@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar



Ecologue forestier devenu forestier et qui guette les effets du climat sur sa forêt.

PhD biology then a forester, now surveying what climate change is doing to his dear forest.

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erol_foret, to random French
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

Oh tiens! Le plan Macron de reboisement s'est transformé en une supercherie, visant à enrésiner le pays au nom du gain financier à court terme, qui sabote le plan national d'action pour les saproxyliques, qui ruine 30 ans d'efforts de vieillissement des forêts et roule au caterpillar sur la biodiversité. Mais qui aurait pu s'attendre à une arnaque pareille ? Non mais qui vraiment?

#foret #biodiversite


paul_denton, to Israel French
@paul_denton@mastodon.social avatar

Raphaël Enthoven explique sur BFM que Guillaume Meurice « n’a pas de talent ». C’est l’imposteur de la philo qui s’exprime ou le partenaire de la dirlo de France Inter? Il faudrait que la chaîne clarifie ce point. L’endogamie de ce petit milieu… (et encore une fois, je n'ai aucun problème pour dire que ça blague ne m'a pas fait rire)

#Politique #PrintempsRepublicain #BFM #Israel #Netanyahou #GuillaumeMeurice #Antisemitisme #Humour

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@paul_denton D'un autre côté, je ne suis par sûr que Meurice aurait apprécié d'avoir Enthoven avec lui 😆 . François Morel vient de prendre publiquement la défense de Meurice. C'est un soutien bien plus appréciable.

erol_foret, to Battlemaps
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

Despite this winter increased rainfall, soil moisture in my #forest is only 1/3 of March 2021 (year before heat dome). Locally it is same or lower than in March 2022 & 2023.

Excess rainfall was not retained in soil or was pumped by the local water company, or failed to refill heat dome-induced depletion, or all of those at the same time.

Year 2021 was overly rainy, but mostly from May to August.

There is no more moisture in excess in ground top layers. Plants will have to rely on nowadays unstable & hardly predictible Spring rainfall. The ecosystem is more fragile.

alexwild, to random
@alexwild@mastodon.online avatar

Since XKCD’s “Types of Scientific Paper” is making the rounds again, here’s the Entomology one I made a few years ago.


@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@alexwild This prompted me to a retrospective overview of my own bibliography, of which main themes look like:

  • Where to find beetles during harshest drought in 4 centuries

*How my sampling got screwed up by 2-month long unstoppable monsoon

*I tried hard to find any living beetle in this crop, but failed

*How to write a species list, once beetles got intoxicated by the neighboring highway

*How to write a paper about insects disappearing once they have disappeared from your site?

erol_foret, to random
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

Last Spring, a breeding season for most of our #beetle species at this latitude, none got recorded for extended periods of time at several of my survey points, which I have been monitoring for 6 years. I talked about this incredible event here at the time.

This afternoon, I chatted with a colleague. He told me, he heard of numerous similar accounts from places around the world this year.

📢 Time to wake up guys!

It is is turning very bad for #biodiversity

kellylepo, to random
@kellylepo@astrodon.social avatar

Ever wonder how we send data back and forth to #JWST?

Along with 40 different missions, JWST uses NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), operated by JPL. Or, as I like to call it, the "space internet".

The DSN has giant radio antennas in Goldstone, California; Canberra, Australia; and Madrid, Spain, each positioned approx. 120 degrees apart in longitude. As the Earth rotates, one antenna will move out of range as another moves into range.

Learn more: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/articles/how-do-we-communicate-with-webb

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@kellylepo Here is a tour of Canberra antennas (video in 3 parts).


A little question about commands: is it true, that one probe, which is orbiting around Jupiter, was computed in Forth ?

erol_foret, to random
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

French government intends to track invading alien species. But quarantining inter-continental cargo is still not considered, nor is checking what gardening shops sell and later settles in the wild (2 weird unknown plant species uncovered in my forest in 6 years) . Rather waste money and people's time on fixing disasters than disturbing trade.

erol_foret, to Battlemaps
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

My first recording of Meloe proscarabaeus L. (Coleoptera Meloidae) in October!

Actually my first record past June.

It foraged in clearings.

