twilliability, to medical avatar

This is a travel journal! I'll be traveling in Korea and Taiwan for four weeks from tomorrow. Part of the preparations have involved cleaning the fountain pens I use for plotting, so we are still friends when I return. #journal

Ink-stained fingers

geffrey, to Journaling avatar

I’m on my largest ‘journaling’ spree ever. Here’s what I do to keep it up:

• I only take highlights, preferably positive.
• I don’t force myself to do it every day. Some days nothing notable happens.
• I have a weekly note that aggregates the highlights. Something about that motivates me.
• I add a random “note of the day” that I tend to.

The highlights idea and code, I copied from the formidable Bryan Jenks.

#pkm #journaling #journal #obsidian #ObsidianMd

The weekly note, with Dataview code, I use to gather all highlights of the week.
My daily note template.

liztai, to instagramreality avatar

In a recent podcast, @pluralistic & said he writes a lot cos it's a way to deal with the anxiety he gets about things.
I can relate. I have a lot of thoughts rattling in my head all the time. If I don't externalise them into words, I get overwhelmed, anxious & can't sleep, so I often share them on #socialmedia first because it's quick. Later, I will flesh them out into a #blog post or a #journal entry.
#Writing this way is a form of selfcare.

#WritingCommunity #blogging

BeAware, to fediverse

Browsing is quickly becoming useless. Even important ones for like and are filled with toots of random and . Some even promoting their or project. Even random or posts FILLED with random irrelevant hashtags. It's quite infuriating...if you know what I mean.🤦‍♂️😬

liztai, to Journaling avatar

I'm still skeptical about interstitial journaling, but I'm going to try it tomorrow.
Basically, you write your entries this way:

[Time stamp]: What I've just done and how I feel about it + what I'm doing next

And you do it throughout the day.
Honestly it feels like a lot of busywork, but I'm curious whether it makes me more focused and less prone to procrastinating.

Will be doing it in my Daily Notes in #Obsidian of course.

#Journaling #Journal

ButterflyOfFire, to medical French avatar

« On m’a piraté mon compte »

Est-ce que cette expression est toujours d’actualité lorsqu’un #journal, un #média, décide d’héberger lui-même sa propre instance de réseau social - à la #Mastodon - SSO ou pas SSO ?

Est-ce que læ journaliste ira prier un certain Musk ou un certain Jack ou une certaine Fatima du réseau central ?

PixysJourney, to medical avatar

#Journal of a silly Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️

So, yesterday (Wednesday) was a bit different than the past 10 weeks or so... I don't have group on Thursday anymore which means mum and I can resume out groceries shopping in Germany on Thursdays again, instead of Wednesday.

I got up a wee bit before the alarm. It was very cold, well, cold enough for me. I got dressed and prepared Arwen's food. We went for walkies and then I finished Arwen's meal. She got a snack on the couch and I headed to the gym.

Got on the scale first and it was super kind to me! Compared to my measurements of the 12th (10 days ago) I lost 1,5 kilos. I definitely had not expected that. 😊
I started with some arm exercises, even though it should be leg day. Just wasn't up to them I guess. After some arm training I got to the seated bike for my usual simple ride. Then, I felt OK enough and I hit some of the leg exercises that I should have started with. But hey, doing them now so good on me!

Then I got home and had some breakfast. Let Arwen out for a pee and then I did something totally weird to most 😂. I hate the long, green, bits of leak in my food. I had gotten a big bin of Nasi Goreng from the supermarket. It was enough for two meals. So I got two smaller bins and... I slowly devided the big one over the smaller ones, trying to scoop out all the leeks I could find. And yeah, I did measure the weights to be sure they were as equally devided as possible. 😂

I got to my hometrainer next. I wanted to ride 90+5 minutes but I got distracted so I ended with 98 minutes. It was just on a low setting due to my muscles struggling, but I rode it nevertheless and it felt good. 😊

After washing up and getting dressed again, we went for our 3km walkies with our friend and their dog. The weather was cold but fortunately also dry. Then I went onwards to the Lidl, as I'd not been able to go on Monday, as I usually do. When I got back I fixed some food and then got to the treadmill. I walked slowly for an hour. It felt very long and I was bummed I could not go a bit faster. But again I had to remind myself that it was a 60% kinda day the way my muscles felt, so I had to relax.

