
CoffeeAddict avatar



I am nothing without my morning coffee.

Co-Moderator for @Neoliberal on kbin.social

Other aliases:
Mastodon: @CoffeeAddict
Lemmy: @Coffee_Addict

keet avatar



Teacher. Math/Sci/Pol nerd. Recovering IT worker. Former owner of clothing not covered in cat hair.

Also @keet

symfonystation avatar



Hi, I'm Reuben, the Ringmaster of Mobile Atom Media and Code (https://www.mobileatom.net/). Symfony Station (https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/) is my latest venture. I moderate the Symfony magazine here (https://kbin.social/m/Symfony) and created the Symfony Universe Collection. (https://kbin.social/u/symfonystation/c/SymfonyUniverse)

A graduate of the Univ. of Georgia and an MA graduate of Georgia State, I live in Orlando. My full-stack developer certification is from the Univ. of Central Florida.

skepickle avatar



Full stack electromancer.

I make lights blink in very specific order.

“Tell people there is an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they will touch it to be sure.”
      - Probably not George Carlin

TimeSquirrel avatar


BenjMathis1 avatar



Migrated to my kbin.run account @BenjMathis1


I am a tech enthusiast/early adopter and Marvel nerd, currently studying Design.

Not quite sure what all I'll be getting into here, but I'm excited to see where this all goes!

You can also find me elsewhere on the internet @BenjMathis1.

makmarian avatar



Developer 🖥️ Likes programming, 3D-printing, Linux, electronics, anime and more 😁🇳🇴

notincharge avatar



The cig smokin' will not be televized.

nimrod avatar



Help keep kbin running and buy Ernest a coffee, let's all chip in!

Free Software enthusiast, philosopher, IT guy, cosmopolitan.
My main interests are:

Outdoors: #hiking #bayern
Indoors: #selfhosted #Qigong #cooking
Discussing: #privacy #libre #FreeSoftware #philosophy #Permaculture
Learning: #CSS #PKM #TCM

originalucifer avatar



old, stupid

Auster avatar



If needed, I can speak 🇧🇷/🇺🇸/🇪🇸, and a bit of 🇯🇵/🇳🇴

majestic_flamingo23 avatar



Just like others, expat of Reddit. A nonconformist into all sorts of things that has a Mastodon account of the same name. Science, Technology, Entertainment, and Sports to name a few. And of course FOSS and privacy that borders on obsession. Definitely a tinfoil hat type. Following interesting things and trying to be a good person.

HubertManne avatar



I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

Nachoman_Randy_Sandwich avatar



Ohhh yeahhh

guyrocket avatar



Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.

Peekystar avatar




Onii-Chan avatar



We probably don't agree.
I probably said something you didn't like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

atocci avatar



I like Minecraft

borzoiteeth avatar



Surreal multimedia artist who draws with minerals in various states of distress. Here to fictionally drown in uchronia, voidpunk, ♤ and transhumanism. They/them.

Please feel free to correct any language I attempt to speak in. Feel free to critique any of my work posted mastodon.social/@borzoiteeth

jaror avatar



All the side effects were never mentioned to me
I am innocent of uncontrolled abuse

BoBTFish avatar



Software engineer, juggler, heavy metal, SF&F, cyclist, father of 2 humans and 2 huskies.



Some middle-aged guy on the Internet; Seen a lot of it and occasionally regurgitate it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4.

Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Now I'm here.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

espiritu_p avatar



My tWiTcH
My yOuTuBe
My rEdDiT
My wEbLoG



We assist start-ups in faster emergence and established companies in digitalizing smoothly. The development office is located in Eastern Europe and Asia with the headquarters in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and the USA (Las Vegas). Attract Group has been successfully operating on the market since 2011 and has proven its expertise. Our team consists of highly skilled specialists in all branches namely web development, web design, project architecture, application developm

Jaysyn avatar



I block fascists & other stupid assholes

finthechat avatar




Don't talk to me unless you're an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya

muse avatar



If you're reading this, Kbin has magically worked again. Our admin seems to be in desperate need of a team. Send help.

