Zwiebeltuete, to random German avatar

"Herr General! Wann ist die neue Eingreiftruppe endlich einsatzbereit?" - "Bald. Wir müssen nur noch den Colonel kompilieren."


HonkHase, to random German avatar

Ex- Chef Schindler erklärt : "Wenn wir angegriffen werden, eine E-Mail zurückschicken und den Server, der uns angreift, ausschalten"

Er hat nur "vergessen", dass er mit Sandro "-" Gaycken eine Firma "privater " namens besitzt, die sowas anbietet.


nuke, to random Italian

Spaventati per alcuni recenti titoli di giornali, analisi ed esposizione di dati in TV sul lato cyber del recente conflitto Israelo-Palestinese?

Ho cercato di condividere una “guida all’uso” di quello che sta accadendo, nella pratica, per determinare quegli “attacchi informatici”.

Capirete voi stessi che queste azioni difficilmente potranno essere definite #cyberwar se pesate con l’impatto che hanno, ma anzi, solo considerate propaganda attivistica.

realhackhistory, to history avatar

I've been writing this blog entry for weeks now it is, from all that I've seen online, the most accessible and complete account of #hackers and #hacktivism during the '98 - '99 Kosovo War. I discuss the #history, the #hacking groups and their tactics. This may have been the first true international #hacker #cyberwar.

CCINL, to Cybersecurity Dutch

In a rapidly changing digital world, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly urgent, and Belgium is no exception. Recent attacks on government websites signal a wake-up call. It is no longer a question of whether a major cyberattack will occur, but when.

#CyberWar #CyberSecurity #DigitalFuture #CyberAttacks #Belgium #CyberStrategy #CyberRisk #CyberAwareness #InternationalCooperation #AIandCybersecurity

conansysadmin, to Cybersecurity avatar

When a ruler claims that his government listens, beware, for that statement is ambiguous. #cybersecurity #cyberwar

conansysadmin, to Cybersecurity avatar

A land between Afghulistan and Vendhya, long known for harboring terrorists, also launches #cyberwar attacks. #cybersecurity

NMBA, to random
skykiss, to random avatar

"A day after we learned the Hunter Biden nonsense was a Russian intelligence op, Elon Musk is on Twitter...
...advancing what he now knows is Kremlin propaganda. (I tried to publish the image Musk just published—but Instagram immediately removed it as exploitative content aimed at Hunter Biden; I totally understand the removal and it emphasizes how vile what Musk posted was.)
At what point does the federal government cut ties with this man who is obviously not at all loyal to the United States?

It’s not Treason for Elon Musk to be knowingly providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, because America isn’t at war with Russia. But Musk does know the Kremlin is currently in a #cyberwar with America and is currently trying to steal the 2024 #election"

Over 2yrs! Now we find out that everything was a Russian disinformation campaign. All of it. All lies. Republican maga were advancing lies from Russian agents.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #disinformation #psyop

RunRichRun, to China avatar

A Chinese state-sponsored hacking group, "Volt Typhoon," hacked into hundreds of older office routers to access data on US assets, FBI director Christopher Wray told the House Select Committee on Competition Between the US and China. The hackers' goal has been to lay groundwork to cripple key US #infrastructure systems in the event of a hostile conflict between #China and the US. "...they're not focused just on political or military targets." #cybersecurity #CyberWar

mattpotter, to books avatar


There’s still time to order ‘We Are All Targets’ & in time for Christmas!

In US/Canada, it’s on Amazon & all bookstores, or via Hachette Books’ site.

For UK/rest of world, Amazon, Waterstones & all good bookshops have you covered.

AND… if it’s a gift just let me know when you order it, and I’ll write your giftee a personalised dedication & send it to you to include.