On my way back from the Lidl a dear friend called me and we had a nice chat as I was going about my groceries. Ow after that I took them to the voting area across the street as I felt I should vote for the House of Representatives this time around.
They were still chatting with me when I started my treadmill walk, after I had some food. My food was crunchy so I apologized for my eating sounds often 😂.
After a bit we said goodbye and I was almost done with the treadmill walk then. So that had been nice. Some Downton till my hour was up.

I walked Arwen and got stuff ready for some coop gaming with a dear friend later on. Unfortunately they had some issues with their account and we had to play another game. Not that bad, it was still fun! Just not what we'd both been aiming for. 😊 I started yawning and kept it going throughout the game! I guess I must have yawned their ears off!!

That always happens when it's in the afternoon and I sit down to relax. My body goes into a "you're not moving so let's yawn because you already did a lot" mode and it's kinda annoying. I hate yawning all the time, especially when I'm at a voice chat and trying to play a game...

Around 4 we closed up the game and before saying goodbye, my friend just vanished 😂! Haha! I got a big sorry text about that. I just laughed and said it was OK. I got ready for bed with the usual bits that I do. When Arwen and I went out, of course it started to rain. Just some drizzle but still kinda annoying. My bed was nice and cozy when I slipped in and I don't think I had loads of time to read before I dozed off... 😴


emory, to til avatar

well #TIL that the mood log is already in #Apple #Health and i've got Siri checking on me a few times every day so i can make a note about how stressed, anxious, ashamed, scared, and insecure i am!

can't wait for the #Journal app to get out the door. i am so mad at DayOne that i don't really use it much for the last couple of years in spite of paying for it 🤦

liztai, to Journaling avatar

Saw a YouTube video with the title "My no nonsense journal".
Video was about her decorating said & showing off her expensive pens. If that's no nonsense I am a :dancing_panda: People r showing off their pretty entries on .
Am so annoyed by this - like it's some kind of popularity contest.
I get that it can be a creative outlet but omg why r we making something healing so competitive and performative???
shouldnt come with such pressure

brunty, to medical avatar

Started doing a thing, feels good.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now"

#journal #journalling

snoopy, (edited ) to lsf

L'implant cochléaire - journal - L'audiogramme et les appareils auditifs 4/...

Vous vous rappelez de la salle de l'ORL ?

Hé bien, c'est partie pour la séance.

Me voilà seul dans cette cage insonorisée. Le ou la medecin ORL est en face de moi devant son appareil qu'iel pianote. L'objectif est de lever la main quand j'entends quelque chose.

Qu'est ce que entendre ? Je me suis toujours posé la question. Ya une différence entre percevoir et entendre. Quand je perçois un son, en fait je suis pas certain de l'avoir entendu, c'est meme pire quand on fait répéter un son. J'ai parfois l'impression de l'entendre après. C'est tellement faible que ça me demanderais une energie considérable dans un environnement réel.

Quand j'entends, c'est clair, limpide, direct. Donc je me suis construis un petit language corporel, quand j'incline la tête c'est que je percois faiblement un son, je l'ai perçus et je le cherche. Après, quand c'est perceptible, là je soulève graduellement ma main comme un levier pour indiquer à quel point c'est clair pour moi. Au zenith, c'est cristallin.

L'autre difficulté est mentale, je met ma dignité au placard. j'avoue préférer les boutons, les buzzers. C'est tellement plus fun de taper dedans en braillant comme un ane. Etre comme dans l'émission question pour un champion ça a vachement plus de gueule. Parce que lever la main...ça fait nazi quoi. Je sais pas ce que pense le, la medecin ORL quand iel me voit de l'autre coté. 😭 bref, mettez un buzz, promis je ne le défoncerais pas 😇

Donc le médecin fait passer des sons à l'oreille droite puis gauche, de diverses fréquences à différent volume sonore :

  • ouh ouh OUH OUH
  • sh sh SH SH

Quand je lève la main, iel fait une croix. J'ai reporté les résultats sur l'audiogramme schématique que vous avez en image.