Greenman avatar



I'm a Gen X'er who enjoys old & new bikes, a left center neutral politico, panbi he/him druidic bard graphic designer artist!


@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar



Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based

@mangoiv@functional.cafe avatar



Your average Haskell + Nix person; I am interested in modern functional programming languages like lean4 and koka, recently also elixir.

Currently finishing Bachelor's and writing Haskell for wire messenger.

Sometimes I build mechanical keyboards.

I am interested in discussions if the goal is to learn something, if you're just trying to persuade me, please leave me alone.

I will post in English and will occasionally boost German (network-)politics related things.

he/him is fine

@ben@werd.social avatar



I lead technology at ProPublica and write speculative fiction. This is a personal account.

Every day, I write about tech, democracy, and society at https://werd.io.

More about me: https://about.werd.io

#indieweb #opensource #journalism #writing #fiction #blogs #blogging #startups #openweb #web #fediverse #socialweb #ethics #product #writingcommunity #philadelphia #sanfrancisco

@sinbad@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar



Greybeard. I’ve made engines (Ogre3D), devtools (Sourcetree, Git LFS), now games, Unreal Engine tools & plugins. Baker, coffee nerd, Cat Dad. He/him

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar



I'm a just a small town AAA graphics programmer in Chicago. I worked on Gears 5 and Gears Tactics. My work is secret, but my personal projects are not.

I like to post about my personal research, various side projects, and I like to think out loud a lot. Expect weird humor, esoteric ramblings, and occasionally also art I made out of math. I like implicit surface modeling the normal amount. Amateur spoonie. 🏳️‍⚧️

Curses are just blessings with caveats.

@cojobud@mastodon.social avatar


@garthbeagle@bitbang.social avatar



I am a curator of vintage computers, weird creatures, and of course "retro" nostalgia and oddities

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar



“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

@Skepticat@mstdn.social avatar



❤️coffee, cats & Democrats💙

RN at a posh free-standing ER
FormerTravel ER/Trauma RN
Love exploring this country 🗺
I can save a life. 🏥

Salty on the outside, sweet on the inside.

🏈❤️💛 KC Chiefs

I boost liberally!



Le compte Peertube de La Quadrature du Net.

@oliklee@chaos.social avatar



Workshop trainer. TYPO3 extension developer. Maintainer of Emogrifier. TYPO3 Certified Unicorn. CEO at Brain Gourmets. https://pronoun. he/him

@pasqualeberesti@piaille.fr avatar



Citoyen européen né en 327 PPM et habitant à #Paris, souffrant d'#acouphene, d'#hyperacoursie et de #depression induite, vivant de manière à échapper au #bruit. Passionné par la #photographie (#IShootFilm, #FilmIsNotDead), la #musique, le #cinema, la #genealogie (, , , , , #Belgique, #Luxembourg, #Italie) et les #voyages. Et l'actualité. Mais pas trop.

@reginasbread@homo.promo avatar



queer, hag hugger, women enthusiast and apologist, friend of Dorothy, into milfs and meals.

Dolly Parton said: "Find out who you are and do it on purpose", so here I am being gay and obnoxious.
When I'm not busy being obnoxious, I post about books and other things I care about.

septuagenarians stan account.

locked because of spam. Feel free to follow if you're human.

@thomasconnor@mstdn.social avatar



Astrophysicist at Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics --- Runner --- Failed hipster --- Bad at Jokes

Personal Account. Alts:
ThomasConnor@astrodon.social -- astronomy

@sue@glasgow.social avatar



🎏 Writes code to help other folk learn to write code

🏊🏻‍♀️ Swimmer
🃏 Clown
🪩 Lefty smartarse
💅🏻 Still petty after cancer

@Codeberg@social.anoxinon.de avatar



We are a non-profit, community-led organization that wants to help free and open source projects prosper. We provide Git hosting and other services, such as Weblate, Woodpecker CI and Pages.

