msquebanh, (edited ) to britishcolumbia avatar
perwethien, to queen avatar

Reminder that I am hot af and you should be down on your knees before me.

TarkabarkaHolgy, to nature Hungarian avatar

Forgotten green goddess in a green park 💚

weird.wolf, to nature
Malleus, to random avatar

When I do divination work with the goddess I feel like a mystic.
When I seal a soul into a crystal under her guidance I feel like a magician. But they are both Alchemy.


vitani4000, to makeup avatar

✨ This is #bodypaint

Throwback to last year when I painted my friend Liv as the Goddess Kali! Very fun look to do, though a difficult one to edit lol

See my page for more #bodypainting

#makeup #cosplay #art #artist #artistic #goddess #kali


tierfreund, to art avatar

Another one for the Venus series, study from 'Venus and Mars' by Sandro Botticelli. A belated happy Vinalia to all who celebrate. #venus #art #goddess

Malleus, to random avatar

I stole this from FB. I hope it's true. If it is, it's one of the greatest religious inscriptions there is:

The God That Is Within You..

Translation of the text written in gold at the entrance to the temple of the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet, Karnak Temple.

"I only ask you to enter my house with respect. To serve you I do not need your devotion, but your sincerity. Neither your beliefs, but your thirst for knowledge. Enter with your vices, your fears and your hatreds; from the greatest to the smaller ones, I can help you dissolve them. You can look at me and love me as a female, as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, but never look at me as an authority above yourself. If the devotion you have for any god is greater than the one you have for the God that is within you, you offend them both and you offend the One."

--Praise the Eyes of Ra!

Malleus, to random avatar

How does The Absolute, or the One, fit into the Alchemical schema? I woke up at 4 am asking myself this question. Here is the goddess' answer from my meditation:

Alchemy can be said to mean transformation. The Absolute, or in Kemetic terms, Kheper the new rising sun, is the opposite principle. It is the self-created and unchanging. But it is also more. It is a “push” towards transformation.
Where does this push come from? And how is it and the static aspect of Kheper symbolized in the alchemical process?

For a transformation to be conceived there must be an unchanging base for it to stand upon otherwise it can't be distinguished as a change. It would then be flux within flux and therefore invisible and unknowable.
The Absolute then is the necessary background condition of transformation. The symbol for this necessary condition in Alchemy is the retort or crucible.

The container is the Condition under which the transformation takes place. It is the unchanging venue where the dynamic action unfolds.
The retort is often stylized as a globe, skull or other “roundness” (like the Kheper beetle) to emphasize the static unchanging property.

As I mentioned, it is not just the enclosing necessary Condition that represents The Absolute, but Kheper's push, the impulse that precedes transformation.

The impulse is symbolized by a geometric line or angle. The dung beetle pushes his dung ball solar disc in a given direction. These lines of force combined are emblematic of abstract structure. The structure is, of course, the shape of the alchemical vessel.

So we have the shape and the containment properties of the vessel taken together as symbolizing Kheper or The Absolute.
To join the two aspects into one is the symbolic paradox of “squaring the circle”.

In my own practice the precisely angular crystal is incorporated into the cylindrical resonating chamber of my divining apparatus.

Praise and the Eyes of Ra!

Have a great weekend!

SharonCummingsArt, to art avatar
Malleus, to random avatar

Hathor, Min and their union in Copper mining and divinatory activities:

The mine shaft represents the vagina of the goddess and the digging chisel the phallus of the god. The seam of copper is the God’s fiery semen and turquoise/malachite is the mercurial effluvium of the Goddess- the Water of Life. Quartz is the earthly product of their copulation and represents the divinatory power of desire. The three mineral substances are analogically connected with the Alchemical elements:
Turquoise/Malachite- Mercury
Quartz- Salt, to catholicism avatar

** Massive spoilers for Fire Emblem Three Houses, religious themes and internalised misogyny **

It’s strange when you keep getting an annoying pull to write about a specific subject and yet there’s always something hindering that wish. I don’t want to make this personal space overly heavy with walls of text because I tend to go back to older posts to recall some games and I like it to be accessible to me and to the 5 or 6 of you who read my texts for which I’m very grateful. One of the reasons I write about video games is to remember the games I’ve been playing without jumbling everything in my head like, for example, mixing character names, storylines, or having a faint memory of a game like I do with, say, Dungeon Siege II. I played it for many hours but I don’t remember anything about the story. Or Morrowind. I remember it was the darker Elder Scrolls game I’ve played. I remember emotions, not facts, feelings, not scenes.

