Sampei, to random Italian avatar

L'altro giorno ho aperto un post, sotto il quale si è accesa una bella discussione, opinioni molto contrastanti ma discussione civile e costruttiva, l'esatto contrario di quello che si vede oggi sui social, con tanti spunti di riflessione.

Il giorno dopo si inserisce nella discussione un tale jones, ma purtroppo ero a lavoro ed ho potuto seguire qualcosa solo dalle notifiche, anche lì sembrava tutto ok.

Ma non mi piace lasciare le cose a metà, pertanto la prima cosa che ho fatto quando sono rientrato a casa è stata quella di andare a leggere tutto e, con mia grande sorpresa, di questo fenomeno ho trovato solo l'ultimo messaggio: "alla prossima notifica di questo threads che ricevo, blocco chi lo ha aperto".

Cioè, questo fenomeno, è venuto su un mio post, non so cosa cazzo ha scritto, non so se e con chi ha sbroccato... Ed ha cancellato tutto (anche le repliche sono sparite)... Ed ha bloccato me? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ma quanto cazzo può essere fulminata la gente? 🤣

opensoul, avatar


Io l'ho bloccato appena ho capito con chi avevo a che fare, ed ho anche scritto un post per celebrare la prima persona con cui avevo interagito che bloccavo su #Mastodon (finora avevo solo silenziato) 😃 come facevo anni fa su quella bellissima cosa che era #Usenet

Era solo questione di tempo 😞

Confrontarsi civilmente e con rispetto con chi la pensa diversamente, non è evidentemente appannaggio di tutti. Per me è una ricchezza, ma come vedi non è per tutti 😞, to DnD avatar you know there is an online forum for tabletop role-playing games that has been around since the late 70s, and which still is active and operating?

Admittedly in a much diminished state than at it’s heyday.

I don’t know if you ever heard the term Usenet before, and even if you did, if you don’t just connect it with data piracy. Because that’s what it is mostly used for nowadays.

What it started out as were discussion forums.

Back in the late 70s, after ARPANET had been created and email had been invented, a few programmers came up with an idea for an electronic bulletin board that could be read asynchronously. This was the time when computers still were only in big institutions like universities, big companies, and the military, and the whole idea was to create “a poor man’s ARPANET”. Connections between computers were rare and expensive , but possible. So these “news” started as a way to propagate articles and messages along servers that were not constantly connected to the internet. Some of the servers involved would only connect once a day to the network to transfer messages in and out (often at night because charges were lower then). A message might travel for multiple days before it reached all nodes in the network, and some of the earliest were messages about a nascent hobby popular among the people using this network: fantasy role-playing.

From what I can see the first two messages on the brand new group were sent out on the 12th of January 1982.

To give you an idea just how early this was: it was before the abbreviation RPG became common, people were still talking about Fantasy RolePlaying instead, so even today the group-names use the abbreviation FRP.

It’s quite a fascinating system that over time has become ever more complex and popular, before the ascent of html, hyperlinks, and the world wide web pushed it into the seedy corners of the ‘net.

Instead of having websites, Usenet is organized in newsgroups, and those groups are organized in hierarchies. There are the so called Big Eight that have a certain standard for group creation and posting (e.g. rec. for recreational topics, and comp. for topics concerning computers), and there are others, organized in one way or another (famously*_hierarchy which had lower standards for the creation of new groups).

Messages are sent to one or more groups (crossposted), distributed around the network, and people respond to these posts. Interesting discussions and arguments ensue, people get angry, flame wars ensue, other people learn something new, weird in-jokes develop, stuff happens.

All that can be read via archives, the biggest of which is Google Groups, which both is a boon and downfall of the service: Google purchased the old newsgroup archives of DejaNews back in the 90s, and integrated it in it’s Google Groups service. In a picture-perfect example of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish the users of Groups had a web interface that allowed them access to their old newsgroups, access to new groups that only existed on Google, but also allowed spammers to flood the connected newsgroups with loads of unmoderated spam. Spam that recently was quoted by them as a reason to cut the connection with Usenet, bringing this phase of the network to an end.