#books #bookstodon #Christmas #giftideas #Cyberwar #russia #ukraine #nafo #china #disinfo #nonfiction #history #book

We Are All Targets How Renegade Hackers Invented Cyber War and Unleashed an Age of Global Chaos Matt Potter

cybernews, to Ukraine
0x58, to Cybersecurity

📨 Latest issue of my curated and list of resources for week /2024 is out! It includes the following and much more:

➝ 🇪🇸 📡 A “ridiculously weak“ password causes disaster for ’s No. 2 mobile carrier
➝ 🔓 🧬 tells victims it’s their fault that their data was breached
➝ 🔓 💸 loses $86 million in the last hack of 2023
➝ 🔓 🅿️ Europe’s Largest Parking App Provider Informs Customers of Data Breach
➝ 💸 🙊 wallet founder loses $125,000 to fake airdrop website
➝ 🇺🇸 ⚖️ US Says 19 People Charged Following 2019 Takedown of Cybercrime Marketplace
➝ 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 Palestinian Hackers Hit 100 Israeli Organizations in Destructive Attacks
➝ 🔓 ❌ Hacked X Account Abused for Theft
➝ 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 ⚖️ Nigerian hacker arrested for stealing $7.5M from charities
➝ 🇦🇱 📡 Albanian Parliament and One Albania Telecom Hit by Cyber Attacks
➝ 🇺🇸 The FBI is adding more cyber-focused agents to U.S. embassies
➝ 🇺🇸 ⚖️ Former admin to be jailed until Jan. 19 sentencing
➝ 🇺🇸 💰 DOJ Slams with $10 Million Fine Over Massive Illegal Robocall Operation
➝ 📷 🥸 Contractor Pays Parents $50 to Scan Their Childrens' Faces
➝ 💰 🥸 Google Settles $5 Billion Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in 'Incognito Mode'
➝ 🇨🇳 🗳️ to reveal Chinese election interference after Saturday’s vote
➝ 🦠 💰 Settles Insurance Claim, Leaving Definition Unresolved
➝ 🦠 🇰🇵 SpectralBlur: New Backdoor Threat from North Korean Hackers
➝ 🦠 🐍 3 Malicious Packages Found Targeting with Crypto Miners
➝ 🦠 🎠 New Bandook Variant Resurfaces, Targeting Machines
➝ 🦠 🎠 UAC-0050 Group Using New Tactics to Distribute Remcos RAT
➝ 🦠 🇺🇦 CERT-UA Uncovers New Wave Distributing OCEANMAP, MASEPIE, STEELHOOK
➝ 🔓 🦠 Free Decryptor Released for Ransomware
➝ 🐛 📨 Smuggling: New Flaw Lets Attackers Bypass Security and Spoof
➝ 🩹 warns critical EPM lets hackers hijack enrolled devices
➝ 🩹 Google Patches Six Vulnerabilities With First Update of 2024
➝ 🩹 🐡 Millions still haven’t patched SSH protocol

Subscribe to the newsletter to have it piping hot in your inbox every week-end ⬇️

Tendar, to Ukraine avatar

As if it the loss of large parts of the Russian internet was not enough, the Ukrainian Intelligence "GUR" reports that it once again disabled another Russian cyber target. This time the servers of the Russian Ministry of Defense have been hit.


#Ukraine #Russia #CyberWar


ct_Magazin, to Cybersecurity German

heise+ | Security: Was der Staat bei groß angelegten Cyberattacken dürfen soll

Der Koalitionsvertrag der Ampelregierung lehnt Hackbacks ausdrücklich ab. Doch Bundesinnenministerin N. Faeser (SPD) will offensive Cybermaßnahmen ermöglichen.

heisec, to news German

Nahostkonflikt: Eskalation in den Cyberraum

Die jüngste Eskalation im Nahostkonflikt bekommt mit Cyberattacken auf israelische Ziele eine weitere Dimension.

#Cybercrime #Cyberwar #news

nitin, to IsraelPalestine avatar

From Newman & Burgess’s report in WIRED:

Among those involved were “self-proclaimed ‘Islamic’ hacktivists that claim to support Palestine…have historically targeted India and have been around for years”

"Some groups have also been active in reaction to India’s support of Israel, both in favor of and against this support.”

“The Indian cyber force actually claimed to DDoS and,”…

#InformationWarfare #CyberWar #Hacktivism #IsraelPalestine #mastodonindians #India

LukaszOlejnik, to random avatar

My book Philosophy of Cybersecurity is out today! Feels great!

