left is Ivanka #Trump, who will testify on Wednesday.
(Tuesday is dark for Election Day.)

After #Ivanka Trump's testimony, the defense hopes to argue motions on Thursday.

Nonilex, avatar

Trial resumes on Wednesday at 10 am ET.
Ivanka is expected to spillover into Thursday.

The court is dark again on Friday.

The defense case would begin on Monday.

The whole trial might wrap up by Dec. 15th.

However, the state has not decided on whether to present a rebuttal case. So it may be back to being longer.

Nonilex, (edited ) avatar

(Sheesh that was a looooong thread)

BTWs, if you want to further deconstruct the #Trump self-made success #myth, read the #NYT 2018 article, which revealed that he had received $413M from his father, incl’g via tax schemes. He took issue not w/ the facts, but w/how @nytimes got many records for the report from his niece, #MaryLTrump who detailed how she (rather bravely) acquired the docs in her book, ‘Too Much & Never Enough’

This guy is the personification of failing upwards.

Nonilex, avatar
donray, avatar

Supper time!

i_gvf, avatar

@Nonilex Anyone else wonder why Palm Beach doesn't send out a tax bill to Mar-a-lago for a $1.2 billion valuation?

Sorry, Mr. Trump, how much is it worth?

synlogic, avatar

@Nonilex in all the likehood, the true origin of all or much of those D.B "loans" to Trump was Russia. it has been established already that D.B. has been fined for doing de facto money laundering into the West of Russian oligarch funds, thru things like "wash trades", intended to evade US/allied sanctions. D.B is likely one of the ways the Russians have moved cash to Trump. I doubt only way

GatekeepKen, avatar

The big bad judge is hurting fn hoo

JohnLoader6, avatar

@Nonilex and then challenged the First Minister of Scotland who was pals with not to allow a wind farm which he said would spoil his view. Friendship phut!

SteveClough, avatar

@Nonilex I do feel sorry for the judge. Having to listen to that idiot drone on and on - I would want to end it all after a day of that wank.

Nonilex, avatar

@SteveClough I can’t imagine

brendo, avatar

@Nonilex Every other sentence is a lie! All he does is lie. I knew he would lie on the stand. Amazing.

Nonilex, avatar

@brendo outside the courthouse:

jik, avatar

@Nonilex holy shit. Trump's lawyer said that and the judge didn't censure him? Astounding.

Nonilex, avatar

@jik I think his threshold got way higher for this trial. (More Trump special treatment & he says he’s a victim 🙄)

brendo, avatar

@Nonilex Why is he opening his mouth? He's going to lose his Trump Tower.


@Nonilex It'll be interesting if and when Trump's legal interest and that of his children permanently diverge... To say the least...

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