Jdreben, to fediverse

Come join me on .social!

Registrations open to everyone I believe :) Calckey is a cool alternative to .



@Jdreben do you or @maikelthedev or others know of a comparable app for Android?

#Calckey #misskey #Kimis #Android


I'm trying out #Kimis, an #iOS #Misskey client. So far seems to be working with #Calckey!


JonathanMosen, to random
@JonathanMosen@tweesecake.social avatar

Has anyone made contact with the people behind ? I think many people would like to use it, but it has a few unlabelled buttons in the room UI.
I haven’t been able to find any way to contact them but this would be a big hit in the blind community if it were a bit more .


@pitermach @JonathanMosen

Greetings y'all!

Sadly I wasn't the one who reported about Audon accessibility. The platform I was spreading the word about was with #Misskey.

Here's the #accessibility ticket for that, thanks to the owner of the Misskey instance I'm on.:


briankrebs, to random

I'm pretty sure Mastodon is the first social network I've been on that didn't immediately ask me to betray all of the people in my address book.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


I'm pretty sure that the is one of the first social networks I've been on that didn't ever ask me to betray any of the people in my address book.


queenslight, to fediverse


If ya so desire, you can now follow me among the #misskey side of the #fediverse by visiting


For mobile clients that maybe friendly to the #Blind, check out #MilkTea for Android:
Milktea - Misskey App - Apps on Google Play
, and #Misscat for IOS


@queenslight What are the differences between #Misskey and #Mastodon?

gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Fediverse-Serie - Foundkey: nicht nur Microblogging

Foundkey ist eine Microblogging-Software, die aber nicht nur Microblogging kann.



@crafti gnulinux selbst hat ja einen Mastodon-Account @gnulinux, daher ist diese Perspektive sowieso schon vertreten. Aber gerade die (noch) unbekannteren #Fediverse -Projekte vorzustellen ist ja das Ziel unserer Fediverse-Artikelserie !
Hier sind auch immerhin schon 11 Projekte vorgestellt worden: #WriteFreely #Plume #Misskey #Hubzilla #Friendica #Peertube #Pixelfed #Mobilizon #Castopod #Funkwhale #Bookwyrm & #Foundkey
In Planung sind bereits: #GoToSocial #Calckey #Owncast #Lemmy & #Pleroma
Zu allen anderen werden noch Leute gesucht, die einen Artikel dazu schreiben. Vakant sind bspw. noch #Akkoma & #Streams . Es sollten Artikel aus der Binnen-Perspektive sein, damit es auch wirklich anschauliche Einblicke gibt. Das kann auch nur ein kleiner, bespielhafter Erfahrungsbericht aus User-Perspektive sein oder auch (wie u.a. jetzt bei dem Foundkey-Artikel) von Leuten, die das Projekt selbst entwickeln oder mitentwickeln und/oder Admin-Erfahrung haben.

Hier im Podcasts ab ca. Min. 15 werden auch noch mal von @Lioh einige Hintergründe zum Fediverse berichtet, an dem sie auch selbst aktiv mitentwickelt hat (auch sehr aufschlussreich in Bezug auf die aktuellen Zentralisierungs-Tendenzen im Fediverse)

Für alle Themen und Projekte gilt aber: gnulinux.ch ist ein Community-Projekt, an dem alle eingeladen und aufgerufen sind, mitzuwirken und selbst zu schreiben: gnulinux.ch/mitschreiben
Je mehr Perspektiven hier eingebracht werden, desto besser! @Kaiteki @caos

m0bi13, to random Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Zapraszam do lektury nowego wpisu na moim blogasku "m0bi o Fedi":

O metodzie Kopiego Pasta
Czyli dlaczego bez “Wyszukaj lub wklej adres” na Mastodonie się nie da.


P.S. Artykuł o migracji niebawem ;)


@m0bi13 Potwierdzam: warto nauczyć się korzystania z wyszukiwarki w #Fediwersum i przyzwyczaić się do jej używania. Fajnie, że o tym napisałeś! 👍 Tym bardziej, że to działa nie tylko w #Mastodon-ie, ale też w innych usługach #Fedi (#Pleroma #Akkoma #Friendica #Misskey #Pixelfed #Hometown itd.).
#FediTipsPL #FediPomoc

wjmaggos, to fediverse
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

Journalists should have their own Mastodon alternative to use on the #fediverse. Make sure it has all the stuff like QTs and better search they say they require to be here. It would only take one big media corporation to build it, and all these smaller outlets could run their own instances. Call it something like #Newswire.

@realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world avatar

@wjmaggos Is there a reason they can’t use #Misskey or #Soapbox?

IPEdmonton, to fediverse

I just learned about Misskey, which is apparently ALSO a microblogging service that is part of the #Fediverse. Any tech-history-aware folks among my followers feel like taking a stab at explaining how the Fediverse came to be home to TWO microblogging services? Do they tend to be distributed across different parts of the world? Or get used to talk about different kinds of things? Are there people with both Mastodon and Misskey accounts?

@msh@coales.co avatar

@IPEdmonton there are more than two... #Akkoma and #GoToSocial are others, and there are mastodon "forks" like #Glitch and #Hometown that have different features too (my server is Hometown instead of plain Mastodon)

This came about because not everybody has the same tastes and needs such as:

  • Mastodon can be complicated to set up and consumes more resources. Some alternatives are easier to set up and cheaper to run

  • Sometimes there are geographic preferences due to origin of the software (#Misskey is from Japan, Mastodon is German)

  • Mastodon is written in Ruby and some people like to run servers in languages they are more familiar with (such as Elixir, Go, Python...)

  • Some people don't agree with Eugen's priorities or management style and want features or UI designs he doesn't want to implement like formatting posts or quote-toots so alternatives arise that do those things

Since they all interoperate not many people deliberately have multiple accounts just based on the platform...

emmetoneill, to fediverse
@emmetoneill@mas.to avatar

I only found out about Misskey last week, but it's a really cool and super ambitious project.

It's also really cool to see such a big open source software project not only come out of Japan, but also seemingly gaining traction and growing fast.

Of course, it's also based on ActivityPub so it's highly compatible with Mastodon. :akkowink:

#Misskey #Fediverse

@emmetoneill@mas.to avatar

Speaking of Misskey and Mastodon...

I do feel like it's a shame that the biggest server for western artists (mastodon.art) is totally defederated from the biggest server for Japanese artists (misskey.io).

I can understand the reasons why and I don't have any real idea about how it could be resolved, but it still feels like a big wall in the middle of the #fediverse art community. And that sucks...

Hopefully something can be done to bridge the gap eventually.

#Mastodon #Misskey #MastoArt

Sawamoto_Miya, to fediverse


画像くっそデカいけど許して☆ #Misskeyプロフィールカード

youronlyone, to fediverse

A #feditip to those trying other #fediverse software: Treat your new account as you would signing-up in a new #SNS.

A more detailed #feditips:
1. Let each of your account grow separately.

It is fine to follow certain groups and users. These are your ‘core’ interaction. But for the rest, keep them separate and let it grow organically.

2. Define a certain theme or topic or purpose for your new account.

Since we are in an interconnected network, you will end up having a major overlap between your first account and your succeeding accounts. Which might confuse you later (as well as your followers).

For example, I still post my new articles through my @youronlyone account, for two major reasons: Follower Badge, and #Indieweb support via #Bridgy.

3. Use this opportunity to learn how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the #MycelialNetwork (or #SocialWeb)

By letting your new account grow organically, and keeping the overlap with your first account at a minimum, you will be able to observe how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the network.

I have an account for #Calckey at @youronlyone

I also have an account for #Misskey at @youronlyone

The Misskey and Calckey accounts are organically growing. I also discover new people, new content, that I haven't seen in my #Mastodon account (@youronlyone). And I asked myself, why? As I find answers to that question, I slowly adjust my interactions, and this in turn helped me discover more and reach wider.

The Mycelial Network (as I now prefer to call the Fediverse), is huge. When it started in 2008, it was small, and we all know each other. Today, I've probably only discovered and reached 0.5% of the network. It grew that fast.


queenslight, to fediverse

Hey @MonaApp ,

Was wondering if you would be able to support #Misskey instances one day, as clients on the Mac/IOS platform are highly #Blind barriers at the moment.

More on Misskey here:


optimal, to fediverse

Alright, the #pages functionality on #CalcKey... needs work. (And maybe #MissKey too - haven't seen their version yet.)

Really - it boils down to the Markdown subset. Pages uses regular post-level MFM - which means no headings, no lists, and no ![]() embedded images.