It considers broad spectrum or issues. Systems, user security, healthcare, critical infra, policy matters, international law, cyberwarfare.

Appropriate primer for our times. Enjoy!

gtbarry, to Ukraine avatar

Meet the man leading the front-line effort in Ukraine's cyber war with Russia

Ukraine's defenders have been under a near constant barrage of cyberattacks, almost 3,000 this year so far. Vitiuk and his team are constantly investigating and responding to Russian state hackers, and believe they serve as a "shield to the whole Democratic world"

#IlliaVitiuk #SBU #ukraine #kyiv #russia #war #cyberwar #cyberattack #infrastructure #security #cybersecurity #hackers #hacking

bernhard, to Ukraine German avatar

"Der ukrainische Militärnachrichtendienst behauptet, er habe die 'gesamte Datenbank' der russischen Steuerbehörde gelöscht – inklusive Back-ups."

YourAnonRiots, to random Japanese
krlaboratories, to Futurology Ukrainian

В продовження теми зі зламом Київстар.

Послухайте, що каже цей сбушник: "Є такі припущення, що саме зсередини України (ред. - інсайдер). Коли кажуть, о це власність Фрідмана. Фрідман, слухайте, це більше про гроші. Він вклав, він російський олігарх, він хотів на цьому заробити. Він вклав в це гроші, і всі бізнеси як намагання заробити гроші. Я впевнений, що він не знає як на нижчому рівні працює ця система, де ці слабкі місця. А от менеджери, вони розуміються де слабкі місця, де треба бити, що треба вимикати. І можливо без українця тут не обійшлося".

Це виглядає так, наче Фрідмана відмазують - він нічого не знав, він ПРОСТО БІЗНЕСМЕН, а натомість знайдуть якогось цапа-відбувайла і тупо спишуть все на нього. Знову нас тримають з вами за лохів.

І мені не подобається як вони АКЦЕНТУЮТЬ на тому, що це саме - УКРАЇНЕЦЬ. От знайшовся якийсь українець і навів. Не колаборант, як вони люблять писати, не московський агент, а якийсь "українець" - простий менеджер, який злив дані. А Фрідман чи хто там - о ні, ні! Він тут ні причому! Вони не знали! Вони лише бізнесмени, які шукають кошти!

А те, що Фрідман є засновником "Альфа-Груп" - кгбшної структури, яка підпорядковується Путіну і скупила пів компаній світу, включаючи Боржомі, Моршинську, Helsi, Turkcell - їм невідомо?

Це смішно слухати. Оце постійне жонглювання фактами, відбілювання, окозамулювання, применшення заслуг ОСНОВНИХ ФІГУР, боротьба з ВІТРЯКАМИ і полювання на ВІДЬОМ, слухайте, з таким підходом невідомо чи взагалі щось вийде розслідувати.

Набагато цікавіше було почитати коментарі під відео, як слушно зауважив один користувач:

"Один з рівнів безпеки є національно свідомий працівник, а не ватник і ждун".

#kyivstar #krintel #intelligence #kranalytics #infosec #cybersecurity #nationalsecurity #cyberwar #cybercrime #ukraine #threatintel #news

heisec, to Cybersecurity German

Cybersicherheitgipfel: Fast alle wollen zusammenarbeiten – zu ihren Bedingungen

Zum ersten Mal kamen Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Sicherheitsexperten auf Einladung des Nationalen Cybersicherheitsrats der Bundesregierung zusammen.

#BSI #Cybersecurity #Cyberwar #Security #Militär #NATO #Politik #Spionage #Wirtschaft #news

heiseonline, to hacking German

Lükex 2023: Bundesweite Übung für großangelegten Cyberangriff hat begonnen

Alle paar Jahre testen Bund, Länder und Behörden in großangelegten Übungen ihr Krisenmanagement. Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag geht es jetzt um eine IT-Attacke.

#Cybercrime #Cyberwar #Hacking #news

YourAnonRiots, to random Japanese

Team Insane PK: The Notorious Hacktivist Group Targeting Global Defense and Commerce
#Cyberwar #CyberAttack #Anonymous #PakistanCyberArmy #InsanePk #GazaGenoside 🇵🇸


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