But Usenet still is running, and most likely will be running as long as there are people willing to run servers for it. But the biggest Usenet servers nowadays are piracy servers that keep the text-part of the Usenet as more of an afterthought. At one point someone came up with a way to use the text-only format of Usenet in a way to distribute data that was binary, i.e. not purely text. And this took over most of the system.

But I am not really interested in that and never was. What I am interested in are the fantasy roleplaying parts of that network.*

I said that the forum has been running since the late 70s, but that’s not quite correct. The original structure of Usenet grew organically from the beginning. People were creating new groups when it suited them and it seemed logical. Which soon caused some hierarchies (specifically the net. hierarchy) to swell with groups that could barely be maintained. In a great upheaval in 1987 all the groups were renamed and restructured.

Some old hands are still angry about it and will bitch about it for days. That also is Usenet.

One can argue that the fantasy roleplaying group has existed since before that time. One also could argue that it only exists since 1987. Which still is older than the World Wide Web.

Usenet is divided into hierarchies, and the frp-hierarchy is part of the rec. (recreation-hierarchy) and .games. sub-hierarchy.

There are currently 11 .frp. groups in that hierarchy: of course… it’s the hierarchy for Dungeons and Dragons. Always one of the biggest topics of the whole FRP forums this one got it’s own group. for basically all other kinds of discussions about roleplaying games for cyberpunk systems (e.g. Cyberpunk 2020 or Shadowrun). for superhero games anything LARP goes here. announcements and news about products go here for all kinds of discussions about the rpg industry yes, this was created when the World of Darkness was big enough to demand it’s own forum For GURPS, this part was created because while never the most popular game, it’s fans flooded the main group with so many messages about builds that it was decided to give them their own place. all kinds of discussions about roleplaying games as such and how they work. This is where the Forge came from back in the day I guess this is for selling stuff. I have literally never seen a message in there.

Most of these lay fallow right now, with me and a few others being the only ones posting there every once in a while. I do have to admit part of it is because I don’t want to lose the that part of ttrpg history to a random deletion request for non-use.

Other TTRPG groups

The main hierarchies are not the only ones. Most normal Usenet servers carry at least the Big Eight, but most also carry others. The big other hierarchy is alt. (…definitely not named for Anarchists, Lunatics, and Terrorists, all evidence to the contrary…), which makes it easier to create groups. This means there are a few other groups here that might be of interest, if they ever would get someone to post in them. Their structure though is not as organized as the ones in the Big 8. about utilities for playing ADnD. I would say, a general groups for RPG utilities. for ADnD. I am not sure why this exists, maybe because the main one was too stodgy, or it was created because someone thought ADnD was sufficiently different than DnD to warrant it’s own group for Earthdawn. Remember Earthdawn? For the X-Files RPG. Remember that? I guess a group for White Wolf games, which is also already covered in a group about playing in Tolkien’s Middle-Earth

There are also local and language dependent groups around. Many languages and regions have their own hierarchies for exchanges between locals and/or in other languages. group for roleplaying in the UK
de.rec.spiele.rpg.misc general group for discussions of RPGs in German
z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.dsa originally this was an Echo in a mailbox network, by now z-netz. is a small alternative German Usenet hierarchy. This particular one about Das Schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye
pl.rec.gry.rpg Polish-language group Spanish-language group
se.spel.rollspel Swedish-language group
dk.fritid.rollespil Danish-language group
fr.rec.jeux.jdf French-language group
it.hobby.giochi.gdr Italian-language group
hr.rec.igre.rpg Hungarian-language group Australian group

There are more, some of which I might not even find that easy because they are not on the servers I frequent (not all servers carry all groups) or are so specialized they might not be of interest to anyone but locals (e.g. saar.rec.rollenspiele exists, but I doubt many people in Saarland (the smallest of Germany’s federal states) still know Usenet exists)

Ok, ok, but how do you actually ACCESS this Usenet thingy?

That’s a bit more difficult, but not much. It used to be ISPs were all running their own news servers, this was actually the REASON you might want internet access as a private person, but that isn’t the case anymore. Google Groups is also going away, so that’s not a real option.

