

tal avatar


Trying a switch to, at least for a while, due to recent stability problems and to help spread load.

jdloates avatar


rider, mostly in and around .
Occasional , sound & light, growing vegetables, birding, street organs, draaiorgels, , , , ...

Federated avatar


Undiscovered Scotland is a combination of visitor guide, accommodation listing and business directory which aims to show you what the country is really like.


Adventures in a historic landscape. Dark tales and photography from Northern Britain. #Scotland #NorthernBritain #Galloway #history #legend #folklore avatar


Tha #Gàidhlig agam | Poco Español agus ein bisschen Deutsch. Infrequent writer.

#Scotland #Politics #Indyref2 #Whisky #Football #HeartsFC #Photography #PunkRock #Languages #DùnÈideann #PlantBased


Mit der Kamera in Schottland unterwegs. Fotos sind von mir. Out and about in Scotland. Pictures are by me. Mehr/more: avatar


Living the dream.....ish. Govag from the Isle of Man 🇮🇲 and now residing in the North East of Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Taker of pictures. avatar


#NonFiction #writer and #photographer living in #Perthshire #Scotland. Interested in #nature #walking and #campervan #travel.

I aim to help others connect with the natural world and appreciate its wonders.

All photographs are my own and © Felicity Martin unless otherwise stated. avatar

fitheach avatar


Online music station
#pop #rock #soul #dance #hiphop
#Scottish rock & pop & #Scot #folk & #trad shows
Supports Scottish independence
Make a jukebox request👇
Help the station out👇 avatar


Resident of Scotland. Cares about and for the Environment (esp. the wet bit). Trying not to hate; but deeply offended by right-wing idiotology and the stupidity of Brexit. Je me reste un citoyen Européen. We need a worldview that's wider than money; because living on this planet means we're part of a complex system of relationships that supports all life - not just H. sap.

Also: I have a bus pass and I'm not afraid to use it! (We get them early in Scotland...) 😉 avatar


📷 Capturing life's moments through a lens for over 40 years. Currently focused on fine art and landscapes, finding beauty in every corner of the 🌍. Frequently lost in the wilderness. Loves dogs, tolerates people 🐶😁 Follow for all things photography related, and perhaps a few that aren't 🌟 #FineArtphotos #Landscapephotography #blackandwhitephotography #BuyIntoArt #GiftThemArt #ArtMatters #AYearofArt #artistonmastodon avatar


🎧 Founder/Program Dir. of Raven’s Cave Radio amongst other wonderful things. Welcome to the snippets of life, foods for thought and beyond. All views my own. #Archaeology #AncientHistory #Animism #AnimalRights #Animation #Art #Climate #Consciousness #Ecology #Folklore #GothicArchitecture #Geology #HumanRights #Megalithic #Movies #Music #Nature #Oceans #Pagan #Palaeontology #Podcast #Surf #Vanlife #WildCamping avatar


I make silly animations & pictures. Everything I post is made by me, unless clearly stated otherwise.

Interested in all thing visual (#Animation #Photography #sillyScribbles) and many things relating to #Politics, #HumanRights & the world around us.

Have been known to meticulously edit photos to create something fantastical, but quite often just scribble on things.

Leans to the left. Quite a lot. Full of woke nonsense, & quite happy about it. She/her.

This is my main social media account. avatar


Early-retired #Church of #Scotland #minister. Graduate of #Glasgow University and #Princeton Seminary- #Fulbright alumnus. Registered same-sex marriage celebrant. Occasional reposts or links in #German.
I won't follow you, or let you follow me, if you don't have a description.
#theology #Christianity #liturgy #politics #preaching #religion #ChurchOfScotland #Presbyterian #Reformed #faith #NoBridge


Grumpy old Coffee Lover...Bad at Spelling...

#Scotland...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿...Independence is normal...

I will always vote #YES...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #PRO-EU... 🇪🇺...#SNP...



#Gardening... #KevinTheCarrot🥕...

#AntiFascist...#AntiRacists...#MentalHealth... avatar


Handmade #landscapephotography , technics, science, unpopular opinion, if necessary.

Profile picture based on avatar


Photographer, Film Maker, Weather Geek, Astrophotographer and dark sky lover.. Mostly, I make pictures. Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. avatar


Mostly harmless, though I may boost wonderful and interesting things a lot at times. I live in Scotland.
Hooray for #birds and #art and #books. Boo to cruelty and injustice. Born at 319ppm. More hashtags: #ActuallyAutistic #Burnout #Computers #Cycling #Edinburgh #Gay #Photography #RPG #ScottishIndependence #Vegan #Venice 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🇺🇦


Freelance writer (Scotland/Iceland). Hiker, runner... haphazard cyclist? Islay resident/mountain hut warden in Fjallabak (Icelandic Highlands).