My memory is a problem because it deceives me constantly. For example, I love Rhea from Fire Emblem Three Houses, and yet she murdered people, experimented on children (to put it mildly) is a self-proclaimed Saint and a cult leader. The negative things always come to memory. No real live Saint worthy of their station calls themselves a Saint. They couldn’t, in practice, because canonization is a posthumous act and it takes years, if not decades, to recognize. And yet, if you want to respect the canon you have to give credit to the Catholic Church, something I have a problem with, but I don’t judge those who do not. I asked myself why I would be so drawn towards a villain, but if you asked my mother she’d easily recall the times when everything I liked in movies, anime or other media, were villains. singing the Song of the Nabateans after the ballIn the case of Rhea what attracted me the most was her power, beauty, sadness and drive. The fact that she’s a woman may have played a role. Then again, she’s fragile, old and afraid. She’s so afraid of Nemesis that her whole convo with Claude at the end of Verdant Green was extremely uncomfortable to get into. I wasn’t expecting so much hesitation and fear coming out of an antagonist, especially one that has been making the life of our main character so confusing. And yet, those who went the extra mile and married her, will be able to read one of the best apologies and love declarations Fire Emblem has ever seen. I think that my timing was perfect after four playthroughs of too much to bear. A character that develops differently across different storylines can easily fall into oblivion because it’s not expected that people invest so much time into a game replaying it constantly and I don’t remember any game with such a rich story hidden from plain sight, intentionally or not. at the start it’s clear that our villain is having many problems dealing with grief after the loss of her mother which has arisen to a goddess status. Sothis is the goddess of Fódlan and protector of the land and all its living things. She’s in fact an overpowered alien force. Many of her children were able to transform into powerful dragons, but the few that are left have lost that power, and the only one who can still summon that power is Rhea. If you consider a dragon to be akin to a god I won’t blame you.

“Just being a woman is enough to make my wings droop, let alone the fact that I’m such a wicked one.” — Teresa of Ávila

It’s clear that the representation of religion in video games, especially the Catholic denomination, is done in a very negative light. It’s better than the alternative, because we shouldn’t be creating works of art to convert people to what many perceive as lies and spiritual misery. A dragon Archbishop that dominates the land is a safe option for everyone. You see, faith is not the problem; you can believe in anything you want if it makes you happy – you get kudos if it’s dragons. It’s what you do with it and in its name that’s the problem. People are the problem. So, if you have any form of faith that helps you get through life and its many challenges, try to stay away from people of the same faith and don’t proselytise. Be aware of any form of organised religion and don’t listen to what other people say, especially if they came out of nowhere and aren’t a part of your safe space. Don’t let them in, ever. In case those zealots are already inside your safe space – run. There – now you’re safe to play Fire Emblem Three Houses.

Yes, the Church of Seiros is very loosely based on the Catholic Church and Archbishop Rhea is very loosely based on the authority of the Pope. Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes mentioned her stance towards other forms of faith in a positive light in bits and pieces of dialogue, but that’s not important for now. Rhea’s rage at the start of the game is nothing but pure revenge against her mother’s murderer. It’s a crime of passion but not only that. She’s both a victim and a warrior. If you see the battle scene where she confronts Nemesis, the fear in her eyes is palpable. After she wins the fight, she’s an emotional wreck. illness, trauma, grief and suffering gave birth to the Church of Seiros. Since she’s a part of another species – the Nabateans – which are on the verge of extinction, there’s a sense of urgency in survival and what else works best than to dominate through faith and a system of nobility with its inception in the goddess herself? The mythology of Three Houses is complex but it’s very well explained in the Fire Emblem wiki. Those bits and pieces can elude us while we’re actually worried about the best class builds and the wiki did a good job in putting together the mythology in their Three Houses Online Bible, totally free and without pop-ups of priests asking for donations.

The system of nobility is closely connected with the power of crests which are solely gotten by birth – and not always guaranteed – originated from the goddess and imbued with the power of dragons, corrupted by Nemesis – the glutton – at a later stage and retaining a special synergy with a matching relic weapon, giving absolute power over all non-crest-bearers and implementing a hierarchy of power and abuse. Because everyone abuses at a certain point, even Seiros. Of course none of this shitshow should be allowed to continue and someone would eventually start a revolution for the power of meritocracy, because that fallacy is still in good health in current days. The power of humans over the alien dragon, to extinguish anything that could pose a threat to what humans can do “for justice,” not before having had a taste of that very same source by stealing, pilling, destroying and abusing, like humans do so well, and fighting for that objective using the power of another set of beings – the Agarthans – by destroying, pilling and abusing until there’s a big nothing left and people can return to their lives and abusing each other in other ways. The endless cycle.