Vous avez 3 courbes de différentes couleurs :

  • rouge : sans mes appareils, naturel.
  • bleu : avec mes appareils. J'ai un hain qui compense faiblement ma surdité.
  • vert : ce sera l'implant cochléaire. Une audition autour de 30 décibels.

On constate que je suis sourd profond. Aucun sons, ne me parviendra à part l'avion, les avec les appareils et bien ce n'est pas tout à fait comme une oreille normale. Pour résumer, 75% de ma compréhension vient de la lecture labiale. On va à présent aborder les appareils auditifs.

@ pi_sourd@

#LSF #Surdité #ImplantCochleaire #Sourd #Journal

ICalzada, to ChatGPT

' are networks driven by human agency, referring to communities of individuals who maintain connections with their home countries and diasporic fellows through digital tools.'


@digitalhumanities @geography @politicalscience @politicaltheory @economics

liztai, to Stoicism avatar

“Interstitial journaling” is the practice of making short journal entries between tasks. Sometimes I wonder if this is just a lot of busywork. However, for someone like me, the notes I make could help me get up to speed on my projects the next working day, especially if you deal with multiple projects or tickets at the same time.
What do you think about the practice?

#Journalling #Journal #PKM #Journaling

liztai, (edited ) to medical avatar

They ask the strangest things on r/Journaling sometimes. Usually it starts with "Can I (do this)?" or "Is it OK if I (do this)?"
Dudes, it's your freaking journal. You can journal about your poo if you like. (just don't share it on social media please??)
Maybe I am an old GenX person but I find these requests super weird. Like who cares if you are doing it wrong? I once had someone tell me I was doing bullet journal wrong and I told her to eff off 😂
#diary #journal #Journaling

gazebo_c, to medical German avatar

Where to start AND How to keep going?

That's a common question I get when people want to or try out .

Here are my 3 top tips:

✍️ write down YOUR current 'why to journal'.
☯️ Do pause and reflect regularly.
❤️ Celebrate your steps along the way.

Make this a habit!

Read on:

laubblaeser, to medical German avatar

Und das nächste #Journal, das uns ne #Absage fürs #Manuskript geschickt hat. Das sind eindeutig die Tage an denen ich es hasse in #Academia zu sein.

noellemitchell, to books avatar

A couple days ago I briefly considered joining Bookwyrm for the second time, but then decided against it.

I really like my system of writing each book I read down on paper. It's about as simple as it can get. 😆📚😁

#books #reading #writing #notebook #journal

Luke, to Blog avatar
petersuber, to Pubtips

The 2023 #Deanta survey of #publishing trends reports that most (55%) #journal #publishers "are seeing #subscription revenues decline."

At the same time, most (90%) are seeing an increase in #OpenAccess revenues.

The report says nothing about where these revenues are coming from. It doesn't mention #APCs, fees, or charges. (PS: I'm guessing that these revenues are from APCs & the report didn't mention that bc it assumed that all OA journals charge APCs.)

gnomedic, to DnD avatar

Ready for #DnD today! Session 2 of Sunless Citadel with friends!

#dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #planner #journal #adventure #DnD5e

mikedoise, to medical avatar

I already love the #Journal app on my iPhone. I can create an audio journal, and label it with the standard journal text field. I will be using this a LOT!

sapphire, to Journaling avatar

A #Journaling Quiz:

  1. How often do you write in a #journal?
  2. Do you use a physical journal, or an app, or both?
  3. What prompts do you usually use to write your entries?
  4. How often do you review old entries?

My answers:

  1. Every day, usually multiple times per day
  2. App: Diarium
  3. See image. I don't use them all every time, but they're the kinds of questions I answer.
  4. I look at "this day in past years" when I remember, only a few times per month.
noellemitchell, to writing avatar

So I just had the sudden realization that I could write down everything I would post on a blog in a journal instead...and it would feel just as fulfilling. Now I'm second guessing whether I should even have a blog. 😅 What is happening 🤣

BreadlySerious, to medical

I'm looking for a B6 #journal #notebook cover that is somewhat firm. Doesn't have to rock hard firm, but enough that I can write in the journal while it is propped up on my lap. It's a Oasis Summit book that works well with all of my #fountainpens.

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