In our region, this grotesque beetle is often seen trying to cross some road in Spring early chilly days before tree display their leaves, which is rarely a good idea for this slow animal and not a good place for shooting pictures, This is why I have none. But you can see what it looks like here:

#forest #insects #beetles

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@NatureMC Indeed. Interesting beetles. Many species in this family challenge laws of geometry! 😆

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@NatureMC True! I'd like to create 3D printed models at some point. Though it is too hard to be in a near future. But I heard someone was doing this in Germany.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@NatureMC Great job! Alas my hands are far from being as agile as this.

Pr_Logos, to random French

A l'époque du climato-négationnisme triomphant à l'Académie, un collègue m'avait dit: lorsque l'accès à l'eau, à l'énergie, à l'alimentation subira une anomalie, cela conduira à des massacres. Il faut imaginer 10% de la population mondiale éliminée en 6 mois ou un an.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos Certaines pulsions malsaines traversent les âges. C'est l'histoire du radeau de la Méduse : lorsqu'on a retrouvé le radeau, tous les charpentiers qui l'avaient construit avaient été dévorés par les administrateurs qu'il transportait.

Sinon, vous pouvez aussi voir la série Utopia sur Arte.tv (mais bon courage!)

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Are numbers of species the right metric to measure the impact of extinctions?

Force me to choose between, Camponotus discolor one of a huge family of carpenter ants going extinct and one of the four remaining horseshoe crab species, I'm picking the crabs. (my myrmecentric bias notwithstanding)

The 'edge of existence' (EDGE) identifies phylogenetically isolated species. Their list is lacking in arthropods. A constant annoyance of mine with endangered species lists.


erol_foret, (edited )
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@futurebird Mass extinction notion deals with genera extinction not species. Paleontologists are not able to enumerate all species, that existed.

Red lists originally scoped vertebrates and intended to stop smuggling. In fact, they work poorly with arthropods with many caveats (rangers inability to recognize taxa, poor selection of species to be listed, protection of species but not of their resource etc ...)

With experience, I came to the conclusion, that ecosystems protection is preferable.

Pr_Logos, to random French

Le projet criminel d'autoroute A69 a été commandé à l'Etat, au service et sous le contrôle de la sphère actionnariale, par Pierre Fabre, des laboratoires du même nom. Cette ordure en est à comparer les scientifiques du climat au Hamas…

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos Waou. C'est un strike! Il a pondu un combo de la section commentaires du Figaro !

Pour bien connaitre le Gers voisin, je signale quand même à ce gugusse que "l'état de désolation" de la région est le résultat de l'agro-industrie et du passage de Simon de Montfort (dont le bilan carbone fut effroyable).

S Rousseau n'était pas née.

AkaSci, (edited ) to random
@AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is getting ready for its close flyby of asteroid Dinkinesh this Wednesday, Nov 1, at 16:54 UTC.

Asteroid Dinkinesh is about 760 m wide; it is part of the main belt of asteroids located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Lucy will use this encounter to test its instruments and tracking systems, in preparation for its main mission of surveying 7 Jupiter trojan asteroids in 2027-2033.



@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@AkaSci I confirm. When I was a student, the song story was told to us by Pr Jean Chaline, who was member of the team and our paleontology professor.

Pr_Logos, to random French

Un très beau texte de @RogueESR sur Mediapart (accès libre).

« Je vous écris en cours de chute »

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos "la vérité n’est pas performative"

Je me trouverais presque à me réjouir que votre collègue soit enfin parvenu à ce constat, pas réjouissant. J'en suis là depuis longtemps.

Les mycéniens, les romains, toutes ces sociétés qui remplissent les musées d'archéologie n'avaient pas les moyens de savoir pourquoi leur monde disparaissait. Nous, on est peut-être les premiers à savoir pourquoi et on a choisi de ne rien faire, en conscience. Pas sûr qu'on reste dans la mémoire comme des génies.

ChrisMayLA6, to anime_titties
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

We've sort of got to grips with the problems with #fastfashion, and while not completely resolved we can now acknowledge the issue(s) that lie behind it... now we need to take a look at #FastTech, whose products end up in #landfill leading to further #environmental consequences in the long-run.

The #righttorepair campaign hasn't really even touched this problem, even if its starting to gain traction for more established #technology.

