
A lover of cats 🦁 An avid gamer 🖥️ A dreamer without dreams 💤 A night person 🌃 A fan of sci-fi 👽 and fantasy 🎃

📍🇫🇮 Finland
🗨 Tooting in English and Finnish (that's why I might use some weird looking hashtags)

This is my primary Mastodon account.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

chertograd, to Suomi Finnish

Let’s see how many #Finns this reaches 😎🇫🇮
Katsotaan montako suomalaista tämä tavoittaa.

Hyvää viikonloppua, ihmiset! 😋

#suomi #mastodonfi #mastodonsuomi #finnish #lahti #lahticity #viikonloppu #suomalaiset #finland


@rolle Eipä mulla kauheasti. Lähinnä ajattelin et jospa löytyisi lisää seurattavia tällä tavoin 😊
Pääosin englanniksi kyllä keskustellut ja kaiken maalaisten kanssa, mutta joskus on toki kiva keskustella kotimaan asioista (ei siis toki vain poliittisista) ja nähdä mitä ihmiset mieltä asioista.
Vinkkejä otetaan vastaan ☺️


@rolle Kiitos buustista muuten! Kyllähän tuossa tuli nyt joku 5-10 uutta seurattavaa jo tällä postauksella eli hyötyä oli 😊

Kannatti toivotella viikonloppuja siis 😁🙈

chertograd, to mastodon

Why are so people so hesitant to jump on board on #Mastodon?

They've had years to move over if they're not happy with #Twitter / #X.

Yet they are so eager to open up a #BlueSky or #Threads account for some reason...? Decentralization isn't a monster to be scared of. Even emails have been using it for ages.

A big corporation holding all the strings does not ensure quality or security.

A big turn off for me when it comes to #Meta's Threads is how you can't view posts without signing up.

chertograd, to Xbox

People should really, stop speculating and giving too much value on rumors.
Wait till uncle Phil clears things out.
In the meantime... enjoy gaming, no matter what platform you're using 🎮

The more people tell the same story, the more real it will start to sound. There is absolutely no need to spread chaos.

Whatever the outcome may be, it is exceedingly unlikely that you'll be negatively affected (you can keep playing).

#xbox #playstation #nintendo #consoles #gaming #philspencer #games

rolle, to internet avatar

We have talked a lot about the positive sides of the Fediverse, but not as much about the downsides. For me the top negative things of this free and healthier social web are:

  1. People are patronizing. This happens a lot more than in other places. I mostly mean the unsolicited advice: Alt text, don’t post this or that, avoid commercialism, other social medias and use content warnings for everything. While many mean good, it has been often very aggressive. This happened a lot in 2022. For a while it made the bar to post much higher because I was afraid to make a mistake. Today I don’t care as much.

  2. Nitpicking. Comments are nice, but not when people are overly criticising about what you do or concentrating in irrelevancies. Whataboutism is the worst side effect.

  3. Everyone has their own rules and they are often contradicting each other. Some are extreme and block every other instance, some more allowing. You might accidentally break many rules around the Fediverse without even noticing it (some servers don’t allow posts about meat or alcohol for example).

  4. Politically too left. It seems it is not allowed to be very conservative here. People are anti-commercialism, anti-capitalist, anti-anything.

While saying this, I do not stumble upon these downsides very often since I am quite a chill guy and have my own server. I feel like I can post whatever the fuck I want.

However, I do wonder if these things are the ones that make the Fediverse less approachable by new users. On the other hand I believe the new open social web will transform the way we see the social media in general and soon it does not matter, we don’t have to think what is ”here” when the big players like Threads and Tumblr adapt ActivityPub.


@rolle @saaste Strongly agree here that oftentimes the sentiment seems to be that if you aren't 100% liberal and differ even in the slightest, you're all of a sudden a "conservative" in someone's eyes.

Not saying this wouldn't apply in other topics as well. But it's annoying if you tick most of the boxes but strongly disagree with a few things, then that flips everything around in some person's book.

The same applies to party discipline or "puoluekuri".

chertograd, to random

If dentists had their own #instance, would it be called flosstodon? Not to be confused with #fosstodon.
Root access? More like root canal access.

chertograd, to Frostpunk

Snagged for 6€ on .
My backlog keeps piling up but that looked nice.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to random avatar

When it comes to gaming, I don’t hate Microsoft. I don’t exactly love them either, but I don’t hate them.

They’ve done some good things. Because of Xbox Live Arcade, indie gaming found an audience on console platforms. Xbox Game Pass is an excellent way to try AAA titles before you buy them. And because of XInput, using a gamepad on a PC is so much easier nowadays.

Right now, they’re acquiring big AAA studios. However, consolidation has been happening in the video game industry for decades now and the net effect is that new studios spring up. Sure, you can buy IPs, but talent is a different matter entirely.

Nevertheless, if we want truly independent gaming, it behooves us to support platforms like as well as TIC-80. It’s in those spaces where imagination and creativity really thrive.

Cynics will always say, “I’m not going to support indie studios and platforms because, once they get big, they’ll enshittify”.