An easy way to check out what is being talked about on the FRP-hierarchy is This server makes it possible to read and post on his own small server via a web-interface. The server is only running roleplaying-related groups, including the global FRP-hierarchy, and a few local ones that do not get carried in many other places.

Another way to access it via web browser is via web gateways. There are a few around, e.g. NovaBBS. There are a few of those around, but they might not carry all the groups (NovaBBS e.g. only and .misc, because those are the ones with most activity).

The proper way to use it is of course by getting an account on a news server and adding it to your feed reader of choice. True hardcore users use terminal-based readers like tin or Gnus, but many Email programs like Mozilla Thunderbird allow you to subscribe to newsgroups. where do you get a news server?

Well, there are multiple free options (these are all technically text-only, although a few have some basic binary groups that allow pictures): (Switzerland) very small server, focused on ttrpg groups, also has simple web-portal
Eternal September (Germany) popular free access server with wide range of groups
I2PN2 simple text server
NovaBBS text server, as mentioned above also has web-portal
Solani (Germany) server
dotsrc (Denmark) focused on Danish users
Agency News (New Zealand) server
Chmurka (Poland) basic server focused on Polish users
CSIPH basic server
Open News Network (Germany) focused on German users
Gegeweb (France) focused on French users
Hispagatos (Spain) focused on Spanish users
Pasdenom (France) focused on French users
NNTP4 (Germany) basic server

Most of these have instructions on how to connect on their websites.

Note: This is a redo of an article I wrote 13 years ago. Originally I thought I could just let that one stand like that, but just briefly reading through it I noticed things had changed dramatically in some areas. So I rewrote the whole thing from scratch.

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#dnd #dsa #newsgroup #newsserver #RolePlayingGame #Roleplaying #rpg #thunderbird #ttrpg #Usenet


kyonshi, avatar


I maybe should have mentioned some of the downsides of #usenet in the article. like... well, some of the people who hang out there...

ChristosArgyrop, to php

I think I am 50% done finding a quadrafecta : a simultaneous hit piece against & .

This one only manages to trash talk and , so it has some ways to go.

PS 1Gotta admit that the point about the object systems in R is somewhat spot on
PS 2 gets a dishonorable mention
PS3 I will continue to find ways to continue using all 4 of the aforementioned languages, as they are all performant and deliver in complementary ways.

mjgardner, avatar

@Edwardsmoon @ChristosArgyrop @BobOHara @bduncan Yes, #Perl deliberately borrows familiar things from #Unix culture, including #C, #shell, #sed, and #awk. The goal isn’t necessarily to replace them, but to remove friction when combining their capabilities.

@randalschwartz's Perl solutions to #Usenet Unix questions usually demonstrated such reductions.

kyonshi, (edited ) to bbs avatar

still playing around with my shiny new #bbs, added a lot of basically empty #ttrpg groups to the #usenet section of it, now trying to get them to load.

it would help if the documentation of the software doesn't just assume I know how the parameters for their command line are supposed to work.


kyonshi, to bbs avatar

set up a #Synchronet #BBS on my spare #raspberrypi, and it works!

Mostly. I am still trying to get it to work with #usenet, and I still need to get email working.

I'm not sure why I should have a BBS in the first place, but there you go.

It mostly is actually intended as a #nntp server for #ttrpg groups. And it largely works. I can USE it as a server. I just can't pull any new articles from other servers right now, which makes this somewhat less than ideal.

Freemind, to Cybersecurity avatar

This announcement also signifies the conclusion of Google’s Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) server services, including content peering with other NNTP servers.

#Cybersecurity #Usenet #Google #Spam

dvd, avatar


Let's be more specific: Google drops #Usenet support to tackle Google-originated spam.

Aboumael, to usenet French

[PresseCitron] - #Usenet, clap de fin : que signifie la fin de sa prise en charge par #Google ?