“Do you think […] that it is an easy matter to have to do business with the world, to live in the world, and, as I have said, to live as worldly men do, and yet inwardly to be strangers to the world, and enemies of the world, like persons who are in exile – to be, in short, not men but angels?” — Teresa of Ávila

“Or priests with a sword,” like my wife says, with a snarly tone. I prefer to use the metaphor of an army of angels and not all of them good angels, however, all of them exalting unspeakable force.

We talk a lot about religion, me and her. Not all the time, but every time we do it, we go on and on for hours. The best chats we can possibly have about religion are either with fervorous atheists like my wife or someone from another faith altogether. It helps with perspective and it exercises tolerance and curiosity. Our last one was about the origins of monotheistic religions, about Judaism – which I still know so little about – and how monotheistic religions are systems that firmly establish patriarchal values, etc. I think this is why the gender of the powerful representative of the Church of Seiros feels so out of place and absurd that’s actually exciting. However, in the eyes of the Catholic church, a woman is naturally wicked, like Teresa, in all her self-deprecating glory, earned the title of Saint, something she wouldn’t have agreed on in life. A woman that was at the mercy of “learned men” for her entire life but who was smart enough at choosing her allies.

[Such endearing words] are very effeminate; and I should not like you to be that, or even appear to be that, in any way, my daughters; I want you to be strong men. If you do all that is in you, the Lord will make you so manly that men themselves will be amazed at you. – Teresa of Ávila*I want you to transform into a dragon, like the Immaculate One.*The Knights of Seiros were the army of the Church of Seiros but none of them was especially notorious, except Jeralt which was cured with Rhea’s blood, and also Catherine whom had for Rhea a dedication and love that transcended every belief system, solely focused on the person instead of her station. I decided to pair Catherine with another lover, therefore preventing her from having the heartbreak of the century. I paired her with Shamir, a down-to-earth atheist mercenary from the Knights of Seiros whom, at the time, felt indebted to Rhea. The Archbishop herself didn’t mind the lack of devotion. It’s what happens when you need all the help you can get.

This is where my mind can go on a Saturday morning without enough cups of espresso. So, in the end, if we decide to tame the beast and defeat the antagonist, we’re able to save a woman from 1000 years of grief and solitude. In a Japanese game fashion, the power of love and dedication is enough to heal any deep wound and to redeem any misdeeds, even if they include illegal experiments to give new life to a dead goddess. The transformed body parts are akin to the relics of saints. The goddess herself – Sothis – is none the wiser, and the consequence of having to deal with a silent protagonist is a terrible lack of communication that would have breathed new life into the story had it existed in the first place.

Rhea never knew that Byleth actually saw Sothis or what conversations they were having – one-sided conversations at that – and she was clueless as to why Sothis gave her power away and annihilated herself in the process, fusing with Byleth, therefore putting her power in the hands of a human which was created to serve as a vessel – a human reliquary. What I mean is nothing was going to work as intended by Seiros in the first place. The experiment she made to bring her mother back was a sad attempt at shoving the problem under the rug, the problem being the grief and trauma of having her brothers, sisters and mother killed at the hands of humans, their bodies used to build weapons to spread more misery. A trauma that lasted for centuries and left a semblance of peace where in truth a lot of families of crest-bearers were suffering in silence, never fully aware of the origins of their predicament or the secrets of the long forgotten races of beings that once governed the land.

In any case, Saint Seiros, the self-proclaimed Saint, which is in fact Rhea, traveled across the land to find the other children of the goddess or their descendants. She found two more family members, Cethleann and Chicol from those who were alive and still in possession of their faculties. However, as I mentioned earlier, they were more akin to humans than Nabateans because they lost their powers and their dragon forms even though they were still in possession of their crests which were very powerful.

So Rhea along the storyline had some funny mood swings. She could be motherly and affectionate and then snap into a murderous rage. It has been the source of memes across the internet. Founding a church because of the annihilation of a people and meddling into worldly affairs from a seat of power is something very historically significant and very interesting to experience in a video game. My love for this character is much more than just the religious aspect, which interests me from an intellectual, historical and maybe spiritual perspective, but also because no other character made me write so much and think so much about these matters and about a story that’s clearly half-written and yet so gripping and relatable.