Author of Bradt Guides' Inner Hebrides. Currently researching for Cicerone and Bradt. Other writing work: the Guardian, Independent, Trail Magazine, Frommer's, TGO Magazine, Hidden Europe, Walk Highlands, Scottish Islands Explorer, Coast etc...

Always on the Left.

Photos are mine unless otherwise stated. avatar


Photography, jazz, art, politics, whisky, wine and more.

Edinburgh, Scotland. avatar


Fascinated by this land, the folk who inhabit it and what they get up to. Particular fan of islands. avatar


Hiker and landscape photographer, loving the beauty of nature and sharing the hiking experience with you!

The best photos are also available as print /print products (wall and desk calendars, photo flip, etc)

Old posts are deleted occasionally.

> #noAFD <
#hiking #wandern #landscapephotography #photography #mountains #berge #alps #alpen #outdoors

searchable avatar


I want to live in a better, more democratic, socialist Scottish Republic as part of the family of European nations.
Studied physics many years back before 30+ years in finance. Currently researching loss, grief, memory and the photograph for my degree.
Passionate about improving awareness of childhood cancer and of trying to find better cancer outcomes
Support the Hibs which is character building!!


Self-employed cook, painter, writer, photographer. Euro-Celt. Believer in justice & equality. Supporter of environmental issues & nature. Interested in gardening, cold water swimming, books, writing, poetry, art. Have ‘a thing’ about tractors (Massey Ferguson) and the colour red. Thalassophile. Scottish Highlands. All photos my own unless boosted. avatar


Histories of ages past
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity
The crying of humanity
'Tis then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man
Comes singing songs of love. - Donovan avatar


🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺Totally unapologetic eco ‘saboteur Remoaner’ and woke af. Outsider settled in Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and happy to help build the border wall with Perma-Tory™️ England once Scotland’s independence is regained 😘. My tolerance for ‘I reckon’ responses is microns thin — I block dribblers with alacrity, have even been known to block entire gammon shielding instances too… .|||. avatar


Geek of Linux, databases, machine learning; nemophilist; occasionally political and progressive; Christian; 📷 #landscape 🏔, #nature and #astrophotography 🔭 Perthshire 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 avatar


Lead author of the Nua-Celtic Manifesto (; author of an unpublished fantasy novel; environmentalist & conservationist; interest in public affairs, study of political science; student of the representatives of Dr. and Master Sha; lightworker & medium; place of residence/work: Béal Átha Caointe avatar


Bookseller, editor, blogger, reader, reviewer, writer, photographer, drinker, swashbuckler, cat tickler


Was @_Polinard in the blue vulture place 🐦 - now a 🦤 Floundering here …but what’s new?
Intro to follow, so please come back.


Criminologist and University Lecturer | Will challenge punitiveness | Scottish politics | Social justice | Personal account/views. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇦🇺
#Criminology #CriminalJustice #Sentencing #Academia #PolicyAnorak #AcademicTwitter #Scotland #ScotPol #Politics #ScottishIndependence #YesScots #RefugeesWelcome #Writing #Travel #Nature #ScottishLandscapes avatar


#democraticsocialism #LGBTQally #transally #EU #independentScotland #antifascist #SOSNHS #FOSS
Male, retired. Equality for all, regardless of gender, colour or sexual orientation. Society without socialism is not society, but exploitation of the weakest. He/him Lives in Hawick, Scottish Borders
Header is a drone photo of my former home in Shetland.
Avatar is Aurora borealis over Loch of Voe Shetland avatar


A free progressive, citizen journal by Scots for everyone. If you'd like to be involved email avatar


Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother & Wife
Loves cooking
Linux & Tech geek :tux:
Mobiles: #Fairphone4 #OnePlus6T #OnePlus6 #PinePhonePro :pine64:
Watch PineTime :pine64:
Hand wired #Pico #QMK #Keyboard builder
#ThinkPad owner :thinkpad:
Daily driver - #VoidLinux :void: with #RiverWM running on a native encrypted #ZFS filesystem with #ZFSBootMenu :terminal: :python: :vim:
Testing: #FreeBSD :freebsd:


Scottish person with a greyhound. Hard drive full of mouldy memes. :flag_enby:


Ex-Londoner now living in #Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK. Interested in #qualitativeresearch, #cats and #capybaras. Background in #mentalhealth research rooted in my own experience of living with #bipolar and #anxiety, now a #criminology #research assistant at #SwanseaUniversity. #PhD student in #psychology at #UniversityOfSurrey from October 2023. BwiththeT She/Her Image description of profile pic: a middle-aged white woman with straight shoulder-length dark red hair Peloton ID: purplepadma avatar


Knitting, cooking, socialism and folk music.