Sure, that’s often true to an extent – Epic was once an indie shareware developer – but while you’re waiting for the worst in gaming to happen, you’re also preventing yourself from experiencing the best of gaming that’s happening right now.

DRM, micro-transactions, and seasonal passes are generally a bad thing. So what’s the solution? Don’t play crippled, enshittified games. There’s plenty of developers that don’t engage in that behaviour, including Larian Studios, who developed Baldur’s Gate III, which is the current Game of the Year.

And what’s often not said is that things can improve in the gaming landscape. At one time, if you wanted to game on PC, you needed a Windows PC. But now because of Proton, Windows is becoming less important. Right now, the majority of my PC gaming library is playable on Linux, and I bought these games before Linux gaming was even an option.


@atomicpoet Although there are no saints among big corporations and whilst is larger than , is dominating the high-end console space so out of the two, it feels funny to say Microsoft is the underdog, but in that sector they are...
And that just makes me want to root for them more since the last thing I want is a nearly monopolistic situation in the console space.
MS / isn't a "little guy", but I'm sure you get what I mean. We need competition for Sony.

chertograd, to mastodon

Sorry for not posting that much anymore.
I guess the hype has died a bit on my part but I do occasionally drop by to read and post.
Anyone else feel the same way...?
Whilst I might not be as active as I was, at least I do use #Mastodon every week or month, unlike the #BirdSite.

damien, to random


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  • chertograd,

    @damien A good one, although technically not computers but modems.
    Still made me chuckle. That tune still haunts me to this day.

    jwildeboer, (edited ) to random avatar

    European people only, please. And don't look it up. Just your impulsive reply :) Was 9/11


    @jwildeboer It was said so often (and for a good reason) on the media that "September 11th" really stuck.

    nirik, to random avatar

    Dear small businesses: Please don't use facebook as your primary web page. It now requires you to login and some of us have no interest in doing so.


    @nirik A big part of it is being cost-free and requiring little to no maintenance or technical knowledge.
    Lots of companies don't seem to want to pay for a domain etc.
    Not exactly sure what's a good free alternative to Facebook. Geocities isn't really a thing anymore. Nor is MySpace.

    feditips, (edited ) to random avatar

    Replies will appear in the Home timeline on Mastodon if:

    • The reply mentions you


    • You wrote the reply


    • The reply is by someone you follow AND mentions someone else you follow


    • Someone you follow is replying to themselves to create a thread

    Other replies will not be shown in Home, but they may be visible to you in other places such as profiles or threads.

    More info about post and reply visibility on Mastodon at


    @feditips Thanks! I was actually just wondering about this not so long ago.
    Bookmarked 📕

    rolle, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

    It feels like people are 50%/50% on the search feature on Mastodon and Fediverse in general. Some Fedi software have quite extensive search implemented already in my knowledge. Mastodon barely has any search if you don't count the open text search patch.

    What do you think?

    Pick one.

    I want to see how divided we are on this.


    @rolle All for it! But I do understand it's an additional weight on server resources for sure.

    mastodonmigration, (edited ) to random avatar

    A lot of this comes down to basic courtesy.

    People put a lot of thought into their posts, and don't like it when someone hijacks the thread with off-topic suggestions. Just let it go, or maybe send them a respectful PM.

    Likewise the changes here have been pretty traumatic for some long time users. There is no right way to Mastodon, but you can be polite when declining these suggestions.

    Take care of each other. We are all in this together.



    @mastodonmigration I couldn't agree more. I left one community after being in it for years mainly due to constant arguing whether something is off-topic or not.
    If things get too strict, it'll start to represent something like a government bureau instead of a friendly welcoming community.

    People need to take things way less seriously and focusing on the good instead of correcting stuff like grammar mistakes...

    ben, to random avatar

    A reminder that what you see online is just a facet of a person. You’re missing their loves, their shame, their unspoken needs, and the things that really make them human. The internet casts four dimensions into a 2D plane. Everyone here is a projection.


    @ben Well said!
    I've found out numerous times that certain people are either way more entertaining or less entertaining in real life.
    Some people might be terribly blunt online and even sound passive aggressive but might be real sweethearts in the real life and vice versa.

    Some people might have it easier online because of shyness and some people whereas some people be worse online since it lacks social physical interaction:
    You don't see what your words are doing to a person.


    @ninokadic @philosophy I'd say either a YouTube video or podcast on a service that doesn't require an account or a specific app to listen to it.
    I love services like Mastodon for discussions and I think the 500 char limit is just right (Twitter's 140 was too short).
    I'm not too keen on blogs since oftentimes they're just too lengthy so I don't bother reading through it all. But I can listen longer or have a back and forth chat (on Mastodon etc.).

    rolle, (edited ) to firefox avatar

    What is your browser of choice? #Browser #Browsers #Firefox #Chrome


    @rolle Chromw mainly due to loving how PWAs work, all the plugins I'm accustomed to, how the DevTools work and how its settings and UI look and feel.
    The fact that most of my stuff syncs via Google is just the cherry on top.
    I am aware of the telemetry concerns. Just a sacrifice I'm willing to make for all the conveniences.