We can't keep poisoning the #earth

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 In addition, we must also push for a right to recycle. In the US, anyone can take things out of E-wastes. Vintage computers lovers do that all time. In France, it is strictly forbidden! A few years ago someone was trialed for this. E-wastes owners actually ship most of the garbage to Africa, as was revealed during COVID lockdown. Such a management of E-wastes is a shame. Unfortunately, most of the population is unaware of it and wonders why Africans are infuriated at them.

albertcardona, to random
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Large body size differences across species in Hymenoptera. Here, an example of a small masked bee (~7 mm) next to a minute ant (<3 mm) on a flower of European sea rocket (Cakile maritima). https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/120155371

And these two are both tiny next to a violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea), measuring well over 40 mm in body length! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178658335 Similarly dramatic size differences exist within ant castes of the same species.

#iNatualist #Hymenoptera #nativebees #ants #entomology #insects #fossils #DevBio

A very large bee, an entirely black violet carpenter bee, foraging on dry-looking pale yellow thistle flowers.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@albertcardona @LateOnsetGirl But lineages split quite a long time ago.

Reproduction diverts resources otherwise devoted to wing development in ground beetles. But whether it drives body size more than foraging ability or predation avoidance, I don't know.

In my memory, beetles breeding strategy was found to play a role in species size change with increasing temperature and could predict whether species shrank or grew.

Factors such as diet and disturbance also play a role in imaginal size

Pr_Logos, to random French

Vu de l'étranger
La démolition des programmes sociaux par la droite extrême issue du néolibiéralisme se poursuit.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos Etrange article : ils parlent de Meloni mais oublient l'histoire des workhouses (Charlie Chaplin y a été interné et c'est connu aux USA), qui sont accusées d'avoir tué 1 million de pauvres rien qu'en Angleterre. Pourtant, c'est à peu près le même système et en tout cas c'est exactement la même idée.


erol_foret, to random French
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

Planter n'importe quoi, n'importe comment et importer n'importe quoi sans contrôle sanitaire est dangereux pour l'#ecosysteme.

On le disait déjà dans les années 90. Mais il faut encore et toujours le répéter.

Article écrit par un vieux pote, qui est en charge du suivi national de la chalarose.

#foret #jardin


Pr_Logos, to random French

Lorsque l'Etat planificateur feint d'être de retour et de servir le bien commun, en étant sous le contrôle et au service du marché, qui s'étonnera qu'il déverse l'argent public aux actionnaires des secteurs prédateurs de la planète.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos C'est tout le temps comme ça. Il y a plein de gens qui vivent très bien de l'écologie, mais qu'on ne croise dans aucun marais, aucune forêt, tourbière ou prairie.

erol_foret, to random
@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

September survey: nothing moves in grasslands, besides lots of Grahosoma italicum. Even crickets have been in small numbers. Autumn beetles are missing completely. Openlands have turned into a dead zone.

2023's #insects activity-density is at its lowest in a 6-year row.

Tomorrow, we'll see if something still lives under the forest cover. But there's no reason to be optimistic. #heat #aftermath

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@NatureMC Chalk Plateau, southwest from Haut-Rhin, in the middle of nowhere😆 .

Once I sampled around Goethe's Oak in Sessenheim. At the time, I found it was an entomological nightmare there, owing to the neighboring Lauterbourg highway pollution. It used to be my reference for low biodiversity. I assume, I"ll have to reconsider this conclusion, despite the only things human around my forest are a countryside road and a pasture.

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@NatureMC Indeed😆 When I was in Sessenheim, I had an idea, that neighboring crops could be involved in this biodiversity disaster.

I know the biosphere reserve quite well. Its conservationist is an old friend. There we designed a methodology for including biodiversity assessments in forest inventories, that is still in use in the other reserves.

Also we worked with Bialowiecza, because this and Northern Vosges are some of the few grade 1 nature reserves in Europe.

Good place to live in!

Pr_Logos, to random French

BFN a tenu a nous renseigner sur le menu de la Lanterne, à Versailles, pour Foutriquet, monarque électif, et machin Windsor.

Sinon, il y a une casserolade de prévue, espère-je?

@erol_foret@piaille.fr avatar

@Pr_Logos Sinon, je veux bien venir avec un Munster de 30 mois. Pour vider Versailles, ça devrait le faire.

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