Lancé en 1979, Usenet est l’ancêtre de ce qui deviendra quelques années plus tard #Internet. Malgré son obsolescence, il est parvenu à survivre jusqu’en 2024. Google, qui a les mains sur la plus vaste archive du réseau, a néanmoins décidé de débrancher la prise.


jeeynet, to usenet French avatar

La fin de Usenet : Google débranche la prise

De kwaaa ? Usenet serait aux mains de Google ? Alors, bon, non... En fait, Google arrête son service d'accès à Usenet, mais le protocole est toujours là, les serveurs sont encore là et on peut encore y trouver quelques perles et y échanger des messages !

Donc, la mort de #Usenet ?
(mais ça reste la faute de #google, faut pas déconner, on est en 2024, mais les bonnes habitudes restent :)

kinux, to random French
dvd, avatar


C’est vraiment n’importe quoi, cet article.

  1. Le retrait de Google annonce surtout la fin d’une énorme vague de spam sur Usenet, vague dont Google Groupes est l’unique responsable.

  2. Il existe, un peu partout dans le monde, des serveurs NNTP indépendants des FAI, et ce sont eux qui maintiennent Usenet en vie. Voir cette liste :

Franchement, je pense (et je ne crois pas être le seul) que la décision de Google est plutôt une chance pour Usenet. 😉

dragfyre, to usenet avatar

Did some reading up on #USENET this past weekend. It's kind of amazing that it's making something of a comeback.

kyonshi, to bbs avatar

so, idea I have been working on the last few days: #synchronet #bbs on my old #raspberrypi, small #usenet server including web gateway, all geared towards #ttrpg stuff.
lets see what else a pi can run at the same time.

kind of a fool's errand, but it should keep me busy for the next two weeks.

kyonshi, avatar

wanna time travel a bit?

it turns out works again, and it actually should be able to replay things like they were on the #usenet 44 years ago.

I think I am going to follow along and comment on stuff I find interesting from time to time.

kyonshi, to bbs avatar

with another foolish idea in my brain I have started to look into how to run my own #bbs on my spare raspberry pi. mostly for messaging (#usenet and stuff), but I guess I'd try to have LORD on there as well. also... maybe a #fediverse server on the same machine?
that might be pushing it though.
I think I spend too much time on all that.

mms, to usenet avatar

Mastodon is great for sudden burst if words, but lack of real tree structure of postings is a serious hindrance to any longer conversation. This brings me back to trying #usenet :-)

kyonshi, to usenet avatar

going through my subscriptions on the eternal september server, trying to gauge which groups likely have content, and which content is likely not completely inane.

at one point someone wrote a program that allowed the creation of new groups, which litters the whole list with stupid jokes from the 90s. there's a group alt.hobbies beekeeping, and a group alt.hobbies.serial-murder.

one would assume you could prune these after decades of non-use.

jitigaming, to usenet French
pumuckl, to usenet German

Any Beginner Workshops for #usenet at #37c3? Or someone willing to explain some basics? :)

dragfyre, to random avatar

Decided to putter around with #Gemini today. Watch this space. According to @ChrisWere I should be able to do this in about fifteen minutes.

dragfyre, avatar

Been slowly adding things to the #Gemini capsule. Mainly archives of content from #USENET, Reddit, and old blogs so far. Lots of reading material, for the fun of it. One thing that's been fun is being reminded how commonly one came across #Gopher, #IRC, anonymous FTP, and even finger back in the mid- to late 90s. The web was just a small part of the online experience at that time.

kyonshi, to usenet avatar

so there's actual life in #usenet, they even registered their first new newsgroup in I don't know how long (for the #gemini protocol, another rather obscure corner of the #internet)

nixCraft, to linux avatar

Yeah, do not get tangled in the adventure of useless cat commands in your #Linux, #macOS, #FreeBSD or #Unix machines. Use the grep command instead 👏

mjgardner, avatar

@nixCraft Awarding “useless use of cat” goes back at least to early and @randalschwartz

publicvoit, to reddit avatar
amoroso, to usenet avatar

From The rise and fall of Usenet:

"In many ways, Usenet is a warning about how social networks can go bad. All the same, problems we see today on social networks appeared first on Usenet."

#usenet #retrocomputing

kyonshi, to usenet avatar

today I have mostly been prowling around #usenet again. which is funny, because there's not that much there. some people still post though

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