Well, in the end, I chose to marry her, and I don’t regret having a dragon anime partner. If there was a choice at the end of the game to “leave Fódlan to humans and flee on the back of your dragon,” I’d take it without further thought. Fire Emblem Three Houses is my absolute favorite game, obviously. I love it so much that every missed opportunity to expand on the lore stings a bit more than it should. I’m becoming very critical of the game every time I think about it, but not in a negative sense. I’m certain that the story will still inspire others to write about it and even expand on the lore.

This text is somewhat unfinished, and I don’t even know if I articulated properly what I wanted to convey, but I’m tired of writing about this. The writers working with Fire Emblem Three Houses did a great job with the story, even though its details are a bit scattered across Fódlan and need to be found with patience and persistence.

Yesterday, I had to crucify a man in Cyberpunk 2077. There’s no rest for wicked women like me.


Malleus, to random avatar

The fact that the goddess known to me as first emerged in north eastern Africa says more about the people living there at the time than the particular latitude and longitude. Those people at that remote time were the first to hear her call and they deserve credit for their sensitivity and listening ability.

InkedGoddessCreations, to magick

As the personification of the Moon, the Roman goddess Luna (and her Greek counterpart Selene) are important aspects of any witch's practice. Our exclusive Astronomical Events Expansion Pack for the Eclectic Witch deck will give you some insight into Moon magick and other celestial events.
#MoonMagick #EclecticWitch #Luna #Selene #Moon #DivineFeminine #Goddess #CelestialWitch #Magick


Malleus, to random avatar

When discussing Sol and Luna as alchemical symbols Jung has Sol as the masculine principle and Luna as the feminine.
My transformation is opposite. I have become lunar man bathed in the desire (light/heat) of my solar goddess .

Malleus, to random avatar

“The Bull of My Mother” is a phrase and epithet related to the reincarnation of a Kemetic pharaoh through the intercession of a Goddess.

A similar theme is also found in the Alchemical notion of the killing and rebirth of the King through the Queen in the vessel containing the “Water of Life” during the transformational Great Work.

This incestuous relation, that Jung called Mysterium Coniunctionis, present in both, probably has a common origin in the older Kemetic sources or even more remote regional mythology.

The awe inspiring and alien relation can be interpreted simply as the single Goddess representing both the protective nurturing mother type (cow) and the atttractive desire inducing daughter type (cobra). The relation is manifested in organic life as puberty when the intense sexual desire leads away from the cradling arms of the mother. Both the Kemetic and Alchemical relations point to an initiation ritual of union with the Goddess.


TheTempleMom, to homebrewing avatar

Saffron-infused white wine. A little offering for the Minoan Sun Goddess. In Ariadne's Tribe, we call her Therasia.

#wine #pagan #AriadnesTribe #goddess

Rome_and_stuff, to philosophy avatar

An of the Minerva from and composed of different coloured marbles (the face is a modern plaster cast).


teagarden, to Kemetic avatar
peggycollins, to Woman avatar
Malleus, to random avatar

About six weeks ago the Goddess had me make a small paper snake which I was then to use as a charm. I thought it was channeling negative energy but all indications are that it is a healing charm. The thing I wanted to damage with it is thriving!
Now I'm supposed to burn the snake.
Has anyone encountered similar instructions?
What is the meaning of this?

SteveHendersonFineArt, to ocean avatar

I send thanks to the buyer from Ohio who purchased a canvas print of

Gathering Thoughts --

May the image take you to a place of magical splendor where the sun is deliciously warm, the surf ever, just ever so slightly cool, and the day filled with wonderful moment after wonderful moment.

#blue #ocean #beach #coast #travel #oregon #art #artwork #mastoart #fediart #aqua #goddess #woman #beauty #buyintoart #ayearforart #nature #vacation #summer #fedigiftshop #sale

Malleus, to random avatar

I know it seems strange that an African Goddess brought me to alchemy, unionism and anarchism but there it is. The path of transformation is certainly unexpected. My body is becoming gold.


wandering_free, to ethelcain avatar

Loki’s greedy hands
Wretched thief Brisinga Men
Freya weeps for love
#goddess #god #haiku #poem #poetry

thestonestudio, to random

Green Stone Saraswati Statue 12″

Beautifully carved stone figure of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom, music, art, and education.
Saraswati’s divine essence is gracefully and elegantly portrayed in the statue.

To know more about the product:
To check our website:
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#saraswati #statue #stoneart #handcrafted #interiordecor #goddess #greenstone #antiquelook #pujaroom #statueforgift

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