
muse avatar



If you're reading this, Kbin has magically worked again. Our admin seems to be in desperate need of a team. Send help.


yukichigai avatar



Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.

You can also find me over at lemmy.sdf.org under the same username.

Nachoman_Randy_Sandwich avatar



Ohhh yeahhh

GreenPlasticSushiGrass avatar



The wasabi goes over there.

PugJesus avatar



Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.

TheLastOfHisName avatar



A sometime poet.
Mostly I just ramble.
ADHD and unmedicated.
Human, imperfect, but trying.

"Where do we go....we who wander the wastelands in search of our better selves?" -The First History of Man

HarkMahlberg avatar



Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

"You just don't know how AI works" earns you a block.

TalesofAlexandria avatar



Hello! My name is Alexandria Addams (she/her). I'm a transgender woman, lesbian, and novelist creating historical fantasy sapphic erotica.

JochCool avatar



I am a programmer, gamer, community moderator, Wikipedian, and Eurofan from Delft, Netherlands. (he)

I'm new to kbin; I moved here following the Reddit protest.

finthechat avatar




Don't talk to me unless you're an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya

k-tec avatar



UK on-line retailer selling expertly configured retro-gaming devices.

Web site: www.k-tec.uk
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ktec
Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/k-tec
Github: https://github.com/K-tec-UK
Newsletter sign-up: https://k-tec.uk/#block-25

chameleon avatar



i'm lizard 🦎

skepickle avatar



Full stack electromancer.

I make lights blink in very specific order.

“Tell people there is an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they will touch it to be sure.”
      - Probably not George Carlin

Alto avatar



I have a math degree and still can't do basic addition

Anti-tankie leftist

bunnyfc avatar



random bun on the internet



My other account is Moldy@programming.dev PM me there if messages refuse to come through to this one.

TimeSquirrel avatar


iAmTheTot avatar


Peekystar avatar




SharkAttak avatar



Ran away from reddit, trying to wrap my head around this Fediverse thing.

jkmooney avatar



Historical fencer, bike packer, friend of the Fae, it's gets complicated....

AlllRightyThen avatar



NorCal, USA

atocci avatar



I like Minecraft

WadeTheWizard avatar



I draw sometimes

Somewhereunknown7351 avatar



Reddit: u/Somewhereunknown7351

Hypixel forums: Someplaceunknown

WorldAnvil: Someplaceunknown

::: spoiler spoiler

BaldProphet avatar



2 Kings 2:23-24: A story about what happens when you make fun of bald dudes

Proud to be a defender of the faith.

My content may not be sold or used to train AI models without my consent.

cragsand avatar



Account for posting stream highlights, on , the alternative. Open the federated feed from https://kbin.social/m/thegoldengator/ otherwise it won't display properly.

The "magazine" /m/ is inspired by the "subreddit" /r/

➡️ https://www.reddit.com/r/thegoldengator/

Find me elsewhere on:

🐘 https://mastodon.social/@cragsand

🔥 https://reddit.com/u/cragsand


@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar



Involuntary time-traveler, recipient of offensive grace. Quasi-technical Linux and FOSS enthusiast. Armchair privacy advocate

Profile pic courtesy NeoFetch.

Header image courtesy of NASA: https://unsplash.com/photos/Q1p7bh3SHj8

My #interests:



@mbonsma@mastodon.social avatar



Data Sciences Institute postdoc (bikes + data), biophysics PhD, Bike Ottawa board member, mom. I post about bikes and safe streets, local politics, and sometimes science. She/her.

#DataScience #BikeTooter #OttBike #BikeTO #ActiveTravel #Transportation #UrbanPlanning #CargoBike #eBike #biking #maps #science #Python #cats #fedi22

@gratefuldread@gratefuldread.masto.host avatar



Administrator of gratefuldread.masto.host, Fediverse instance of Grateful Dread Peace Media - Diverse Spectrum of the Left: aggregated LEFTIST news, arts, culture, activism, peace - always monitored #RevolutionaryLove - Natalie Davis, owner/editor