Images and headings have to be added as blocks - and they don't even work right. Narrow images scale up to the entire width of the page, and headings, or "sections" have only one block.

There is no bulleted list support either - you have to do that manually by using unicode characters.

Also - blocks can't be moved, only added or deleted. There is a move button but it doesn't seem to work - or maybe its a menu button that doesn't work. Either way - doesn't work.

Not only does this make the editing experience a bit painful - making it so that you have to leave the text and add blocks separately - it also means that you can't just write something in an external markdown editor and simply copy into a page - you have to manually split up the text into blocks so you can insert images or sections in-between.

Also - it's very undocumented. I don't know what the variables or the scripting do - you have to figure those out on your own.

That's not to say that pages suck entirely, the interactivity that you can add with forms, variables and scripting is frankly excellent. But if you can't add the content you want, the way you want it - that interactivity is just useless.

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 4 new servers, 2 servers died off this update, 22,956 alive servers now at 2023-04-25 13:15 PT.

9,393,903 Total Users, 1,425,978 Monthly Active Users today vs 1,396,280 yesterday. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

mastodon.intspec.ru a #mastodon server from Russia
fediverse.asia a #calckey server from Private
watzonmanor.com a #misskey server from United States
events.akiba.party a #gancio server from United States

Dead servers: mastodon.student-factory.de www.emojiency.com

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

queenslight, to fediverse

Want to check out the world of #misskey, Here's a list of servers!

NB. The below link sorts them by English.


jojobii, to fediverse

iOS finally supports PWA notifications, meaning we can get Misskey notifs now!! ​:misskey:​

dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

Misskeys Explosive Growth Approaches #2 Spot

PeerTube has held the #2 position for years! Congrats to 🚀


Misskey.io user growth

youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar


What I know to be in the lightweight category are:

There are also the following in the middleweight category:

You can find a great list here: https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps For example, maybe a writing-centric platform might be more fitting (depending on what you have in mind).

byte, to fediverse


Jdreben, to fediverse

Just read this article. I think it is beautifully put and prescient. I might just be preaching to the choir here but I can’t help but share it,

And say thank you to @eloquence for writing this up.

The is … “through the distorted lens of a capitalist media ecosystem.” 🧑‍🍳💋

unattributed, to internet

I've been seeing some speculation about Project #Barcelona. I think they real concern should be that it will be a play similar to the old Microsoft book: embrace, extend, extinguish. Why do I think this is what #Meta is planning?

First, if they were just building a straight #Fediverse applicaaion, it would have been a no brainer to grab #Mastodon, #Misskey or any of the other platforms, tear apart the code and write their own. If all they were looking to do was have feature parity, and maybe add a bit of their own spin on it this would have only taken a few weeks with the manpower they have.

Second, their business model is one that requires them to dominate a space to sell advertising. Currently the big social media sites (FB, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) dominate the attention of pepole. This means that they will extend the ActivityPub model by using an algorithm based model to keep people's attention.

Third, they will do what they can to build the largest market share - ie, they will try to dominate the Fediverse by doing what they can to drive users to their platofrm. This will be done through extending the functionality in ways currently supported (which will later go to the W3C to become part of he ActivityPub spec).

Now, as to the "cultural change" this will cause in the Fediverse... I don't think we'll start seeing a big impact. They do have moderation, and I think they will learn quickly that if they don't moderate things pretty tightly they won't be able to enact all of the parts of their plan. And I think those plans are going to be more important.

And yes, I do think data scraping from the messages and profiles, will be an issue. Something that the #Fediverse should take seriously.

Oh, also, I will speculate they won't support profile migration...at least not out from Barcelona, but probably in-bound.

youronlyone, to fediverse

If you are a new #Calckey or #Misskey user, and want to try a #theme not included in your instance's default list of #themes, this site can help: https://assets.misskey.io/theme/list

You can also create your own based on the existing themes, or the themes found in the mentioned site above. Just don't forget to share your own themes. ^_^

#MycelialNetwork #Fediverse

amo_malamo, to fediverse



narF, to fediverse
@narF@mstdn.fr avatar

I'm glad to see the different #ActivityPub apps organizing together to build improvements.

If we want the network of apps to grow, developers needs to talk together and find consensus. This initiative looks like it's moving in the right direction!

I hope we'll see more participation from the smaller apps like #pleroma #pixelfed #misskey #calckey #epicyon and others!

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