(We try our best to be responsive, but we receive many notifications on here. Please consider using another communication channel if you need to share something urgent, thanks!)

@paul@status.kinlan.me avatar



I'm Paul. I work on Chrome @ Google, leading the DevRel team. Trying to help make the web better.

I live in Ruthin, North Wales.

@RandyNose@mstdn.social avatar



Just another FOSS Fan.
I like Cats.

Cats are great friends. 😸

#sober #agnostic #Linux #Foss #widower #debian
#stoicism #stoic #odaat #cat

Big Fan of The 5 Agreements
1: Be Impeccable with your Word.
2: Don't Take Anything Personally.
3: Don't Make Assumptions
4: Always Do your best.
5. Be skeptical but listen

@cyberlyra@hachyderm.io avatar



Sociology Prof @PrincetonU; Science, Technology & Society; NASA teams; critical HCI; remote work. Longtime data economy resistor. Co-editor MIT Infrastructures. www.optoutproject.net

@shalien@projetretro.io avatar



They / Them :pride_cat_pan:

🇫🇷 Moi c'est https://mastodon.projetretro.io/@shalien Adminsitrateur d'instance Masotodon https://mastodon.projetretro.io et passionné d'informatique

Généralement entrain de bricoler un logiciel par si, par là ou d'écrire un peu .

🇺🇸 Hello, I'm https://mastodon.projetretro.io/@shalien (they/them) , Administrator of the mastodon instance https://mastodon.projetretro.io and general nerd !

@davidbisset@phpc.social avatar



Dad³. #PHP #CSS #JavaScript #WordPress #BuddyPress Developer.

I run WPCharitable (a WP plugin for #nonprofit organizations to build campaigns and get donations), owned by Awesome Motive.

Toots and ⭐ are my own.

@domasla@social.tchncs.de avatar



Datenschutz, DSB /DPO /DPD /数据​保护员, Scheibenwelt, chinesische Literatur und Geschichte. Beiträge können Ironie, Sarkasmus oder... Schlimmeres enthalten.

Folgt bewusst wenigen auf social.tchncs.de, weil er das sowieso alles liest und dann doppelt bekäme.

@nhoizey@mamot.fr avatar



I wrote my first HTML page in 1996, and since I advocate a pragmatic use of Web technologies, defining and applying good practices: progressive enhancement, accessibility, performance, etc.

I'm also a self-taught amateur photographer. I love to travel to discover new horizons and people, shooting both nature and urban landscapes, and many other topics.

@impactology@mastodon.social avatar



Independent interface design researcher. Writing a book on designing novel interactive visual abstractions (novel ui concepts) for new ways of learning, teaching, explaining, discovering, inventing things online

Same handle name at bluesky

@Ciantic@twit.social avatar



Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

#Rust, #FSharp, #CSharp, #DotNet, #TypeScript

@fatassbully@mastodon.social avatar



I create #experimental electronic #music and abstract photography by the name of Fatass Bully. #IDM #Ambient #Electronic #Abstract

@Neblib@mastodo.neoliber.al avatar



just trying out the Fediverse.

avatar alt text:
A Bing Chat generated cartoon of a pinto bean character wearing a red and white stripped beanie and scarf, a bean shell looking jacket, a red backpack, and brown boots riding a red folding bike. The character is next to a bus stop in a urban winter scene as a bus goes by.

@Gleisplan@mastodon.social avatar



Posts / toots / Tröts / mostly in German.

28, SPD 🌹, #ADHS, (he/him), #einsam
🌄⚡Solargenossenschaftsmitglied 🌄

Themen: Erneuerbare Energien, Klimaschutz, Sozialpolitik, Raketennerd :kerbal:🚀(mag Elon nicht), Für Spaß zu haben, spreche ungern öffentlich über meine Probleme.
Schaue seit Kindheit Formel1. Guckt keine Videos auf YouTube oder ähnliches.

Spiegel-Leser und ÖRR-Fan. Teile häufig Artikel die ich wichtig finde. #TeamHabeck 🌻

Mag Gartenteiche und Modelleisenbahn.

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