    chertograd, to XMen
    mustikkasoppa, to deaf Finnish avatar

    Joskus toivon, että mulla olisi ihan joku muu kuulonäkövammaa aiheuttava geenivirhe tai joku sairaus, jossa olisi jotain tolkkua. Ai miksikö ajattelen näin? No siksi että:

    • Monille on vaikeaa hahmottaa milloin näen ja milloin en
    • Monille on vaikeaa hahmottaa milloin kuulen ja milloin en
    • Monille on ihmeellistä se että kuulen ja puhun vaikka olen täysin kuuro
    • Monille on ihmeellistä se että näen, vaikka olen samaan aikaan sokea

    Joko meni aivot solmuun? Ei ihme! Tämä usherin syndrooma on niin outo sairaus / vamma.


    @rolle @saaste @mustikkasoppa This is so wholesome! En äkkiseltään keksinyt suomenkielellä täysin vastaavaa sanaa. Thanks for sharing this! ☺️

    ninokadic, (edited ) to philosophy avatar

    What's the most philosophical video game that you played? 🎮

    My list would include Disco Elysium, SOMA, and the Talos Principle. All truly great experiences.



    @ninokadic @philosophy I'd probably have to go with #BioShock (all of them) or #AmnesiaTheDarkDescent.

    rolle, (edited ) to mastodon Finnish avatar

    Onpa ilahduttavaa nähdä, että Twit...eikun siis X:n puolelta on siirtynyt paljon porukkaa tänne Mastodoniin. Lämpimästi tervetuloa! Meitä on täällä paljon. Täällä ei ole suosittelualgoritmeja, mainoksia tai tietojenkalasteluominaisuuksia, jotka oppisivat tykkäilyistäsi tai käytöksestäsi, joten joudut näkemään hieman vaivaa alkuun. Mutta se on hauskaa!

    Näin pääset alkuun:

    1. Seuraa paljon porukkaa. Itse suosittelen, että seuraat kaikkia vähänkin kiinnostavia niin saat virrastasi eloisan. Karsit pois sitten myöhemmin niitä, jotka eivät istukaan virtaasi. Kasaamaltani suomalaisten listalta saat heti noin 400 ihmistä tuotua seurattaviisi:

    2. Selaa hashtageja. Hyviä alussa ovat mm. , , jne.

    3. Postaile juttuja matalalla kynnyksellä ja käytä paljon hashtageja.

    4. Muista kuvien ja videoiden alt-tekstit (etenkin, jos kuvassa on tekstiä), ne auttavat sokeita hahmottamaan mitä kuvissa on. Pakollista tämä tietenkään ei ole, saat käyttää Mastodonia miten haluat instanssisi sääntösi puitteissa.

    5. Asenna app. Mastodonia voi käyttää monin eri tavoin, mm. Chrome-selaimella puhelimessasi tai asentamalla sovelluksen. Hyviä appeja Androidille ovat mm. Moshidon, Megadolon ja Tusky. iPhonelle loistavia ovat esim. Mona, Ice Cubes, Ivory tai Mammoth.

    6. Kasaa käyttäjiä listoihin. Itselläni mm. Suomalaiset ja Favs. Näiden avulla isommasta seuraajamäärästä voi karsia itselleen ne tietyt, joita seuraa tiukemmin. Täällä ei tosiaan ole mitään tarjoiltuna, joten tällä tavoin on helppo kehittää "omia algoritmeja".

    7. Jos jatko-optimointi kiinnostaa Mastodonille löytyy läjäpäin erilaisia työkaluja, jopa se Twitteristä tuttu rinkula jossa on oma kupla. Olen kasannut työkaluja tänne:

    Toivottavasti nautit Mastodonin käytöstä yhtä paljon kuin me muutkin. Mastodonissa parasta on sen "terveellisyys", reaaliaikaisuus, helppous, nopeus ja se että se kehittyy koko ajan. Esim. muokkaustoiminto tuli tammikuussa 2023 ja hashtagit päivityksen loppuun ja laajempi haku elokuussa 2023.



    @rolle Holy shit. 57pv vanha julkaisu josta olen tykänny ja jonka olen jakanut eteenpäin niin Mastodon antaa ilmoituksen kun sitä editoidaan?
    Aika yllättävää, mutta myös hienoa.
    Monelta jäisi muutokset muuten huomaamatta.

    rm4, to linux

    Hello there, my name is Raymond :)

    I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the fediverse. I am a big fan. I converted to the side, currently using and . I am a proponent of . I am a graphic & web designer in SoCal. I hail from the system (where I was a Google+ Creator and the "Star Wars guy" there...) . I've been a social media nomad since after the Empire destroyed it back in 2018. RIP :(

    Glad to be here. This is where the fun begins!



    @rm4 The side of the is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be... unnatural.
    Rise, lord @rm4 .

    Alice, to random avatar

    Dear Autocorrect,

    My name is Alice, not Alive or Slice.

    Thanks in advance,


    @Alice This is still one of the best posts by far. A gift that keeps on giving 😂💎

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