"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world." — Eugene V. Debs

"Way too fine to be this stressed." -- Lizzo

No Threads/Meta

@levampyre@chaos.social avatar



music, language, literature, mediaevalia, labour law, unionizing, feminism, intersectionality, queer, pan, poly, woke, social, atheist, chaos community, parenting, climate action, gardening, composting, permaculture, degrowth, solarpunk, self-sufficiency, exil-berlinerin und neu-brandenburgerin mit antifa-tarifvertrag

Folgt dem Hashtag #ArschDerHeide für Alles, was unseren Waldgarten- und Hausprogress, bzw. unser Neues Leben auf dem Lande betrifft! 🌱

📍 Brandenburg, Germany

@AyPapi@miniwa.moe avatar



This profile will mainly contain NSFW (Sensual Nudity, none sexual) content as https://miniwa.moe/users/AyPapi love the female body as in any other museum pieces, embracing the human (female) naked body, as beautiful as it is.

If you feel you can not handle the naturalism of the female naked and life giving anatomy, please feel free to mute this account, don't blacklist it, I did not invade your space.

Adults only! Hi all! I dream of becoming the top 1 NSFW community in the Mastodon network. There are practically no allowed PR methods. Mass following is prohibited, and publications with sensitive content are not included in the recommendation feed. Therefore, I ask everyone who likes my publications and who is not difficult, boost this entry. I love and hug everyone!

If you post naked females and would like me help boost your tooth, well then there are a few conditions.

  1. I like what you posts
  2. We do a mutual follow
  3. You boost / favs my posts as well as I do to you. This is a 2 way street. As long you help me, I help you, it is very simple and fair trade.

The accounts I uses for boosting and favs are as follows, and you will have to follow those in mutual as well.

If you are running a #bot account, or you toot's #privacy violating URI's and think i #repost ( #retoot ) "your" content as mine... then remember

  1. it is with 99.9999% certainty not your original work, you stole it from somewhere else to make it yours
  2. You posts to much shit, I wont help boosting your #bot #account
  3. Your post contained a privacy violating URL, I put my self on the list of allowed users to repost. I will try to remember NOT to post credit to origin posts... Please don't shoot me, You stated violating everyone #privacy, and you are of curse NOT welcome to add the link to original post as comment.
  4. If a post contains a link to a walled garden (e.g. Facebook, Cloudflare, or Quora), I will not boost it. All posts I write & all boosts from me are openly accessible to everyone.
  5. #AI Generated contents is everybody's by curt ruling, the work is NOT yours, maybe you asked the #Cluster of #Computers to generate you something from others stolen work, that the cluster have been steeling against #License this includes and not limited to #OSS License as CC-BY-* AGPLv3 etc.
@michaelc@social.rootaccess.org avatar



Always learning new things!

Software developer for my day job.
One of the founding members of Root Access, a makerspace in Fresno.

Space and Fediverse enthusiast.

@Aurelius@lemmy.world avatar



Making the fediverse accessible to all with Quiblr!

@Blue@misskey.de avatar



Durchstreife das Fediverse, bringe Fundstücke mit, plaudere. Mag ein vielfältiges Fediverse mit eigenen Inhalten der Nutzer:innen.
German, fluent in English. She / her

@zlasha@mastodon.online avatar



🐘💨Toot toot
Information Security/Privacy

Übrigens, Umweltschutz ist…

  • Arbeitnehmerschutz
  • Investitionsschutz
  • Heimatschutz
  • Schöpfungsbewahrung
  • Migrationsverhinderer
@Fischblog@chaos.social avatar



Chemiker, Blogger, Wissenschaftsjournalist. Redakteur bei Spektrum.de für Seuchen, Weltuntergänge, Quokkas und alles dazwischen.

@onepict@chaos.social avatar



I discovered when I graduated from Computer Science I prefer people to programming. I toot about Privacy and about how RFC1984 relates to that. I'm concerned by the threat of mass data collection and surveillance. I like to raise awareness of this RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1984

#PHPledge. #CovidIsStillHere #LongCovid

Pronouns : she/her
Avatar : white woman, blue eyes, glasses and brown hair in a scarf
Banner: George Orwell and Ovid standing in a Panopticon

Been on the Fediverse since 2017

@evemassacre@assemblag.es avatar



hopeless culture romantic and radical utopian
I made my posts searchable via https://tootfinder.ch/

@Arcanepotato@vegantheoryclub.org avatar




If your vegan anarchist grandma and vegan anarchist dad were the same person.