Doctoral Researcher, University of Edinburgh: Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in the Scottish Folk Revival (interests: cultural hegemony, Gramsci, critical folklore, 'folk' culture, cultural revivalism, history of folk, Scottish folk culture and music, labour history, working-class culture)

Plus I make a cocktail-based pie every month.

She/her avatar



Diplomierte Expertin.

Schutzheilige aller Hasen und Hörnchen.

Profile picture: The Grinch and his dog (Illumination)

Banner: Wide shot of a sunset on a beach. In the distance Sean is comforting his daughter Yoko (Raised by Wolves, UK, Series 2)

#MaskUp #CleanAir
#CovidIsNotOver avatar


No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die.

Music, photography, walking, nature. Seeking a better world. Love & Light.
#Music #Photography #Walking #Nature #Motorcycle #IT #Tech

#MyOccasionalBridges #TonightsCookingTunes #StandingStoneSunday

North Wales avatar


#Photographer // #Writer // Drystone Waller // Keeper of bees // #Scotland

My first book (an unconventional memoir about rebuilding, connection to the land, the past and to oneself) should be out next year!

#Neurodiverse // #Covidisnotover // Pronouns She/Her

(Banner image is of a person with their back to the camera, looking out over mountains on a sunny day.

Profile picture is of a woman with short brown hair, wearing a brown jumper & standing in front of a field of wheat.) avatar


Preparing our move to Scotland to escape England. #FBPE Audio/video recording, editing, theatre sound design. Tactical Vote:

My links: avatar


Pro photographer based in #Inverness sometimes taking pretty pictures but more than likely out somewhere photographing Bottlenose dolphins in #Scotland ... I work for marine charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation All views (+ swearing) are entirely my own. #dolphins #conservation #wildlife #research photography #nature


"Sometimes life is what we stumble through - and that's a forward movin' motion too..."

Ein hessischer 🐺 aus der Nähe von Mainz.

Lauscht am Metall 🤘🤘🤘

Schottland-süchtig 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Flussverliebt in Rhein & Main

Rad - Kajak - Faltboot

Moved here from

Inhalte werden nach 3 Monaten gelöscht ;o) avatar


Neugierig und Zaungast
Velove und Klapprad
Meer und mehr
#Pressefreiheit und #Medienvielfalt
Menschenrechte sind nicht verhandelbar avatar


writer (Rebel Code, Digital Code of Life, Walled Culture), journalist, blogger. on #openness, the #commons, #copyright, #patents and #DigitalRights. email:; PGP: E4962A75 #London #UK avatar


Anarcho-syndicalist, autistic, crofter, cyclist, depressive, entrepreneur, geek, searchable, Zapatista. Politics & environment, especially #LandReform. he/him.

GitHub: simon-brooke
FetLife: Simon_Brooke

Credo: Life is harsh. What we can do - and what we should do - is strive to make it less harsh for the people around us.

Addendum: you would not deliberately block a wheelchair ramp. Do not post images to social media without alt text. avatar


Draußen. Wald und Wiese. Moor. Mit der Kamera unterwegs. Fotos sind von mir. Nach 3 Monaten werden Bilder automatisch gelöscht.

Out and about with my camera: forest, meadows and moor. Pictures are by me. After 3 months, images are automatically deleted.

#Fotografie #Hamburg #Photography #Scotland avatar


FRSA. Scotsman, European, Humanist, synaesthete. Retired from Education. Walker and culture lover. Co-own and help run a guesthouse on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Many enthusiasms cluding the fox-red Labrador called Brodie. I post my own photographs of the places I happen to be and about art (I include word pictures in my posts and in the ALT text - read both please) avatar


Husband to
Rachel ( )
#Bisexual #Xennial #Progressive #Transhumanism #Space #London #SimCity4

The Other Site:

Destroyer Of Worlds

Do NOT Tone Police me.
DMs are not for strangers.


Sailing, whisky, playing guitar and ukulele, sauntering and taking snaps. Supporter of Scottish Independence. I love to travel, particularly to France. and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. avatar


Smallholder, writer, celebrant. She/her
I write about our #smallholding in North Fife. We keep #poultry, grow our own #vegetables and cook from scratch everyday #homemade #sustainable #ViewFromTheGate a hashtag for our mental well-being and about our immediate environment. If you have a gate (or frequently go through a gate), photograph the view and share on this hashtag.

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