I’m an engineer who cosplays as a vegan farmer. I live in un-ceded Anishinabe Algonquin territory.



I’m honored you are taking this time to review my posts and add downvotes. I’m sure your life is fulfilling.

@Hika@mastodon.social avatar



Hi, I'm Hika. I love cyborg prince, Wing, ex-Soul Eater Rune bearer, and a king. どうもぉ。Hikaです。#今井翼 と#堂本光一 とサイボーグ王子が大好き. #onepunchman #mobpsycho100 #Radiant #WildARMS #Suikoden #pokemon #DrSTONE #StoryofSeasons #TokyoRevengers #Otome

Art: https://mastodon.social/@Hika/tagged/HikArt
Art Tag: #HikArt

PKMN TSV(X4011,OR2819,S3963)

@impactology@mastodon.social avatar



Independent interface design researcher. Writing a book on designing novel interactive visual abstractions (novel ui concepts) for new ways of learning, teaching, explaining, discovering, inventing things online

Same handle name at bluesky

@CollaboraOffice@mastodon.social avatar



Secure Document Collaboration, Controlled by You.

Put your #DigitalSovereignty first with #CollaboraOnline - the fully #OpenSource office solution for #CollaborativeEditing.

@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar



“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.”― Groucho Marx

@MissBiddy@mastodon.social avatar



I am Elly, 25,USA, bisexual, college,single, adventurous, happy.18+ blog,I like men to be masculine and women to be feminine (this is me, no judgment on others) You were in my dream last night.

@sylvia@social.lol avatar



Fantasy writer, poet, blogger, doodler, avid reader and crafty gal trying to curtail her crafty exploits to just a few.

Currently those are crochet and whittling, but next week it may be something totally different.

Lives in the Netherlands with her husband and three cats.

Most posts self destruct in a month

avatar by hungrydamy on etsy

@calebhailey@mastodon.social avatar



Co-Founder, Product https://mastodon.social/@herdworks. Previously Co-Founder & CEO of Sensu (acq. Sumo Logic). Team 

Portland, OR. 🌹⚽️🌲

@exchgr@mastodon.world avatar



move slow & fix things

music • photography • poetry • code

🎸 since 1998
👩🏻‍💻 since 2006 (pro since 2012)

aka inkjetski • new single “home to you” out now on bandcamp/apple music/spotify

building: uncut systems
prev: sotheby’s, twitter, spotify, meetup, etc

roles: front-end, back-end, sre, infra, platform, devex, tech lead, consultant

practices: xp, tdd, ddd, pairing, mobbing, t-shaped, xfun teams

languages: ruby, js, ts, go, java, scala, swift, html, css, sql

@rstevens@mastodon.social avatar



america’s number one tooter three years running

@yatil@yatil.social avatar




Accessibility Advocado


Outline Consulting · Axess Lab
formerly: Knowbility, W3C/WAI

Views are my own.

Ⓥ he/him/his

#accessibility #a11y #humanrights #germany #ebiking #webdev #design #typography #fedi22

@segamag@mamot.fr avatar



Le premier site francophone 100% SEGA, actu et rétro. Viendez !

@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar



Digital media platform covering global conflict zones. Current focus on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Become a community member for exclusive content 👇🏻


@dimi@techforgood.social avatar



I am a father of three, living in Australia, Wiradjuri country.

I am Regional CTO for Palo IT, however the opinions stated here are purely my own and do not represent the opinion and/or ideology or of Palo IT, employees, customers or partners

I'm interested in security, compliance, psychology, philosophy, IoT, sustainability, etc.

I am admin for techforgood.social, and video.techforgood.social.

I post about many things, some jokes and mêmes, some tech, some questions... A bit of everything.

@larsmb@mastodon.online avatar



«Try again. Fail again. Fail better.»
Ranty Open Sourcerer. 🐧🐙🦀🦎
Foodie. Hiker. Cyclist.
Personal account.

🇪🇺🇺🇳🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🇭🇰🕯 💉😷

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